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August Livestream Wrap-up


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So if companions stats are based entirely on level+presence, and equipment is purely for visuals... Are Droid parts being removed from loot tables and Cybertech Crafting? Droid Parts do not update companion appearance, so they really have no function anymore.
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Even setting aside the money-making part, it's pretty clear that Bioware doesn't give two F&@K*S about already-invested time and effort by existing players.


It gets harder and harder to put any real time and energy into a game when anything you "work" towards is considered fair game for change or removal at any time for any reason by the devs.


You claimed you were doing it mostly to avoid hitting caps on commendations. So presumably, you were not doing it for having customized companions, but you were playing the game normally, and needed to offload excess rewards.


Your quote about reasons why you outfitted comps


Comms are ever-plentiful and the mods bought with Basics are cheap -- I'm spending Basic and Elite comms on one character to gear out companions I rarely use, just to avoid maxing out the inventory of each.


Gear costs the same whether you put mods in it or not, the only added cost is pulling mods out.




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Oh boy! Rusk isn't going to be useless!?

Not that I'm going to use him...ever...with the likes of T7 & Scourge on the sideline.


Kind of a double-edged sword, once a user stumbles across the voice-acting / character they <3 they'll probably never use another companion.


Not a lot wrong with that, a lot right with it. I always found myself ESC'ing out of convo's once I realized where they were going, just to see if my favorite companions would have additional dialogue.

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Even setting aside the money-making part, it's pretty clear that Bioware doesn't give two F&@K*S about already-invested time and effort by existing players.


That's a touch negative.


For all we know BioWare are altering the whole crafting system and improving it in 4.0. I craft, but I'm not remotely concerned that they're changing things like this. Hopefully the feedback over the years has helped them define a better path for crafters.

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Will presence have a corresponding effect on defense for a companion set as a tank? Since it affects damage dealt, healing dealt, and total health, it seems presence is less useful for tank companions than dps or heals. Edited by Bulldogs_Rule
To focus on the actual question.
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Your conviction that there is some amazing degree of gear customization being lost is flawed. You were basically picking those mods that were calculated to be "the best" (unless you were intentionally going for suboptimal builds), so it was more like "commendation sink" instead of any actual "customization"


No matter how often or loudly people repeat the "no real choice" canard, it doesn't become any more true, at least not for players who aren't fixated on the last 1% bleeding edge of damage/heal/soak output. And even then, pretending you don't have a choice because you only like one outcome doesn't remove the choice, it only illustrates your perception of the possible choices.



You claimed you were doing it mostly to avoid hitting caps on commendations. So presumably, you were not doing it for having customized companions, but you were playing the game normally, and needed to offload excess rewards.


You seem to be missing the key part of that statement, where it's made clear that it's regarding companions I don't use. "I'm spending Basic and Elite comms on one character to gear out companions I rarely use, "


But I suspect that's less a case of "missing" and more a case of "conveniently ignoring".


Oh well.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Will presence have a corresponding effect on defense for a companion set as a tank? Since it affects damage dealt, healing dealt, and total health, it seems presence is less useful for tank companions than dps or heals.

That's nothing different from how it is on the live client to be fair.

Presumably class level will increase tanking secondary stats if the companion is in a tanking stance.

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No matter how often or loudly people repeat the "no real choice" canard, it doesn't become any more true, at least not for players who aren't fixated on the last 1% bleeding edge of damage/heal/soak output. And even then, pretending you don't have a choice because you only like one outcome doesn't remove the choice, it only illustrates your perception of it.


If you really care about equipping your companions as something else than a commendation sink, it is only logical you should be going fro a goal that gives you the most bang out of your buck.


If you were intentionally going for a suboptimal build, well, then... nope, I got nothing...

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If you really care about equipping your companions as something else than a commendation sink, it is only logical you should be going fro a goal that gives you the most bang out of your buck.


Nice try at establishing a false dichotomy.



nope, I got nothing...


Finally something honest out of you .

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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That's a touch negative.


For all we know BioWare are altering the whole crafting system and improving it in 4.0. I craft, but I'm not remotely concerned that they're changing things like this. Hopefully the feedback over the years has helped them define a better path for crafters.


Actually from snippets I've heard and seen from official posts, videos, etc it sounds like they are making changes to crew skills/crafting

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What he said was fairly logical... your retort kind of screams more to the legitimacy of his stance than yours.


He made a blatant attempt to misrepresent my stated position by "conveniently" ignoring part of the statement he was quoting, and then piled on a transparent false dichotomy for good measure.


I see no need to be civil to those who are dishonest in the attempt to get a "win" for their opinion.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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He made a blatant attempt to misrepresent my stated position by "conveniently" ignoring part of the statement he was quoting, and then piled on a transparent false dichotomy for good measure.


I see no need to be civil to those who are dishonest in the attempt to get a "win" for their opinion.



You did the same thing to his, do not expect any civility either you screaming babboon

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Nice cherry picking. I will leave it at that


That's ironic, given your attempt to misconstrue my stated position by "conveniently" ignoring half the statement you were quoting, and then trying to present your response as a false-dichotomy in contrast to that warped version of what I had posted.


But hey, what should we expect from someone who sneeringly refers to player investment in NPCs as "being attached to your waifu". :rolleyes:



You did the same thing to his, do not expect any civility either you screaming babboon


So is this some kind of white knighting, or are you just attempting to dogpile because you happen to agree with the unfailingly pro-Bioware position?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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When we move our characters into the new expansion, will we still be able to build companion affection, or will that be locked and we'll be unable to see their stories?


That's a good question, my first thought is that we will be able to but with how the expansion is set up I would like to hear an answer to this as well.

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When we move our characters into the new expansion, will we still be able to build companion affection, or will that be locked and we'll be unable to see their stories?


I think that was already answered with the statement that you won't be able to go back to continue/finish any pre-KotFE character/companion related story missions after starting KotFE.

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In 4.0:

Companions gear = Cosmetic, does this mean Augments wont effect them at all either? I know Cosmetic means cosmetic but I guess I'd still like to be able to tailor them with augs.


If Augments mean nothing on the new 4.0 companions, does this mean they will take on all of our characters augmented gear values?


So it sounds like Treek was their prototype platform for the new 4.0 companion ability/multirole design eh?


Excited for it all!

BTW put that darn Wild Space explorers pack on the market already!!!


Actually, Doctor Lockin was the prototype for that. He could either be a healer or melee dps bout he couldn't do both at the same time

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I think that was already answered with the statement that you won't be able to go back to continue/finish any pre-KotFE character/companion related story missions after starting KotFE.


Actually from what I understand that only applies to characters that are made at level 60 and not characters that you have leveled up.

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Since companions are a major focus of this expansion, are there any plans to go back address some of the major deficiencies of companions in 3.X content

notably Lord Scourge's complete silence during the Revan storyline, or Pierce's complete silence as the Emperor EATS HIS HOMEWORLD. Because, honestly, I might level another Knight AND Warrior through this content again if this were to be fixed. As it stands, their silence is infuriating.

Edited by Andrellma
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