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How would your characters reply to Valkorion's offer?


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They probably would join Valkorion. Like all of them. Flavour text would vary, but it'd be "accept / kneel" no matter what.


Out of character discussion =


Sad that most "third faction" foes we've had, I'd join.


Revan? Yeah, I'd be a Revanite. If talking meta, I hate fighting my old player characters. I hated it in Diablo 2. If talking in character, grey side of the Force? I'm in. We're playing a Pen and Paper RPG right now that has this as the main theme.


Malgus? So, all the parts I like about the Empire and all the parts I like about the Republic. And I can't join him... why?


Ok, the Hutt Cartel, I wanted to join just because we couldn't. You know, wanting the thing we can't have type deal.


As much as I hated EverQuest, it's multi-faction playing was cool. I was a high elf enchanter that could stand, visible, no illusion, in Cabalis. ANYWHERE in Cabalis. Took some doing.


I guess it's a trend that whatever bothers people about Revan, Malgus, Valkorion or their equivalents in TV / Movies of any genre... I like. Sadly, many others I talk to IRL... hate the characters for the same reason I like them. Flawed / crazy is fun for me.


Case in point, the number of people that post how much they HATE Revan... I guess I'm in the minority...

Edited by DalrisThane
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They probably would join Valkorion. Like all of them. Flavour text would vary, but it'd be "accept / kneel" no matter what.


Out of character discussion =


Sad that most "third faction" foes we've had, I'd join.


Revan? Yeah, I'd be a Revanite. If talking meta, I hate fighting my old player characters. I hated it in Diablo 2. If talking in character, grey side of the Force? I'm in. We're playing a Pen and Paper RPG right now that has this as the main theme.


Malgus? So, all the parts I like about the Empire and all the parts I like about the Republic. And I can't join him... why?


Ok, the Hutt Cartel, I wanted to join just because we couldn't. You know, wanting the thing we can't have type deal.


As much as I hated EverQuest, it's multi-faction playing was cool. I was a high elf enchanter that could stand, visible, no illusion, in Cabalis. ANYWHERE in Cabalis. Took some doing.


I guess it's a trend that whatever bothers people about Revan, Malgus, Valkorion or their equivalents in TV / Movies of any genre... I like. Sadly, many others I talk to IRL... hate the characters for the same reason I like them. Flawed / crazy is fun for me.


Case in point, the number of people that post how much they HATE Revan... I guess I'm in the minority...


I think that every third faction was doing somthing that would make joining kind of stupid.


Hutts would enslave you.

Revan was insane and was going to revive the Emperor

Maglus was dead as soon as he picked the worst time to start an inssurection

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Bounty Hunter= SOOOOoooooo.....you killed some sith and some jedi...WOOHOO. That was my job last week. Go screw yourself, and by the way...I don't believe in hokey religions. I'll take my armor vs. your force any day.


Sith Warrior= HAHAHAHAHAHA...weak and pathetic fool, do you not know your death is upon you? Do you not know the power of the dark side? I have freed her, she knows me by name, I whom was the emperors wrath, the destroyer of worlds. Bow before me and you may see death quickly, do not and your screams will be heard across the galaxy. In either case you will die, your armies, your ships, and your power will all be mine.

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Darth Nox: Hmmmmm.... ah yes. Unwise,Valkorian to make that sort of offer without knowing just who you're making it too. I should tell you... help you to make up your mind. Once, I was the very lowest of the low. A slave. A grubby little work-gang rat at the very, very bottom of the ladder. I could name every rung, each obstacle I climbed past and set beneath my heel to rise to freedom - true freedom, fettered by none. Harkun, Skotia, Zash, Thanaton, and so many more. Nothing became any of them in their lives half as much as their leaving it to suit my needs.


I could join you, stand at your side until your accident... but you would be expecting that, and it would really be very dull. No, I think we will do this the more interesting way. I am leaving, Valkorian- perhaps you will try to stop me, or your clockwork son here will, and we shall dance, but, no matter, in the end, I shall still leave. Oh, don't be so upset; you'll see me again, I promise, and when you do, I assure you, you'll remember it for all the rest of your life.


Harkin, Skotia, Dash, Thanaton, the Archon, Revan. Say hello to them, Valkorian, don't forget, will you. Go and give them my kind regards after I see you next time."



Barsen'thor: It is always sad when talking gives way to violence. [Legacy Dirty Kick] See, now I am saddened. As are you. Let us go in peace, Valkorian, before more blood is needlessly spilled. Yours."

Edited by RowanThursday
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Darth Nox: Hmmmmm.... ah yes. Unwise,Valkorian to make that sort of offer without knowing just who you're making it too. I should tell you... help you to make up your mind. Once, I was the very lowest of the low. A slave. A grubby little work-gang rat at the very, very bottom of the ladder. I could name every rung, each obstacle I climbed past and set beneath my heel to rise to freedom - true freedom, fettered by none. Harkun, Skotia, Zash, Thanaton, and so many more. Nothing became any of them in their lives half as much as their leaving it to suit my needs.


I could join you, stand at your side until your accident... but you would be expecting that, and it would really be very dull. No, I think we will do this the more interesting way. I am leaving, Valkorian- perhaps you will try to stop me, or your clockwork son here will, and we shall dance, but, no matter, in the end, I shall still leave. Oh, don't be so upset; you'll see me again, I promise, and when you do, I assure you, you'll remember it for all the rest of your life.


Harkin, Skotia, Dash, Thanaton, the Archon, Revan. Say hello to them, Valkorian, don't forget, will you. Go and give them my kind regards after I see you next time."



Oh, I do like that one. That's good.

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Jedi Knight:: Something funny most likely. maybe raise an eyebrow at the stupid offer


Jedi Council: NOPE HELLO NO


Sitt War Light : Your offer is interesting .....2 be continued


Sith War Dark: Depends on story line but... *Sure id join you but, bowing i do not do*


Agent *Sure*


Bh *How much credits we talking


rest *Hell no*

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I think that every third faction was doing somthing that would make joining kind of stupid.


Hutts would enslave you.

Revan was insane and was going to revive the Emperor

Maglus was dead as soon as he picked the worst time to start an inssurection


Sadly, you're totally right. It's like, here are characters that I like a LOT. Then, just before the end, that character / faction picks up the idiot ball, making it obvious the "INSERT BOOS HERE" part of the game / episode.


As a guess, (mostly for TV... granted), the writers make a layered villain, and when too many people like that villain "too much", in comes the horrible reveal that they're off their rocker.


To take your examples, wish fulfillment, I wish it was...


You become the Hutts enforcer.

Revan wasn't going to revive the Emperor but was going to dissipate him permanently.

Malgus keeps his secret alliances going until he gets the stealth armada (and other assets) piecemeal over years.


But, too late, didn't happen...



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I could see my Gung ho Republic Trooper saying:


"Of course not! I believe in the Repub.....wait.....do I get to kill Chancellor Saresh and mount her head on my wall with the other trophies? Yes? Let me make a call, I think I can wrap this war up quickly..."


I know I am not the only one that wants her head on a pole....

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Wow-wow... So many dramaticly tough answers! And now imagine that all guards around are NiM ops mobs and after you being so tough with your words, even one of them will oneshot your bold *** to the ground :D

You should behave yourself or it looks like you so tough cuz bioware is easy on story-hamsters :))

Also some of the answers are so huuge dat most likely Valkarion would orded execution if you would try to bore him so mach -,-

Edited by Rouakh
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Hmm good question. i suppose my characters answers would be as follows




Open with an inappropriate beard joke, followed by a *Dirty Kick* to the plumbs then steal some sort of important data/maguffin/princess during the daring/comedy escape that follows.




Say something like "because im Batman!!" followed by a pistol whip to the face with my trusty magically diapering pistol and then blow up a lot of stuff on the way out.


Jedi Knight


Offer him a chance to surrender,

then muse about how killing emperors might be becoming a bit of a habit at this point.



Jedi Consular


Diplomatically offer him a chance to surrender, *Telekineticly insert throne*.


Sith Inquisitor


"No......." *the powers unleashed in the following combat have been censored to protect the innocent....and the sane*




Threaten/convince/reason with him that running away and hiding is the far better choice than upsetting me.

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Trooper <LS>: No. For the people. For the Republic. Havoc Squad, HK, get that meatbag!

Consulor <LS>: You threaten me with death? There is no death. There is only the Force.... <communes>

Knight<LS>: Hell no. Killing Evil Emperors is getting to be a habit. I should put it on my resume. Surrender now <ignites lightsaber>.

Smuggler<Neutral>: Sure, I'll kneel. For the right price... by the way, do you play sabaak? great little game...


Inquisitor<DS>: Khem, do you think you can digest this guy? or...

You offer me peace by bowing to you? You should know better. Peace is a lie. I was once made a slave. Never again will I bow before anyone. I AM the Dark Side....<talks to ghosts.... get him!>

Warrior<DS>: <Ignites Lightsaber> No. I was loyal to Baras. He betrayed me. I was loyal to the Emperor. He betrayed me. That's two. I won't be made a pawn again.

Agent<DS>: Nods. Sure. I'll bow <gives covert signal to Scorpio " be ready for my signal when to backstab this *****. "

BH<LS>: I am a Mandalorian. Are you asking to hire me?

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Sadly, you're totally right. It's like, here are characters that I like a LOT. Then, just before the end, that character / faction picks up the idiot ball, making it obvious the "INSERT BOOS HERE" part of the game / episode.


As a guess, (mostly for TV... granted), the writers make a layered villain, and when too many people like that villain "too much", in comes the horrible reveal that they're off their rocker.


To take your examples, wish fulfillment, I wish it was...


You become the Hutts enforcer.

Revan wasn't going to revive the Emperor but was going to dissipate him permanently.

Malgus keeps his secret alliances going until he gets the stealth armada (and other assets) piecemeal over years.


But, too late, didn't happen...




With Revan and the Hutts, I couldn't see anything good ending with them. Since I always thought Revan would go coco for coco puffs at one point after all he's been throguh (Even before the revan book)

With Malgus, I really thought they were going to do the same thing they did with Jadus, where you join him, but throguh some means he is still allowed back into the Empire, then he talks to you from time to time after the big missions. Or at the end of the flashpoint you'd get to spare him after he gives some type o0f justification for his idiodic decision and he goes into hiding.

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BH would ask how much he would pay for her services.


SW wouldn't take that mess, he isn't anyone's slave.


SI would reject him. She's a Dark Lord of the Dark Council!


Trooper wouldn't accept as he's a Republic Soldier first.


Jedi Knight wouldn't accept either as she's mostly goody goody and sees the same evil in him as the Emperor.


Jedi Consular rejects as she's a pacifist and doesn't agree with tyranny.


Smuggler would be cool with it if he gets nice goodies.


Agent would lie about serving just so he can plan a counter-attack at a later date.

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Well... That's an interesting question.


My male Trooper and my female Jedi Knight will make a stand, making a glorious quote about the Republic, and refuse the offer, spitting at Valkorion's hand.


My male Smuggler will consider the offer. Specially if there're credits, guns or nice girls involved. Exactly in this order.


My female Smuggler will refuse, saying something like "Ah... No thanks. For my experience, the evil guy's goons never end well, in any story."


My female Consular will probably meditate, without giving any answer. That's, if this guys didn't kill Theron Shan. Then maybe she will go to the dark side, trying to kill Valkorion and every single follower he ever had.


My male consular will make Valkorion talk, waiting for the right moment to strike.


My female Sith Inquisitor will look and Valkorion's hand, then she'll begin to laugh hysterically, with a psycho expresion in her eyes. And then... Lighting everywhere!!!


My male Bounty Hunter will just say "NO".

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I think my smuggler' s response - with apologies to Steven Moffat, but the quote fits what she'd say- would be to mull it over:


"So... you want me to kneel before you, then join you? Sure, I'll kneel." [Does so] "Be crazy not to. You've got yourself whole legions of knights - Force users - who'll kill or die at your command. Got yourself a whole damn Empire, and a war machine that just took apart *two* galactic powers without hardly breakin' a sweat. Unlimited power, heh, unlimited money. Yeah, I'll kneel, let you have that one more victory. Why not? I mean, c'mon, against you guys, what've I got? A brace of pistols, a beat up old freighter? A crew of misfits spread half way round the galaxy by now... I got nuthin'. " Shakes her head sadly and starts to stand, head bowed. "No plan, no backup, no weapons worth a damn... Oh, " [she looks up into Valkorian' s face] "... and something else; I ain't got ANYTHING to LOSE!" [she grabs him, spins him round in a dance move to put him between her and his knights, drops a smoke bomb, Dirty Kicks him right in the justicars, and runs like hell out of the door. ]

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