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The Official Mount/Vehicle Wishlist Thread

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I've always found it weird when force-users use rocket boost, it looks weird and IMO doesn't really fit.

So a replacement for rocket boost for force users would be awesome, kinda looking like force speed (not exactly the same please, just a reference), but instead they'd be "flying" or "levitating" or w/e you want to call it. Getting propelled by the force.


Which self-respecting force-user would not buy it (for a reasonable price)?


Force Flight was a Force power that enabled the user to telekinectically move themselves toward a specific destination, taking force levitation to an extreme degree. To use this Force power took a great deal of concentration.


We're all Emperor's Wraths, Dark Council Elites, Masters of Hidden Knowledge and Jedi Battlemasters, so I don't see why we shouldn't be able to sustain it for 12 seconds (like rocket boost)


Now how to handle the non-force users and this feature, I leave that up to you.

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A jawa or droid that chases your char with a cattle prod like device while you run away from it really fast!

Idle animation could be the jawa/droid fixing their shocking device while the player character catches their breath!


Backflips or cartwheeling! "mounting" animation just being the character getting into position!


Really should put in a hoverboard by Oktober as a tribute to having finally reached the date from Back to the Future 2!

(As a sidenote, also need a holographic shark decoration that bites the player when activated.)

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Tusk cat. Make it look like a big tiger :D: http://img07.deviantart.net/d9fa/i/2010/295/d/6/tusk_cat_by_therecurrent-d3195qr.jpg / http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070131002809/starwars/images/e/e7/Tuskcatriders-woswfg.jpg


Kell Dragon, of decent size: http://img00.deviantart.net/29a4/i/2011/067/8/4/kell_dragon_by_scatha_the_worm-d3b6qdy.png

Could also put something on it's back like the ''chair'' that rancors have so we wont be sitting on those spikes.

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It would be cool to see Zakkeg, Storm Beast, and perhaps even Boma mounts added.


Above all else though, I'd really love to see a 'select random speeder' ability added to the game, to provide another incentive to mount collectors besides just using them as decorations. Ideally, it'd be awesome to be able select which subset of your mounts could trigger when you used the ability, but if that creates too much hassle, even just having it select a random ability from all of the abilities in your "Vehicles" category would be awesome.

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Dread Seeded Nerf from Alderaan: http://i.imgur.com/z08gcJF.png

Dread Seeded Tauntaun from Hoth: http://i.imgur.com/zTLLVjq.png

Warstrider Battlewalker from Explosive Conflict, Kephess battle

A Ginx, multiple colors possible

Alpha Exoboar Hunter (With Armor would be nice)


And, my most current desired Mount,

The Yara Ripper: http://i.imgur.com/V2x7pZ0.png

Edited by Demostress
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Ever wander the galaxy, come across a creature and think it would be an awesome mount? Perhaps the fierce Corrupted Geo Beast of Oricon*, or the massive but gentle Bormus of Balmorra? We want to hear about it!


Please use this thread to tell us what you would like to see implemented as a mount, be it creature, or vehicular! When offering suggestions, we do ask that you please be as specific as possible, and provide images when you can. The more information we have about exactly what you want to see, the easier it is for us to send our expert creature handlers out for investigation, or supply work orders to our manufacturers!


*Please be safe when investigating some creatures. A single misstep can lead to catastrophic results! Be safe out there!


Isn't it obvious? We need Kai Zyken's log mount with 0% movement speed!


I would say in all seriousness now, but a log mount would be hilarious in game. Here is my list of other great ideas:

  • Wampa with a backpack carrying someone
  • Mini versions of class ships
  • Ancient transportation vehicles ie: vehicles with a single hover pad pulled by an animal (taun taun would be a cool reskin for the creatures)
  • Multi personel transporters (more than 1 person riding if practicable)
  • Racer series of speeders (higher speeder speed with lower or minimal protection)
  • Speeder dyes (I think being able to re-dye speeders like we can with armor would add a cool dimension and more uniqueness)
  • Cosmetic speeder animations (like shooting lasers for a tank or star fighter)

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I would like to see:


-more armored vehicles (Tanks and such)


-a proper Basilisk War Droid (not the KOTOR II one. that was the virago from shadows of the empire)


- Personnel carriers (passenger capability)


-Cargo Carriers (like a flatbed or pickup speeder truck)


- Lots more jetpacks!!!


- Hover / Repulsor boards (back to the future esc floating skateboard/snowboard mount)


-Droid mounts (rideable droids)


- More Walker Mounts


- Battle scarred mounts (smoking and

damaged mounts)


- Celebratory crowd surfing (a small herd of npcs who put you on their shoulders and carry you en masse)


-Palanquin / Litter mounts (multiple slaves, creatures, or droids who transport you via a fancy carrier)


-Medical evac (lying on a floating gurney as droids or troops tend to your wounds while they transport you)


-Riding in formation mounts (multiple NPCs riding beside you in a tight squad formation)




the possibilities are there, let's make them happen! :csw_speeder:



Edited by Tash_Verano
clean up and emphasis.
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