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Accuracy on scoreboards has nothing to do with evasion.


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We stumbled upon a revelation last night, I'm not sure if others are aware of this but the accuracy stat at the end of games is your manual accuracy.


In a really short game because it aborted my friend Stay'puft fired 3 heavy laser shots, 1 of which should have hit but did no damage because of evasion. However at the end of the match it showed he fired the 3 shots, hit 1 (33%) and did 0 damage.


He was streaming at the time so we have video of it and here is the screenshot.




I think this is great because up until now I thought the accuracy stat kept getting messed up because of evasion.

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Actually I always assumed that it's your "real" accuracy via aiming, as it seemed to be consistent with my "feeling" after a match - if I felt I'd had poor aim, it mostly did show so afterwards on the board :rolleyes:


Good to be on the safe side tho. Nice find, guys!

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Interesting if true, I've not had a match to make heads or tails of something like that in quite a long time. I'd think it would be easiest to test something like this with a gunships railgun on a stationary evasion scout in a throw away match.


If true, it also adds to the impact to the palm upon which my face rests when you get through a match to see a newbie who fired 500+ shots and is only credited with 2 hits (<0.004%).

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If true, it also adds to the impact to the palm upon which my face rests when you get through a match to see a newbie who fired 500+ shots and is only credited with 2 hits (<0.004%).


lol. actually that's the first thing I thought when I read Drak's post.


I can't believe no one's stumbled across this little factoid yet, but it kinda fits with what I've seen. I'll try to test it too.

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I would expect higher accuracy among top gunship players than it is now - if its true.


I was thinking the same. I suspect medium-high tracking penalty still counts as a miss. Maybe misses through cooldowns like DF, RI, TT, and engine moves don't count as misses if they are close to centered shots.

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I was thinking the same. I suspect medium-high tracking penalty still counts as a miss. Maybe misses through cooldowns like DF, RI, TT, and engine moves don't count as misses if they are close to centered shots.


Nah... It wouldn't make any sense. My guess is if RNG ****ed you and you were on target, it count as a 'hit'.. No matter how unlikely actually damaging the target was.

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I would expect higher accuracy among top gunship players than it is now - if its true.


Gunship accuracy will include attempts to hit at close range with primary weapons as well, so a pilot that spends more time on that and less time in scope will always have lower accuracy numbers on gs.

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I would expect higher accuracy among top gunship players than it is now - if its true.


I've had GS games with preposterously high accuracy (i.e. >90%) that just felt, I don't know...wrong. Like, I knew I missed more than the 6-7 shots reflected by the scoreboard. This phenomenon, if true, would explain those games. I don't feel like I've had a lot of games the other way around, that is, with accuracy that seemed too low. Anecdotal, of course, which is why I want to test this.


As an aside - I've always been a bit of an outlier re: accuracy. This is going to sound like bragging, but that isn't the point: for whatever reason, I usually top the board in hit%, on any ship. I'm pretty sure I can find multiple toons to top Drak's records thread in hit% for both GS & scout (T2, at least). This certainly isn't because I'm better at those ships than anyone else (particularly on the scout); I'm definitely not. I think somehow I unconsciously game the accuracy numbers. I've always wondered what I'm doing differently. Shot selection maybe? Perhaps this could be a step towards answering that question.

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Mines (tested only interdiction and seismic) count as hit when triggered or when they time out. As far as I remember they count as miss when remote-triggered by replacing them.


I don't know how drones affect the statistic, so everything here is just guesswork. When flying T2 bomber I sometimes have very high amount of shots so they may count. Also a lot of those shots count as "miss" and I doubt drones miss that much - I'm using interdiction drones, I don't know anything about their precision. Sometimes I was in games where I barely did damage because no one attacked my satellite (those games where you have 2 sats and the enemy team is weak and doesn't attack) and I still had a high shot counter (including a lot of missed shots). So it may be possible that repair drones affect the accuracy statistic - also they seem to "miss" their targets when those are fully repaired. Also may have to do with the shield repair talent (I'm using that because usually you don't need two persons with the ammo refill option).

Edited by Danalon
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Several things, I've had several matches in the past with ridiculously high accuracies given the normal. Sure, pulling down 100% accuracy through 20 shots seems cool, but in that match, I didn't miss a shot. I had another where I had somewhere around 55 shots and missed less than 5, and I'm fairly confident that was accurate because as the match went on I had already taken note of the lack of misses I was accumulating. Of course, both of these matches were in a gunship although the later included some usage of burst cannons.


And yeah, I think shot selection plays a large role in having a higher than average accuracy, but so does the weapon type and seeing that you've spent most of your time in a gunship it may skew things. As for shot selection, I do this myself as I don't simply hold down the button when using heavies or burst cannons. I also do not take shots with heavies at close range that are not centered or close to it. With the laser cannon varieties and quads, I tend to pour a stream (within reason) as I actively track my target. The end result is that in the average match with bursts and heavies, I will be somewhere north of 60% and in outlier matches in the 80%+ range. The worst I see is in the 50s. For quads and the three laser cannons, I'll push on average somewhere between 40-50% with a high outlier somewhere north of 60% with lows at around 32-35%.


Of course, another large factor is the people you're shooting at. Obviously, in matches with good pilots for competition who will bob and weave, my accuracy will be towards the bottom end of the range while the high outliers tend to be against newbie pilots who just can't help but fly in a straight line.


I think the issue would be simple enough to test with a willing partner. A stationary evasion scout and any variety of weapons shot center for a match and at a high arc for another could compile the necessary information.


Here's another oddball accuracy question. What happens to accuracy while boosting? I know that if I'm chasing down a target and we're both boosting, even if I have them lined up and well within range, I will more often than not miss. I've usually just attributed to boosting doing something passive, although there are some other influences such as latency between the two players that may be impacting the dismal result.

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Gunship accuracy will include attempts to hit at close range with primary weapons as well, so a pilot that spends more time on that and less time in scope will always have lower accuracy numbers on gs.

That's where my low-ish gs accuracy comes from. I run Feedback Shield and intend to fight it out in-close with whoever is taking runs at me, and often fight close quarters under satellites, so my hit % suffers from that. Interesting that evasion misses don't count against the total, though. Still, I am not highly selective with my shots. I take risky, edge shots a lot. Like Wayne Gretzky, a noted sniper, once said, 100% of the shots you don't take won't score.


(Actually, he said 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.' which is completely wrong, so I will rearrange his quote to sound a lot smarter)



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If true, it also adds to the impact to the palm upon which my face rests when you get through a match to see a newbie who fired 500+ shots and is only credited with 2 hits (<0.004%).


Well, if true, then that explains a LOT of my personal frustration ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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We stumbled upon a revelation last night, I'm not sure if others are aware of this but the accuracy stat at the end of games is your manual accuracy.


In a really short game because it aborted my friend Stay'puft fired 3 heavy laser shots, 1 of which should have hit but did no damage because of evasion. However at the end of the match it showed he fired the 3 shots, hit 1 (33%) and did 0 damage.


He was streaming at the time so we have video of it and here is the screenshot.




I think this is great because up until now I thought the accuracy stat kept getting messed up because of evasion.


I can confirm that missiles that "miss" due to breaks also count as a "hit" on that stat screen.


100% accuracy

This was a game where we obviously were totally over matching the opposition so I decided to only shoot when I was absolutely sure that it should have been a hit. I know for a fact that engine breaks were used on some of my missile launches and yet I got a 44 hits 0 misses tally in the end.

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I can confirm that missiles that "miss" due to breaks also count as a "hit" on that stat screen.


100% accuracy

This was a game where we obviously were totally over matching the opposition so I decided to only shoot when I was absolutely sure that it should have been a hit. I know for a fact that engine breaks were used on some of my missile launches and yet I got a 44 hits 0 misses tally in the end.


Yep we've known that for a long time, thanks for sharing though!


We used this tactic to farm 100% accuracy games for fun. :p

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Yep we've known that for a long time, thanks for sharing though!


We used this tactic to farm 100% accuracy games for fun. :p

That was how I managed my first every >65% acc game! My accuracy used to be atrocious, and I used to think that, even with BLCs, I was never going to get above 50%. :eek:

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Several things, I've had several matches in the past with ridiculously high accuracies given the normal. Sure, pulling down 100% accuracy through 20 shots seems cool, but in that match, I didn't miss a shot. I had another where I had somewhere around 55 shots and missed less than 5, and I'm fairly confident that was accurate because as the match went on I had already taken note of the lack of misses I was accumulating. Of course, both of these matches were in a gunship although the later included some usage of burst cannons.


And yeah, I think shot selection plays a large role in having a higher than average accuracy, but so does the weapon type and seeing that you've spent most of your time in a gunship it may skew things. As for shot selection, I do this myself as I don't simply hold down the button when using heavies or burst cannons. I also do not take shots with heavies at close range that are not centered or close to it. With the laser cannon varieties and quads, I tend to pour a stream (within reason) as I actively track my target. The end result is that in the average match with bursts and heavies, I will be somewhere north of 60% and in outlier matches in the 80%+ range. The worst I see is in the 50s. For quads and the three laser cannons, I'll push on average somewhere between 40-50% with a high outlier somewhere north of 60% with lows at around 32-35%.


Re: the bolded - yeah, sure, I get that...this is why my overall accuracy is fairly high. But my T2 scouts in isolation are around 65%. I'd check but I'm not in front of my desktop, and my laptop is refusing to download the 3.3.1 patch. Damn it.


Overall it sounds like our approaches and accuracy numbers are fairly comparable.


Here's another oddball accuracy question. What happens to accuracy while boosting? I know that if I'm chasing down a target and we're both boosting, even if I have them lined up and well within range, I will more often than not miss. I've usually just attributed to boosting doing something passive, although there are some other influences such as latency between the two players that may be impacting the dismal result.


Good question, I feel like I've experienced the same thing. Here's another oddball question: how is ion AoE reflected in hit%? Do secondary targets count as hits?


That's where my low-ish gs accuracy comes from. I run Feedback Shield and intend to fight it out in-close with whoever is taking runs at me, and often fight close quarters under satellites, so my hit % suffers from that.


Makes sense. I have one guy who uses that setup; I'll bet his hit% is lower than the others. Will check when I can log in.

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Here's another oddball question: how is ion AoE reflected in hit%? Do secondary targets count as hits?


The testing I did on this is so old that it might as well be speculation at this point, but I believe the secondary targets are ignored for accuracy, adding neither shots fired nor shots hit. That's intuitive to me, because the secondary hits aren't rolled. I would expect the same to apply to EMP AoE.

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[Other stuff and]

Here's another oddball accuracy question. What happens to accuracy while boosting? I know that if I'm chasing down a target and we're both boosting, even if I have them lined up and well within range, I will more often than not miss. I've usually just attributed to boosting doing something passive, although there are some other influences such as latency between the two players that may be impacting the dismal result.


Lag. The motion on the server side of things isn't anywhere near as smooth as it is on your screen. You will be jumping in and out of range on the server, even though you're consistently in range on your screen. You can also get a feel for when you've really locked your missile (the tone happens a split second after you've actually finished the lock) and fire it faster than you would just waiting for the tone.

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Ion rail cleave (and probably every other cleave and ae) isn't taken into account for the accuracy statistic. I'm also relatively sure mines count as exactly "1 hit" when triggered (or timed out) no matter how many targets they hit.



Blasters not being able to hit while boosting very likely has the same reason as not being able to lock missiles at close to their maximum range. My feeling is the slower a target the closer it can be to max range while still being lock-on-able and vice versa. I'm guessing as precision and penalty are closely tied to the positions of the two ships and if it behaves similar to the lock on problem then you're probably firing at some hundred meters higher range than shown and maybe you have more penalty than it looks on your screen. Also it's harder to aim at higher speeds which has further negative influence on accuracy in a high speed chase.

Edited by Danalon
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