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How is Jedi Consular Story?


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I just completed Chapter I today. I agree with most people that Chapter I is kinda slow until the end. IMO the weak link in the Act I story was Nar Shaada. The only bright spot is that you get Tharen (who in turn brings Holiday....WIN!!!). The conculusion of Act I was truly epic with all the fights on the ship and ultimately the boss battle. I'm still on a high from it. I can't wait to start Chapter 2.


let me know if u finad any romance for the consular i liked havin tharen is coool my first compaion is getting kinda week even with decent gear tharen helped alot of boss fights:D

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I've been enjoying it so far. I was really hoping the Jedi Shadow would be faced with more hard decisions as far as doing what is best for the Order vs saving yourself from the darkness.



I decided to do what was best for the Republic on Nar Shaada by leaving out the Hutt's past but really didn't see the point of sacrificing myself for the better of the Republic in the end.


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I played Jedi Sage until lvl 30 and I wanted to shoot myself, the story is soooo Lame, then I wanted to make a shadow but I could not stand the storyline so I decided to make Assasin, and let me tell you Inquizitor storyline rocks, it is amaizing, now I wanan see the BH, Trooper or Jug how they are....still havent decided yet, if any1 has played these and can tell me a bit about the storylines please do ty
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I played Jedi Sage until lvl 30 and I wanted to shoot myself, the story is soooo Lame, then I wanted to make a shadow but I could not stand the storyline so I decided to make Assasin, and let me tell you Inquizitor storyline rocks, it is amaizing, now I wanan see the BH, Trooper or Jug how they are....still havent decided yet, if any1 has played these and can tell me a bit about the storylines please do ty
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I believe it is all a matter of mindset. I envision my consular as an archaeologist, scholar, and philosopher foremost, and a warrior by necessity. Even in combat, she strives to protect, not destroy (Kinetic Combat). Up until now, she has tried to use reason to defuse situations rather than manipulation, which led to a rather poignant episode on Alderaan when she was forced to kill three guards solely because she did not Force Persuade.


If your Consular is supposed to be Billy Bigmouth, baddest Jedi on Tython, utterly callous to others, then you probably won't care for it much. If she is a humble servant, altruistic to a fault, who seeks to protect, save and redeem not only the weak but also the fallen, then Act I is an epic tale for the ages.

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Trust me people the sith inquisitor has the same problem I mean the first 10 levels of the inquisitor is great! Then the story starts falling flat on its face HARD after korriban after playing JC and SI I just have to say they both have bad writers compared to the other classes imo.
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The story from act 2 onwards is absolutely epic.


Act 1 puts a lot of people off, as it seems like simple groundwork, but looking back on it, I think it was put in to show that the consular is supposed to more of an autonomous agent of the Jedi, than a someone who has the plan giftwrapped for them.

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I'm at level 31 now and to put it blunt it sucks balls.

Maybe it improves a bit later on, but so far its just "A Jedi Master helps a planet, gets ill, cause mayhem, you stop them, choose X or Y repeat" there is very little of interest so far.

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I've just got a Smuggler to level 32 and finished Act 1. I decided to roll out a Jedi, just for a change.


The Jedi story is a bit weak (in my opinion), BUT, getting your LS was awesome, I had a huge cheesy grin on my face for that. And also, I love shadow for sneaking around.


Just to compare, the Smuggler story was EXCELLENT! I mean, really good, the end of Act 1 had my punching the air in delight!

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I love my consular to pieces and overall loved the story with its mystery and intrigue, however upon getting closer to the end I can't help but to be hit by a fair amount of dejavu,

you travel across the galaxy to assemble a kick *** team, towards the end you split into different teams to handle different objectives and your love interest even recites a poem at one point.

I did have to kinda /facepalm at what appears to an incredible lack of originality in the consular story.

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I have not finished the consular storyline. I haven't even finished chapter 1, but, so far, I love it. I thought the Font of Rajivari chain was really cool. Coruscant is a little "sorry Mario, but the princess is in another castle," but years of rpgs have trained me to expect that. Taris didn't have a lot going on, but there were some opportunities to give you a crowning moment of awesome.


I love that it involves research and riddles, as opposed to just "jedi smash!" I love being a supremely gifted force healer/heralded savior. I love that you start doing cool things with your telekinesis. I love that you're always offered opportunities to reason with people and offer them redemption.


Different strokes for different folks, maybe I'll come to hate it, eventually. Right now, though, I think it's awesome.


Of course, if people are going for dark jedi or anti-council jedi, I don't think the story makes any sense whatsoever. If you don't enjoy being Pollyanna Goody Two-shoes, it's probably best to make an inquisitor.

Edited by Jairec
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I love that it involves research and riddles, as opposed to just "jedi smash!" I love being a supremely gifted force healer/heralded savior. I love that you start doing cool things with your telekinesis. I love that you're always offered opportunities to reason with people and offer them redemption.


Different strokes for different folks, maybe I'll come to hate it, eventually. Right now, though, I think it's awesome.


Of course, if people are going for dark jedi or anti-council jedi, I don't think the story makes any sense whatsoever. If you don't enjoy being Pollyanna Goody Two-shoes, it's probably best to make an inquisitor.


now if only that was true, but no, it always comes down to Jedi smash. The only way to talk someone round to your point of view is to smack em down hard and then not kill them. Heck, i helped a Jedi Knight guildie of mine convert a True Sith to the Jedi side while all i was doing was hunting down Jedi Masters who were being really naughty, and it took them 4 missions to come to the same conclusion i came to earlier after being wracked with the unsubtle hints about it. Sorry but as someone posted it really felt like they gave the consular storyline to their least skilled writer, when it really should have been given to their most subtle.

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Act 1 is repetitive get over it. It is the introduction to act 2 though.

Act 1 defines you as meaningfull and skilled, for the plot it is essential that you become this in order to do the things you do in act 2.


Alderaan feels cool as a consular.


Level 38 now and act II has all the stuf act 1 did not have. Heared good things about act III so looking forward to it!



BTW. i feel like i got a major advantage as a shadow on sages. On my last planet i just did all the story quests by stealthing towards the end and sapping single mobs in front of my objectives.


Not having to fight to finish quests ftw!

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Act 1 is just awful. There's one particular key point towards the end of Coruscant that I was legitimately surprised by that I felt was really a great story mechanic, but outside of that you'll basically be doing the same thing for the first 30 levels.


The problem is that the story isn't overly bad, it's that every other story is leaps and bounds better. More action, more events, more interaction, more intensive dialogue scenes, etc. There's more excitement and plot development in the first 20 minutes of most other class's stories than there is in the entirety of Consular's Act 1, short of one scene.


Also, simply put, if you're playing Dark Side the entirety of Act 1 basically makes no logical sense whatsoever. Really as a Dark Side character there's no reason your character should even be free to roam the galaxy, let alone be a part of the Jedi Order or given any sort of meaningful title.

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I believe it is all a matter of mindset. I envision my consular as an archaeologist, scholar, and philosopher foremost, and a warrior by necessity. Even in combat, she strives to protect, not destroy (Kinetic Combat). Up until now, she has tried to use reason to defuse situations rather than manipulation, which led to a rather poignant episode on Alderaan when she was forced to kill three guards solely because she did not Force Persuade.


I agree with this (think someone else brought up character persona as well). I think how you view your consular coming in makes a difference. My picture was a scholar with a hidden (unkown to him) ability at actual combat. He's delighted in discovering that Jedi history and lore. the quiet scholar who avoided combat because of desire, not due to lack of skill. And so far I've enjoyed the storyline.


But I will say that there are others that are very engaging as well. Played a Bounty hunter this weekend, and even with picking mostly Light side choices, the story sucks you in. By the end of Dromond Kaas I reeeeaaallly wanted to kill that mandalorian (anyone who's played the BH will know who I'm talking about), and every time he crops up throwing roadblocks into the hunt, I want to hunt HIM down! The sense of a real struggle is the only thing I miss from the consular story so far....I like the idea, but it doesn't have the same kick as the BH and an enemy that really feels like an enemy. But it fits my scholarly guy :)


On the note of light/dark side choices, yes...I find many of them (on both sides really) to be retarded. My consular is often stuck having to make a political or cold choice that rewards light side points...or its just a weird contradiction. Like I go out to do something good, and i find out that the other person needs it for a good reason too...and I have to make a choice between those two good things, but for some reason one of them gives me dark side points...


Or on my BH, I want to play the Honor bound rebel with a soft spot for people in need...but i find myself having to basically either go back on my word (hows that light side), or be simply horribad (fits the dark side i guess). For the most part it's not so horrible that I can't choose, but I often have to look past to choices to keep my characters persona intact.

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There are no big spoilers below, just a generic overview. Enclosed in tags regardless. Each chapter is very different from the one before it. It's like three stories in one. Levels are approximate.


Chapter 1 (1-30)




Hunting a Sith Lord that is attacking Jedi Masters using an ancient plague. You are dealing with the mess each of the masters makes as a result of the plague, saving them from the plague, and finding as much information about the plague and the Lord so you can track him down and end it.




Chapter 2 (31-44)




Acting as a liaison and diplomat to help a fledgling alliance get off the ground and join the Republic. You travel with their diplomats aboard your ship dealing with their problems, and there's some treachery to make it interesting.




Chapter 3 (44-50)




Play your role in some major galactic events and hunt the mysterious Children of the Emperor.




Chapter 1 is redundant and largely uninteresting until the end. Chapter 2 and 3 are good and much closer to what I expected.


This is a great summary, I wonder if someone can do that for all classes?

Edited by Technotica
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Well on republic side i got lvl 50 shadow and i pretty much cleaned all storyline


i can understand why ppl didnt like storyline of ours, in chapter 1 ure like a detective which travel planet to planet and try to undiscover some dreadful truth... Even chp1 ending is not good enough and it made me "huh? thats it?"


but then storyline speed up itself, you gain power, titles and become very-well respected jedi master... I dont know what others did but even i got lvl5 light side and got pure title i never backoff any dialouge or never "yes sir" or something like that. Stand firm, well respected and if someone act like jerk i put him his place with some agressive answers which like "who the hell are you huh? You know who i am? A MASTER dammit"


i tease my little nadia as much as i can! even i lost some points i really didnt care cause tease dialogues are simply amazing! u can be really meanie but lovely master


well now i got armies, an alliance which can change tides of battle and powerful as republic most unique combination of all galaxy


and i have a cute padawan! my favorite comps are qyzeen (sense of honor and duty) and little Nadia (sense of honor and faith)


by the way our champ sets are awesome, dont care what others say but come on... cool aint it?


ah i played sith inq. and bounty hunter and warrior and beside bounty hunter i really didnt feel much... Yes some conversations are hilarious but generally it gone lika that:


betray betray betray kick someone betray betray betray revenge hate kick kill etc.


yea seriously thats the storyline who want to say "YES! i kicked during school but i kick them in game!" or "my superiors are total *** but in game im the biggest ******"


*clap* *clap* *clap*

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My problem with this story is it's showed how weak and worthless the Jedi Masters are... to let just one sith take over their minds? I mean really ? then fighting them was no where near a challenge... if Act 2 doesn't pick up i'm going back to my inquisitor lol atleast they are sticking to the whole "power hunger" theme
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Like everyone else chiming in, I found chapter 1 to be repetitive. Once, okay. Two times, still okay. But a third and a fourth 'nope, go to the next planet' is blah.


I stopped at 34 so I don't really know what comes next. On the other hand I'm enjoying the smuggler a lot more. There is a clear and defined goal and each planet I land upon I do what I came to do and progress further, y'know what I mean?


Was nice doing the diplomacy angle though.

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I have a level 50 Consular myself and liked the story a lot.


Chapter 1 WAS a bit repetitive but still had a good story to it. The Corusaunt (sp) part in particular was awesome. Sure, technically every planet was a "track down the jedi master" plot, but the masters themselves were memorable enough that it made it worthwhile.


Chapter 2 was my least favorite, but has been for almost every class. I think it must be easier writing a beginning and end than a middle, because it's mostly just gathering allies that only play a real significant part in Chapter 3.


The end of chapter 2 really kick-starts 3 off on a big way. Chapter 3 was simply sweet.


Quick side note, Qyzen Fess may very well be my favorite companion out of the old republic series.

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