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How is Jedi Consular Story?


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Consualar story is bad so far. Also illogical.



The story centers around you being the only person that can save various masters from this dark plague that turns them to the dark side while draining their power and making the user stronger. What makes it stupid is that you, as the player, learn to stop this plague in a few seconds from a holocron. You then spend your time running around hunting down infected masters and purifying them. While doing this you are constantly reminded that you are the only person that knows how to stop this so you are the Jedi's only hope. Why are you the only one that can stop this? I mean, you learned from a holocron in 2 seconds how to stop it, you couldn't teach someone else? wouldn't it be intelligent to teach someone else? And then there's the fact that you basically just run around the galaxy beating masters like it's nothing. Seriously, these guys were not hard fights. Lord Vivicar was also a huge let down. He goes through the evil overlord "you can't win" speech citing the fact that he has been draining all the infected masters of power and he can now use theirs. Accept, the fight was stupid easy. I didn't really have to heal Qyzen much at all, I just DPSed away no problems. So, you're a Mary Sue with super powers, the council is full of idiots who think it's perfectly fine for one person to know the cleansing ritual while sending you out alone without back up to your potential death even though they know it could be the end of the entire order if you die, and the fights themselves suck and are extremely anticlimactic. Consular storyline so far is bad.


Edited by Dystopic
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On a scale of 1-10, 10 being completely engaging and interesting, Id say a solid 6.5.


Id say is mildly entertaining, but overall underwhelming. You are a jedi with a unique "shielding technique" (what a lame name), and you must go help out all of the other masters, inching closer to lord vivicar. Kinda...boring. Even the steps leveling 1-10 leading up to you obtaining this shielding technique were magoo...finding nueatocons(sp) from ancient jedi we know nothing about and honestly cannot relate to lore wise or emotionally, but somehow help us. Responses are also horrid.



If you want an engaging, very entertaining story, the smuggler story is great! Responses are hilarious, you really feel like you are a PO'd captain that must scour the galaxy to find Skavek, and get your ship back... all the while, you are being hunted by gangsters(forgot the gangsters name).

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I feel mixed about the story. It's fine, but the story gets stuck on repeat from Coruscant until you get off Alderaan. After that the story really takes off though.


Have to agree with this :) I am level 36 and it has picked up a LOT! I'm playing with my hubby (Jedi Knight) and I was soooo jealous of his story, but now... mine is a lot more enjoyable.

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Have to agree with this :) I am level 36 and it has picked up a LOT! I'm playing with my hubby (Jedi Knight) and I was soooo jealous of his story, but now... mine is a lot more enjoyable.


that good because I've actually enjoyed the storyline so far! and only 25...so sounds like its going to get even better.


Of course, I've played MMO's where the storyline is a horrible compilation of crud that s hased together so the dev's can say they had a 'storyline'. So far I'm really enjoying it. Doesn't top LotRO's yet, but well see once I hit alderaan :D

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I played a Sorcerer to the mid 30s and now a Shadow to the high 30s. Between the Sith Inquisitor and the Jedi Consular, there's absolutely no comparison in story. The Inquisitor story blows it out of the water.


I was literally on the edge of my seat in many places during the Inquisitor story. It starts out where you are just coming into the academy on Korriban and you were just a slave... and everyone pretty much treats you like dirt. Especially one guy... and you really, really, really start to hate him. You actually become attached to the story right there, as it's actually eliciting an emotional response from you. You want to kill this dude so bad. You want to make him suffer for being such a piece of work...


And then you get sort of noticed for your accomplishments. He tries to stack the deck against you and you come out on top and you're triumphant, sort of liberated by who will become your first master. And at first you absolutely love her... but then the plot thickens and naturally, as a Sith, you start to despise her too. And it just gets better and better from there. Plus, you are super attached to your companions, especially Khem Val, as an Inquisitor. The end of Act 1 is purely amazing, and going into Act 2 is of course just as awesome... it keeps getting better and better.


The Jedi Consular, on the other hand, really didn't grab my attention in that way. The whole first act was pretty much boring and generic. I felt like a space detective a few times. Mostly I just felt bored. Then it started to pick up a little bit towards the end of Act 1, but really it wasn't anything major. It starts to get slightly better in the beginning of Act 2... but still nothing compared to the SI. I'm on Hoth now, but I just started. It's not as bad as it was, but it's still not very captivating.


From what I've seen of the other stories, I would probably conclude that the Consular story is the most boring in the game. And the armor is the worst looking. But the gameplay... especially in PvP... pure awesome.

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I played a Sorcerer to the mid 30s and now a Shadow to the high 30s. Between the Sith Inquisitor and the Jedi Consular, there's absolutely no comparison in story. The Inquisitor story blows it out of the water.


I remember vividly when i first started my inquisitor as he's coming out of the ship. the scowl as his nemesis bumped his shoulder was completely amazing. after some of the blank stares of the jedi start scenes, here comes this scowl and your like...woah! me and that guy are gonna have words man...


I agree. inquisitor was a fun starting zone (he's only 11, not much time past that). I remember walking out of the dark lords office with those guys on the side...she left first and I almost wanted to yell at her..."dont go! their gonna ambush you!" little did I know they were waiting for me....


hmm perhaps I need to play my inquisitor more. but my shadow looks soo baddass with this saber!


And oddly enough, i like the rocks more then the lightning. weird...I know...

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Consualar story is bad so far. Also illogical.



The story centers around you being the only person that can save various masters from this dark plague that turns them to the dark side while draining their power and making the user stronger. What makes it stupid is that you, as the player, learn to stop this plague in a few seconds from a holocron. You then spend your time running around hunting down infected masters and purifying them. While doing this you are constantly reminded that you are the only person that knows how to stop this so you are the Jedi's only hope. Why are you the only one that can stop this? I mean, you learned from a holocron in 2 seconds how to stop it, you couldn't teach someone else? wouldn't it be intelligent to teach someone else? And then there's the fact that you basically just run around the galaxy beating masters like it's nothing. Seriously, these guys were not hard fights. Lord Vivicar was also a huge let down. He goes through the evil overlord "you can't win" speech citing the fact that he has been draining all the infected masters of power and he can now use theirs. Accept, the fight was stupid easy. I didn't really have to heal Qyzen much at all, I just DPSed away no problems. So, you're a Mary Sue with super powers, the council is full of idiots who think it's perfectly fine for one person to know the cleansing ritual while sending you out alone without back up to your potential death even though they know it could be the end of the entire order if you die, and the fights themselves suck and are extremely anticlimactic. Consular storyline so far is bad.



Someone wasn't paying attention during that cutscene.



It takes the combined teaching of the masters in the noetikons plus several hours to learn the ritual. It says that right before the 2 second fade to black, which is used in this game often to imply longer passages of time.


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I'm level 45, the consulars storyline is easily the worst on the republics side. Its boring, lame and incredibly 1 dimensional. add in that fights are all tank and spank, with me throing the occaisonal heal at Fess. with the exception of the one when you get Nadia, which was a combination of tank and spank, with me having to pay attention to him to interupt his heals.


Add in, biowares ****up with the darkside options on republic side its no wonder most people are playing sith.


In case you are wondering what i mean, on the sith side, a lightside option comes across as being Magnanimous, while a dark side is just going with who you are. On the republic side, lightside inevitable has you being a pompus turd, while the darkside as a psychotic idjit.


The only quest which came even close to being what i felt a Consular storyline should be was the part on Alderan, and even there you choices were immaterial as it all came down to another tank and spank fight.

Edited by Arkene
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Compared to other BioWare storylines, this one was mostly "meh!". The first chapter was downright terrible, the second and third ones got better. But not better than average.


There definitely needed to be a "I am the vanguard of your destruction. You exist, because we allow it. You will end, because we demand it".

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IMO, it's ok overall. I duo quested with a guardian friend and his story line is 50000% better. Chapter 1 is terrible, Chapter 2 is "ok". Chapter 3/Act 3 it picks up though, and is much better. Edited by Barleigh
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In case you are wondering what i mean, on the sith side, a lightside option comes across as being Magnanimous, while a dark side is just going with who you are. On the republic side, lightside inevitable has you being a pompus turd, while the darkside as a psychotic.


The only quest which came even close to being what i felt a Consular storyline should be was the part on Alderan, and even there you choices were immaterial as it all came down to another tank and spank fight.


Not to get too far off topic (these choices are part of the story, after all) but I agree with you on this. The choices are so absurd they're hardly even choices. I'm like, "Whatever, just gimmeh mah light side points."

Edited by Paralassa
quote of bad content
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I just completed Chapter I today. I agree with most people that Chapter I is kinda slow until the end. IMO the weak link in the Act I story was Nar Shaada. The only bright spot is that you get Tharen (who in turn brings Holiday....WIN!!!). The conculusion of Act I was truly epic with all the fights on the ship and ultimately the boss battle. I'm still on a high from it. I can't wait to start Chapter 2.
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In terms of game mechanics, the Sage just "feels right" in my hands, but through the first two planets, I found the story to be nothing special.


Undoubtedly some of it is about mindset. There's a tendency to project your expectations for your character onto them -- you want your character to be an extremely powerful Jedi consular that helps save the galaxy, so in a way that's what your character wants to.


But IMO the consular story fits someone who is not nearly so ambitious ... someone who, at least at first, becomes a hero merely out of circumstance rather than landing on Tython with aspirations to save the galaxy.


The Smuggler story has a similar dynamic and starts off similarly slow IMO...whereas the Imperial stories fit naturally with ambitious characters and the Trooper and Knight stories are a better fit for the "hero" archetype.

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Unlike a great majority of you giving your level 10-30 opinions I have finished the whole story, and I can safely say that the consular story is the most lack luster of all the stories in the game. Especially when directly compared to the Jedi knight story, which I got to experience as I leveled up with one.


At so many turns in the story I saw promise for it to get good, but it never ceased to disappoint. It's like they just threw the newest, most inexperienced writer at this story, and that individual didn't give a damn, or didn't have time to finish it.


The only saving grace for the consular is that they get the master title a whole half of the game before the Jedi knight.


You've been warned.


ps. The consular class is a blast to play though, I like both advanced classes.

Edited by metusodium
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I'm at 34 right now. 1-10 is plain boring compared to the Knight as were levels 10-25ish, but this part was better. Imho, the story gets more interesting when you hit Nar Shaddaa and with the end of Act I I think it's awesome. I love it so far.


What I don't like about the Consular are his colorless/boring companions and the fact that you are stuck with Qyzen for a really long time and Tharan annoys the heck out of me. Can't wait to get Nadia, but level 40 takes sooo looong =_=

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Unlike a great majority of you giving your level 10-30 opinions I have finished the whole story, and I can safely say that the consular story is the most lack luster of all the stories in the game. Especially when directly compared to the Jedi knight story, which I got to experience as I leveled up with one.


At so many turns in the story I saw promise for it to get good, but it never ceased to disappoint. It's like they just threw the newest, most inexperienced writer at this story, and that individual didn't give a damn, or didn't have time to finish it.


The only saving grace for the consular is that they get the master title a whole half of the game before the Jedi knight.


You've been warned.


ps. The consular class is a blast to play though, I like both advanced classes.


QFT. I was leveling to 50 with a trooper and got to see most of his stuff and was just amazed as to how cool and epic it was. The consular storyline just blows, especially if you compare it to the usual Bioware storys they throw around in their games.


Seriously, if you think Chapter I was slow, good luck finding enough incentive to play Chapter II and III. Chapter I is by far the best. You have been warned.

Edited by Rawael
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Seriously, if you think Chapter I was slow, good luck finding enough incentive to play Chapter II and III. Chapter I is by far the best. You have been warned.


I seem to be the odd one out here, I enjoyed chapter 1, thought chapter 2 was good, and am really enjoying chapter 3 (just hit 50 but not finished the story yet) I have not experienced any other classes story yet so got nothing to compare it to.

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I feel mixed about the story. It's fine, but the story gets stuck on repeat from Coruscant until you get off Alderaan. After that the story really takes off though.


Thats what I thought. I'm at lvl 24 and It pretty much just

go to new planet, do 3 main quest, find the jedi master, get him to 1 hp, save or kill him go to new planet.


Wish there was something to mix it up a little more

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Its fine provided you don't feel pressure being the lynch pin for the republic's success against imperial aggression!


i didnt play jedi night i am lvl 27 the story is great and meaning full and iam shadow my self to it saved alot of head ache useing stealth alot : ) on the heroic : the llong good by ' that was easy just stealth in and drop the stuff in and done lol

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