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Thank you bioware for attempting to tone down the necessity for group content


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While I like the Idea that there will be more soloable content, IMO, I believe that Star Wars is based on a group element. Obi-Wan did not run off to Solo Alderaan. He asked for help.


Well, he needed a ship and Luke just decided to tag along since there was nothing left for him on Tattooine. Obi-Wan did solo the Deathstar and was obviously underleveled for the fight with Vader, so he lost...


The group element in Star Wars is more or less covered with the companions, now if we could bring more than one companion with us in the solomode FP instead of that overpowered droid, that would be nice. I welcome the change towards more solo stuff to do, I don´t mind FPs but I prefer the ones with relevance to the story to be soloable. That way I can tackle them at my own pace without some guy constantly screaming "Spacebar nao!".

Edited by Kendaric
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could not agree more.

for the game that story is very important also lore is interesting since it is the star wars universe lore..there must be solo option for story sake only.

now if you want high end gear..achievements and titles..special mount and armor/weapon skins then you do OP or PVP..both group based..the reward is good enough to encourage people to group up with each other when they want..BUT it wont force them because the story of the game is locked behind group content.

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No, no and no. Just like everyone else is not relegated to my subscription time table, neither should I be relegated to theirs. I need to take care of what I need to take care of on my own time, group or no group. If my sub is running out in the next day, I might want to do some fps and get some other things taken care of before pref restrictions are placed on me. Telling one to either find a guild member or pout about it and wait for you to get around to them on your own precious time goes leagues beyond the realms of audacity & intolerance. This type of attitude just goes to show why being able to solo content is needed now more than ever.


Also people shouldn't have to find guilds unless the content they're trying to access absolutely demands a group such as ops, elder fp, pvp, conquest, ect. Not everyone is into joining social networks and neither should they be herded into doing so just to enjoy story content they're paying for. Just as I don't run around telling people to join facebook & twitter because I have an account, I don't expect them to tell me to delete that account because they themselves don't have one. Not everyone is a social butterfly able to just assimilate into groups at a whim and that should be respected. Guilds are nice, but they shouldn't be a story requirement.


Oh my god do you always feel the need to fight with someone if they don't agree? You're so hostile. Always thinking you're right.

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No offense but your post boils down to "my time is too important to have to deal with other people."


Besides, you need to find a guild that is on your time table. Trust me there are people out there who have similar real life schedules to yours and are online at similar hours to you.


You say that as if it's a bad thing. :o I was going for 'my time & sub is too important to be squandered at other peoples whims', but that definitely works too. My time is too important to have to deal with other peoples hic ups. I have a helpful guild with vc but like I've said before, one shouldn't have to wait at all for any story content. What use are they to my story besides altering it to their liking, taking my creds & loot and making mobs easier to deal with? The former makes the later look extremely insignificant. What group content boils down to is forced camaraderie and teamwork. A shouldn't be subjugated to team with B, C & D to progress because the later can't stand to be alone. Especially when the later might not only have nasty qualities, but be able to boot A out of the content at any time if they don't feel they're up to par. Again, solo is best for those who just want to enjoy the story. It's not like you can't still group in fp anyway, you just won't be a necessity.

Edited by Aeristash
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Oh my god do you always feel the need to fight with someone if they don't agree? You're so hostile. Always thinking you're right.


I'm just giving my opinion :confused: I'm not allowed to give my opinion unless it's at one with the hive mind or something? You're the one contributing nothing but snide remarks to all my responses and I'm the hostile one? Too cute. I like you Noah, but for some reason you just don't like me :p

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There are single player Star Wars games out there. I'd suggest you go looking for them.

Whether you or others like/dislike it, this is a MMO. Which means there will be content you HAVE to group for. Leveling or end game. Don't like it leveling, then skip it. It's that easy, but if you want to do it BW implemented how you have to do it.

I for one want this to continue as a MMO, instead of the route it's starting to take which is a paid monthly single player game. For my single player games, I want to outright purchase them.



Honestly, it's tiring seeing all the "story immersion" people come out of the woodwork proclaiming the glories of BW now, because of this coming expansion. If that is your play style that is great, more power to you. But most of you have the same attitude & comes across as arrogant, annoying, petty, jerks who if we don't agree with how you play or point out another way to help/fix the problem, you attack us.


I still do not understand why so many of you who want story only, and complain about grouping or others ruining your immersion joined an MMO in the first place. Aside from it being SW. You joined it knowing full well what it entitled with this style of game. This was NOT SWG, KOTOR, KOTOR 2, etc... It was never promoted as any of that either. Other than personal people having their hopes up.

Instead now so many of you are trying to get BW to change what this MMO is all about. A Star Wars based game that we can play with other people across the world. But the best thing about this is, that they've not required you to do anything with a group IF you like solo play to level. It's not required to do all heroics, FPs & bonus series in game. Each class only has a different story. The bonuses, FPs, OPs, heroics do not change each time.


Do you not think we all have at one time dealt with the scenarios you mentioned Aeris? That is in part of playing an MMO. It's not pleasurable at the time that it's happening, and some times down right maddening, but you brush it off & let it go.

Instead you've chosen to hang on to it & let it color your whole view of the game.

What if we all did that? Game wouldn't be around much longer. You need to breathe & let it go man. Just because some are like that, not all are. Some of those players you've mentioned are jerks, plain & simple. Others are just ignorant. Instead of belittling them, help them. You might find it goes a long way in changing your outlook. Plus most, if you come across the right way, will welcome advice.


The funny thing is, is so much is still UNKNOWN about this coming expansion. We only know what they've told us, which has been pretty much vague, and what's been mined. Which all equals to NOT a lot.

Yes, we know we are going to have mainly soloable stuff, but who's to say at the end of each chapter to progress on, you don't have to complete a group quest with 4-8 people, that ties it all in?

Or in the middle of the questing there is a specific part of the story that melds with others? You going to come to the forums & cry?


Again solo story content is your thing, fine. But just quit trying to change BW minds on how this game should be. Because there are others who are actually like you, enjoy leveling & stories, that do group up. With friends or spouses, BF/GF, family, etc... Your want is hurting their enjoyment of the game.

For you it's a simple fix, just don't do it. For them it's now a permanent "well crap" problem because it's not like they have an option.



Don't be so selfish that what you want destroys others enjoyment of the game. Because that's pretty much what I gathered from your writings. It's an MMO, let us keep it that way. :)

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As preferred you can still do FPs, so that example is moot.

You keep mentioning time; if your time is that precious that you can't wait around, you do not need to be playing a game much less a MMO. As has been stated before also, FPs are not required story. The ones that are, were made soloable. You're whining about something that has been fixed.

You're the only one with an attitude Aeris, and it's not portraying as a nice one.

Why is it people like you have such hate & animosity toward guilds? Why did you join a social MMO game, to be a stick in the mud, stay to yourself person??

Intolerance has nothing to do with this. *smh* Such misuse of that word these days.


Again, guilds are not required for you to complete your story. What part of that do you not understand? But if you want to do the FPs that are out there, that are not soloable, your best bet is to join a guild that enjoys those, or roll a specific type of toon so you get queue pops. No one has once said, that I've seen, a guild is required to be able to do story stuff.

As it stands each manner of play in this game does not require you to have a guild. The only one that would require you to have a guild would be conquest & that's IF you want the conquering titles. You just want to do conquest, you can do it alone.

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Sorry Rogue, but it's your assumption on what this game was meant to be that is incorrect. It was advertised pre-beta that this game would be a single player experience with mmo features. The intricately voiced dialogue, wheel & decisions further reiterate this. Bioware has always and will always be about the story in their games. It's great you like the group content, but those are just side dishes to the main course which is the story. If you just wish mindless grinding or raiding, then I won't be so rude as to tell you to bugger off, but I will say that maybe this isn't the game for you. I have no need to change Biowares mind because as the xpact shows, we are already of one mind. :)

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Games like this should both offer rich and varied group content, and fastidiously avoid ever making it necessary.


Of course, as long as it's not necessary, there will be those players who complain endlessly about how there aren't enough "real players" who are "good enough to handle group content". :rolleyes: Sometimes I wonder if all the seeming elitism from certain quarters isn't just fear that other players won't bother with some sorts of group content if the game doesn't herd them into it, and that this will make it difficult to find large groups to do that content repeatedly.

Pretty much this.


Whether you or others like/dislike it, this is a MMO. Which means there will be content you HAVE to group for.

If you haven't noticed, the face of the MMO genre has been changing over the last several years. Game developers are realizing that if they want to remain profitable and maximize potential, then "required" grouping is no longer desired (or necessary) in an MMO.


I for one want this to continue as a MMO, instead of the route it's starting to take which is a paid monthly single player game. For my single player games, I want to outright purchase them.

Welcome to the future of gaming. You do realize that EA is a big proponent of "games as a service", right? Always on-line DRM, and things like Steam, Origin, XBox Live, et al. are just the first steps towards paying a subscription service to play any type of game.


Honestly, it's tiring seeing all the "story immersion" people come out of the woodwork proclaiming the glories of BW now, because of this coming expansion. If that is your play style that is great, more power to you. But most of you have the same attitude & comes across as arrogant, annoying, petty, jerks who if we don't agree with how you play or point out another way to help/fix the problem, you attack us.

Seems to me that that description can fit just about any segment of players, especially Raiders and PvPers.


But just quit trying to change BW minds on how this game should be.

Ultimately, it will be up to BioWare to decide what is in the best interests of the game (and profits). However, there are a lot more people, other than just the story fans who need to take that same advice.


Don't be so selfish that what you want destroys others enjoyment of the game.

The same can be said of each and every gamer.

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As preferred you can still do FPs, so that example is moot.

You keep mentioning time; if your time is that precious that you can't wait around, you do not need to be playing a game much less a MMO. As has been stated before also, FPs are not required story. The ones that are, were made soloable. You're whining about something that has been fixed.

You're the only one with an attitude Aeris, and it's not portraying as a nice one.

Why is it people like you have such hate & animosity toward guilds? Why did you join a social MMO game, to be a stick in the mud, stay to yourself person??

Intolerance has nothing to do with this. *smh* Such misuse of that word these days.


How is my point moot? :confused: You can do up to I believe 10 fp a week, only being allowed to loot bosses 3 times a week


Flash points are the story. Where did you ever get any idea otherwise? From the black talon to maelstrom prison to illum all the way to revans fight, fps are story content.


When did I ever display hatred & animosity towards guilds? Again this is your own presumption. I just said that they shouldn't be required to do story content. If there is any animosity here, it's your intolerance for others right not to have you impose on their story. If you absolutely must go through a fp with someone else, so be it, but you won't be a necessity to complete it.


Again, guilds are not required for you to complete your story. What part of that do you not understand? But if you want to do the FPs that are out there, that are not soloable, your best bet is to join a guild that enjoys those, or roll a specific type of toon so you get queue pops. No one has once said, that I've seen, a guild is required to be able to do story stuff.

As it stands each manner of play in this game does not require you to have a guild. The only one that would require you to have a guild would be conquest & that's IF you want the conquering titles. You just want to do conquest, you can do it alone.


When did I ever say guilds were required? It was suggested that people get guilds to get them through story content and I opposed it. Sorry if you didn't quite comprehend that. You say noone has suggested it, but negligence & dogmeat quite clearly state that one should get a guild if they want to run story fp & ops. it's quite clear you didn't bother to read or comprehend my argument before attempting to jump at my throat. I shall not weep to no longer have the chance of grouping with a mean one such as you. Solo ftw :D

Edited by Aeristash
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Flash points are the story. Where did you ever get any idea otherwise? From the black talon to maelstrom prison to illum all the way to revans fight, fps are story content.


Flashpoints, for the most part, aren´t the story... only some of them are and they will be soloable. This includes Esseles/Black Talon, Taral V/Boarding Party, Maelstrom Prison/Foundry, Battle for Ilum, False Emperor in addition to the ones currently soloable as part of Forged Alliances/SoR. The other FPs (Hammer Station, Athiss, etc.) are self-contained and bear no relevance to the story.

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Flashpoints, for the most part, aren´t the story... only some of them are and they will be soloable. This includes Esseles/Black Talon, Taral V/Boarding Party, Maelstrom Prison/Foundry, Battle for Ilum, False Emperor in addition to the ones currently soloable as part of Forged Alliances/SoR. The other FPs (Hammer Station, Athiss, etc.) are self-contained and bear no relevance to the story.


^ this :D

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Don't worry Aeris you are in the right.


While it may upset some purist, but MMO tend to die out real quick if no new blood incoming.

They tried the purist way and it didn't work.


Groups while nice contend for the willing, if forced upon people all the time.

Becomes stale and annoying. One of the reasons I no longer raid ops.

But I can still see the neccessity for Ops. It is more the reason that I ain't going to work for 2-3 people cause they had a bad day.

Or want there shinnies.

But other side Ops are a necessity for those guild who can get along and grow.


Sorry people nowdays are not that skilled or dedicated anymore, it requires the right motivation.

Which we currently do not have, after long day of work. We do not look forward to work again at somebody else pace.

How they made the new FP solo mode was well recieved by all, group or solo players alike.


And people who think everything should be made the old ways, sadly no.

MMO is no longer new, and chasing the eternal carrot gets old.

If there is no new people, the game simply dies out so all those group contents are useless.

While solo content still can be played by new subscribers or new players.

Edited by Drake_Hound
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Why is this topic so much bickering back and forth.


Everyone plays the game differently and no one person is right or wrong. Each person has their own playstyle and that is what we need to remember.


They are taking the flashpoints that are part of the story and making them solo so the ones that like to do the story can see it.


The other flashpoints will stay the same and they are making the operations scaling up in the next expansion.


There are places for everyone and their playstyle and this constant foot stomping "my way is better" "no my way is better" is a bit ridiculous. Enjoy the way you play the game and let someone else enjoy their way and maybe in the progress both will eventually learn to get along and accept different points of view, whether they like them or not.


Have a good week.

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No, no and no. Just like everyone else is not relegated to my subscription time table, neither should I be relegated to theirs. I need to take care of what I need to take care of on my own time, group or no group. If my sub is running out in the next day, I might want to do some fps and get some other things taken care of before pref restrictions are placed on me. Telling one to either find a guild member or pout about it and wait for you to get around to them on your own precious time goes leagues beyond the realms of audacity & intolerance. This type of attitude just goes to show why being able to solo content is needed now more than ever.


Also people shouldn't have to find guilds unless the content they're trying to access absolutely demands a group such as ops, elder fp, pvp, conquest, ect. Not everyone is into joining social networks and neither should they be herded into doing so just to enjoy story content they're paying for. Just as I don't run around telling people to join facebook & twitter because I have an account, I don't expect them to tell me to delete that account because they themselves don't have one. Not everyone is a social butterfly able to just assimilate into groups at a whim and that should be respected. Guilds are nice, but they shouldn't be a story requirement.


Well said

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I agree and wish the Droid companion could be replaced with an actual companion at some point. Even though the team content was never mandatory, I did do a lot of it the first two years and the community became tiring. There is too much drama when all I want to do is run a content and move on with my life. The solo flashpoints are a lot of fun and I prefer the new fps over the old ones.


That is what happens when we get SWTOR instead of a true successor to Kotor. It is 2015 now, there could have been working on a Kotor 4 by now. I am happy they are going back to their fourth pillar and giving people who love story a reason to subscribe again because ops and flashpoints are not enough unless IMO, you are already in a guild that ran content on a schedule.

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No, no and no. Just like everyone else is not relegated to my subscription time table, neither should I be relegated to theirs. I need to take care of what I need to take care of on my own time, group or no group. If my sub is running out in the next day, I might want to do some fps and get some other things taken care of before pref restrictions are placed on me. Telling one to either find a guild member or pout about it and wait for you to get around to them on your own precious time goes leagues beyond the realms of audacity & intolerance. This type of attitude just goes to show why being able to solo content is needed now more than ever.


Also people shouldn't have to find guilds unless the content they're trying to access absolutely demands a group such as ops, elder fp, pvp, conquest, ect. Not everyone is into joining social networks and neither should they be herded into doing so just to enjoy story content they're paying for. Just as I don't run around telling people to join facebook & twitter because I have an account, I don't expect them to tell me to delete that account because they themselves don't have one. Not everyone is a social butterfly able to just assimilate into groups at a whim and that should be respected. Guilds are nice, but they shouldn't be a story requirement.


This so much.

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There are single player Star Wars games out there. I'd suggest you go looking for them.

Whether you or others like/dislike it, this is a MMO. Which means there will be content you HAVE to group for. Leveling or end game. Don't like it leveling, then skip it. It's that easy, but if you want to do it BW implemented how you have to do it.

I for one want this to continue as a MMO, instead of the route it's starting to take which is a paid monthly single player game. For my single player games, I want to outright purchase them.



Honestly, it's tiring seeing all the "story immersion" people come out of the woodwork proclaiming the glories of BW now, because of this coming expansion. If that is your play style that is great, more power to you. But most of you have the same attitude & comes across as arrogant, annoying, petty, jerks who if we don't agree with how you play or point out another way to help/fix the problem, you attack us.


I still do not understand why so many of you who want story only, and complain about grouping or others ruining your immersion joined an MMO in the first place. Aside from it being SW. You joined it knowing full well what it entitled with this style of game. This was NOT SWG, KOTOR, KOTOR 2, etc... It was never promoted as any of that either. Other than personal people having their hopes up.

Instead now so many of you are trying to get BW to change what this MMO is all about. A Star Wars based game that we can play with other people across the world. But the best thing about this is, that they've not required you to do anything with a group IF you like solo play to level. It's not required to do all heroics, FPs & bonus series in game. Each class only has a different story. The bonuses, FPs, OPs, heroics do not change each time.


Do you not think we all have at one time dealt with the scenarios you mentioned Aeris? That is in part of playing an MMO. It's not pleasurable at the time that it's happening, and some times down right maddening, but you brush it off & let it go.

Instead you've chosen to hang on to it & let it color your whole view of the game.

What if we all did that? Game wouldn't be around much longer. You need to breathe & let it go man. Just because some are like that, not all are. Some of those players you've mentioned are jerks, plain & simple. Others are just ignorant. Instead of belittling them, help them. You might find it goes a long way in changing your outlook. Plus most, if you come across the right way, will welcome advice.


The funny thing is, is so much is still UNKNOWN about this coming expansion. We only know what they've told us, which has been pretty much vague, and what's been mined. Which all equals to NOT a lot.

Yes, we know we are going to have mainly soloable stuff, but who's to say at the end of each chapter to progress on, you don't have to complete a group quest with 4-8 people, that ties it all in?

Or in the middle of the questing there is a specific part of the story that melds with others? You going to come to the forums & cry?


Again solo story content is your thing, fine. But just quit trying to change BW minds on how this game should be. Because there are others who are actually like you, enjoy leveling & stories, that do group up. With friends or spouses, BF/GF, family, etc... Your want is hurting their enjoyment of the game.

For you it's a simple fix, just don't do it. For them it's now a permanent "well crap" problem because it's not like they have an option.



Don't be so selfish that what you want destroys others enjoyment of the game. Because that's pretty much what I gathered from your writings. It's an MMO, let us keep it that way. :)




I joined SWTOR cause its a Bioware game, story based not upon a true Bioware backsetting but when KoTFE comes out it will be a true Bioware story setting. I want to take part of it.


It is MY choice if I want to group with someone or not and very happy there is the ability to group or not to group. MMO technically just states its massive players all around you, doesnt mean you have to group with them to do something they just are right there when your out on the field somewhere.


Group content is fine in some cases, other cases its a big deal. I didnt want that light side win or dark side win but got it cause whomever won it caused that tag to happen regardless of choice. Group content choices hopefully wont make it to KoTFE then there will less willingness to group afterwords. Class would be fine as its only one person making the decision, but the rest of it, gets everyone else tagged. Its funny to win a LS choice as a sith in a group content and everyone else got made cause it was a LS win instead of a DS win that is normal to happen.


Now, eliminate the tag and highlight the actual choice regardless of how the cinematics played would encourage people to continue grouping those side missions.


*shrugs* Most of its solo anyways even before SoR. Oricon was horrible to have to group to get story, which is messed up. Story shouldnt get locked out behind group requirements ever. Real life intervenes and messes up too many schedules and that is the point of being capable of playing an MMO while having a choice and the time to group with someone or not.


There tends to be lack of people when I tend to play at my peak hours actually. So that is a problem in of itself. If I want to group, there really isnt anyone to group with then.

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The Oricon way of handling story content was definitely bad but the whole expansion without a single new flashpoint, warzone or operation stinks even more IMO. One thing is allowing solocontent as that is a must but now there's basically zero grounds for playing anything but solo through this new expansion unless you play content that came out before the expansion.


One thing is not liking group content or interacting with other players (but then an MMO isn't really your type of game to begin with), but you also need to consider the state of group content in this game.


The whole "SKIP" issue revolves around there not being a Group Finder mode/option made for automatically skipping conversations so you can have a queue for enjoying the story and a queue for rushing through the place.


Finding a proper guild or group is made harder through the lack of Cross server because the group/guild that fits your playstyle and playtimes perfectly just might happen to be on another server.


The content was never the problem, it was the people playing it. The majority didn't know how to act right.


PUGs definitely have its fair share of scrubs but that's just how it goes with multiplayer games. Properly enjoying group content takes some time investment to find the right people/guild and you're clearly unwilling to make that investment. That doesn't make group content bad, it just means it might not be for you.


No, no and no. Just like everyone else is not relegated to my subscription time table, neither should I be relegated to theirs. I need to take care of what I need to take care of on my own time, group or no group.


If anyone needs to "relegate your timetable" for this guild then you have clearly not found the guild(s) that suits you yet.

Edited by MFollin
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Why is this topic so much bickering back and forth.


Everyone plays the game differently and no one person is right or wrong. Each person has their own playstyle and that is what we need to remember.


They are taking the flashpoints that are part of the story and making them solo so the ones that like to do the story can see it.


The other flashpoints will stay the same and they are making the operations scaling up in the next expansion.


There are places for everyone and their playstyle and this constant foot stomping "my way is better" "no my way is better" is a bit ridiculous. Enjoy the way you play the game and let someone else enjoy their way and maybe in the progress both will eventually learn to get along and accept different points of view, whether they like them or not.


Have a good week.


Well Said.

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With the exception of ops & elder game fps everything should be able to be solo'd.


Aeristash, I didn't quote your full post due to length, but I do agree with your mindset.


Also, I feel totally ok wanting more solo in an MMO. Why?


Because, as ONE example = I'm in my first play through of Mass Effect 3 right now. I find out I "need" to do multi-player to get the galactic readiness to get the 5,000+ point "good ending"... in my SINGLE PLAYER GAME. (screw that, cough, YouTube, cough, but still). This isn't the only single player game I have that does this...


Well, if Multiplayer and Online Only (MP/OO) can overtake most previously single player games like inoperable cancer (ripped this expression off from Zero Punctuation) then I feel totally justified in returning the favour and asking for more / exclusive solo content in MMO games.


As the kids say "inb4" the "it's totally different" crowd...

Edited by DalrisThane
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