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Only Long Time SWTOR Players Will Remember...


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When The Black Hole was the place to be seen with your fresh level 50 - and the Heroic 4 was hard.


Just before the server merge and whole planets populations was just you alone and endless lockboxes to loot.


A time when you had to find Datacrons for yourself- before people posted the locations/routes on YouTube.


When everyone had 1 or maybe 2 characters.


When the 10-kilometer Killer (Augmented) was the best gun in the galaxy.


The days when you could make millions of credits crafting and selling armour / crystals/ guns etc.


When the fleet and popular planets had 2,3 or more instances with >100 people on each.


15 Servers just for German speakers. and all the old server names like

Fat Man -

Darth Andeddu

Dreypa's Oubliette

Exar Kun

Faustin Academy

Force Harvester

Handmaidens of Atris

Lenico Gargantuan

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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When The Black Hole was the place to be seen with your fresh level 50 - and the Heroic 4 was hard.



And do you remember when dozens lined up to summon and kill Quick-Shot Quarl at Black Hole? He was the shortest lived boss in SWTOR's history I suppose, because a dozen PC (and their companions) shooted him down :D

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Nice trip down memory lane OP. I've been here since beta and EGA Launch so...

d like to throw in a few more:


- Forced pvp flagging through the AoE exploit


- 0.1FPS on Ilum


- No trousers for the Sith Inquisitor except for Supreme Inquisitor, CE Soldier pants and Taris social one


- Everyone must have a unique legacy surname


- Overload / Force wave animation and usefullness


- Iconic class abilities tied to stunned enemies (eg: Bash, whirlwind kick, etc)


- 24 hour cooldown on fleet QT


- no field respec


- having to pay credits to respec




Do I remember:

- When Imperial AOE's were red check


- When there was no "Unify colors" option at launch so people had rainbow outfits. *shudders* check


- The skill tree check


- When there was no group finder check


- Not getting sprint at level 1 check


- Saving up for a speeder at level 25 hahaha i remember this all too well. I only got my speeder on tatooine - check


- When fleet was the only place that had the GTN not true... there was also faction GTN on Dromund Kass and Hutt Cartel TN Nar Shaddaa since day one


- When there was no bind timer check


- 25 second cooldown on giving a gift to a companion check


- When you had to pay for abilities check


- The old "Tracer missle" animation check


- The old "Project" animation check


- Per-planet comms check


- The orange pixel or "The Orange pixel of death" check


- Tranfering your toons to the new merged servers Remember rushing back home from work during lunch hour to quickly book my toon names so I wouldnt lose them during the server transfer :Dl


- DoT's knocking you off your mount check


- The pre-Kuat generation check


- No legacy check. I remember BW tried to hype up 1.2 Legacy as such a big thing to stem the sub bleeding


- No guild banks check.


- No such thing as strongholds check


- No modifiable belts or bracers check


- When the fleet GTN wasn't cross-faction and you had to go to Nar Shaddaa to get cross-faction GTNcheck. As lore appropriate as it was, this was SOOO annoying.

Edited by BaronV
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sword in a box...


Lol... battlebug


Originally Posted by battlebug View Post

can you make sword in box light sword so sword come out when opened? then if sword is back after sword, use light saber on box, and saber will be boxed after sword is out.

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sword in a box...


I was just about to post that lol I'm shocked no one else remembers the glorious battlebug except the poster above.



I miss Overload and Force Wave being a 360 degree AoE knockback. I miss Lord Adraas server, and I also Tion/Rakata/Columi gear sets, some of the best looking shells for my Agent lol.

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Sean Dahlberg.


Daniel Erickson's abs.


Rushing to the computer after class every friday from 2008-2011 for the FRIDAY UPDATE :D Hoping for a timeline video, Class info, reading Threat of Peace... ect.


When the codex was broken... oh wait. :p


Also I would like to add my voice to those who mentioned it taking a ton of work/money to have a saber crystal that wasn't Blue, Green or Red. Now we have buckets of options available instantly. I've always preferred the more traditional ones though.

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Login queue/server charlie foxtrot at launch:

The following new servers have been added for launch!



Introduction of the customizable UI:

1.2 showed up on the PTS this week. Here are a couple of screens from the new UI. The 1st screen depicts the first thing you see when entering the default UI editor. Lots of stuff to play with and it's almost a robust minigame in it's own right. Everything is individually movable and scalable ... EVERYTHING. The 2nd screen is my first test profile layout. You can save multiple profiles.






[EDIT] After having played with the 1.2 patch's UI, playing the regular version is a bummer. I am SO glad they made customizing the UI a high priority in 1.2.

Hello everyone. Now that you’ve been able to use the UI Customization features implemented with Game Update 1.2, the developers would like to request your feedback. In this thread, please post to let us know what UI features or functions you would like to see implemented in the future.


We are already working on a few areas based on your feedback, such as additional hotbars and more customizable buff bars. While we do not have an estimate for when these features will be implemented, we are hoping that more great ideas will come from you!


Thanks in advance for your thoughts. We’re looking forward to seeing your suggestions.


... and the pre-order grace period.


Mask of Nihilus ftw.

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Ilum world PvP etched into my memory pretty hard, I guess.. more so than any other thing back from that day




Mandos/Mercs having their time to shine because people couldn't use interrupt


Operatives two-shotting tanks in warzones


HM Eternity Vault being bugged as hell and feeling almost like a NM


That awesome feeling of playing through your first toon's class story for the first time


Rainbow-coloured outfits


etc etc


Fun times indeed :cool:

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When Early Access to the game itself was about to end and everyone was saying "The noobs are coming".


When Soa was hard


When Rakata Gear was the best.


How bad the Centurion gear was, giving around 41 expertise per piece


How hard it was to get the Battlermaster full set


Seeing only one guy ever Valor Rank 90+ (Rod, at the time, was the highest ranked on my server before the merge)


Seeing Lvl 50s in pvp 10-50 wrecking people without expertise.

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