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The Season 5 Nexu


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Server roll-back please.


Thank you.


*head-desk* Really?

They're not going to do a server roll back for something as trivial as this, when they didn't do a server roll back for some of the major bugs that have recently happened. lol

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Server roll-back please.


Thank you.

wont i lose all my levels that i got in that timeframe? if so, no thank you


just give it to everyone and make a new nexu mount or something and make sure that that gets to the right people.

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Server roll-back please.


Thank you.


You do realize that a rollback literally screws over everyone who did anything in-game during the rollback period?



That like executing a entire town because 1 person in the town is a lawbreaker. Except not even that since technically none of the players did anything wrong except log into the game.

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You do realize that a rollback literally screws over everyone who did anything in-game during the rollback period?


That like executing a entire town because 1 person in the town is a lawbreaker. Except not even that since technically none of the players did anything wrong except log into the game.


Exactly. Calling for a rollback here is just sheer idiocy. That just screams "I'm a l33t pvper! I am the only 1 who can show off that mount!".


Besides BW is fixing it. Give them a break & some time. They're already acting fast on stuff lately. It's not like you not getting your mount is going to affect anything serious in game AT ALL.

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You do realize that a rollback literally screws over everyone who did anything in-game during the rollback period?



That like executing a entire town because 1 person in the town is a lawbreaker. Except not even that since technically none of the players did anything wrong except log into the game.


But, but muh exclusives!!!! Seriously though, you're right. They will have to do something for the players that deserved the mount, but roll backs aren't the answer.

Edited by Jimvinny
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Hey folks,


We are looking into whom was correctly and/or incorrectly granted the Nexu and how we will proceed. I will pass on information as I have it.




Eric just a wild idea, but wouldn't it be more accurate to just remove every nexu from the game and then send it again to the right players?

Edited by Capote
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Eric just a wild idea, but wouldn't it be more accurate to just remove every nexu from the game and then send it again to the right players?


Yes it would be, and it would be easier to implement.



and pretty much everyone, the devs certainly included have had the exact same thought already.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Eric just a wild idea, but wouldn't it be more accurate to just remove every nexu from the game and then send it again to the right players?

I wonder how that would work for something like a mount if the player is actively riding it. When items have been removed ingame in the past, was a downtime required? This is all pretty interesting stuff, from purely a technological perspective.

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Honestly ***........ I only did a week of ranked for the mount but i worked hard to a degree. Made sure that i got my van to 1602 and now like everyone gets 1? I really hope they like take the mount away or something because this is literally pathetic.


Maybe I should just do pve and wait for my t1 rewards to roll in mail. But dont worry, as the dev said the mounts are legit "raining down".

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No Nexu mounts on any of my three characters that earned it this season.


I don't care how much work it is; this needs to be fixed. Random players getting it isn't fair to those who put in tons of time and effort to win one of the coolest mounts in the game, nor is it fair to the other random players who didn't get it just by sheer dumb luck.


A little disappointed they couldn't add at least a simple flourish either. A season of PvP lasts 3 months and has one mount, a cartel pack comes out about once a month and has nearly a dozen. Seriously, please take a little time to put at least as much effort into that one pvp mount as you do multiple cartel mounts in that same period.

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Random players getting it isn't fair to those who put in tons of time and effort to win one of the coolest mounts in the game, nor is it fair to the other random players who didn't get it just by sheer dumb luck.

This. What was supposed to be an exclusive mount that you could show off as being one of the best in Ranked PVP was literally sent to the entire SWTOR population. Exclusivity, effort, time, all thrown out the window.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


For those of you who were supposed to get the Nexu mount, but had not yet received it, you should be receiving it in the mail shortly.


We know there are questions about the other Nexu that were sent out, and the exclusivity of this reward for PvPers. We are exploring some options, we want to make sure that we come out of this with an exclusive reward for Ranked PvPers. I won't have any further information until next week, but I will let you know as soon as I know more.


Thanks everyone.



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Hey folks,


For those of you who were supposed to get the Nexu mount, but had not yet received it, you should be receiving it in the mail shortly.


We know there are questions about the other Nexu that were sent out, and the exclusivity of this reward for PvPers. We are exploring some options, we want to make sure that we come out of this with an exclusive reward for Ranked PvPers. I won't have any further information until next week, but I will let you know as soon as I know more.


Thanks everyone.




1) Give everyone who hasn't got one the Nexu mount

2) Give all Tier 1 Winners a Kell Dragon Mount with a flourish to breathe fire

3) ????

4) Profit

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Hey folks,


For those of you who were supposed to get the Nexu mount, but had not yet received it, you should be receiving it in the mail shortly.


We know there are questions about the other Nexu that were sent out, and the exclusivity of this reward for PvPers. We are exploring some options, we want to make sure that we come out of this with an exclusive reward for Ranked PvPers. I won't have any further information until next week, but I will let you know as soon as I know more.


Thanks everyone.



Armor set or riot

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I'm sure those people who got the "exclusive" mounts are really hurting your game play experience.


Really stop complaining, no one is ever happy. The people who earned them should get them either by script or by ticket, and you will get them. Joe Schmoe having a Nexu isnt hurting anyone.


Thanks for the updates Eric, you don't deserve to put up with this garbage.

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