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PvP Power Leveling Bug? Rumor?


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Go read the Dev Tracker.


This rumor was laid to rest. At the time of his posting, the Man said the highest level person in the game was significantly lower than what the rumor was leading people to believe (although that might have changed because people are playing like mad and going without food/sleep/etc.)


I would show you a link, but I'm too lazy. Go look on the Dev Tracker Forum for yourself.


Edit: Nevermind..someone posted the Dev response on page 110 of this thread (if you have default number of posts per page on). If you don't, it's a post about 15-20 or so before this one.


Squash the rumors.

Edited by salvadorellama
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level 30's??? damn get a life...


Or perhaps our dear devs should have made content challenging and not a breeze for toddlers to rush through.


Also; the PvP exploit is true, but there's a faster PvE methodt: quest in groups of 4, you clear out the quests so super fast that it's better than the PvP exploit.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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Or perhaps our dear devs should have made content challenging and not a breeze for toddlers to rush through.


Also; the PvP exploit is true, but there's a faster PvE methodt: quest in groups of 4, you clear out the quests so super fast that it's better than the PvP exploit.


Taking your 2 points together it looks like you want content that is hard for a group of four all throughout the entire leveling process?

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Unless you level as fast as they do, you'd end up having to compete with level 50s anyway while you leveled. And if you do level as fast as they do, you'll catch up and get to 50 yourself in a few days anyway.


I level as fast as they do so that's not the issue. My concern is for the success of the game. I publicly predicted this game would sell at least 7M units in the first year and I don't want to ruin a perfect 11 year record of making industry predictions.

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Or perhaps our dear devs should have made content challenging and not a breeze for toddlers to rush through.


Also; the PvP exploit is true, but there's a faster PvE methodt: quest in groups of 4, you clear out the quests so super fast that it's better than the PvP exploit.


This is false, because most of the quest requiring collecting x of y or disabling m of n all require EACH player to fulfill their counter on their own, so questing in a group is actually counter productive.

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I wonder whether they really have a handle on this. Surely if you get the same rewards in 2 minutes as you do in 20 minutes one of the scenarios is messed up? I also heard that people are grouping up and purposely taking turns quitting, one would have thought that is not really 'in the spirit of how things where intended' even if not an exploit.


As to the 'there are no level 30-40 players at the time of this post' statement, I could have sworn there was a L31 character on one of the live streams a significant time before that post? I'm could be completely mistaken so take it a just another interwebz rumour.

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I also heard that people are grouping up and purposely taking turns quitting, one would have thought that is not really 'in the spirit of how things where intended' even if not an exploit.


If you quit like that I believe you earn a "deserter" de-buff, locking you out of re-queuing for 30-45 mins. (At least that;s how it seemed to work in beta, could be they removed that for launch?)

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our highest just finally went to bed a couple hours ago at 35 for a few hour nap. He could be higher if it WASNT for all the pvp he's been doing its actually slower as you level up because you are also getting less xp from quests as you level above them and for kills. Edited by Conindy
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Hello all,


The Live Services and development teams are aware of the reports on this issue, and we're investigating. We'll take appropriate action against any players who are found to be exploiting the game in any way.


Thanks for your patience while we look into the issue.


Take appropriate action against yourself for this catastrophic joke of a launch, it's not their fault you people left the servers almost empty for the first day and a half. The only thing being exploited here is your customers.

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Hello all,


The Live Services and development teams are aware of the reports on this issue, and we're investigating. We'll take appropriate action against any players who are found to be exploiting the game in any way.


Thanks for your patience while we look into the issue.


What a joke, you guys take nearly 2 weeks to answer support issue emails. It's not an exploit. The game is working as intended. So take it on the chin. Just like DDO's recent exploit. Game is working as was planned, so it is not an exploit. It's because of your ghost server lack of population launch.

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It's obviously a bug that needs to be fixed though, even with low population, if you get booted from PvP because there's not enough people, you obviously shouldn't get the xp and credit rewards.


I love how people are avoiding mentioning that part so they can continue exploiting this.


I hope all these power leveled characters get deleted, because if they stay on the servers then this game is absolutely ruined before it even launched.

Fairness and balance are very important in an online game, especially one with a PvP element.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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Why in gods name would you super grind through this game? I feel sorry for the people who make it to 50 before launch because I bet that they skipped thru a boat load of content to get there. This game isn't about getting to 50, its about the journey there with friends I've played with in other MMO's. 14 planets, space combat, flashpoints, warzones, I want to take my time and enjoy the game. End game is limited, its about the adventure to end game at this point and time, so take your fracking time. And considering each class has a different story line unique to its self (yes I know a lot of quests overlap, but then a lot don't), I'll probably have an alt of each class to get a full SWTOR experience. From what I've seen this is an amazing game. You blow thru it trying to get to 50 and then get bored, well that's your own damn fault for thinking this was WoW. Immerse yourself in the game for once, and for crying out loud try and have fun. The Force shall set you Free.




-Tempora Mutantur-


commence flaming in


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1. People should look up, read up on what an exploit is. It's been said over and over again, taking advantage of a design flaw repeatedly for your benefit represents an exploit. Just because the bug is there does not mean one should exploit it for his or her benefit.


2. SR said that people did not exploit this feature. I'd take that with a grain of salt. The flaw is there and it needs to be addressed.


3. It has always been evident that SWTOR is more about the journey than the end-game content. With so much invested in designing pre-cap content it's a shame rushing though it just to hit cap ASAP. I for one love the fact that there is little grinding and that finally levelling is a pleasant, engaging activity. I already have a job, a mmo shouldn't be one as well.


4. You like being the 1st to hit cap for whatever reason; that's fine, but not all of us do, and you have to realise that once you get there it's probably going to get boring, especially considering that this is a new game.

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My 2 cents are if ppl want to power lvl they will find a way, The bigger isseu imo is the pvp bonus there getting


I just left Aion because of the pvp gear difference im not a hard core pvper and when every time i tryed it was like running into a wall, guaranteed the ppl useing this sploit will be the pvp bullys later driving new players away

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Why in gods name would you super grind through this game?


Most likely they're doing it so they can be the first rich players selling all the good gear on the market, equipping their alts with the best stuff to level with, and so they can gank newbies in PVP


Those are the reasons why people power level, and those are all things that will ruin a game's economy, and make new players want to stop playing.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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My 2 cents are if ppl want to power lvl they will find a way, The bigger isseu imo is the pvp bonus there getting


I just left Aion because of the pvp gear difference im not a hard core pvper and when every time i tryed it was like running into a wall, guaranteed the ppl useing this sploit will be the pvp bullys later driving new players away



Except the devs have already checked it out and there IS NOT EXPLOIT. On the occasion where you get in and it dumps you from the WZ, even if you get full commendations, you are leveling more slowly than people who are just out solo questing. Yes, you can accumulate the gear, technically, but 1) you can't use it and 2) you are giving up your ability to level quickly to do so. It's a trade off. What's the issue?

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This is not the full update, yet - I'd like Gabe Amatangelo to weigh in. There is one important thing to note, however.


No-one is 'exploiting' this aspect of the game. We have looked at the metrics across every server, and no-one is earning an unusual amount of experience from PvP Warzones. In fact, when looking at the top-level players in the entire game, they are gaining XP fastest from completing quests. Also as of this morning, our top player on all servers was not in the 30-40 level range. They probably are now, but then they've been playing a lot - and gaining the bulk of their XP from normal quests.


In other words, whoever started this rumor was either confused or deliberately trying to start confusion.


Like I said, I'm tracking down Gabe to talk more about how Warzone XP is allocated and the design decisions behind it. Right now, however, we do not see this as an exploit. In simple terms, a player can gain more XP in the same period of time from normal play than from doing this.


More when I track down Gabe and nail him to a keyboard.


Told you so. Told you this wasn't an exploit.

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