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The Season 5 Nexu


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I'm sure those people who got the "exclusive" mounts are really hurting your game play experience.


Really stop complaining, no one is ever happy. The people who earned them should get them either by script or by ticket, and you will get them. Joe Schmoe having a Nexu isnt hurting anyone.


Thanks for the updates Eric, you don't deserve to put up with this garbage.


Yeah because kids who can barely run flashpoints should get full progression pve rewards without stepping in a raid.

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I'm sure those people who got the "exclusive" mounts are really hurting your game play experience.


Really stop complaining, no one is ever happy. The people who earned them should get them either by script or by ticket, and you will get them. Joe Schmoe having a Nexu isnt hurting anyone.


Thanks for the updates Eric, you don't deserve to put up with this garbage.


This is a ***** on a next level. Joe Schmoe having a Nexu erases the representation of the mount. I think they should just throw it on the pvp vendor for a few comms and be done with the thin now, and figure out another trophy for season 5 t1.

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Yeah because kids who can barely run flashpoints should get full progression pve rewards without stepping in a raid.


Again, none of that directly affects you. Ops and FPs are 4 and 8/16 man events. They are closed clique activities.


These mounts are only for standing on fleet or running alone on some planet somewhere. Neither has any direct influence over your pvp ability or your pvp matches.


If you were promised rewards for reaching X rank and did not get them, yes you can be a little upset. Report it and wait, acting like petulant children is shameful.

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Again, none of that directly affects you. Ops and FPs are 4 and 8/16 man events. They are closed clique activities.


These mounts are only for standing on fleet or running alone on some planet somewhere. Neither has any direct influence over your pvp ability or your pvp matches.


If you were promised rewards for reaching X rank and did not get them, yes you can be a little upset. Report it and wait, acting like petulant children is shameful.


This guy's hopeless... can't reason with stupid.

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Again, none of that directly affects you. Ops and FPs are 4 and 8/16 man events. They are closed clique activities.


These mounts are only for standing on fleet or running alone on some planet somewhere. Neither has any direct influence over your pvp ability or your pvp matches.


If you were promised rewards for reaching X rank and did not get them, yes you can be a little upset. Report it and wait, acting like petulant children is shameful.


+1 for using petulant in a sentence


-10 for being a marshmellow.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Hey folks,


We are looking into whom was correctly and/or incorrectly granted the Nexu and how we will proceed. I will pass on information as I have it.




Just another epic fail from biofail :), dont worry one day you will do 1 thing with out screw up :)

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And FYI, I still haven't got the Nexu on my toons.... TY, have a nice weekend!

I just got mine. Opened the mail, went to grab it and got a mail error message and now its gone lol. So much fail.

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Hey folks,


For those of you who were supposed to get the Nexu mount, but had not yet received it, you should be receiving it in the mail shortly.


We know there are questions about the other Nexu that were sent out, and the exclusivity of this reward for PvPers. We are exploring some options, we want to make sure that we come out of this with an exclusive reward for Ranked PvPers. I won't have any further information until next week, but I will let you know as soon as I know more.


Thanks everyone.




With all my heart and will I really hope I am jumping to wrong conclusions here. Are you seriously already backpedalling from the removal of nexu from players that shouldn't have it after this GIGANTIC CRAP and preparing ground for "an exclusive reward for Ranked PvPers"? "AN" exclusive?


If this is true then oh my god, this must be the most incompetent thing I have seen in years in this game. You went back full and strong to pre 1.2. So much amateur for people who should know what they are doing. Bioware Austin standards, it seems.


Hey guys now that we made the best pvp reward useless we aren't really doing anything to fix the issue. But here, get some crap trophy for your stronghold in 1 week, maybe. Have a nice weekend!

Edited by Capote
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People that didn't even do ranked are getting nexus now. Broken script is broken.


yeah. I got it on a merc that did about 15 games and was like 1270 high. didn't get it on a merc that was 1339 high. and I'm pretty sure neither was supposed to get it....?

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Man, now I wish that I wasn't at work so that I could see if I got one and ride it for 5 minutes before they do a server rollback. :eek: Those things look awesome from the pics that I just saw.


It will be interesting to see how this is handled. I would think a server rollback is the only option.


they look pretty dumb to me but...I prefer the speeder that look like they're from episode 6, episode 1, and the rancor. the rest...yeah. iunno. tauntaun was awesome too.

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I'm sure those people who got the "exclusive" mounts are really hurting your game play experience.


Really stop complaining, no one is ever happy. The people who earned them should get them either by script or by ticket, and you will get them. Joe Schmoe having a Nexu isnt hurting anyone.


So they should just add all PvP mounts to the vendors for 10 warzone comms from now on, and Wings of the Architect/Grob'thok mounts for 10 basic comms, right?


By definition, a reward only means something if it's rewarded for completing a set task, preferably a difficult one. Allowing other people to get it who did not complete that task clearly does reduce the value of the reward. It's the reason they don't give Gold Medals to everyone who competes in the Olympics, it demeans what the item represents.


Best option by now is probably just releasing a new t1 reward... unless they find a way to reliably remove the Nexu from non-t1-players. Which is extremely unlikely.


It actually shouldn't be too difficult. The devs have the ability to remove an ability from the gave (e.g. Noble Sacrifice) and remove items from the game (those Grade 9 blue crafting mats that we're converted to "unidentified objects" when they realized they had no use), all they need to do on monday is remove the current Nexu mount from the game entirely, then re-send the exact same mount (as a 'new' item) to the players who were in Tier 1, presumably using a modification of whatever script is used to send out Tier rewards in the first place. Failing that, there aren't that many players who hit Tier 1, make an intern mail spend a day mailing them out manually if there's no easier/accurate way to do it.

Edited by Aravail
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Again, none of that directly affects you. Ops and FPs are 4 and 8/16 man events. They are closed clique activities.


These mounts are only for standing on fleet or running alone on some planet somewhere. Neither has any direct influence over your pvp ability or your pvp matches.


If you were promised rewards for reaching X rank and did not get them, yes you can be a little upset. Report it and wait, acting like petulant children is shameful.

messing up this badly is pretty shameful as well. mind you, I don't gaf about the mount. I don't like it and didn't earn it. hell, I thought it was spam in my inbox. it's a pretty huge fail on the part of BW though. not sure how you downplay that.

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Best option by now is probably just releasing a new t1 reward... unless they find a way to reliably remove the Nexu from non-t1-players. Which is extremely unlikely.


yeah that's my gut feeling too. I'd just give everyone the Nexu and give T1 players something new and special.

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yeah that's my gut feeling too. I'd just give everyone the Nexu and give T1 players something new and special.


The Nexu is a cool mount and should be removed from those who accidentally received it.


It has clear work put into it. What would we get instead, with a similar level of prestige to justify the effort many put in?


Knowing Bioware, it would be a token gesture of their failure. A decoration or a trophy.


I'd love to be proven wrong, and maybe they'll put some effort in to give the tier 1 community a similarly cool mount.

Edited by TheGreatFrosty
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The Nexu is a cool mount and should be removed from those who accidentally received it.


It has clear work put into it. What would we get instead, with a similar level of prestige to justify the effort many put in?


Knowing Bioware, it would be a token gesture of their failure. A decoration or a trophy.


I'd love to be proven wrong, and maybe they'll put some effort in to give the tier 1 community a similarly cool mount.


it'll be something thrown together at the last minute sadly, or a recolour. a nexu with birhgt gold armor and flashing neon lights or something. they're not gonna have time to really put a ton of effort into it. not unless the season 1 winners are gonna be content to wait awhile.


another option would be just to given tier 1 winners a buncha tokens for a season 5, and bring in a vendor with a buncha old old stuff no longer avaliable.

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It has clear work put into it. What would we get instead, with a similar level of prestige to justify the effort many put in?




I actually burst out laughing. dude. it doesn't stand out at all. many mounts look like it. it's very nondescript. you're taking yourself way too seriously. take it away. I don't care. I won't use it anyway. but...it's nothing like the rancor or the walker. the smiling face (reminds me of the chershire cat) is actually stupid looking. but to each his own. thanks for the entertainment.


let's not act as if any other unique mount (for a patch before it gets reskinned!) wouldn't be just as good.

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