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TOR Content and KoTFE


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I apologize if this has been asked before. But I've been wondering something since KotFE was announced.


I see on the KoTFE page they mention Chapter 1. I understand that is Chapter 1 of the expansion. But I am wondering are we starting Chapter 1 of Act 2, where we start at level 61 and progress on? Or are they deleting the current ToR content when KoTFE goes live and we start back at level 1.

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I apologize if this has been asked before. But I've been wondering something since KotFE was announced.


I see on the KoTFE page they mention Chapter 1. I understand that is Chapter 1 of the expansion. But I am wondering are we starting Chapter 1 of Act 2, where we start at level 61 and progress on? Or are they deleting the current ToR content when KoTFE goes live and we start back at level 1.


You can start at 60 or you can do a streamlined version of 1-60 (I think they're eliminating some sidequests).

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You can start at 60 or you can do a streamlined version of 1-60 (I think they're eliminating some sidequests).


But the main Class storylines will remain after KoTFE is released, correct?

Edited by APhantasm
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But the main Class storylines will remain after KoTFE is released, correct?


Yes. The class quests should be remaining, I have only heard they will be "streamlining" the leveling process... Whatever that means. I wouldn't mind them removing those stupid one and done side quests and only have class/planetary quests left though. The "kill this many dudes and collect this stuff and bring it back here" stuff is something I really hate.

Edited by GelstonJ
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I hope so. I hope the class stories and planet stories from 1-50 still remain in tact.


I hope so as well. Because if they turn around and delete the ToR content they might as well just made a SWTOR 2 instead of an expansion.

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Yes. The class quests should be remaining, I have only heard they will be "streamlining" the leveling process... Whatever that means. I wouldn't mind them removing those stupid one and done side quests and only have class/planetary quests left though. The "kill this many dudes and collect this stuff and bring it back here" stuff is something I really hate.


Yeah I hear ya. Some of the side quests are tedious. We could do without some of them.

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I hope so as well. Because if they turn around and delete the ToR content they might as well just made a SWTOR 2 instead of an expansion.


This is what worries me. Even after KotFE, I still plan on going back and crearing new characters starting at level 1 and enjoy the class and planet quest (not side quest) as well as the flashpoints.


Bioware really needs to talk about this.

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This is what worries me. Even after KotFE, I still plan on going back and crearing new characters starting at level 1 and enjoy the class and planet quest (not side quest) as well as the flashpoints.


Bioware really needs to talk about this.


I'm sure it'll be there ..I think there's a chance the class stories won't be accessible if you start KotFE if you haven't already done it or you have to finish the class story to play KotFE. I guess that's why the instant lvl 60 will have pre - made class story choices

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We shall see. Also what about the planet stories? Not the side quest but the plot arcs? Those are just as interesting and is great while playing them alongside your class story.


From what has been said, they will still be there but they will be repurposed. It sounds like they will be tied in to what companions you can get, sort of like a rep system. Also based on what has been said, you will most likely strictly being doing class missions only outside of fps, heroics, ect while leveling 1-60.

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I hope so as well. Because if they turn around and delete the ToR content they might as well just made a SWTOR 2 instead of an expansion.

I don't know how you people come up with such unreasonable ideas. No content will be deleted. Don't panic. You act like KotFE is the first expansion to a game in the human history, lol. No, all the the years and 250+ millions that went into the core game development and promotion won't be thrown into a bin.

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From what has been said, they will still be there but they will be repurposed. It sounds like they will be tied in to what companions you can get, sort of like a rep system. Also based on what has been said, you will most likely strictly being doing class missions only outside of fps, heroics, ect while leveling 1-60.


And that would be sad if true. The planet stories like on Tatooine, Alderan, and Belsavis are just as interesting as the class quest in terms of plot and cinematics. If they get rid of them that would be truely sad.

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The 1-50 Class stories aren't going anywhere. The investment in making those was much too big, and players love them way too much for that to happen.


Besides, they've already pretty much confirmed that they're staying by saying that if you make a new level 60, the game will assume that they've already done the Class stories, compared to actually making a new level 1.


Also keep in mind that the instant level 60 is a one time deal for free. If you want anymore of them you'll need to get them on the CM. So level 1 is still the standard level for newly created characters. :)

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Think of it this way--they wouldn't be giving people a free level 60 if the new content did not in fact start at level 60.


KOTFE covers level 60-65.


As far as streamlining leveling, I'm hoping that means they get rid of the bonus quests--you know, like if you have a quest to blow up 3 things, you ALSO get a quest to kill 50 NPCs and click 15 more things. Those bonus quests have no story content added but they gimp your xp if you ignore them so I'm hoping that's what's leaving.

Edited by Beltane
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The 1-50 Class stories aren't going anywhere. The investment in making those was much too big, and players love them way too much for that to happen.


Besides, they've already pretty much confirmed that they're staying by saying that if you make a new level 60, the game will assume that they've already done the Class stories, compared to actually making a new level 1.


Also keep in mind that the instant level 60 is a one time deal for free. If you want anymore of them you'll need to get them on the CM. So level 1 is still the standard level for newly created characters. :)


I am not talking about class stories, I am talking about the planet main stories. I hope they dont get ride of them and simply make the 1-50 experience class story exclusive which seems like what they are trying to do.

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Everything that is will remain as it is. KotFE is an expansion, not a new game or reset of any kind.


There might be some slight changes to how the older content is played or rewarded (BW claims they intend to streamline it, to allow more focus on the story), but it is definitely not going anywhere.

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Think of it this way--they wouldn't be giving people a free level 60 if the new content did not in fact start at level 60.


KOTFE covers level 60-65.



That is what I wanted to know. Its just confusing when their KoTFE page lists Chapter 1, 2, 3, etc. So either the Chapters they list on the KoTFE page are Act 2. Or there is no Act 2 and KoTFE is like chapter 5 through whatever, and ToR CM are Chapters 1-4. The Chapters listed on that page again are what are confusing here. And what led me to my original post.

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They are removing anything at all or removing class stories from 1-50 content. Why would they do that :eek: They aren't removing any class stories, side missions on the planets etc, they are just streamlining the class stories more so it will "flow more smooth" so you can experience the main parts of the game better.
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Everything that is will remain as it is.

I don't know about that. Bruce Mclean said:

There are literally hundreds of hours of gameplay across these eight storylines. Now we're just honing in on each one of them [...] You don't have to do the 'now go collect things' side stuff. [...] But we're not taking it out, either. We're repurposing it for the alliance content.

Presumably the alliance stuff doesn't start until level 60, so…that might mean that planetary stories and side quests are off limits until then.


Although, they could repurpose them for alliances, and also leave them in place for the leveling process. I hope everything that is, will remain as it is…

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