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How is Jedi Consular Story?


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The first few levels up to around 15 its was mediocre, and I kept waiting for it to take-off so to speak. Well, I'm level 28 and I'm still waiting.


Basically the story is very much a snooze-fest. Uninspired story telling at its worse.

From what I've heard about the Imp. Agent, they put all their creative talents into that one and had nothing left for the Consular.


And its even worse when you really like the game-play but the main story is just dragging on.


3 out of 10

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I am not a SW fan (at all) and am only playing because my significant other plays. That said, the reason I kept playing was the JC story.


I felt it got very strong around ~30.


My Scoundrel is only 19, and I don't like the story at all yet. I also hate the character's voice :o

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The Knight's story on the other hand has you doing things that will be recognized on a galactic scale by the end of the first act. This fits the knight perfectly as they are the ones who the everyday citizen thinks of when they hear the word Jedi. Protectors who are out there wielding their lightsaber to stave off the darkness.


I wonder when exactly during Star Wars development Jedi Knights transformed from the original warrior-monks based on Buddhism to space paladins "fighting the darkness in their shiny armors with lightsabers".


Sorry but Jedi Consular is the only thing in the game that feels like a Jedi, even though these moments are rare unfortunately. But these moments keep me interested in the story.


Jedi Knight feels and sounds more like some 10 year old's wet Jedi dream after watching Phantom Menace as his first SW movie. LIGHTSABER LIGHTSABERS OMG LIGHTSABERS!!

Edited by Kozor
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I wonder when exactly during Star Wars development Jedi Knights transformed from the original warrior-monks based on Buddhism to space paladins "fighting the darkness in their shiny armors with lightsabers".


Sorry but Jedi Consular is the only thing in the game that feels like a Jedi, even though these moments are rare unfortunately. But these moments keep me interested in the story.


Jedi Knight feels and sounds more like some 10 year old's wet Jedi dream after watching Phantom Menace as his first SW movie. LIGHTSABER LIGHTSABERS OMG LIGHTSABERS!!


If you don't agree with my view of the class archetypes, that's fine. But I think the space paladin thing came into being around episode IV in the first 45 minutes. Something about them being guardians of peace and justice? I suppose it could also be the perversion of the clone wars thing...though that was hinted at around the same point in the same movie.


(There is more than one way to protect peace and justice and the Consular and Knight are supposed to represent two such approaches.)


I agree with them getting the consular's story to line up with the consular archetype quite well. It felt like a Jedi consular to me. But I fail to see how the Knight's story doesn't feel like a Jedi Knight.


I do wonder...what do you think the Knight should be like?


Or perhaps you are implying that I'm little more than a 10 year old who has wet dreams of Jedi swinging lightsabers simply because I thought the story of the Knight (at least through chapter 1) is spot on?

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I am not a SW fan (at all) and am only playing because my significant other plays. That said, the reason I kept playing was the JC story.


I felt it got very strong around ~30.


My Scoundrel is only 19, and I don't like the story at all yet. I also hate the character's voice :o


Yeah the female Scoundrel's voice is very grating.


That has to be the worst voice actor choice in the game.

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If you don't agree with my view of the class archetypes, that's fine. But I think the space paladin thing came into being around episode IV in the first 45 minutes. Something about them being guardians of peace and justice? I suppose it could also be the perversion of the clone wars thing...though that was hinted at around the same point in the same movie.


(There is more than one way to protect peace and justice and the Consular and Knight are supposed to represent two such approaches.)


I agree with them getting the consular's story to line up with the consular archetype quite well. It felt like a Jedi consular to me. But I fail to see how the Knight's story doesn't feel like a Jedi Knight.


I do wonder...what do you think the Knight should be like?


Story-wise I think there should be only one Jedi class and it definietly should be more Consulary than "Knightly". More meditation, less saving worlds. It definietly shouldn't make you say things like "It's both a duty and an honor to serve the Republic" when you accept quests. I've never seen Jedi in movies say stuck up, paladin-ish things like that.



Or perhaps you are implying that I'm little more than a 10 year old who has wet dreams of Jedi swinging lightsabers simply because I thought the story of the Knight (at least through chapter 1) is spot on?


Not at all, was simply stating my off-topic opinion about this issue, which was annoying me for some time. It wasn't a personal attack.

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I started with the Consular, stopped around level 15. I got bored with the main story arc on Coruscant because I didn't feel all that attached to the NPC I was trying to save. I found I got more excited about running errands for the Gree.
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I'm still in Chapter 1, and while the theme of it gets a bit repetitive after Coruscant, I still love the story so far, with its theme of saving others and personal sacrifice (although that sadly has no in-game effects). Tython and Coruscant were definitely very interesting for me with the discovery-of-lost-knowledge hooks. Compared to the Knight's story on those two planets, I'd definitely say the Consular's is much, much better because it gave me a feeling of why I was doing what I did, while the Knight felt like a generic replaceable action hero.
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I'm still in Chapter 1, and while the theme of it gets a bit repetitive after Coruscant, I still love the story so far, with its theme of saving others and personal sacrifice (although that sadly has no in-game effects). Tython and Coruscant were definitely very interesting for me with the discovery-of-lost-knowledge hooks. Compared to the Knight's story on those two planets, I'd definitely say the Consular's is much, much better because it gave me a feeling of why I was doing what I did, while the Knight felt like a generic replaceable action hero.


I desperately wanted to just behead the last few master in Chapter 1 instead of shielding them I was so fed up with their pansy ways. With that said I liked the ending of Chapter 1 even though it was, to me at least, glaringly obvious for quite some time. Too bad there wasn't a /faceslap jedi Council option in the dialog.

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I desperately wanted to just behead the last few master in Chapter 1 instead of shielding them I was so fed up with their pansy ways. With that said I liked the ending of Chapter 1 even though it was, to me at least, glaringly obvious for quite some time. Too bad there wasn't a /faceslap jedi Council option in the dialog.


I killed Vivicar which according to the story was supposed to kill Yuon and other masters I shielded and guess what. Game didn't care. After I returned to Tython, Yuon was still there greeting me with Syo as if nothing happened. Didn't mention anything.


Consular story has ZERO consequences and while the dialogue itself I find much better than JK or Trooper the storyflow design is incredibly primitive and suits fanfic novels much more than games, especially RPGs.

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I find this incredibly tough. I want a jedi as an alt after playing through the smuggler and parts of the trooper... Sage is really interesting to me gameplay wise (much more than the JK).


That said, I also have concerns about the storyline and dialog.... I only played a JC to about 13 in beta so that's not really enough to judge but from what I hear it still lacks compared to the other class quests....


I also find (IMHO) their companions are not half as interesting as the JKs... but I can't get over the gameplay aspects that I really enjoy (ranged DPS, healing, shields, etc).


Very tough choice ahead. Will probably roll both eventually but trying to settle on one is like trying to swim across the pacific. LOL

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I have played throu the whole consular story and I'm really happy I did.

I loved it! Havn't played that much other classes but don't think many of them can compare with consular story. I guess to only stories who could match consular is maybe agent or BH.

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I have played throu the whole consular story and I'm really happy I did.

I loved it! Havn't played that much other classes but don't think many of them can compare with consular story. I guess to only stories who could match consular is maybe agent or BH.


Really? Thats interesting and a bit different than most people seem to think (of course, it's all a matter of opinion).


Can you elaborate a bit? What specifically did you like (less spoilers the better please, just trying to get a general feel). :)

Edited by stayonboard
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Well - I just started a consular and I found the gameplay to be much better than the JK. That said, I didn't find the story, at least starting out to be as interesting.


Im willing to give it a real chance though so hopefully by the time act I closes out it'll be really sharp. To be honest, I was a little disappointed in the smuggler story and what I've played of the Trooper has probably been the best on the republic side (though I haven't finished the Trooper story yet).


I hear Act III for almost all classes are the best - but like most things in SWTOR takes a while to ramp up. I think IMHO that was Bioware's biggest flaw, everything takes a long time to "build up", but of course that's very subjective and not everyone feels the same way.

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i really enjoyed the JC story, yes there were plot holes (whole chapter spent learning a special healing tecnique and never using it again), but i kept asking what next, i played a light side healer to 50, and everything fit. It had really good plot twists, Some of the companions are lacking, im a very big fan of nadia, but not enough padawan/master interaction, but enjoyable none the less.
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Story-wise I think there should be only one Jedi class and it definietly should be more Consulary than "Knightly". More meditation, less saving worlds. It definietly shouldn't make you say things like "It's both a duty and an honor to serve the Republic" when you accept quests. I've never seen Jedi in movies say stuck up, paladin-ish things like that.


Ah, got it. I would agree that, at times, it does feel like the story is forced a bit. (pardon the pun) This could be because they pushed out two class stories when there could very easily have been a single very interesting story if the two were combined. (Heavier on the consulary parts would certainly make it feel more like your traditional jedi.)


Also would have helped with hearing the honor and duty to serve thing so often. > > *chuckles*


Not at all, was simply stating my off-topic opinion about this issue, which was annoying me for some time. It wasn't a personal attack.


Didn't think it was. You were merely emphasizing your point. (Which was well made.)

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The thing is, Shadows aren't Assassins. You are covert ops. Sometimes that includes combat, but it's primarily about gathering information and controlling things from behind the scenes. But, being a Jedi, you do that in a MUCH more forefront manner than what we think of as covert ops might.


I would argue that much of this is the theme for the activities on Nar Shaddaa, esp. the bonus series, which I am over halfway through at this point.

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I (to my knowledge) have completed every quest that is not in an Ops that is open to the JC.


Act 1: Sucks. Boring, a little bit of lore that is interesting but for the most part I slept through it. The ending fight (Lord *****) is good, I mean the whole event not just the one fight.


Act 2: I enjoyed the feeling of this, but felt forced into things happening no matter what. I did like feeling more like a diplomat more than anything in this act.


Act 3: Again I was less than pleased. The "big reveal" was given away a few planets before hand. The end fight was slightly bugged so that wasn't that great. Not a fan of this one.


As for the other major part of the story, companions:


Fess. Got bored with him by the time I left Typhon. His lack of AI was oddly bad. And he did not fit my character at all. (Although he was the best for me for about 20ish levels)


Theran: I'm a healer so I did not get to use Theran (also a healer) much at all. But I disliked his personality 100%. If it were not for Holiday I think I would have just put him in the air lock and hit send.


Zenith: I do not see eye to eye with Zenith at all. but he does a great job with dps and his personality does not feel forced. But again as a healer I could not use him very well at all. (I know some people did though)


Lt. Iresso: Loved him in battle. Once I got him I retired Fess and felt much happier for it. He did come across as a bit whiny at times, but he was over all the best to this point.


Nadia: Her story was a bit... off. But her dps was amazing. And over all she was a very good companion.


Granted I played Light Side/Healer. So if you are a bit darker or more willing to "bend" and not show compassion a few of the others might be better for you.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I've played consular and inquisitor; to me; the consular story is better. I dont understand why people feels it's boring.


Act 1: I guess most of you are mmorpg which never able learn to read so you dont understand what going on during this event. If s.o actually spending time to read the story it's amazing and fitting for the role of consular.


Act 2: With the Republic's chance to win against the Empire is at stake would you still follow your codes ?


Act 3: You have an army at your command but who to trust ?


I believe Bioware had done an amazing jobs on creating these stories; each class story only fit for some people; those that like the actions; those that like to solve mysteries.


I like to observe; to watch; to understand of what lie behind so the story of consular is fitted for me. While playing Inquisitor i did not understand the reason behind the choice of that character.


So i would say to anyone who reads this. Do not chose play just because others tell you to, see what do you like, and chose that class and play.


p/s: Well i doubt much people care anyway since mmorpg are all about farming, leveling and pvp. Most cant read

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I personally like the story and find it interesting. Only wish I had more time in real life to play this game, but that's life. However, not all humans like the same things. Therefore, you only option is to try out a consular and see if you like it or not. No one can say if you will like the story or not since each human is unique in their likes and dislikes.
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I am currently lvl 44 and in the middle of act 2 I believe. I am EXTREMELY happy with the story so far. I know a lot of people didn't like act 1 but I thought it was VERY well done. I liked it mainly because it seems like a regular mission that a Jedi would undertake during the course of his/her duties. I mean in all honesty, I didn't expect to start out doing something epic because you start the story as a mere Padawan. I like the fact that your story escalates as you do.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was criticizing the story few pages ago when I was near the end of chapter 1. I finished the whole plot and I wanted to say that it gets better the farther you progress.

The Rift Alliance itself in chapter 2 isn't so great, but you get a lot of NPCs (I don't mean companions) that will be on your ship and will stay with you until the end. They will offer a lot of comments and banters between class quests. Chapter 3 is by far the best in Consular story.


To sum it up: I still don't think it's a great story but it's not that bad either and will get better with your level progression. You just have to get used to your Jedi saying "How can I serve?" all the time ;).


I am still re-rolling as an Inquisitor after Legacy comes out, because Empire side has so much better side quests for all characters. I'm playing a BH Mercenary lvl 27 now and I'm leaving Tatooine. All the quests until now (both story and side quests) were AWESOME when compared to the Republic ones. And no, it's not like you do only evil stuff for the Empire - there are normal people there with normal problems as well.

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