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No news from the Cantina yet?


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I'm not sure how reliable this german twitter account is, but it posted some answers from the cantina event, the only interesting one is this:


What about this tweet?

Frühe Entwürfe für #SWTOR: Apokalyptische Galaxis, Weltraumzone, wo man mit eigenem Schiff frei herumfliegen kann, Steuerbare Kampfläufer

Which according to Google Translator means (feel free to correct the translation):

Early designs for #SWTOR: Apocalyptic galaxy, Space Zone, where you can fly around freely with their own ship, Controllable Ruff
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That's what people said about 3D space flight battles.


Then they got it, found that it was only 95% of what they wanted, and went back to whining a month later.


Plenty of people are loving GSF, despite what the few whiners on the forums say, just doesn't help that BW has pretty much ignored it since they implemented it.


And i'm with that other guy, free flight space pve makes me happy in my pants.

Edited by Vember
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Bleh I had hoped they'd blow the fleet up... But I guess it's needed for the 1-60.


Hopefully the new area is where everyone 60+ migrates to. Freaking tired of the soulless stations.



The things about space/hoods sound like your run of the mill questions that get asked every cantina. I seriously doubt it's anything tangible behind that.

Edited by aeterno
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I can only dream of that actually happening... I really hope you're right.


I sorta hope I'm not. I want it to actually be "Customizable head-feathers", meaning that we can all choose to have a tuft of feathers at the top of our heads that can be colored with dyes.


At this point, I'm actually on the side of never allowing changes to hoods, just because the proponents have been so obnoxious about it.


But feel free to hope. At least it would reduce the number of entitled whining.




Actually it would not. But whatever. Looking forward to the actual translation.

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What about this tweet?


Which according to Google Translator means (feel free to correct the translation):


it was an early design and it was cut from the original game, so I didn't find the quote interesting, because it has no information about the expansion. Here is my translation of the quote(The google translation was ok, but it didn't translate the last word):


Early designs for #SWTOR: Apocalyptic galaxy, Space Zone, where you can fly around freely with your own ship, Controllable Walker
Edited by hanebuch
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Early designs for #SWTOR: Apocalyptic galaxy, Space Zone, where you can fly around freely with your own ship, Controllable Walker


Controllable walker? Since we have scout walkers as mounts, i will assume it means controllable heavy walker that can shoot? OMG! gimme it!

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Controllable walker? Since we have scout walkers as mounts, i will assume it means controllable heavy walker that can shoot? OMG! gimme it!


I think the controllable walker is for the other Star Wars game no for this one. Can anyone clarify this?

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I think the controllable walker is for the other Star Wars game no for this one. Can anyone clarify this?


My quote was about things that were originally planned for swtor in the early design phase, but never implemented. The quote has nothing to do with kotfe or the future of swtor.

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