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How is Jedi Consular Story?


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I like it, the first act is a bit straightforward(havent played any other classes past coruscant/dromund). Prologue speaking? BH has great dark side options, JK is meh i just liked it becaus of what you can do

on tython, with the matriarch.

rest of that story was meh, i was stlightly surprised at the end of coruscant. Inquisitor, eh....

no real epic fight, fine the Terrantek is something, but your so called riva? you don't even kill him. Really the prologue for the inq is... oh ill let you win because bam i am jumping through complicated hoops instead of killing you. on dromund its... I have what your master wants, come get me.


JC it pretty much sticks to uncovering ancient knowledge, and of course healing prologue/act 1 wise. Liking the overall story so far on the 3rd act.

Edited by Saseav
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now if only that was true, but no, it always comes down to Jedi smash. The only way to talk someone round to your point of view is to smack em down hard and then not kill them. Heck, i helped a Jedi Knight guildie of mine convert a True Sith to the Jedi side while all i was doing was hunting down Jedi Masters who were being really naughty, and it took them 4 missions to come to the same conclusion i came to earlier after being wracked with the unsubtle hints about it. Sorry but as someone posted it really felt like they gave the consular storyline to their least skilled writer, when it really should have been given to their most subtle.



You must have skipped the dialog where the evil behind the plague hitting the Jedi Masters mentions that there Jedi Masters across the galaxy that are beginning to succumb to the plague.


Think about that for a second. If the plague spreads, and more and more Jedi Masters start being "naughty," you have a serious issue on your hands, and one that could potentially cause the Order to crumble from within.


Also, within the context of the story, your character doesn't know that this crusade won't leave him dead, like it did with the previous Jedi who performed the ritual. While you know that can't happen due to gameplay reasons, for your character it creates a very interesting position...being the only one who knows the ritual that could prevent the Order's destruction from within, but performing it could kill you. Not an easy burden to bear).



Being a Jedi Consular is as much about being a healer and protector as it is being a fighter, and the story - with it's diplomatic and sacrificial overtones - reflects that. Sorry that

Saving the Order, then saving the Republic by forging an alliance that proves crucial to the war and then saving the Order from an even bigger threat

doesn't compare to converting one true Sith.

Edited by Berethos
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Acts 2 and 3 did not feel Consular specific at all. Act 1 and the prologue were the only acts that really felt like it could only belong to a Jedi because it is the only act that had anything to do with the force.


Except for the parts involving Nadia they could have been generic world quests because I saw no reason why any of the other classes wouldn't be doing these same things as well.


I really didn't notice when the war began or ended because the quest does such an abyssmal job of getting that information across and doesn't it make it clear why securing Corelia would win the war that I wasn't aware we were in. Nor why a bunch of rag tag planets, 50 commandos and 5 cow aliens were able to beat an enemy that an alliance of billions could not defeat.


Maybe I am the only person who liked the prologue and Act 1?

Edited by Ellisande
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I'm on Chapter 3 now and I'm enjoying it. Must better in terms of real problems and helping the Republic. Just an update. But I disagree with people who say it's not Consular like. It is as they described it, consulars are masters of diplomacy, this is what they do. However I would have went another way, but whatever. Still good.
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I was pretty disappointed with Act 1. Once you get off Coruscant it become EXTREMELY repetitive until Act 2. Things get spicy for a bit, but then become terribly repetitive again.


I'm really dissapointed that this got through to the public. How can any story based development team justify such a ridiculously repetitive storyline, that repeats the same cycle twice? This was not inventive immersive storytelling, it was like watching the same terrible episode of a bad TV show over and over.



For those who have completed it...my example...



Act 1 = Oh noes! All these Jedi Masters have been corrupted by a dark influence! I wonder if this one on this planet is too?!?!?! Oh yeah...he is too. Kill or shield them all, get to guy responsible, rain on his parade.


Act 2 = Different stuff for a little while. Oh hey. These random peeps are Children of the Emperor. They don't know it. Surprise! They are being controlled by a dark power (AGAIN?!?!?! FFS). Clear planet, kill them, move on. Rinse repeat. Hey its the First Son, poop in his cornflakes. Done.


Lame. Repetitive and lame.





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I'm level 45, the consulars storyline is easily the worst on the republics side. Its boring, lame and incredibly 1 dimensional. add in that fights are all tank and spank, with me throing the occaisonal heal at Fess. with the exception of the one when you get Nadia, which was a combination of tank and spank, with me having to pay attention to him to interupt his heals.


Add in, biowares ****up with the darkside options on republic side its no wonder most people are playing sith.


In case you are wondering what i mean, on the sith side, a lightside option comes across as being Magnanimous, while a dark side is just going with who you are. On the republic side, lightside inevitable has you being a pompus turd, while the darkside as a psychotic idjit.


The only quest which came even close to being what i felt a Consular storyline should be was the part on Alderan, and even there you choices were immaterial as it all came down to another tank and spank fight.


I don't think the DS choices for Consular are any worse than the ones I've seen on the SW or SI. It just seems that way due to environment. When you play a Sith you accept that you've been raised in a self-destructive and fascist culture. So when you make a DS choice it just seems like more grist for the mill. While a LS choice seems really daring and as you say magnanimous. I think its a situational thing, as opposed to a "superior" dialogue choice.


Whereas a Jedi in the Republic is expected to do the right thing. So LS can come across as preachy because you often find yourself trying to help people who really know better to not go down the path of evil. While the DS choices just seem jarring because they're fully exposed as arbitrary and needlessly wicked. When you're a Sith killing someone for no reason other reason than to get an order of evil pancakes doesn't seem like a big deal because well you're a Sith. Sith do stupid things like that.


Having seen the story lines for SW, SI, and JC I really think the JC storyline is more subtle and interesting. The SI quests start off really good by seem to get really weak once you're off the starting world. Sith Warrior starts off REALLY slow then suddenly at the end of Chapter one gets really good. Then after Chapter one SW starts to slow down again.

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I'm level 45, the consulars storyline is easily the worst on the republics side. Its boring, lame and incredibly 1 dimensional. add in that fights are all tank and spank, with me throing the occaisonal heal at Fess. with the exception of the one when you get Nadia, which was a combination of tank and spank, with me having to pay attention to him to interupt his heals.


Add in, biowares ****up with the darkside options on republic side its no wonder most people are playing sith.


In case you are wondering what i mean, on the sith side, a lightside option comes across as being Magnanimous, while a dark side is just going with who you are. On the republic side, lightside inevitable has you being a pompus turd, while the darkside as a psychotic idjit.


The only quest which came even close to being what i felt a Consular storyline should be was the part on Alderan, and even there you choices were immaterial as it all came down to another tank and spank fight.


This is very true.


Especially the " On the republic side, lightside inevitable has you being a pompus turd, while the darkside as a psychotic idjit."


I've seriously come to dislike my character because he sounds like a arrogant douche most of the time. The whole story is very much "go there and save that person" again and again (I've just reached Hoth if you're wondering, so I've done quite a bit).


On the imperial side, I've played Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent up to 20-25 and I've got to say the story is so much better. There is just more choice in the way you can play your character, and you don't have to constantly choose the "good" choice or the "evil" one. For example, with my sage I find myself almost always taking the upper choice, and sometimes middle because otherwise I'm just a plain *** for the sake of being an ***.


Also agree with the combat, it's always tank and spank with Qynzan, although the different configuration of enemies does bring some originality and freshness. However, I'm disappointed that, as a sage healer, a DPS companion just doesn't cut it.


On the good side, I do enjoy playing Sage in flashpoints and PVP.

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I am near the end of episode 1 and I must say the story is probably one of the most boring ones and got me really disappointed. There is totally nothing special in it (well, maybe the moment when you get your lightsaber, that was decent!) and it just doesn't get you feel attached to your character and NPCs around you. The whole idea that you as a rookie Jedi are the only person in the world capable of shielding the Jedi masters from the plague is funny. For the most part of the game you're just looking for old Jedi masters who just lost their mind.


The worst thing is I don't really feel motivated to progress further into the story. I just made a bounty hunter and even though I'm still not even level 10, I can already feel the story is getting interesting and I feel involved.


I think I will re-roll as a Sith Inquisitor because I really like the mechanic (playing a shadow consular is pure pleasure), but just can't stand the bad plot. After reading comments of more experienced players here, I'm even more convinced this is the right decision.

Edited by Killiyan
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I just finished the Jedi consular story as a seer (full healer spec)


I thought it was great. I found it very engaging making me want to come back and play more.


If all the classes hook me like the JC class story did, I have 7 more toons to level. :eek:

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Just started Chapter 3.


It's average story. I actually really liked Chapter 1, really great start. Mystery was good, pacing was good (i really liked the tone and slow pace), little by little we learned more and more. Got me really into the story. Repeative yes, but that was the nature of it. In my opinion fantastic chapter. Maybe most importantly planets and their class quests got point, great way to advance.


Chapter 2 was disappointment. Unlike first chapter, planets had little "reason"...in first chapter you could ask "How" but here "Why". And the chapter ending plot development was a little cheesy for me.


Maybe it will get better in Chapter 3. But as of now i'm a little disappointed.


I'm more and more starting to think i will start my alt as Smuggler before i reach end with Consular.

Edited by AeneasK
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I REALLY enjoyed the consular story, actually.


For one, I think BioWare did a really great job with it with regards to the specs. More than any other class, they were facing a huge disparity in aesthetics of the two specializations. Sages are very much a mystical, spiritual, intellectual type of Jedi--in more peaceful times, more likely to be archaeologists or seers than actual field agents. Shadows, on the other hand, are covert ops--they collect intelligence and follow through with their plans all in secret, and it rarely has to do with unraveling intricacies of the force.


(The only other class that comes close is the Inquisitor, but I see less difference between Assassin/Sorcerer simply because deception is the Sith game--Sidious was a Sorcerer, Maul was an Assassin, but Maul was way less covert than Sidious was).


The story does a REALLY nice job of blending these two distinct options, in my opinion. Without going into detail, you are essentially being tasked with managing a covert Sith operation that is threatening Jedi operations in core worlds. You need to get in and solve the problem without letting word get out, or else it would cause a panic and alienate the Order. It's heavily steeped in both a mystical influence by the dark side of the force, perfect for a Sage, but you are also being tasked with tracking down specific agents, solving any problems they create, and ending the threat before it can cause largescale, permanent damage.


I really love the story, personally. I WILL admit that it's an issue that a certain plot element is way too apparent way too soon (which makes Tatooine and Alderaan's story seem increasingly repetitive). But other than that, I've had no complaints whatsoever about the plot.

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The story elements do get a little repetitive, but I'm enjoying it. In Act III, it becomes pretty harsh diplomacy, in a way. But they story has you being fairly central to potentially winning back entire planets from the Empire, so at least there's a somewhat epic scale to it.
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I finished the class story for Consular last night. I would echo that that the overall plot seems a bit less 'action packed' than others. That said it is mostly appropriate for a Consular who would often find themselves acting as a diplomat or liaison.


What the story really lacks is any plot supporting the Shadow advance class. Act I is all about healing, Acts II and III are heavy on the diplomatic missions (you almost feel like a member of Starfleet), but aside from a quest here and there there are no reconnaissance, spying, or assassination missions. In fact, I don't remember stealth ever coming into the picture.


If additional class plots are added in the future, I hope Bioware ensures they explore all aspects of each class.

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I have to assume the people calling this storyline good are playing it completely light side, in which case I can see the storyline having some minimal amount of merit.


As a Dark V Shadow, I have to say this storyline stinks.


It's bad.


You're decisions are meaningless.


Furthermore, your decisions are retconned (BY EMAIL!) upon completion of the story.


Horrible, horrible, bad.

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I finished the class story for Consular last night. I would echo that that the overall plot seems a bit less 'action packed' than others. That said it is mostly appropriate for a Consular who would often find themselves acting as a diplomat or liaison.


What the story really lacks is any plot supporting the Shadow advance class. Act I is all about healing, Acts II and III are heavy on the diplomatic missions (you almost feel like a member of Starfleet), but aside from a quest here and there there are no reconnaissance, spying, or assassination missions. In fact, I don't remember stealth ever coming into the picture.


If additional class plots are added in the future, I hope Bioware ensures they explore all aspects of each class.


Everything about the quests is about acquiring intelligence. You realize that covert ops is very rarely about actually being literally unseen, right?


You are constantly trying to play forces off against each other and, all the while, managing damage control.


On Coruscant,

you have to infiltrate gang-ruled areas and steal items back from them, all the while trying to discover a cure for your master's illness. You are trying to recover intelligence--its a perfect mission for a covert ops agent. The only Sagey part, really, is at the end where you actually use the cure.


On Taris,

you need to track down a rogue master. All the while you are trying to cover up the disasters he causes and find information about his ultimate goal, then stop it. And the whole time, you are trying to keep information about the plague from leaking. That's very covert, imo.


On Tatooine,

the story is pretty much the same. Except that, this time around, you aren't talking about Republic troops. You are talking about neutral parties whose support the Republic wants. News that a master was organizing the Sand People to attack them would have been devastating.


On Alderaan,

You end up playing the political game, infiltrating enemy bases on rescue missions, hack enemy computers for information, etc. This one is EXTREMELY in keeping with the Shadow.



And the whole story line for act 1 is

about tracking down an enemy SIth agent and stopping him. Who better to employ then someone skilled in intelligence gathering?



The thing is, Shadows aren't Assassins. You are covert ops. Sometimes that includes combat, but it's primarily about gathering information and controlling things from behind the scenes. But, being a Jedi, you do that in a MUCH more forefront manner than what we think of as covert ops might.

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I understand that to a point. But as stealth is a major mechanic to the Shadow AC (at least a couple of the trees), I would expect that there would be at least one 'stealth mission' in the plot. I do not recall any uses of Force Stealth, whether it be literally becoming invisible or obfuscating your existence or intentions from others.


I think overall the story does a decent job covering the intelligence aspect.

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***Spoiler Alert***


Just finished the JC story on Saturday so I can actually review it. My overall feeling is meh, slightly disappointed. I just didn't get that into the story at all. Chapter 3 was the best of the bunch, especially the part where I lost Nadia for a bit. Rescuing her did actually make me want to log on and go to Correlia (sp?).


The structure of the story did make sense to me though, from a class perspective, so it wasn't like BW didn't give it some thought.


Chapter I - Emphasized the Healing power of the JC.

Chapter II - Emphasized the Diplomatic power of the JC.

Chapter III - Emphasized the JC's stalwart connection to the Force and ability to bring someone back from the abyssal depths of the Darkside.


So the themes of the different chapters were not lost on me. The execution just wasn't there. Yes, my JC rescued his Master in Chapter I. This probably would have been great if I really felt any sort of connection to his Master at all aside from title alone, which I didn't. And the Healing stuff was just dull for a DPS/Tank JC.


Chapter II was a bit better. The Rift Alliance at least provided an opportunity for some galactic heroics. But the way the story played out just didn't engage me very much. It didn't seem that far beyond any other story I've ever encountered, and hardly felt Star Wars specific. Balmorra was also one of my least favorite worlds so that didn't help me get into it much.


Chapter III was the best of the bunch. The fact that a large part of the story played out on Voss, my favorite planet in the galaxy by far, probably had a lot to do with my liking it so much. I did like the angles that frequently emerged challenging your JC to turn people away from the Darkside, as opposed to just killing them. To me, that is more the Jedi way, and the subtext made the encounters with the unveiled children more interesting.


I also liked that it had you guessing a bit, although I surmised early on that Master Syo was the First Son. The highlight was the loss of Nadia. I actually cared about this and I wanted to get her back immediately.


That said, I was disappointed. I really think an opportunity was lost on this class story to explore the Force, its real history (a lot deeper than the Prologue), and its universal impact. Perhaps I was spoiled by KOTOR, but I just didn't find the story that engaging and immersive. It was so unimpressive for me that I'm not even inclined to roll an alt to try other class stories, even though I've heard other stories are much better.

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I wonder if I played through the same story as the people who thought Chapter 3 was the best.



They're all equally dry, rushed, and uninteresting.

While we're dealing with some kind of contrived crap about "Sons", the Sith are working for the Emperor or assassinating the Emperor or something... You know, relevant stuff.


There is no "story" to chapter one.

By the middle of Coruscant you have the entire thing unfolded, the rest of it is "Travel to <this place> and heal <this person>" Repeat, end of chapter.


Chapter 2 is playing daycare for some random people from random planets. I felt like a kindergarten teacher trying to change a bunch of diapers.


And the final chapter, I don't even know. Some guy we barely know is a "Son" of some kind, what does it mean? Who knows. Were they possessed or actually evil? Who knows. I won't say "plot holes" but it was very, very shallow.


The only part of this game that didn't tempt my spacebar was Voss. That was very well done, storywise.


On an unrelated note, Corellia is *by far* the best planet in the game overall.

Edited by TaintedSquirrel
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They're all equally dry, rushed, and uninteresting.

While we're dealing with some kind of contrived crap about "Sons", the Sith are working for the Emperor or assassinating the Emperor or something... You know, relevant stuff.


There is no "story" to chapter one.

By the middle of Coruscant you have the entire thing unfolded, the rest of it is "Travel to <this place> and heal <this person>" Repeat, end of chapter.


Chapter 2 is playing daycare for some random people from random planets. I felt like a kindergarten teacher trying to change a bunch of diapers.


And the final chapter, I don't even know. Some guy we barely know is a "Son" of some kind, what does it mean? Who knows. Were they possessed or actually evil? Who knows. I won't say "plot holes" but it was very, very shallow.


The only part of this game that didn't tempt my spacebar was Voss. That was very well done.


On an unrelated note, Corellia is *by far* the best planet in the game overall.


The only part where I don't agree is concerning Act 1 and Corelia. It wasn't meant to come across as a detective novel but as a journey. Sure the trail was already blazed but that doesn't mean it wasn't worth walking.


And there were plot holes. The very beginning of Voss contains a huge plot hole, all of Corelia is one massive plot hole. By the end of Chapter 3 I was still unsure what the point of anything I did in Chapters 2 and 3 was considering I still did everything on Corelia myself anyways and it was unclear why retaking Corelia would instantly defeat the entire Sith Empire.

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My favorite is how we spent an entire chapter "building an army" and we don't ever get to see them in action.


The best we get is a few holocalls where they say things like "I'll attack with my droid army!" and we, the player, never actually see any of it.



I still feel like my Consular did all the work even though they were SUPPOSIDLY involved...

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The consular story isn't bad. I felt the story fit BioWare's vision of the Jedi consular perfectly. This was best put in perspective when i compared the consular story to that of the Jedi knight.


I have finished all of the consular story as my main is a Jedi shadow and have only finished through Chapter 1 of the Knight. (Though I do know what the knight does by the time they finish Chapter 3)



The Consular's story has you doing things that are not as in the limelight as the Jedi Knight, yet if the consular didn't do what they did, the galaxy would have been in a very bad position. You do this by acquiring knowledge, negotiating, and trying to be as peaceful and levelheaded as possible. (Lightside...obviously.) When all else fails and the blasters start firing, you are in a position to alter the tides of battles because of all the work you've done.


The Knight's story on the other hand has you doing things that will be recognized on a galactic scale by the end of the first act. This fits the knight perfectly as they are the ones who the everyday citizen thinks of when they hear the word Jedi. Protectors who are out there wielding their lightsaber to stave off the darkness.


The two classes are different in philosophy but strive for the same goal of protecting the republic and the jedi order.


So basically what I'm saying is that the stories cater to different mindsets.


When it comes to conflict, I personally like to talk things through first before it gets to violence. (Consular)


Others will prefer the more straightforward approach of "Surrender or die, your choice."



: p

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My opinion is that, compared to the Trooper, Inquisitor, and Warrior storylines, it was pretty weak. From a trusted friend's opinion, one of the most boring in the game. When I got my ship, he was spectating and after listening, summed it up perfectly: "Congratulations! You're the Red Cross!" ~_~


Then I hit level 30. I'm not too much into the advanced story line yet, but it seems to have become a lot better. Less Red Cross, more inter-galatic politics conspiracy games. Cooler enemies and missions, etc. I'm enjoying 30+ a lot more than I thought I would, so I'm glad I stuck it out.


My advice? Power level yourself through the slow bit, it's worth the fun at half-time and beyond.

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