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How to Invite Another Player


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I always help someone kill the boss in a quest or daily area if they engage it ahead of me. I consider it to be good manners rather than standing there and staring at the fight, to make it go faster.


It never occurred to me that could be seen as rude til this thread... lol


So far those I helped dont see it as rude, they find it less time consuming when I help them. Majority seem to realize its not that big of a deal if the target was already engaged by them first. In my case anyways and will still continue to do so unless that person says they dont want help, which if you fire a shot, wait a few moments fire again and wait a few moments they know they are keeping it. It maybe due to other games? No idea, where enemies can be taken by others.

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I always help someone kill the boss in a quest or daily area if they engage it ahead of me. I consider it to be good manners rather than standing there and staring at the fight, to make it go faster.


It never occurred to me that could be seen as rude til this thread... lol


??? I almost never help on bosses unless someone is about to die. Boss is a challenge, and I respect that someone wants to challenge themselves against a boss. Helping on a boss to "make it go faster" is like pushing someone in the line. If I fight a boss, I want to take my time, do it on my own pace.

I hate for example when people help killing bounties. Especially high level killing low level bounty -it is like: hurry up!!!

Just rude.


I don't have a problem killing or helping with ordinary mobs -they are easy anyway, plenty of them so one can kill their own if they really need to, and exp now (with 12 x xp) is irrelevant.

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I always help someone kill the boss in a quest or daily area if they engage it ahead of me. I consider it to be good manners rather than standing there and staring at the fight, to make it go faster.


It never occurred to me that could be seen as rude til this thread... lol


It annoys me on bosses only because I enjoy the challenge. It doesn't annoy me enough to really gripe about it, but if I come across a champion/boss and fighting it solo its because I want to see if I can take it down myself.

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I always help someone kill the boss in a quest or daily area if they engage it ahead of me. I consider it to be good manners rather than standing there and staring at the fight, to make it go faster.


It never occurred to me that could be seen as rude til this thread... lol

It is good manners (assuming it's a daily area). Kill it, start the respawn timer, get "stuff".


If someone wants a challenge, there are plenty of Ops and FPs they can attempt to solo where nobody can interfere. OW objective bosses are absolutely something you help a player kill - it's courteous to every other person who has the same objective.

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[*] Don't ninja mission nodes, chests, or resource nodes while I'm fighting the MOBs guarding them. Swooping in and taking a goal I'm fighting for means you have a snowballs chance in Hades of inviting and my joining you after.

This is why I love playing stealthers. So you needed that chest that badly? Here, have some mobs too.

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It is good manners (assuming it's a daily area). Kill it, start the respawn timer, get "stuff".


If someone wants a challenge, there are plenty of Ops and FPs they can attempt to solo where nobody can interfere. OW objective bosses are absolutely something you help a player kill - it's courteous to every other person who has the same objective.


I don't know about dailies area, I don't do those. Just don't kill my bosses on Alderaan or Voss, there's plenty of objectives for everyone there

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I don't know about dailies area, I don't do those. Just don't kill my bosses on Alderaan or Voss, there's plenty of objectives for everyone there

All depends...do I need to wait for it to respawn as well? If I do, hell yeah I'm killing it with you. Your time and ability to pretend you're an evil sith lord isn't more important than my time.

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I guess the point is manners... and the amount of time it takes to type things in and get a response back.


Usually by the time I type in 'Do you need help?' and get a reply the combat is over. I don't have the ability to type messages and fight at the same time...I'm just slow on the keyboard.


In a way I kinda wish we had some sort of universal in game built in Ventrillo type ability, where you could actually talk to people without having to resort to a third party tool. Then you could ask and get a response in a timely manner. Of course it would probably be pretty strange having a lot of female characters with Bass voices...I suppose it would be a little immersion breaking.

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In This Thread:


Different people have different opinions about different aspects of protocol and decorum in different contexts.


I'm all for ganging up on a boss or whatnot to accelerate the respawn ... regardless whether I tagged it first. I'm also fond of tossing a friendly emote to someone who seems to be waiting for the same spawn I am and then lobbing in an invite. If they decline, and they were there first, I send a message asking if I can join them. If I was there first and offered the invite to help them avoid the respawn wait, I stay alert and keep my ranged Instant attack ready. I've never been second to tag the mob in those instances.


Nodes and chests? Meh. Ninjas end up on my Ignore list, but I never throw a tantrum.


"Helping" me in combat? Absent a key spawn issue (addressed above), "helping" me kill a mob ... or trying to charge in against a group of mobs with whom I am engaged but may not have fully tagged yet ... earns you an automatic trip to my Ignore list. Again, I don't pout or whine. I just add a name to my list and move on.


TLDR: People be different.

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All depends...do I need to wait for it to respawn as well? If I do, hell yeah I'm killing it with you. Your time and ability to pretend you're an evil sith lord isn't more important than my time.


No no, think of it this way, your adding to the "evilness" by killing it with them!


Inquisitor- "Murder and mayhem await!"

Warrior - "There wont be a heart left beating!"

-insert mean and dastardly quip from each other class here-



Edited by XiamaraSimi
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So many rules for inviting you, OP. Somehow all you achieved is that I don't want to invite you after all. (Of course, eloquently and politely written. With most I agree. Nothing bad actually. But still. Too discouraging.)
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I hate for example when people help killing bounties. Especially high level killing low level bounty -it is like: hurry up!!!

Just rude.


Speaking of bounties. I ran one this last time where

1) I get to the henchman beacon and there are two people there ahead of me, a 46 and a 32 (I was on a 25)

2) the 32 takes their turn, the 46 may have fired off a few shots to help (awesome! keep the line moving, guys!)

3) the 46 starts taking their turn, the 32 is standing off to the side throwing heals on them, and...

4) the

5) fight

6) is

7) taking

8 ) forever!!!

9) inspect player -> the 46 has two pieces of gear, in particular his weapon, as empty shells

10) enough time has passed that probably half a dozen different people could have killed this henchman but this 46 has only taken it down to about 80-85%

11) hey look, there are three other instances to choose from! And I'm gone.


See what the level 46 did there? Not the helping the fight ahead of him end a little faster, but gimping his damage output and forcing the person behind him to wait far far longer than was necessary. That was rude. Perhaps /say something and let everybody who arrives before you start jump ahead of you in line if you're going to be experimenting like that.

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Ok regarding the ninjaing of chests, Here is the Secret to not getting ganked by someone.... This game isn't like others in the sense that once you are in combat you can't loot it. IMO if you see a chest just loot the darn thing while the crappy mobs are beating on you.. It is possible to loot while in combat. So from now on if you want a chest and see someone booking for it, just loot the dang thing while in combat! Hope that helps to anyone who is frustrated with that issue... :)
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The real point is more like you're sitting in Mickie D's with a thingy of french fries, and some stranger comes through and nabs a few of them on the way past.

Not ... even ... close. Advance the Inapt Internet Analogy Counter by 1.


In the over all scheme of the universe I'm not going to miss those fries. And considering the nutritional value of said fries, I might even be better off not eating them. That's not the point. The point is a stranger violated my personal space.

You have no analogous personal physical space in a computer game.


I feel the same way when I'm in perfect health and somebody inserts themselves uninvited into my combat situation.

How you feel about it is your business. Your feelings are not going to stop someone from "helping" you if they want to do so.


I want the satisfaction of killing 'my' MOBs myself. I like killing them, it's like eating french fries. And when somebody comes along and takes my kills, however well meaning, well that's like stealing my french fries

Only in your mind. The rest of us know computer game bad guys are nothing like French fries.


If I am going to volunteer assistance uninvited it's generally in the nature of : 1) The other player is nearly dead and their opponent is not 2) I heal them if I'm on one of my healers 3) If the player is out numbered I might stun or hang up one of their opponents, 4) Or, clear the spawn point after they go down so they have a clear area to rez in. But mostly I don't interfere.

So again, you have a highly personalized set circumstances under which "helping" another player (or another player helping you) is acceptable, and other players are expected to adhere to this unknown set of guidelines.




So many rules for inviting you, OP. Somehow all you achieved is that I don't want to invite you after all. (Of course, eloquently and politely written. With most I agree. Nothing bad actually. But still. Too discouraging.)

The term "high maintenance" springs to mind. The part about (and I am paraphrasing) "I will punish you by never inviting you to my group if you ninja my security chest" is particularly entertaining.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I always make sure the targets are tagged (damaged) by the player that instigated the fight first. Then I aid them, they get the credit.


Bounties a challenge?! If not geared properly then yeah, otherwise they are easy. Lost a fight once cause I was thrown away from them and down off a balcony, that restarted the fight.


Anyone that helps me take down my targets, I help them in turn if it was me that started it first.


Expect help can happen regardless, unless your in an instance of your own.

Edited by rocsharr
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I never accept invites for anything, whether asked or not. If it's guild related, I'll ask what it's for so as not to be rude. But I don't like grouping with people for stuff that is easy. Might not be for them, but they need to learn to do it. Now, if we're both tagging the same exact blue clicky quest thingie, sure ninja invite away, but otherwise, I'm a soloer and shall remain so. But I don't mind helping someone if I know for a fact that boss/quest is hard as hell even if they are well geared for their level.
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Bounties a challenge?! If not geared properly then yeah, otherwise they are easy. Lost a fight once cause I was thrown away from them and down off a balcony, that restarted the fight.


I had one on Dromund Kaas once (let's see... it would have been Sogan Sur) that reset on me at least half a dozen times because someone (me, my companion,or maybe even one of his adds once?) got knocked off the platform one way or another each time. Very frustrating. (Summon, fight, almost done.. and he's gone. Summon again, fight again, almost done... and he's gone. Trying yet again... Dangit!)

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I had one on Dromund Kaas once (let's see... it would have been Sogan Sur) that reset on me at least half a dozen times because someone (me, my companion,or maybe even one of his adds once?) got knocked off the platform one way or another each time. Very frustrating. (Summon, fight, almost done.. and he's gone. Summon again, fight again, almost done... and he's gone. Trying yet again... Dangit!)


Ouch, that would be very frustrating and annoying as a pit of fire. That would been helpful having a group then if they kept knocking you off, had a group on Nar Shadaa balcony area. I was knocked off of my own bounty but because their was still someone up top, it remained active, thankfully. :)

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Bounties a challenge?! If not geared properly then yeah, otherwise they are easy. Lost a fight once cause I was thrown away from them and down off a balcony, that restarted the fight.




maybe they nerfed them somehow while I was no hiatus. Bounties used to be a challenge, especially the boss. It was even tagged heroic.

Anyway I tend to avoid crowded places like dailies or most popular bounty places on prime time.

Just don't fit my fun, when the guy that you're supposed to find with your "most impressive investigatory skills" is a beating dummy and people stand in the line to throw a tomato on it.


Speaking of manners, I once met this wonderful Jedi girl (on my gunslinger), she was 55 I was 52. we were both for Alderaan kingpin. I helped her find it, she asked for my assistance in killing, which I obliged. She offered help in my fight, I said I'd like to try solo first. She waited, I didn't manage solo, we killed him together the on second try.

No one was rushing, I let her go first, then she waited for me. No impatient teenagers jumping around, Cool experience.

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maybe they nerfed them somehow while I was no hiatus. Bounties used to be a challenge, especially the boss. It was even tagged heroic.

Anyway I tend to avoid crowded places like dailies or most popular bounty places on prime time.

Just don't fit my fun, when the guy that you're supposed to find with your "most impressive investigatory skills" is a beating dummy and people stand in the line to throw a tomato on it.


;) Somehow that reminds me of that scene in "Airplane" where all those people line up to 'slap' the hysterical woman.


Speaking of manners, I once met this wonderful Jedi girl (on my gunslinger), she was 55 I was 52. we were both for Alderaan kingpin. I helped her find it, she asked for my assistance in killing, which I obliged. She offered help in my fight, I said I'd like to try solo first. She waited, I didn't manage solo, we killed him together the on second try.

No one was rushing, I let her go first, then she waited for me. No impatient teenagers jumping around, Cool experience.


Nice! :)

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maybe they nerfed them somehow while I was no hiatus. Bounties used to be a challenge, especially the boss. It was even tagged heroic.

Anyway I tend to avoid crowded places like dailies or most popular bounty places on prime time.

Just don't fit my fun, when the guy that you're supposed to find with your "most impressive investigatory skills" is a beating dummy and people stand in the line to throw a tomato on it.


Speaking of manners, I once met this wonderful Jedi girl (on my gunslinger), she was 55 I was 52. we were both for Alderaan kingpin. I helped her find it, she asked for my assistance in killing, which I obliged. She offered help in my fight, I said I'd like to try solo first. She waited, I didn't manage solo, we killed him together the on second try.

No one was rushing, I let her go first, then she waited for me. No impatient teenagers jumping around, Cool experience.


Must of been nerfed at some point if they might of been tougher then. My GS, trooper (healer) and sentinel can solo them fairly fast. I do my bounties on less populated times, most of the time myself. I wont be doing anymore once I get 22 more contracts. Just like most of the dailies is done to achieve one goal on picking up dyes, then wont care anymore. And yeah, my healer can blast thru bounties, so I am guessing it had to been changed at some point to allow them to do so if it was challenging at one point. I am unsure if that would be true or not. I doubt it honestly.

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Not ... even ... close. Advance the Inapt Internet Analogy Counter by 1.



You have no analogous personal physical space in a computer game.



How you feel about it is your business. Your feelings are not going to stop someone from "helping" you if they want to do so.



Only in your mind. The rest of us know computer game bad guys are nothing like French fries.



So again, you have a highly personalized set circumstances under which "helping" another player (or another player helping you) is acceptable, and other players are expected to adhere to this unknown set of guidelines.





The term "high maintenance" springs to mind. The part about (and I am paraphrasing) "I will punish you by never inviting you to my group if you ninja my security chest" is particularly entertaining.


why are you getting so upset over a video game bran? first world problem lol

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Some people don't get it. That's OK.


However just to make myself clear:


Good Manners =

Introducing your self and asking before you invite somebody to team or to your guild. Don't spam invites or drop unsolicited out of the blue invites on folks (that's rude).


Ask if somebody needs help before jumping into their combat, or at least waiting until they're down on health and look like their going to die before you intervene.


It's OK to attack adjacent groups as long as you're not pulling them onto a person already in combat. Dragging adjacent groups onto strangers who are already fighting is griefing.


It's not OK to attack a group somebody else not in your team is fighting--they may just want the challenge of fighting that group by themselves. Your well meaning intervention may be unwelcomed. But... I don't think anybody would reject a random drive by healing or sheild...especially if their health is way down.


Don't ninja nodes, chests, mission points, or bosses while somebody else is obviously trying to clear the area to get there. Be patient, other players will appreciate it.


It's all about manners or lack there of.

Edited by Star-ranger
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