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Dev post about forthcoming article has been deleted...


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This dev post was deleted from Aug 13th:


This is correct! We will always try to avoid getting into spoilers but we will be talking more about how things like Companions and Crew Skills will be working. All in good time, soon™.



Seems they don't want to commit to anything. It's almost like there is no expansion at all!!

Edited by MuratReis
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The thread was probably deleted because forum members ventured off into mined information or other illegal disclosure .. which can and will get a thread deleted pretty quickly these days.


Put the tin foil hat away. :p

Edited by Andryah
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The thread was probably deleted because forum members ventured off into mined information or other illegal disclosure .. which can and will get a thread deleted pretty quickly these days.


Put the tin foil hat away. :p


That could be it.


The way Bioware tries to hide what they are doing is reminiscent to how certain bands try not to allow people to record their performances. In both cases, they have something to hide. Otherwise, the info would just be free advertising for them.

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That could be it.


The way Bioware tries to hide what they are doing is reminiscent to how certain bands try not to allow people to record their performances. In both cases, they have something to hide. Otherwise, the info would just be free advertising for them.


That is possibly the worst analogy anybody has ever made.

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The Devs are taking bets on how many subs they will lose by keeping all the info locked up lol.......wonder what will happen when they start laying their staff off from the drop in money and subs..... Edited by Krikos
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The Devs are taking bets on how many subs they will lose by keeping all the info locked up lol.......wonder what will happen when they start laying their staff off from the drop in money and subs.....
remember how secretive about the "super secret space project" they were? that went over well. keeping secrets forces people to try to imagine in their head what the update will be like. if they dont tell us what we are getting, it will always be short of someones fantasy version of the update. then they get pissed and quit. bioware will never learn.
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remember how secretive about the "super secret space project" they were? that went over well. keeping secrets forces people to try to imagine in their head what the update will be like. if they dont tell us what we are getting, it will always be short of someones fantasy version of the update. then they get pissed and quit. bioware will never learn.


nor will gamers keep their heads about them and their expectations in check and at least in some form of reality. Bioware can't help if people suddenly start dreaming up unicorns while on pixie dust.

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  • Dev Post
This dev post was deleted from Aug 13th:




Seems they don't want to commit to anything. It's almost like there is no expansion at all!!


Some others in the thread have guessed correctly. The thread where I made that post got out of control. Lot's of people doing things and making posts which were against the rules so we opted to have the thread removed.


I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon. I will have specifics in the next few days, but you will start getting more details about some of the nitty gritty things with our live stream next week and beyond.



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Some others in the thread have guessed correctly. The thread where I made that post got out of control. Lot's of people doing things and making posts which were against the rules so we opted to have the thread removed.


I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon. I will have specifics in the next few days, but you will start getting more details about some of the nitty gritty things with our live stream next week and beyond.




Thanks for the update Eric, good to know.

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Thanks Eric, and I agree about that thread getting pretty crazy. But it's great to hear that over the next few days you might have something for us, even if it's just "In a few weeks we're posting a blog!" kind of thing. At least it could lead to something, instead of this total radio silence which makes me sad. :( I figure we probably won't know too much until very near the release, though. But fingers crossed we get *something* to tide us over until then!


Can't wait for the livestream next week!


Thanks again.

Edited by blindxsecrets
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Some others in the thread have guessed correctly. The thread where I made that post got out of control. Lot's of people doing things and making posts which were against the rules so we opted to have the thread removed.


I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon. I will have specifics in the next few days, but you will start getting more details about some of the nitty gritty things with our live stream next week and beyond.




So instead of explaining to your players on why you are not talking to them you thought the best option is to delete it without addressing the issue?


E: Fixed a word.

Edited by znihilist
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So instead of explaining to your players on why you are not talking to them you thought the best option is to delete it without addressing the issue?


E: Fixed a word.


You can't expect this 'Community Manager' to actually manage his community - come on. Has your head been buried in the sand?! lol Deleting threads is a HUGE 'no no' in a real community managers hand book, outside or racist(insert name of offending language here).

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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Some others in the thread have guessed correctly. The thread where I made that post got out of control. Lot's of people doing things and making posts which were against the rules so we opted to have the thread removed.


I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon. I will have specifics in the next few days, but you will start getting more details about some of the nitty gritty things with our live stream next week and beyond.





Thank you Eric. I appreciate the effort you guys are trying to do without spoiling the story.

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Some others in the thread have guessed correctly. The thread where I made that post got out of control. Lot's of people doing things and making posts which were against the rules so we opted to have the thread removed.


I know there is frustration right now about the amount of information you have. We are actively working on gathering details around a lot of the questions you have and will start releasing them very soon. I will have specifics in the next few days, but you will start getting more details about some of the nitty gritty things with our live stream next week and beyond.




My frustration, personally, was with a specified timeframe for information and then nothing. A post to say, "sorry, that information about the alliance system and companions I said was coming as we get closer to gamescom is having to be delayed a bit", would have been great. A large part of the community seems to be pretty well freaking out about companions, especially with [info that shall not be named] coming out that seems to indicate some troubling things in regards to companions. So, yeah, some clarification in that regard I'm sure would be welcomed asap. Thanks for the update though. Im sure its not the most fun job leading up to an expansion.:p

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Where was the big gamescon reveal?


Oh, that's right, there wasn't one.


And then you wonder why people resort to datamining...


You brought this upon yourselves by saying you would release more info at a specific time (i.e. gamescon) and then failing to do so. No coincidence that the datamined leak was later that weekend.


I am in no way defending the delay in information..... but some of you are pretty clueless about the kinds of vetting that pre-release disclosure of information has to go through in large companies that server a consumer audience.


UNTIL information is fully vetted internally, the community team cannot reveal it. So I encourage you all to give Eric and team some slack. I'm pretty sure Eric would love to tell us more then he is being permitted to and is working hard to pry information out of the hands of the control freaks.


NOW...The actual vetting process itself... feel free to spam that with eggs and rotted veggies IMO because for a company the size of EA... they really should be better at this.


Why are there vetting processes for pre-release information? To mitigate communications mistakes/errors/inaccuracies. Why? Because any mistake in communications or use of wording that is vague or subject to player interpretation (that would be every word in language(s) frankly ) will be used as a weapon by players for life. Evidence: CE Vendor from original launch. ;) Hell, they even get crucified for inaccurate information about pending information releases.


As for proliferation of unreleased information on the internet... that IS Bioware's fault for not encrypting data released under the hood earlier then they are ready to talk about it. Common sense should have told them that curious players are clever at digging up information. Then again.. it could be a deliberate guerilla marketing ploy of some form. :p

Edited by Andryah
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I am in no way defending the delay in information..... but some of you are pretty clueless about the kinds of vetting that pre-release disclosure of information has to go through in large companies that server a consumer audience.


UNTIL information is fully vetted internally, the community team cannot reveal it. So I encourage you all to give Eric and team some slack. I'm pretty sure Eric would love to tell us more then he is being permitted to and is working hard to pry information out of the hands of the control freaks.


NOW...The actual vetting process itself... feel free to spam that with eggs and rotted veggies IMO because for a company the size of EA... they really should be better at this.


Why are there vetting processes for pre-release information? To mitigate communications mistakes/errors/inaccuracies. Why? Because any mistake in communications or use of wording that is vague or subject to player interpretation (that would be every word in language(s) frankly ) will be used as a weapon by players for life. Evidence: CE Vendor from original launch. ;)


That's where the communication comes in. ;)

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I say we tar and feather Musco. Because, yes its entirely his fault we aren't getting news. :rolleyes:


Kill the messenger!


Seriously, though, I can understand some of the anger, but thats not Eric's fault.

Edited by Nickious
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I am in no way defending the delay in information..... but some of you are pretty clueless about the kinds of vetting that pre-release disclosure of information has to go through in large companies that server a consumer audience.


UNTIL information is fully vetted internally, the community team cannot reveal it. So I encourage you all to give Eric and team some slack. I'm pretty sure Eric would love to tell us more then he is being permitted to and is working hard to pry information out of the hands of the control freaks.


NOW...The actual vetting process itself... feel free to spam that with eggs and rotted veggies IMO because for a company the size of EA... they really should be better at this.


Why are there vetting processes for pre-release information? To mitigate communications mistakes/errors/inaccuracies. Why? Because any mistake in communications or use of wording that is vague or subject to player interpretation (that would be every word in language(s) frankly ) will be used as a weapon by players for life. Evidence: CE Vendor from original launch. ;)


Then why did they not come out and said they can't give that information?


Things not working out according to plan can be tolerated, but not informing your playerbase that something significant like that is changing, is incompetence at best.

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