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Everything posted by Grappas

  1. No empty threats. I cancelled my subscription before creating this thread. Really saddens me because I love Star Wars the franchise, as do millions of others but BW and EA in my mind failed in a big way. Don't get me wrong, I love playing the game.........................When there are others to play and interact with. Therein lies the problem. Still no cross server queues, still no rated WZ's, still no 8 man queue. For most servers that means no level 50 WZ's before peak hours and no level 50 FP's before peak hours. So what else is there to do? level another toon to 50 so when I get there, there is STILL no one to play with? I can play a console game if I really didn't want the challenge of playing others. I'm done with this game and seeing as how big a blunder this game turned out to be in the hands of BW, it is unlikely I'll ever buy any future release by them. To those of you fortunate enough to be on a very active server, enjoy. I hope for your sake they make changes soon to keep the joy alive.
  2. ...and the reason why Maras shouldn't get the same type of treatment the sorcs did. Before 1.2 hit, a typical war zone would have 5+ Sorcs. The scoreboard at the end of each WZ would usually look something like this: 1. Mara (Highly skilled and geared annihilation) 2. Sorc 3. Sorc 4. Sorc 5. Sorc 6. Sorc everything else or 1. Sorc 2. Sorc 3. Sorc 4. BH 5. Sorc 6. BH 7. Sorc 8. Jugg Post 1.2 you'll see a ton of Maras in WZ's but not all stacked at the top. Might look more like this: 1. Mara 2. Assassin 3. BH 4. IA 5. Mara 6. Mara 7. Mara 8. Mara The point I'm trying to make is, YES there are plenty more Maras in WZ's. YES we are doing more damage post 1.2 but so is everyone else! YES I play a Mara Annihilation spec. I did before 1.2 and I still do now. I find that nothing has changed post 1.2 except that fights don't last as long 1 vs. 1. Gear and skill make a huge difference. Most people I come across in WZ's 1 vs. 1 (This includes other Maras) I can kill with little issue, except for Tankassins with half a brain in dps gear. The few times I am faced with some other class with equal gear and a good working knowledge of their tools, I will lose 1 vs. 1 to them about 50% of the time. The only people I am dominating are those with lesser gear and tunnel vision lawlwhatarealltheseotherabilitiesinmyspellbook keyboard turning window licking mouth breathers. You want to beat the next mara that comes to rip your face off? simple. Kite, CC when they pop their defensive cd's, and we might as well be wearing wet tissue paper for armor.
  3. Grappas

    Let us be real tea

    I should clarify... I don't expect to survive 2-3 players beating on me unless I severely outgear them. What I meant was being able to live long enough to get the warning out to the rest of my ops group BEFORE I inevitably die to the 2-3 dps'ers.
  4. Grappas

    Let us be real tea

    Little about myself even though I realize there are many people out there with far more experience than I. I hope at least to point out that I do have a decent amount of experience in WZ's. I'm a level 73 valor ranked avid pvp'er. I enjoy SWTOR as much as anyone else, and like anything new, I believe it is still going through it's growing pains but I digress... There have been many complaints about the state of 1.2 and pvp. Most of which are related to either the amount of incoming damage or the lack of healing. While I agree with both sentiments, there needs to be some amount of clarification. Simply stating that ALL damage is too much and ALL healers are useless is an over statement. Are people getting killed much faster? Yes Are some healers not as effective pre 1.2? Yes It is my opinion that incoming damage is too high when there are more than two players on you. Every class has some amount of defensive cool downs. Enough so that no matter what WZ you are in, you can signal for help before you die and protect the main objective (assuming the team is semi competent) before you die if faced with two opponents or less. Damage is no doubt higher than pre 1.2 but it forces you to play smarter, not just mash buttons and chase kills instead of full filing objectives. Working as a team is an absolute must now. It is also my opinion that Sorc healers got boned. Ops, and Commando healers seem to be doing just fine, as are BH healers. Sorcs on the other hand don't seem to survive long enough to make any meaningful contribution to ops healing. Over-all I think incoming damage is fine... If you are in a pre made with competent healers and dps that will protect their healers. Unfortunately that virtually kills solo queueing which will still be the majority of pvp'ers until the rated war zones are in full effect. I solo queued for the first half of today and hated life. I then put together some premeds and the quality of life and enjoyment factor went way up. I think Sorc healer defenses need a boost. Expertise damage mitigation needs a little boost (not much) and commendations for wins/losses need a boost. Fix those three things soon and I think once the general player base gets more comfortable with what to expect with all the new changes and how to better work as a team even while solo queue'ing, you'll see much less QQ.
  5. Honestly.... You suck. I see a lot of standing around and not really attacking anything. Anyone can pvp enough and soak up enough valor points to hit BM eventually.
  6. Sometimes to distract one node while we are capping another I will jump into a group of 3-4 imps. blow all my defensive cooldowns+health pot and still kill atleast one before I die. I think we are durable as ever. Watchman spec by the way so I do get heals on dot crits.
  7. It simply baffles me how so many people struggle with end chapter bosses. Fear not, you are not alone as I see these complaints through out several class forums. Having said that, I can say that without a doubt, assuming your gear is decently up to date (companion as well) then you need to interrupt big damaging spells. Die once or twice on a new boss okay, you are learning the mechanics. Die more than 5 times and it won't matter too much which class or spec you are playing. You are going to struggle if you don't learn to use ALL the abilities of the given class and spec.
  8. I'm barely min level for Voss. No problem at all with Theran out. In fact I don't even use Theran until I hit Bosses or Elites. Nadia is a little squishy but DPS like a mad woman. Stuff dies very quickly but I will say that both companions are geared to the teeth. It makes a huge difference. Don't rely on quest rewards. Get to the auction house or vendor and gear your companions up right.
  9. Kill a droid>Force cloak>Kill a droid>Force Cloak>Kill Geland>Profit
  10. I've played melee and ranged classes in raids in a few MMO's and I don't agree with the statement that melee's is "harder" or you need "more skill". In my experience melee has to be more aware of aoe while managing resources and cd's while ranged usually has more complicated dps rotations, add management and cd's. Both are equally difficult to "master", the get to they same point in different ways. Edit: Melee dps also has to worry about interupts Ranged usually has to worry about grouping
  11. The Good: - End of Chapter 1 - End of Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 is pretty solid so far The Bad: - Most of chapter 1 - Most of chapter 2
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