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  1. We actually had it but then some dudes had to cry about it being unfair that Inquisitor becomes Darth and we "only" get that title. So we are Darth now as well and are no longer iconic.
  2. Hallo fellow Juggernauts, after being 50 for a while now and testing Hardmodes over and over and reading a lot of other Juggernauts, saying that we were not that good as we could be I can only agree to a certain level. There are some minor issues with us at the moment that hold us back from our full potential. I, myself, will only focus on the tanking aspect, namely the Immortal tree, as I have close to zero experience in making damage with this AC. Well here we go: Basically we are able to absorb/defend damage the better our gear gets but at the beginning with the first few epic mods in our orange gear and maybe 1 or two epic items even, our absorb/defense is not that high that we were able to say that our healer is easy with us. At the moment, it is like being on a rollercoaster when watching my healthbar while going down my skill priority list so here's some of the ideas that came to my mind: Sonic Barrier: Change talent to: 1/2: Force Scream has a 50% chance to grant Sonic Barrier, which absorbs damage determined by your defense rating. Lasts 10 seconds. 2/2: Force Scream has a 100% chance to grant Sonic Barrier, which absorbs damage determined by your defense rating. Lasts 10 seconds. Let the formular then be something like half our defence rating * 50 as the total absorb. Maybe tweak around a bit untill it is more than around 250-400 (can not say exactly, just what I think it aprox. absorbs). This way sonic barrier will scale with our gear and not become useless in later tiers of raiding. I am totally aware of the fact that over the whole duration of a fight the small ammounts still add up to a large number but still it is not enough to make up for: 1st: Two talent points spent 2nd: The damage that we currently have to eat which makes our healers sometimes cry and sweat. It does not have to be much more but a little to be able to fend off at least one Boss Auto Attack would be enough already! Invincible: 10 seconds of good reduction for a 3 minute cooldown? The idea itself is nice but since we are reliant on cooldowns (and already have 2 other ones that are very good for their 3 Minutes CD) and I am okay with that here's the next idea: Give us a cooldown we can constantly use to increase our tanking ability. Change Invincible to: Invincible Instant 1 Min. Cooldown Increases your chance to shield incoming attacks by 30% for 10 seconds. Then remove the tier 2 talent intimidation (useless in my mind as PvP-Damage-Jugs can already skill Gravity and Backhand's cooldown on 1 minute is that high that I always have enough rage to use, especially with Enrage and 3/3 Sweeping Fury) and add a new talent instead: Defender: 1/2: Increases the duration of Invincible by 2.5 seconds. 2/2: Increases the duration of Invincible by 5 seconds. This would give Intimidation a runtime of 15 seconds every 60 seconds and as shied chance itself is always only a partial absorb we would be able to tweak the incoming attacks a bit. We would get better as our gear gets better and the better our absorb rating becomes and as I doubt that we will be able to ever reach the 100 % Absorb (Rating DR anyone?) it would not be overpowered. Assasins get something similar in Dark Ward on a 12 Second cooldown so I think we're okay with a 1 Minute cooldown and 30% then because there's not much difference in armor rating because their buff brings their armor nearly up to par with us. So much for now from my side. /discuss ?
  3. I've been the first 50 on my server for over 24 hours...well...I started doing Illum-Quests for the mods to get myself as ready as possible as a tank could be in this state and then started to do flashpoints as soon as enough of my mates were 50, as well, and were ready to form a group instantly. There's so much to do and I'm happy with it.
  4. Rosa werden tut man mit Lightside V zumindest nicht, das ist anscheinend Pure Sith Dark V vorbehalten, die Dunkelrot als Hautfarbe gewählt haben...zumindest rennt mein Level 50 Juggernaut unter seiner Kapuze leicht rosafarben rum... oO Bei den Glücksbärchi-Lightsidefanatikern wär aber eine leichte Aura ganz cool, etwas schwächer als die der meisten Jedi-Elite Mobs auf Corellia z.B.
  5. Immortal rocks. Not the big numbers in damage but enough with your sirvivability and CC to tak down everything except specced healers. Just takes a while.
  6. Die Early Access Wellen waren nicht nur da, damit die Startgebiete nicht überfüllt sind, sondern auch, um die Server zu entlasten, außerdem um die Server Caps schrittweise erhöhen zu können. Was viele ärgert ist, dass sie trotz Wellen immernoch die selben Probleme haben, wie bei jedem anderen MMO Start ohne Wellen und Tage-gestaffeltem Einlass. Edit: Und 2/3 Stunden in der Warteschlange zu sitzen und von Biowaremitarbeitern gesagt zu bekommen man solle seinen Level 30 Char halt vergessen und auf einem nicht so vollen Server neu anfangen bringt bei vielen, inklusive mir, das Blut leicht zum kochen.
  7. Ich komm mit den Wartezeiten von über 2 Stunden ja noch gerade so klar, bzw. käme, wenn man vom Bioware Staff anständige Aussagen bekäme. Was ich bisher gelesen habe sind für einen Dienstleister/ein Unternehmen absolut unverschämte Aussagen seinen Kunden gegenüber und das ärgert mich. Es kann nicht angehen, was man als Kunde zur Zeit um die Ohren geschmissen bekommt, dass ich mich wirklich frage, ob ich im falschen Film bin. Das letzte mal, dass ich am Freitag auf der Arbeit war, war es noch Gang und Gebe freundlich zu seinen Kunden zu sein, zumindest bei mir im Unternehmen. Da werden Aussagen mit einem Sinn wie (etwas überspitzt) "seid dankbar, dass ihr überhaupt unser Produkt benutzen dürft und nun heult nicht weiter rum, sonst dürft ihr garnicht mehr!" mit einem Gang zum Chef mit kräftiger Standpauke und im wiederholten Fall inklusive Gang nach Hause geahndet.
  8. Wie nett? Es waren, wenn ich mich recht erinnere 4 Wellen angekündigt. Die vierte Welle nun als Bonuswelle darzustellen ist eher etwas...dreist? Just my 2 cents.
  9. Aety

    Stealth Klassen

    Da die Machtklassen sowieso überflutet sind, liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass es ein gutes überdutzend an Assassins geben wird. Ungleichgewicht hebt sich aber relativ schnell auf, da viele Leute meist rerollen, wenn sie merken, dass die Spots in Flashpoints und Operations begrenzt sind.
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