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How many keybinds does everyone use?


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After finally coming back to the game and advancing past 30, I'm realising that my traditional keybinds quickly became used up with just the core abilities of my rotation, excluding stuns, cooldowns, root breaks, snares and additional tools.


So I'm wondering, how many keybinds does everyone use? Be it from a PvP or PvE stance? Because there are a lot of abilities I just can't seem to fit on in a comfortable manner.


That being said, I should probably look up some Macros to simplify the keybinds.

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After finally coming back to the game and advancing past 30, I'm realising that my traditional keybinds quickly became used up with just the core abilities of my rotation, excluding stuns, cooldowns, root breaks, snares and additional tools.


So I'm wondering, how many keybinds does everyone use? Be it from a PvP or PvE stance? Because there are a lot of abilities I just can't seem to fit on in a comfortable manner.


That being said, I should probably look up some Macros to simplify the keybinds.


You wanna be careful with macros... one keypress = one action is the way EA view it and I believe it violates the TOS.

Myself, I use a Logitech G510 which comes with 18 extra programmable keys and a number pad, so you get 30+ extra buttons to press. I cant play with any other keyboard now.

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Three and a half quickbars. 1-6, Shift+1-6, Ctrl+1-5, Qq Ee Rr. 'h' to mark star, 'H' to mark flame. Healer has shift+tab to target next ally. I click things when I run out of keybinds.


(Shift+)1-6 are generally offensive (shift hotkeys are heals when I'm on that class, though), Ctrl+# are generally self-buff, letters are generally CC/breakers. I try to maintain some consistency in how I lay out my keybinds so I can quickly adapt to different toons.

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I used to be a clicker because I could not comfortably fit enough keybinds on my keyboard either... then I got serious about PvPing and bought a razer naga mouse. I now keybind everything (except for marks on toons I do not really need them as a keybind), and wonder how I EVER played while clicking everything. Most of my buttons are on my mouse, on the keyboard I only use the keys around wad (no backpedalling in PvP)! so that I never have to stop moving.


scroll up, scroll down and shift scroll up, scroll down for targetting (enemy, friendly, target of target and target of focus target; I could also use 2 more buttons here by using the scroll wheel sideways but for some reason I ALWAYS fail when I try that so I don't bother)

1-9 and shift 1-9 (all on the side of the mouse, it has 12 buttons but I can not reach the button 3 comfortably)

e, r, t, f, g, c, v, b and shift e, r, t, f, g, c, v, b

Tab, q, z, x, s (no shift for these cause, well, every time I try I break my fingers)

Mouse button 4 and 5 and shift mouse button 4 and 5

Scroll click for cover on sniper/slinger (which I very rarely play :p)


That is 48 potential keybinds. I rarely use all of them, it depends on the class a lot and if I play them enough to also assign marks to keybinds (I do not always bother on low toons). To help manage the binds I always assign similar abilities to similar keys as much as possible (class abilities on (S+)1-9 on the mouse, e and S+e is always cc break/interupt, q is always a movement ability like force leap, force speed or storm, and so on for almost all keys).


Works pretty well for me. Though I will confess I modified my UI so that 2 quickbars mimic the 12 buttons I have on my naga. One for 1-12 and another for shift 1-12. Since I have not been keybinding that long, I found it helps to have a visual aid that reminds me which skill is under which button. Helpful when you play a lot of alts.


The only downside? I can not get self modifier and focus target modifier to work reliable like this, which sucks.


I only click to grab a target from the op window to heal, and to engage PvP objectives.

Edited by Iryfindel
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Three and a half quickbars. 1-6, Shift+1-6, Ctrl+1-5, Qq Ee Rr. 'h' to mark star, 'H' to mark flame. Healer has shift+tab to target next ally. I click things when I run out of keybinds.


(Shift+)1-6 are generally offensive (shift hotkeys are heals when I'm on that class, though), Ctrl+# are generally self-buff, letters are generally CC/breakers. I try to maintain some consistency in how I lay out my keybinds so I can quickly adapt to different toons.


Yeah, sounds a lot like what I do, too. 3.5 quickbars sounds about right. I'm using the same UI for all characters (DPS and Tanks, no healers), with a fixed keybind layout and I know by heart which position corresponds to which key. The abilities are more or less grouped by offensive/defensive, burst,/dots/aoe and priority/CD. The core abilities of each character's rotation are co-bound to mouse keys (G700).


I'm not really good with the shift/ctrl multi-level keybinds, so I'm using F1-F12, ` to =, and QWERTY. ASDFGHJ, XCVNM.


Oh, and BUIOP for companion management.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Depends on the AC. 32 on Mara which I playing right now.


Shortly after the game came out one of the dev post about macros. One click or button push equals one action. They as said their is a "gray" area. You can macro as many key to one button if there is no time delay. So when you push a button on a programmable mouse or keyboard it sends multi keystrokes. For example it sends 1,2,3,4 and 5 at once. The game will preform the 1st action that is not on CD. What is against the rules is programing it to do 1 wait 1.5 sec, 2 wait 1.5 sec, 3 wait 1.5 sec and so on. It most be click or button push equals one action; outside of that its against the rules. They may have changed it or gone more strict but as the dev said back than its a gray area.

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Now allow me to interject with my own troubles.


Please don't shoot me, but I've come from WoW where I have a total of about 20 Keybinds.


My preferred Keybinds are 1,2,3,4,5,Q,E,R,C Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3, Alt-4, Alt-5.


I've got piano-player hands (Very long fingers) and so it's quite uncomfortable hitting any other keys (Or doing so without hitting the wrong key. I'm notorious for hitting Windows key instead of alt)


That being said, theoretically speaking, which would be the easiest keys to start working into my current keybind set up? (My mouse is, sadly, very basic)

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6 scroll wheel keybinds for targeting.

1-6 on my mouse for strafing, focus modifier, grenade, taunt cleanse and such.

1-5, f1-f5, Q-Y, A-G, Z-N, space, tab, s+Z, s+X, s+Q - s+R, s+1 - s+4 for abilities.. Roughly around 3.5 quickbars on a toon.

ctrl+Q - ctrl+R, ctrl+A - ctrl+F for over the head symbols.

ctrl+1 - ctrl+4 for in-group targeting.

, . é for rocket boots and speeders.


All in all... about 60 keybinds.

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Now allow me to interject with my own troubles.


Please don't shoot me, but I've come from WoW where I have a total of about 20 Keybinds.


My preferred Keybinds are 1,2,3,4,5,Q,E,R,C Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3, Alt-4, Alt-5.


I've got piano-player hands (Very long fingers) and so it's quite uncomfortable hitting any other keys (Or doing so without hitting the wrong key. I'm notorious for hitting Windows key instead of alt)


That being said, theoretically speaking, which would be the easiest keys to start working into my current keybind set up? (My mouse is, sadly, very basic)


I have nerve damage in my left hand. So I have very limited use of it. I use a gaming keypad. It place the keys in a better position for my limited range of movement.

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I have nerve damage in my left hand. So I have very limited use of it. I use a gaming keypad. It place the keys in a better position for my limited range of movement.


I suffered a car collision some few years ago and now my left wrist is prone to locking up and my fingers freezing, so I'm in a similar boat.

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Numblock user:


4-8-6-2 for moving, 7 for jump, 5 for select nearest enemy.


The other 11 are hotkeys, add 10 keys more for cursor and page blocks,

then there are cursor block, 5,0, 1,3,9,+ together with right mouse-button for another set of 10 hotkeys.


So 37 keybindings in total, 31 for abilities

Add 5 extra buttons on my mouse for target switching.

Edited by Mubrak
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Depending on AC, 30+


I have 3 bars that are always set keybinds whether i put abilities on them or not.. 1 through 12, alt + 1-12, shift + 1-12 (on a razer naga) and then they all have double binds to GTRWQAZXCVBH (some toons have things a tiny bit diff..)


A gamepad or a gaming mouse will be an amazing investment if you have trouble hitting keybinds correctly... Some people have trouble getting used to the mouses that use 12+ buttons but, once your used to it it's sooo easy to use.

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Three quickbars


1,2,3,4,5,6,Q,W,E,R,T,Y for main rotation abilities

F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6 for cooldowns and situational abilities.

F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12 for random stuff (class buff, quick travel, ect)

A,S,D,F,G,V, the tilde key, and five mouse buttons for other assorted abilities.


A is always my mount.

G is always my snare escape

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an ungodly amount.


Honestly, I don't know how anyone can play this game without a gaming mouse.


pretty much although i only have 7 buttons 3+ 4 which is plenty for me.


I don't pvp so dont have to worry about some of my skills (roots and snares for the most part).


basically main rotation is on 1-7/8 depending on the skill (long cds or proc only are 7-8) anything >8 or on lower bar is click (tauns cleans, buffs, etc) plus 4 things on lower bar or other bar that are on the mouse (interrupt is always scroll button).


as an example on my sent I have force leap as 2 and overloaded saber on my mouse so i can hit 1 and mouse at same time, zealous strike is 6, then have my merciless lash on mouse as well force melt (both on lower bar mapped to keys that are mapped to my mouse buttons) slash, cautorize and strike are the rest of 1-4 a long with master strike. 7 happens to be double saber throw 8 is dispatch. my dcd are on lower bar under 6 and 7 with GBF on 8 9 and 0 are trancendence and inspiration respectively (both clicked) zen is mapped to my mouse.


i only have 3 bars up two for normal use, 1 for regen, speeder, heroic moment/legacy and my CC. Everything else is hidden and is basically only when needed(quick travel mail/repair droids etc).


all my chars are just variations of that.

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Now allow me to interject with my own troubles.


Please don't shoot me, but I've come from WoW where I have a total of about 20 Keybinds.


My preferred Keybinds are 1,2,3,4,5,Q,E,R,C Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3, Alt-4, Alt-5.


I've got piano-player hands (Very long fingers) and so it's quite uncomfortable hitting any other keys (Or doing so without hitting the wrong key. I'm notorious for hitting Windows key instead of alt)


That being said, theoretically speaking, which would be the easiest keys to start working into my current keybind set up? (My mouse is, sadly, very basic)


I think it's very individual and depends on a couple of different factors, like playstyle, role (I know a couple healers who are avid clickers), environment (pve/pvp) and the physical layout/makeup of your keyboard. In pve, I prioritize rotation, while in pvp I focus on utility/availability. Look at your hand on your keyboard in its standard position and see what you can reach comfortable and repeatedly with precision, what with precision but slight movement/speed penalty and what you would actually have to look at to hit (prime candidates for stuff like stims, buffs, map, regen, stance etc.).

For example, my F-keys are positioned in groups of 4, that makes those on the edges (F1, F4, F5, F8, F9 and F12) keys that I can hit with precision but a slight speed penalty, while the keys in between are easier to miss/hit accidentally. So I put the bindings in a way that urgent/important stuff with long cooldowns is where I am certain to hit the key and less likely to activate it by accident.

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about 30-35 depending on class.


I tend to have runs of things in consecutive keys. F,G,H for instance for nearest companion, bubble, heal.

OR Y,T,R for a debuff, increase crit chance, area effect.


1 and 2 for single group taunt, or WZ buff/medpack.

Bottom row are ZXCVB for various effects, mostly AoEs, grenades, rockets etc.


Sometimes I have a run on the RHS of the keyboard for stealth classes - stealth, extra stealth, tranq dart backblast. etc.

Always M is target self (me!) and comma or full-stop for map.


Anything infrequently used is pushed to the sidebars and clicked. ( mail droid, quick-travel, speeder mount etc.)


~For a FP other players are on the F-Keys, but in PVP and bigger groups I use raid frames.


Most classes have binds to mouse keys on a 5-botton mouse.

I use the keypad operators for target markers +-%*

Keypad zero is puddle heals, apostrophe is always CC. C is always interrupt.


I play all classes to a greater or lesser extent, so there are a lot of similarities between all.


Even with a slightly mangled left thumb I still bind most to the left of the keyboard, and do alright. (pun intended) :D


There is no right and wrong way - If you're playing the saxophone maybe but for SWTOR, whatever feels comfortable. In the end it becomes muscle memory anyway.


Hope this answers your Q, OP.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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