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How would your characters reply to Valkorion's offer?


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The teaser quotes seem to change a bit from time to time, but Valkorion and Arcann are pretty clearly trying to make a, "c'mon guys, join my team," type of offer to the player's character.


It's a short quote, and not in context, but based on what you've seen how would your characters reply if they could reply in any way?


My Consular would say something along these lines:


"Power? What power? Can you make me stronger in the force? Will those who respect and love me hold me in higher esteem if I grovel before you? I have weapons, ships, armies, and fleets available to me if I ask. Those who would follow me would do so willingly, and not under fear of threat.


If what you posses were truly valuable, your opponents would need armies to keep people from flocking to your cause. You are opposed at every turn because it is quite plain that all you have to offer are worthless trinkets at ruinous cost.


I bear you no malice Valkorion. You are possesed of little other than a talent for self delusion and a willingness to injure yourself and others in pursuit of twisted dreams. You have ruined yourself and Arcann beyond any hope of being being whole again. Still, being permanently scarred does not mean that all healing is useless. When is the last time you knew peace, contentment, love, or joy? Your constant journey down dark paths clearly have not given you these things. Can you even truly remember what it is to experience them?


I offer you what aid I can give if you wish to escape your own nightmares. I will not lie and say that you can be made whole, but much healing could be done to your benefit and I would be happy to do so for you and for Arcann.


I do not expect you to accept my help now, and in the near term I will help those who wish to be free of you and the injury you inflict as best I can.


Remember what I have said today, and if the pain finally becomes too much to bear know that I will be ready to help.


All you need do is ask."







An exchange with my smuggler would probably be more along these lines:


"So, what exactly are the opportunities in terms of contraband shipping in this little empire of yours?"


(Valkorion)"There is no smuggling in my Empire."


"No, smuggling? Is this a joke? You're telling me that in your whole empire there are no restrictions or tariffs on transport of any goods, persons, or information?"


(Valkorion)"My Empire is an orderly place and all obey the rules."


"Ha. Well highly profitable and exciting works for me. You could have just said so. Any hints on what the hot routes and cargoes are right now? Weapons for resistance movements, banned anti-imperial propaganda, fugitive dissidents looking for a place to hide?"


(Valkorion)"I should be more clear, the criminal element, including smugglers, do not survive long in my Empire."


"Well, figuring all that out is half the fun anyway. Betcha 2000 credits that after 3 months I'm making 20% more per run than you could get on your best day. By the way, any idea what your asking price for Zakuul would be? In a few years, assuming your empire lasts that long, I'll be rolling in more credits than I'll know what to do with. I don't really like the world, but owning the former emperor's capital would be a nice conversation piece and souvenir, don't you think? So when things fall apart on you and you need some quick cash so you can make a run for it, send me an offer. If it's not outrageously above market I could probably be persuaded to buy."



So, what would your characters say?

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My Inquisitor would start laughing, shake her head and give him a "you really are an idiot" look.


My warrior would cross her arms and tell him that straight out.


My mercs would probably just say his credits werent good enough.


My agent would probably give him a rude gesture in a obscure gesture language.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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My SI would tell his crew through the force to run, before spitting in the emperors face and telling him "Do whatever it is you're going to do, I am no ones lapdog and I will never kneel. You may kill me, but I go to my death with the peace of mind that for all your proclaimed power, you are but an insect against my will". :o Edited by Aeristash
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My Hunter would figure there'd be a ton of hiding targets they'd want taken care of.. If the pay and security were good enough he'd probably take the offer. Based on past treatment, he has no love for either faction.
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I've modeled my Jedi Guardian to be a fairly practical Jedi, and a realistic person. He has a wife, wants to start a family, and has wealth. He is very much a gray jedi in that regard but he still fights for those that cannot. He wears Revan's mask for many of the same reasons that Revan took up the mask. Similar ideology and principles though different application.


My response of course would be never.

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SW - ''I've spent my career as a loyal servant, I efficiently and happily followed my Master's orders to letter. I left bodies in my wake as a testimant to his command and power. In return he left me to die in the bottom of my own failure, hoping for an unmarked rave on a backwater planet that no one cared for with all my accomplishments meaningless. I crawled through the depths of hell with the scorns and voices of my failures at my back, my own crew losing their faith and loyalty to me as I dragged them on my quest for vengeance. There I met my new master, one who for years since my birth I hailed as a god, who I vowed to serve proudly forever. I kneeled before him after striking down my betrayer, I was respected and commemorated. It was the proudest moment of my life. Then yet again I was betrayed and left to rot in the realms of doubt, my people never fully believing my passion. I have been cut, shocked, broken and brought to my knees like a dog. I was always the lapdog. But, now...I am Sith, I am rage incarnate. I am the Wrath. And no Jedi, Sith, Emperor or god will treat me as a slave again. *Ignites Lightsaber* I SHALL NOT KNEEL!"
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My characters, empire and republic, are all light side, so they'd probably say some variation of what the male jedi knight in the trailer said.


They'd be thinking of the future for their children (which are small during this time) and basically tell Valkorion to sit and spin.


Course, my female inquisitor would sound sarcastic and *****y while she's telling him off. My female warrior may sound like she'd offer, but PFFT, she has light side butterfly Jaesa, so...no. Everyone else? Ha! No.

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As far as what we know now? My inquisitor, being an alien and formerly enslaved by the empire would probably jump at the chance to get revenge on what's left of the empire and crush the remaining incompetent republic.


My SW is empire to the core.


My Jedi's and trooper are all pubs to the end.


My agent is kind of bitter at both factions, so he might say yes.


My BH and smuggler will probably go where the money is. I'm guessing BH money will be with valkorian tracking and killing remnants of both factions. The smuggler presumably would see more business with the underdogs.

Edited by Bobs_YourUncle
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My Agent would smile an evil little smile and say:


"Alright Val, do you mind if I call you Val? Let's play. Let's share some information and see how this goes." She would then click a small button on the back of her utility belt without notice signalling Scorpio that the he had taken the bait and operation "Backstab" is a go.


My SI would laugh eerily, almost beside herself, while her ghosts can be heard whispering sweet malice into her ears. She would then say,


"The truly powerful don't share power. You believe you are my better, but sadly you are mistaken. Alas, you and your boy will have to learn the hard way. But before you die, you will know the meaning of real power and it will not be yours."


My Smuggie would reply.


"Well now. I don't see why we can't be friends, right?" He would then put his arm around Valkorion's neck as if he were a long lost buddy and start walking with him back toward his throne adding,


"But let's talk percentages. I'll need 70 percent of the take on any cargo deliveries through here or going through Point Nowhere. Also, I'll need you to cover my expenses and that must include whatever Risha needs, and she has lots of needs. The rest we can play it by ear ok? Listen... from time to time I may need sleeping quarters for a few lady friends. You can arrange that, right?"

Edited by Rafaman
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All of my characters would have the same thought process of ''Oh, you want to share? You've decimated our forces, destroyed planets and I am one of your biggest threats. Of course I'll trust this to not be a lie, I mean from what I've heard of your excellent parenting, I'm sure this won't bite me in the ***!''


I think the only one that would consider joining would be my Inquisitor and that's solely for the fact that I am join the opinion that the Inquisitor is an idiot.

Edited by Codedrago
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Well, since I plan on ignoring KotFE...


...you had no reason to post here.


I'm conflicted over how the SW (Juggernaut is my main) should respond to the offer. It seems plausible for him to kneel and take his place by the eternal emperor's side, since

Valkorian is Vitiate and that's SW's boss in the vanilla story. However on Ziost SW was told that he is now the "empire's wrath" rather than the "emperor's wrath" and that could prove to be a mandatory/involuntary commitment.

. So idk. It will be interesting to follow SW's relationship to Valkorian.

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My Sage: Where do I sign up?


My Agent: Laugh in his face, and dare him to do his worst.


My Gunslinger: Tell him to kiss her ***. Because as soon as she got her hands on a blaster, he won't get another chance to do it.

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my Imperial Agent, Karajan. Hes empire to the core but he would sooner kill any sith if he could get away with it and to a lesser extent if the opportunity presented itself to other force sensetive types like jedi and knights of the empire. he utterly hates sith because of what Jadus did to him early in his story when jadus had him killed for failure to accept his demand to bow before him. Karajan has been on a seek and destroy revenge mission ever since and he is isnt done, if he could take out Darth Marr while his back is turned, he would. same with Lana Beniko. if threatened Karajan will stomp out any sign of rebellion just for kicks as long as its aligned with the empires goals, he would never willingly serve the emperor.


my smuggler, Causey. She would sooner bow to the emperor of the eternal throne when he demanded it to get power, she loves to have power and she will betray anyone to get it, she lost her underworld kingdom as the voidhound, she intends on rebuilding the galaxy in her own image once the usurpers are taken care of. she also doesnt like sith as a rule. however if the chance presented itself she would also use both alignments to reap the biggest rewards, extort anyone she can, including the poor and so on.


my sith warrior, Kartmatu. hes a pure heretic at heart, hes totally gone native by being entirely light sided, hes basically a jedi within the sith order, but hes loyal to the empire first. however his plans involve deposing the dark council and replacing them with people that are in effect as if they were jedi! a light council. Kartmatu and Jaesa have been working on rooting out the corruption with support from Vette and distantly the jedi order, but Kartmatu wants to lead the empire himself on this light sided empire. all the monsters that are in the empires ranks are going to be locked away on belsavis and left to rot. his ambition is to rule the empire with a new purpose, seperate from the republic, however allied with the republic. Kartmatu would sooner throw Arcann into Belsavis minus his metal arm, and Valkorion in chains in a high security prison on some remote planet before he would allow the empire to fall and the republic with it.

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My Trooper would tell Valkorion to buzz off just out of pure spite. She likes that.


My Merc bears no love for both factions, so he'd probably accept the Valk's offer


only to be thrown into the carbonite bath afterwards lol



My Smuggler... would act somewhat similiar to my Trooper, but I expect him to crack a joke or two about Valkorion or Arcann's crippled state

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My Sith Inquisitor wishes to reshape the empire form the ashes of it's current state. In which he would NOT bow at all, never be a slave again. Seeing as Valkorion has his OWN vision without the republic and empire in the way, that directly would oppose my Kyran sith's vision. In which case, he would very much deny and tell him that he shall never be a slave again. In a serious and somewhat condescending manner, for his pride will not allow him to bow to anyone and he has his OWN singular vision of how the Empire should be despite it's currently corruption and wishing to wipe out the corrupt portions (which Valkorion has already done himself) giving Kyran an opportunity to pick the rest of it up and rebuid it with himself as it's new Emperor. He always wanted to be the Emperor and never spoke in support of the Emperor, but to usurp him. This Valkorion is just another Emperor in the way of his own True Empire Throne. No other vision to reshape the galaxy is acceptable to him. He has a sense of honor and loyalty though inspired by Mandalorions he grew up with when he was young, something he believes sith lost long ago and should reclaim. But I don't know how strong that honor really is, considering above all he's a natural pragmatist like Lana.


My Sith Warrior Zarek might actually bow if it is Emperor Vitiate in reality, or he believes it is. Otherwise, a strong refusal.


Kaius my imperial agent might bow to him only to stab him in the back, for he has no loyalty except to Darth Jadus and even that is growing a bit tenuous with Jadus' long disappearance(who he joined do to being a Cathar alien). If not an option, then he'd refuse to bow along with a snarky remark about Arcann's damaged state to agitate, because he's basically a Trickster agent in my playthrough and treats the whole world like a GAME. Very nearly sociopathic and flirts with everyone that breathes.


My jedi's would refuse.


My smuggler however would accept do to it just being to his benefit and having no loyalty to republic.

Edited by Krimlord
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All of my characters, save my merc and my gunslinger, are extremely loyal to their respective factions and would tell this clown to screw. I have to think that my merc and my gunslinger would also tell Valkorion to screw simply because they are fiercely independent, regardless of the previous forced faction alignment. I doubt that we're really going to be given the chance. I think it's just a line. BW/EA doesn't seem to want to do more than one story and joining Valkorion or not would require two.
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