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Bioware may introduce hardware DRM for KotFE


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I have been hearing rumors from many of my sources, that Bioware may start hardware-locking high-end group content at level 65. What this means is that you may have to have a self-built high end gaming rig to do HM flashpoints, ranked PVP, and ops. The reason I always hear is that it's to prevent "trolling". Basically they don't want some guy running a 10 year old PC going into NiM ops and lagging in the middle of a complicated or intensive fight.


But I, and I think many of you as well, know that this is about money, not trolls. Many large game companies, like EA, have big-business deals with computer hardware manufacturers. This is why most single player games these days (and even some MMOs) require a high-end computer to play. Most of these games will not stop working with mid- to low-end, computers, they are just unplayable, and may overheat your hardware. I have heard stories of people who have their computers crash after playing a recently released game, only to discover that their CPU or graphics card had melted or burned up, especially on laptops. Now I hear talk about companies like EA introducing hardware DRM to their games, even relatively low-end games like SWTOR. Basically what this is, is displaying a little message when you get into the game, that you don't have "authorized hardware", and thus cannot play the game. Some games, mostly online ones, will let you play it, but will restrict certain content to those with said hardware. Others may only allow a minimum low setting, which looks awful and cartoony, to low-end computers.


One of the points I wanted to bring, is that low end computers CAN handle the graphics levels of most modern games, their engines are just horribly inefficient so that the makers of the game get more money from big-business deals with hardware companies. SWTOR's engine is one of the worst of these. I have heard stories of gaming rigs with the best hardware possible having a slow experience on SWTOR. The truth is, is that even ancient computers can play this game, at the highest settings, the engine is just bad, as are most others nowadays.

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First of all many gamers in young ages, play their games with friends in internet cafe's, they will lose more than the 30-40% of their population mostly ages between 15-25.


second of all, their engine sucks meatballs. Soon many of us will have to upgrade.. I run the game in a 6-7 y old cpu. If they lock me out, there is no way to ever return...


instead of spending resources into their stupid ideas, they should upgrade the game engine, if they care so much for the lag. We play the most modern mmos in 2x times the fps we get in swtor, people will be outraged and will abandon the game, if they do such a thing.

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I put my tinfoil hat on and read your manifesto twice, once facing north and a second time sitting in a pentagram of candles and it still sounded like nonsense...


That made me bust out laughing, lol.


Seriously though, that was the biggest load of nonsense I have ever heard. Any reliable links?

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if they do that...


stereotypes like STAR WARS, ELDER SCROLLS is not working. TESO is a proof of that. They cannot rely in star wars name and do such atrocities. It will be a great opportunity for us, to move in star citizen.

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The sad thing is that some seem to believe it.


Strangely enough, Bioware are not interested in limiting the amount of players playing... It's almost as if they want to make money.


I dont, but they did in the past and its a great opportunity to send them a message.

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Oh look! It's fido again!


So now they're gonna hardare DRM end-game content eh?


What's next?


Locking all our characters and holding them for ransom?

Installing malware on our computers to force our browsers to use starwars.com as the startpage?

Making SW:TOR 2 on the frostbite eng... oh wait... someone already used that conspiracy theory...

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According to my sources you will only be able to do level 65 content if and only if you go to the midnight showing of Star Wars Episode VII and while there buy the exclusive BW token that will be sold at the concession stand under the guise of Twizzlers. If you get the golden ticket in your twizzlers pack you can redeem it for an in-game pass to unlock all level 65 content. But they will be limited to 2 tickets per theater only in the midwest.


The unlocked in-game content will bring SWTOR into canon under Disney and will lead into the prequel trilogy that will follow the up coming trilogy that will revolve around Kephess.


At least that is what the voice in my head errr I mean my sources are telling me.

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Thats how internet cafe's works in EU and east... Youngs going there and playing their mmos and dotas... So they will lose customers from that alone...


mmos and dotas feed these companies (internet cafes), thats their resource of getting customers and money.

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According to my sources you will only be able to do level 65 content if and only if you go to the midnight showing of Star Wars Episode VII and while there buy the exclusive BW token that will be sold at the concession stand under the guise of Twizzlers. If you get the golden ticket in your twizzlers pack you can redeem it for an in-game pass to unlock all level 65 content. But they will be limited to 2 tickets per theater only in the midwest.


If you're going to make fun of me, at least do it in a way that makes sense. KotFE comes out before VII, so your mockery isn't funny.

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