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if your 50 now, what are u actually doing?


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It's a pity people throw around the same old cliches.


I've a wife, daughter and job. As well as visiting family at Christmas. All of which have received attention since the game was released.


I have been doing PvP, Datacrons, Flashpoints, crafting, world bosses. I've done all the quests without once spacing through dialogue. I've thoroughly enjoyed the game so far, it's fantastic and I'm savouring every moment.


I'm not flaunting that I'm 50, I'm not rubbing it people's faces as an achievement, and neither are my guildmates.


You obviously have different ideas of spending time with daughter, wife, family. Because on top of these things even more so around Christmas if you have time to level to 50 you are either lying, or paid someone else to do it.

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I still haven't finished Voss, Corellia, Hoth bonus series, Belsavis bonus series, Voss bonus series Corellia bonus series, and all the flashpoints between 40-50. I also haven't even landed once on Ilium yet.


For now though, I shall celebrate my 50 by chilling in my brand new Korrealis Commander. :cool:

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It's a pity people throw around the same old cliches.


I've a wife, daughter and job. As well as visiting family at Christmas. All of which have received attention since the game was released.


I have been doing PvP, Datacrons, Flashpoints, crafting, world bosses. I've done all the quests without once spacing through dialogue. I've thoroughly enjoyed the game so far, it's fantastic and I'm savouring every moment.


I'm not flaunting that I'm 50, I'm not rubbing it people's faces as an achievement, and neither are my guildmates.


Cliches? Oh, the whole having-human-contact thing...it's a shame people regurgitate defensiveness by assuming the same old cliche response is what's being talked-about. Some of us grew past THOSE points years ago. But practically, physically, emotionally and temporally, since the size of the game is as such that if you've spent any decent amount of time with your family (ie without a computer turned on) and friends (out and about - not near anyone's home unless it's a social-interaction party) then how you've managed to get level 50 of every class, gathered all extras, finished every type of crafting and pushed through all of the content for 8 characters in 12/13 days is completely beyond me.

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Wondering why people don't give valor/merc tokens for killing them in open world PVP... also wondering when the casuals will be up in arms because to farm PVP gear the first stage is to get 800 warzone tokens so you can buy a bag that might have gear in it... and tokens.
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[*]Get all my skills to 400 (2x done already).

[*]Raise my companions affection to the max on all of them.

[*]Sell stuff I craft on the GTC to make some money.

1) If you're a normal player, you shoud've maxed crewskills by Level 45

2) Same for affection

3) Money is a non issue, you have exactly two gold sinks for 1,5m. That amount is easily achieved in about one week of dailies.

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1) If you're a normal player, you shoud've maxed crewskills by Level 45

2) Same for affection

3) Money is a non issue, you have exactly two gold sinks for 1,5m. That amount is easily achieved in about one week of dailies.


Max affection on all companions by 45? :D

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1) If you're a normal player, you shoud've maxed crewskills by Level 45

2) Same for affection

3) Money is a non issue, you have exactly two gold sinks for 1,5m. That amount is easily achieved in about one week of dailies.


Please don't make things up. Maxing affection on all companions by 45 is pretty hilarious.


As for gold sinks, there are more than just two 1.5m vehicles in the game.

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Anyone who is level 50 allready have most certainly "rushed" to get there. I was in the second wave of invites in early access....even with that..I have a level 27 Jedi Shadow and a level 10 Jedi knight. But I also am taking my time and I have a life apart from playing video games. There are a ton of players out there like me...so be patient and in time..you will see more and more level 50's. As for me...I am in no rush to get there. Edited by Valkirus
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The game is 6 days old, what did you expect after 6 days, that there would be thousands off 50s to play with?


Most people are still running around enjoying the scenary.


Edit: oh yea and it has been xmas, most people have been doing xmas stuff, insted of power levelling.


Really if youre 50 and got noone to play with, its really not Biowares fault or the games fault.

Edited by davidpop
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1) If you're a normal player, you shoud've maxed crewskills by Level 45


No, if youre a normal player, you just play the game, if youre a "hardcore" in lack of a better word, player you will max everthing out asap.


Just because that is the way you play games, does not mean it is the norm.

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The game is 6 days old, what did you expect after 6 days, that there would be thousands off 50s to play with?


Most people are still running around enjoying the scenary.


Edit: oh yea and it has been xmas, most people have been doing xmas stuff, insted of power levelling.


Really if youre 50 and got noone to play with, its really not Biowares fault or the games fault.




well the game is 14 days old for some people :D

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Fallacious argument


Across all Servers, there are enough 50s to at least do Flashpoints with; just not enough per-server, for every Server


A cross-Server LFG, and cross-Server 50s only Warzone Bracket would solve this problem entirely. We could start getting geared up, and actually play the game, while we wait for people on our individual Servers to get to 50, and then we start Raiding


There is no "problem" to fix. What you are proposing is the wasting of time and resources to temporarily help the people who rushed to level 50 to find more things to do while they wait for other people to get to 50. That makes no sense whatsoever and benefits such a very small percentage of the players that it would be ridiculous for them to do that.

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This is what happens in MMOs now, apparently. Devs make all kinds of content for people to take their time in and enjoy, and players steam roll through all of it in a mad rush to 50.


What about rolling an alt? I believe BW has stated they want people to roll several characters to enjoy the stories.


I'd say that alts are essentially BW's endgame, in a sense. Yes, there's raiding and PVP (features which BW has already stated they want to improve and add to) but with eight different stories and the lion's share of the devs' attention going to those stories, you don't need official quotes to figure out BW didn't design the game to be rushed through solely for endgame raiding.


What about enjoying the stories, or joining a guild and actually getting to know them, so you go back and help out their characters?


I know all of my fellow guildies quite well and one of the principle joys of MMOs are just hanging out in a more colorful social media outlet.

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I hit 50 last night.

I plan to:


  • Go through every planet and make sure i've completed every single mission on each planet.
  • Find all the datacrons on each planet and all the lore objects.
  • Get all my skills to 400 (2x done already).
  • Raise my companions affection to the max on all of them.
  • Improve my gear.
  • Sell stuff I craft on the GTC to make some money.


By the time i've done all that I imagine a lot more people will be level 50.


This ^^


Though I have gone out and found a few of the datacrons already, the thing is if I can see one as I am walking around questing, I have to keep trying to get to it until I do it drives me completely nuts that I can see it and can't get to it...


At some point in the development of my main I will be most likely starting a guild or joining one if I find one I like. Once you get into a nice guild everyone has a 50 at some point and thats how you can find groups. Its the same in every new MMO because at end game there is not a ton of stuff to do...yet




The reason you do the things SunwindIon listed is because at some point there will be an expansion, or new content through updates and you want your main(s) to be as ready as they can be when that arrives.

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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Not our fault you don't like PvP, which happens to be one of the few things you can do solo at max level.


Guess you like paying to play only parts of a game.


Seems like you got ripped off OP.


Better make another complaint thread, should solve your boredom.

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If you're already level 50, you have to of played at least 10 hours a day from the 13th til today, probably more. Thats 120 hours at least of game play in under 2 weeks. The majority of players do not have that amount of time to play.


I would say most of the people who are hardcore gamers and have a full time job, family, or other real life responsibilities, are probably in the 30s range. I'm only level 31, got in on the 15th, and have put in almost 60 hours of game play. That's an average of 6 hours a day playing, and I didnt play at all on Christmas. I have a family and a full time job that requires over 40 hours a week, plus shopping and traveling to see family for the holidays. I feel as though I have spent almost all my spare time playing this game since it came out, and I'm only level 31!


I really don't get how you can complain that you're level 50 already, and that there isn't many people to play with. The only people that can be level 50 either took a vacation from work, are college kids home in between semesters who didn't take a job, or are unemployed. Even kids still in grade school just began their Christmas break.


Just be patient, there will be plenty of 50s after the one month mark. If you can't wait, then don't play. You have noone to blame but yourselves. It doesn't matter what MMO you are playing, the population at max level so close to launch date will always be sparse.

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I've been the first 50 on my server for over 24 hours...well...I started doing Illum-Quests for the mods to get myself as ready as possible as a tank could be in this state and then started to do flashpoints as soon as enough of my mates were 50, as well, and were ready to form a group instantly.


There's so much to do and I'm happy with it. :)

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Your kidding me right? I have played a good 6-10 hours every day for those entire 13 days and I am level 34... those who are higher level than me did rush to their level and missed datacrons and other things. They also played many more hours than me... truthfully anyone at 50 right now rushed there most certainly...


6-10 hours a day... in 6 hours I can be level 18 (finish DK), takes 2 hours to do Origin world, then 3 hours to finish DK, add in a hour to harvest slicing and arch nodes. In 6 hours I went from 48-50, just bad if you've been playing since the 13th for 6-10 hours a day and you're only in your 30s.

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I hit 50 last night.

I plan to:


  • Go through every planet and make sure i've completed every single mission on each planet.
  • Find all the datacrons on each planet and all the lore objects.
  • Get all my skills to 400 (2x done already).
  • Raise my companions affection to the max on all of them.
  • Improve my gear.
  • Sell stuff I craft on the GTC to make some money.


By the time i've done all that I imagine a lot more people will be level 50.


This. But all my crafting is already at 400 and I'm sitting at 45. Was farming Red Reaper. Seriously that flashpoint is a 20 minute faceroll for gear.

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