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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

August Livestream Wrap-up


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Probably the new "crew" window (now called Alliance)


There is also a crew icon in the menu. So the crew skills window still exists. It still could be the alliance icon, but it's not used for summoning or sending companions on missions.

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My two question:

Will lightsaber pikes be usable in the future in cosmetic or gameplay form? We all saw them in the very cool video you guys released I hope that means there is a future with them.

Also we saw shields in use, in the other trailer might we see cosmetic or gameplay replacements for blaster pistol in place of a rifle, and physical shield in place of a energy shield?

Edited by Banditks
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I have 2 simple questions about companion customizations.


#1. Say we have our companions in a specific customization. i.e. T7-01 #7 from the space jockey's pack. Will they still be wearing those when we meet them again?


#2. Will we now be able to buy customizations for other class companions? i.e. Will my sorcerer now be able to purchase T7 customizations?

Edited by Billupsat
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Can I kill Quinn? That's all I want to know.


Yup. Let's just get that out of the way shall we?


And btw, BW et. al. if we can have a choice on how that is done it would be special. Just pushing him out of an airlock won't do it for me. I'm thinking something with fire.

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Here's a serious question:


Is Treek, a purchased commodity, going to be nerfed into a standard companion or will she still be a self healing tank or a healer with dps? Some people paid cash for a specific purpose. Are we going to retain that or will accounts be refunded if Treek does not stay a combo utility companion? Treek serves zero purpose and has no extra cash value if she becomes just another companion. BW this may fall under a classic "bait and switch" definition.

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Since Companion Gear will be cosmetic in KOTFE, can we get the Techstaff restriction removed from companions like Torian so that we have a wider choice of staves to work with cosmetically?


Already answered, but I would also like to add my voice to support adding in a way to get companion green starter gear back, maybe put them in boxes like the Yavin gear and have a vendor in each class area of the fleet that will sell/give them to us.

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Since Companion Gear will be cosmetic in KOTFE, can we get the Techstaff restriction removed from companions like Torian so that we have a wider choice of staves to work with cosmetically?


Already answered, but I would also like to add my voice to support adding in a way to get companion green starter gear back, maybe put them in boxes like the Yavin gear and have a vendor in each class area of the fleet that will sell/give them to us.

I support both of these suggestions!

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I know that this may not be important to a lot of people as they are worried more about the companions but this

question is important to me and whether or not I do the expansion.


Can I still group and do my missions with my boyfriend?


If I have to solo then I will not be doing it as playing solo is not what I want to do. I am not speaking about flashpoints or operations, just normal missions, even if we have to do it twice.


If we can't do then the expansion is not for me.

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I know that this may not be important to a lot of people as they are worried more about the companions but this

question is important to me and whether or not I do the expansion.


Can I still group and do my missions with my boyfriend?


If I have to solo then I will not be doing it as playing solo is not what I want to do. I am not speaking about flashpoints or operations, just normal missions, even if we have to do it twice.


If we can't do then the expansion is not for me.


While I can't link to it specifically atm, I do recall them saying in an interview or somewhere (maybe cantina event) that you can do the missions as a group, but each player will have to do their own. It will work the same way as if playing the same class with a friend in vanilla, where you can be a witness to the instance owners cutscene but not interact.

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I have 2 simple questions about companion customizations.


#1. Say we have our companions in a specific customization. i.e. T7-01 #7 from the space jockey's pack. Will they still be wearing those when we meet them again?


#2. Will we now be able to buy customizations for other class companions? i.e. Will my sorcerer now be able to purchase T7 customizations?


I was just about to ask this, actually. I'd love to know the answer, especially for #1.


Edit: Also, put me down as a supporter of getting back the green starter gear.

Edited by NSaynKnutt
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One of the things that makes Treek special is that she can tank and heal at the same time(and DPS, of course). From what I understand, even though all companions will gain the ability to tank, heal, and DPS, it won't be at the same time, but will be something akin to stance dependent. So, will Treek still be able to tank and heal together, or will her healing abilities become completely separate from her tanking ones?
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Will lightsaber pikes be usable in the future in cosmetic or gameplay form? We all saw them in the very cool video you guys released I hope that means there is a future with them.


You see Zakuul Knights using them in the stream, so I would say there is a very likely chance of seeing them eventually as "saber staff" weapons

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One of the things that makes Treek special is that she can tank and heal at the same time(and DPS, of course). From what I understand, even though all companions will gain the ability to tank, heal, and DPS, it won't be at the same time, but will be something akin to stance dependent. So, will Treek still be able to tank and heal together, or will her healing abilities become completely separate from her tanking ones?


From what we saw in the stream of Lana and the mentions from the devs regarding companions being able to do all roles, Companions are becoming more like Treek and Treek will not lose her multiple abilities.


Lana, in the demo, was dpsing, healing, and even tanking a little bit simultaniously. Like Treek, she would throw a baby heal here and there in between mobs or when warranted.


So Treek will remain Treek from what we saw. Will she be as relevant since other companions will be able to do the same things she does now? Hmm.. Treek may be relegated to her box on the ship.

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1. Since KotFE will be episodic content, will there be new/continuing romances?


I'm asking because I recently started doing a playthru of the Inquisitor story, and I'm planning to NOT romance (or pay much attention to for that matter) Ashara. Instead I'd focus on Lana starting with SoR & hopefully continuing into KotFE


2. Are y'all gonna play every stream from now until launch with the knight? Personally...I'd like to see the smuggler and Sith warrior playthru's

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ok I've seen the stream twice now -- enjoyed it too -- but I need one thing clarified

- and yes I know, read the thread; I have, but it is a long thread folks ... so my one specific questions on companions, don't worry, I'm not asking for spoilers LOL --

ok, just tell me straight up guys, because I am seriously going to strip all my companions of their gear ---- I have a particular red/purple robe on Kira I want to save, spent a lot of coinage on the mod, so yes I want it back, or on her (and not particularly fond of Kira, yea I'm a strange Jedi, I know) ... what do I do?

leave it on her or take it off -- it's too valuable to me to lose -- if it makes no difference, I'll leave it on (same goes for all the other companions) but .... give me a straight answer please -- should I strip (and maybe sell it off) or keep it on ?

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Will we be able to continue the 1-50 companion story missions with affection increases on post Expansion characters? Example, If Vette is 3000 affection, can I continue to increase her affection and do her companion missions at 65?
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ok I've seen the stream twice now -- enjoyed it too -- but I need one thing clarified

- and yes I know, read the thread; I have, but it is a long thread folks ... so my one specific questions on companions, don't worry, I'm not asking for spoilers LOL --

ok, just tell me straight up guys, because I am seriously going to strip all my companions of their gear ---- I have a particular red/purple robe on Kira I want to save, spent a lot of coinage on the mod, so yes I want it back, or on her (and not particularly fond of Kira, yea I'm a strange Jedi, I know) ... what do I do?

leave it on her or take it off -- it's too valuable to me to lose -- if it makes no difference, I'll leave it on (same goes for all the other companions) but .... give me a straight answer please -- should I strip (and maybe sell it off) or keep it on ?


"read the thread, I have"

Nope, you clearly didn't. Eric said that your companion gears will be mailed to you once you lose access to them.

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Will there be a cap on the number of companions we can recruit to our side? And, will we be able to recruit other classes companions? Finally, if the answer is no to the first and yes to the second of the previous questions, will all the companions be crammed onto your ship or will we have another place to put them?
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Will there be a cap on the number of companions we can recruit to our side? And, will we be able to recruit other classes companions? Finally, if the answer is no to the first and yes to the second of the previous questions, will all the companions be crammed onto your ship or will we have another place to put them?


I have no idea the answer to your question. However, your handle of MooseMooseMoose is freaking awesome.

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Will there be a cap on the number of companions we can recruit to our side? And, will we be able to recruit other classes companions? Finally, if the answer is no to the first and yes to the second of the previous questions, will all the companions be crammed onto your ship or will we have another place to put them?


No idea about the other two questions, but you can recruit companions from other classes:


1. Will be able to meet and/or recruit companions that don't belong in our class? (for example, if I play the demo with my agent, will I still see T7?) yes or no will suffice.

1. Yes.

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Why so much focus on companions? Are you going for more solo end game content or are we gone be able to use them in operation and warzones now? Seams to me to be a lot of vasted dev time to just have something to use for 5 levels and dailys ( Witch you should do with friends anyway ) It's a mmo after all arnt we soppose to team up and do things with other humans rather then sit and watch a npc companion?
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