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  1. I will give the game kudos on the options for beards and facial hair for male characters, something you don't get much of in other major MMOs. But it seems odd to me that, male or female, NOBODY'S HAIR IN THIS GAME GOES BELOW THEIR SHOULDERS. EVER. You have Twi'leks' Lekku trailing behind and such (although looking a bit jittery from time to time). You have Nautolans and their tentacles and various other aliens with all their cranial tentacular craziness. Why no long hair? If you say the answer is because of clipping with the armor designs, well, all I can say to that is that is bad game design. And I don't expect bad game design from a game that cost me about $60 and $15/mo. on top of that. There are some halfway decent d****** (that word is d-r-a-p-i-n-g, you over-zealous profanity filter, you) physics in the game, but maybe they're just not good enough? Because I can't imagine that it's simply some kind of oversight. It must have been tried and found to be buggy/wanting. Please iron out these issues and let us give our characters long hair.
  2. Yeah... almost like how you would have to do it... IF YOU WERE A CHARACTER IN STAR WARS...
  3. To the OP's message about helping guildies: I'd love to see a "Guild Travel Pass" similar to what guilds have in WoW. That would make grouping up for guild play much easier. Otherwise, I like the immersiveness of travel in the game as it is.
  4. Shadow Hand doesn't seem quite so overbalanced in favor of Empire players. I have players on both sides. On average, Republic fleet will have between 100 - 200 players whereas Imperial fleet will usually have just over 200 on average.
  5. My apologies, I misunderstood your point: I thought you were saying you were specced for healing and didn't need Mako.
  6. Thanks, that's exactly the kind of thing I was wondering about. I will definitely give 'em both a fair shot. At least they both wear the same kind of gear so I don't have to buy tons of gear for 'em.
  7. Currently my BH is a lvl 28 Arsenal Merc. I just recently got Gault as a companion. I put some decent effort into gearing him up and proceeded to tear shiz up in PVE content. As a DPS companion, Gault seems pretty good. However, unless I specifically direct him to attack mobs before I do, it seems he doesn't really jump into the fray until a mob attacks me. This causes a lot of potential DPS to go wasted. Also... I'm a DPS player and now I have a... DPS companion. So I'm having my doubts about Gault. Mako, on the other hand, is always healing me and when she's geared up well does a good job of that. I respect that the game design is such that you get certain companions at certain times for a reason, but I'm having a hard time seeing why I should use Gault when it seemed Mako was doing well. Can a well-geared Mako handle the upcoming content on Alderaan and beyond? Is Gault better for chewing through mobs? I'm leaning towards leaving Gault on the ship and keeping Mako, but I want to get some advice from anyone who's leveled past 28 as an Arsenal Merc and what companion you used and why. Your experience and thoughts are much appreciated. P.S. - I have no problem with Mako as far as story choices and affection go, because I'm playing my BH as a light-sider.
  8. It's not half as annoying as the sound for the corresponding Trooper sounds for the ability equivalent, Gravity Round. You can also stack the buff with Power Shot. It doesn't have to be tracer. WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO SEE: A shoulder-mounted rocket pops up and fires, a la Predator.
  9. Thanks, yeah I know how orange items work. I just wondered if there was any real advantage to equipping a blaster that was specifically for the off-hand slot. Thanks for your reply.
  10. Right now my level 21 Arsenal Merc has twin orange blasters which say they can be used for main hand and off-hand. I ran a flashpoint with another BH who told me that I should get an off-hand blaster because it would do way more damage. I thanked him for his tip and after we finished the flashpoint I searched the GTM for off-hand blasters... And found nothing. And I'm on a very heavily populated server. I'm sure I need to keep looking or perhaps there are great off-hand blasters at higher levels, but for now, my questions are: Is there really that much of a difference between blasters which say they can be equipped in both hands vs. off-hand only blasters? And if so, does anyone know at what levels/locations I can find one? Are there any decent craftables? Thanks!
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