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Can I still help Vette if I leave her collar on?


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I don't really want to abuse her with it all the time, but I don't want to take it off her either. Removing it would feel disingenuous, especially since it doesn't actually free her. From what I've looked up of her story, though, I would still like to help her find her family and such, but I'm not real sure if that's possible, even supposing you never actually shock her with the shock collar.


Has anyone tried this? Does anyone know if you can still help Vette without removing her collar? I'm a female, so I don't have to worry about romance considerations, I just want to help her track down her family and such.


If anyone's tried it I'd love to know how it turned out, because I'm quickly coming up on the first time she'll ask me to remove the collar and I'd rather not miss out on her story dialogues and quests by removing it too late.

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Strictly speaking, the sort of Sith who would leave the collar on wouldn't have two ****s to rub together for helping her. Game mechanically, the answer is no. She'll stop talking to you if you never remove the collar.


She likes the collar. ;)


While an amusing anecdote, that won't come up for a Female Warrior, sadly.




And if Vette has a relevant part to play and is still romanceable in KOTFE, it wouldn't surprise me if she was still only into men.



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"look, Im not a monster... Ill totally help out your friends and family. I mean, you're still property though. Will your loved ones think thats weird.. the me owning you like a lower class of species thing?"


It's important to note that, insofar as overt dialogue is concerned, even the lightest path through the dialogue trees doesn't free her, it merely acknowledges her humanity. I mean, I guess you can insinuate what you wish behind the scenes, but with the blithe freeing of other slaves throughout the Warrior's storyline it feels weird to take this sort of half-measure. Otherwise you're just replacing the fear of immediate shock with the fear of the collar being reapplied.


I guess it's just a really awkward character moment that feels like it could've used more bite. The whole affair feels very limp and non-commital as it is. Like they started building something intriguing and then flapped their hands all over the canvas in frustration and canned the whole affair because they thought it would offend someone, or something.

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It's not as if a Sith needs a remote and a collar to shock someone that they feel like shocking in any case. If you really wanted to break a slave's spirit, creative use of the force would be a lot more terrifying than a power cell connected to a few capacitors.


The funny thing is that in all of the cut scenes and on board your class ship she still has the collar on even if you make the choice to take it off. I guess, "take it off," really just means, "put the remote in the sock drawer and forget about it."


Jaesa on the other hand merits two independent models, to the point where both LS Jaesa and DS Jaesa show up as crew options in the GSF hangar.

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It's not as if a Sith needs a remote and a collar to shock someone that they feel like shocking in any case. If you really wanted to break a slave's spirit, creative use of the force would be a lot more terrifying than a power cell connected to a few capacitors.


The funny thing is that in all of the cut scenes and on board your class ship she still has the collar on even if you make the choice to take it off. I guess, "take it off," really just means, "put the remote in the sock drawer and forget about it."


Jaesa on the other hand merits two independent models, to the point where both LS Jaesa and DS Jaesa show up as crew options in the GSF hangar.


I saw her without the collar when I put her in a hooded robe.

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It's weird that they put the dialogue "this isn't freedom though" when you take the collar off but then later can ask her if she's going to leave or not. If it wasn't freedom then she wouldn't have that choice. They should have let the LS warrior make a deal with her such as "I'll give you your freedom and a paycheck, all you have to do is help me for a while" but then obviously she decides to stay.
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It's weird that they put the dialogue "this isn't freedom though" when you take the collar off but then later can ask her if she's going to leave or not. If it wasn't freedom then she wouldn't have that choice. They should have let the LS warrior make a deal with her such as "I'll give you your freedom and a paycheck, all you have to do is help me for a while" but then obviously she decides to stay.


Yeah, there's so little detail given on how slavery works in SWTOR that you really never know what you've done with her. I mean, for all we know all Imperial slaves are kept in a database or something and even if you let her go they'd still arrest her and bring her back to you like a truant officer.


It'd be nice if they didn't so readily shy away from letting a dark character BE DARK. The Imperials, as originally conceived, were literally supposed to be space Nazis. Space Nazis! I mean, really, why do MMOs have to herniate themselves trying to make both sides 'gray'? I'm a Sith, not an Emo band singer, I wanna be evil! Let me be the villain, if I roll a villain.


It also bugs me that you apparently need a shock collar to discipline Vette, and keep her in line, yet you giver her not 1 but 2 blasters and regularly turn your back to her. What exactly is there to keep her from shooting you, taking her own collar off and just running away? I mean seriously? If I were in her shoes that's what I'd do.


It all just feels very wishy washy, like they were trying not to offend anyone, and that's just no fun. The world isn't made of rainbows, butterflies, and kumbaya, it's made of hard choices, especially on the criminal/evil side of things. The defanging of this particular RP choice isn't a game breaker, by any means, but it is a MAJOR letdown for me, given what I've experienced in the offline KotOR games.

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Yeah, there's so little detail given on how slavery works in SWTOR that you really never know what you've done with her. I mean, for all we know all Imperial slaves are kept in a database or something and even if you let her go they'd still arrest her and bring her back to you like a truant officer.


It'd be nice if they didn't so readily shy away from letting a dark character BE DARK. The Imperials, as originally conceived, were literally supposed to be space Nazis. Space Nazis! I mean, really, why do MMOs have to herniate themselves trying to make both sides 'gray'? I'm a Sith, not an Emo band singer, I wanna be evil! Let me be the villain, if I roll a villain.


It also bugs me that you apparently need a shock collar to discipline Vette, and keep her in line, yet you giver her not 1 but 2 blasters and regularly turn your back to her. What exactly is there to keep her from shooting you, taking her own collar off and just running away? I mean seriously? If I were in her shoes that's what I'd do.


It all just feels very wishy washy, like they were trying not to offend anyone, and that's just no fun. The world isn't made of rainbows, butterflies, and kumbaya, it's made of hard choices, especially on the criminal/evil side of things. The defanging of this particular RP choice isn't a game breaker, by any means, but it is a MAJOR letdown for me, given what I've experienced in the offline KotOR games.


I'd say less wishy washy and more that they were just afraid to have an outright good and evil group.


Players complain when they're favorite group is the obvious villain and it's to bad too, because this was one setting where the villain could easily be winning often.


This isn't to say the Republic is all rainbows and sunshine and not teeming with grey, especially in it's leadership, but the Imperials are the villains. Even when you see the Jedi Order has gone to far in the prequals, you see they're still the heroes and Palpatine is the villain :p

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I'm not exactly sure what she does or doesn't do if you don't take the collar off of her. I removed it from her because my Sith Warrior is Light Side 5 and considers Vette one of her bffs along with LS Jaesa. Plus, in my rping head canon, Vette is the one who baby sits my Sith Warrior and Quinn's daughter when she's small while my Sith and Quinn go out to do the Emperor's and the Empire's work (depending on where in story I'm standing).


But from what people have told me, when she does speak to you it's always about removing her collar. It's an obsession of hers. If for some reason you were a male sith, she wouldn't even think anything but cutting dangly bits off unless you remove her collar. So I dunno. I would just take it off if you want to progress with her. Even my dark side 5 jugg tank took her collar off.

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I'm not exactly sure what she does or doesn't do if you don't take the collar off of her. I removed it from her because my Sith Warrior is Light Side 5 and considers Vette one of her bffs along with LS Jaesa. Plus, in my rping head canon, Vette is the one who baby sits my Sith Warrior and Quinn's daughter when she's small while my Sith and Quinn go out to do the Emperor's and the Empire's work (depending on where in story I'm standing).


Same here, surrogate older sister FTW! (my warrior is also a Twi'lek so that's fun :D)

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The scene were she demands I remove the collar keeps repeating itself every time I get her affection up with gifts. And I keep refusing. She's slow to learn.


I don't agree the jedi are the heroes even in the movies. Why are they the heroes, because they say so.

There actions actually show they are the villains. They rebelled against a lawfully chosen, democratically elected Chancellor, because they didn't like his religion, without even trying legal means to remove him. The jedi are religious terrorists.


The jedi do nothing but bring chaos to the galaxy.

Edited by RameiArashi
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The scene were she demands I remove the collar keeps repeating itself every time I get her affection up with gifts. And I keep refusing. She's slow to learn.


I don't agree the jedi are the heroes even in the movies. Why are they the heroes, because they say so.

There actions actually show they are the villains. They rebelled against a lawfully chosen, democratically elected Chancellor, because they didn't like his religion, without even trying legal means to remove him. The jedi are religious terrorists.


The jedi do nothing but bring chaos to the galaxy.


The Sith are on the same level as the Nazgul and Orcs from the Lord of the Rings universe. Star Wars is very black and white with the morality, and the Sith are totally the universe's black hats. It isn't even debatable.


That isn't to say that there aren't some Jedi or Republic characters who are black hats as well, or gray on the morality scale, but they are very much exceptions to the rule. The same is also true for the Sith or Empire characters. For every Pellaeon there are several Tarkins.

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The Sith are on the same level as the Nazgul and Orcs from the Lord of the Rings universe. Star Wars is very black and white with the morality, and the Sith are totally the universe's black hats. It isn't even debatable.


That isn't to say that there aren't some Jedi or Republic characters who are black hats as well, or gray on the morality scale, but they are very much exceptions to the rule. The same is also true for the Sith or Empire characters. For every Pellaeon there are several Tarkins.


Nonsense. The Jedi persecute the Sith for being wrong religion. The Jedi are not the good guys. The Sith are nothing like Nazgul or Orcs.

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Nonsense. The Jedi persecute the Sith for being wrong religion. The Jedi are not the good guys. The Sith are nothing like Nazgul or Orcs.


Umm... you do realize that they are literally powered by rage, fear, and hatred.


Hell, the Dread Masters practically WERE the Nazgul.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Nonsense. The Jedi persecute the Sith for being wrong religion. The Jedi are not the good guys. The Sith are nothing like Nazgul or Orcs.

The Sith species are not inherently evil. The Sith as an organisation or order very clearly are. The whole reason the Empire is a brutal totalitarian state built on slavery and terror is that the Sith want it to be that way, so that they can be at the top of the heap and abuse everyone else.


They're powered by Strong emotions including positive ones.

Maybe in theory, but does that actually happen? Mind you, I'm not sure I'd want to meet the guy who can channel his joy or affection into bolts of agonising lightning.

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The scene were she demands I remove the collar keeps repeating itself every time I get her affection up with gifts. And I keep refusing. She's slow to learn.


I don't agree the jedi are the heroes even in the movies. Why are they the heroes, because they say so.

There actions actually show they are the villains. They rebelled against a lawfully chosen, democratically elected Chancellor, because they didn't like his religion, without even trying legal means to remove him. The jedi are religious terrorists.


The jedi do nothing but bring chaos to the galaxy.



You mean the same lawfully chosen Chancellor, that started a galaxy wide war with a second faction even though he is in charge of that second faction as well? The one that leaked Republic information to the CIS (and the other way round) in order to prolong the war that caused millions of deaths? All just so he could gain more and more political power no matter the cost?

Yeah of course his religion is the only reason why the jedi would want to get rid of him. Surely it wasn't the fact that he was a massive opening used for discharging bodily waste that is responsible for countless pointless deaths.

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Nonsense. The Jedi persecute the Sith for being wrong religion. The Jedi are not the good guys. The Sith are nothing like Nazgul or Orcs.


The Jedi's original purpose was to prevent powerful force users from ever enslaving the galaxy again. They do this by abducting and brainwashing force-sensitive children, manipulating the government and declaring everyone evil who doesn't comply. The Sith are honest about who they are, but also much more ruthless when it comes to achieving their goals.


Now the question is which slave master is better. The indifferent manipulator or the capricious tyrant?.

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