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Everything posted by Demostress

  1. I'd just like to ask, why? If this game is starting to veer towards what individuals might refer to as 'casual' game play, there's a story mode for that. You learn the story/lore and it's not challenging you can repeat ad infinitum without penalty. The same applies for other PVE content. Level scaling doesn't kill your character's chances of progressing, and even heroic star fortresses can be solo'd. Fun times all around. It may punish a now drastically dwindling part of your community, but why harm it further? A lot of people weren't attempting NiM anyway because of relatively useless drops. Now they WILL not attempt it because there's no point. You're ruining what some find fun in this game. Let's go down to the local gym then, and get rid of all weights above 20 pounds, okay? And if you REALLY want the 30lb weights, just grind at the weekly machine with 500 other people, who sometimes decide since they'll never see these people again, they'll just steal the weight and come back next week to further their own gain. And if there's nothing else you can do at the top level of the machine? Well that's tough luck, isn't it? No matter that the gym owners can just order a 40lb weight and for very little cost make a part of their members happy. They'll let people be content with their 20 and 30 lb weights that they'll get a full set of in under a month.
  2. Just did it today as well, Oct 5th, 2015. First time doing it too. So happy to just have gotten through Outsider reputation, only to see Alderaan's heroic is impeding my progress to do more with this game. Still bugged.
  3. Dread Seeded Nerf from Alderaan: http://i.imgur.com/z08gcJF.png Dread Seeded Tauntaun from Hoth: http://i.imgur.com/zTLLVjq.png Warstrider Battlewalker from Explosive Conflict, Kephess battle A Ginx, multiple colors possible Alpha Exoboar Hunter (With Armor would be nice) And, my most current desired Mount, The Yara Ripper: http://i.imgur.com/V2x7pZ0.png
  4. I don't believe it was touched on, but it's not just once per character. On one toon, you can complete an operation 3 times in one week, once for every difficulty, though 8man and 16man share the same lockout.
  5. "Operations are a larger change, in that every single Operation in SWTOR will be raised to level 65!" I'm highly against this. A large part of the fun of old operations and flashpoints is that you can run through them at stupid high levels and face roll it for fun. Why the hell was it an idea to raise the level of operations if a large percentage of people haven't even beaten RV/ToS on HM tier yet? Or how Nightmare Council can still wipe groups, or even Dread Master Brontes shoves her hands up the players armor and bends them over a Corrupted Clone if you don't have an experienced group?? Say goodbye to those really nice vanity/outdated armor sets from the last tier of nightmare, easily accessible 5 levels above, no one will want to do them anymore for such rewards if it's on tier. To hell with getting the Titan 6 mount on NiM SnV, or even attempting Dreadful/Hateful Entities because they'll be 65. Not to mention the implications this will have for the economies of the game. What happens when materials, easily farmed from EC NiM due to its level 50 content become nigh impossible to get, because no one wants to do on tier Explosive Conflict? To hell with conquest then, and all those Self-Perpetuating Power Cells for Dark Projects; those will shoot up in price. And what of new players possibly lured to checking out SWTOR with this expansion? No one will be able to lead a level 50ish toon into a very good teaching operation like Eternity Vault with 7 other 60s, easily explaining how raids operate. Oh, so much for teaching them platforming on SOA, call outs on pylons, strict instruction following on Council, team-movement on Garj... I'm rambling, but there are so many things that can go wrong with forcing old content to be as difficult as the new. Make it an option to toggle whether we want to do it as it was created or elevated, or don't give us this option at all.
  6. Only second forum post, forgive me if this has been brought up/formatting is off, or whether this would belong more in the PVP section. I have two suggestions for this aspect of the game: When queueing for a Warzone, and upon entering it, let's say without an expertise crystal, the game will mention to you something along the lines of, "These items are not at their full expertise", and then list the main hand and offhand as being below their full rating. This helped immensely in unranked when I bought my weapon, and reminded me to put in the proper crystals. The suggestion:I would think it would benefit the majority of those engaging in Ranked PVP, if those wishing to participate were barred if their expertise were not at full. E.G, the 'Queue" button would be greyed out, and hovering over it would display a tool tip of, "You do not meet the required expertise to participate in Ranked Warzones", or, "Please purchase more PVP gear from your vendor before queueing for Ranked". I've seen, and been in, more than a few matches thrown because someone has come in with 1200 Expertise, and it hurts those around them. In addition, in unranked games, I'm sure many players have seen the message, "The Warzone will end in 30 seconds", due to inadequate members on one team. I am curious as to why this does not apply to ranked, as I've seen as well, some matches lost before they've started, due to a lack of members. The suggestion: If a Ranked game has not started yet, and one team does not meet the full 4 player requirement solely due to someone not taking the queue pop, the game is put on hold for a predetermined amount of time, to allow the team to become full while a proper replacement is sought through those currently in queue. Should no players join, both teams draw, not affecting the rankings of those participating, and ending the game. The above suggestion, however, should not apply to those games where a participant quits out mid session. While unfair to the team just losing a member, the exploitation would be hard hitting, preventing any ratings to be granted to any players, either positively or negatively.
  7. Is this going to fix the Quick Travel/Fleet Pass cooldown problems?
  8. Geez you learn something new every day huh? The note is well appreciated, but even with a dps file, I do prefer clicking my hotbar as opposed to spamming keys, especially since most of my more potent abilities are around the screen. Going back to the main topic, even if you select that person, a healer is going to be more focused on their cooldowns more than anything else to more effectively heal, and again the main issue is about the concern for the highlighting issue of not seeing the player than it is a playstyle.
  9. Since tab-targeting does not switch between allied players, looking up, seeing who is hurt, looking to the ops frame, finding their box, clicking on it, then attempting to heal (by this point they might've gone out of range) is a massive time waster. Personally the only time I every look up at the majority of screen is when I see a massive AOE on me, or when my peripheral notices there is more red than green on my screen, and I need to relocate or throw down an AOE of my own. As a healer I am more focused on my teammate's health meters and my own cooldowns than I really am of the battlefield. It becomes an annoyance when the game relays to me "Your ally is about to die, but their name is highlighted, but sadly you cannot see them!". On Civil War when the middle turret is congested with players, taking the time to see if that highlighted player is below ground or not loses you another few thousand health on another player that needs it more. If DPS can tab target until their force leap connects with a person with quickness, why shouldn't a healer be able to have the option to easier differentiate teammates that actually can be assisted? Do not misunderstand me, it does make the healer's job a little easier, but being a healer in itself is no easy matter. You've sacrificed your own ability to kill something that poses aggression to you in order to pour your own life into selflessly healing your teammates--in the end, all you have is a bubble that keeps you safe for a paltry 10 seconds, and if you are the only healer in a PVP match, that's barely enough time to consider your epitaph. I think this differentiation system would be more than welcome among the healers.
  10. ((First time posting in a forum here ever so bear with me)) As we all know, when one is in a PVP Match, the side section shows all current teammates. If teammates are within a certain distance, their names are highlighted, a slight way of showing their distance to us, and is a helpful tool in targeting allies for effects. (Force Armor, Force Valor, Rescue, etc) However, as a healer (55 Jedi Sage before someone asks), I've noticed that sometimes someone's name is highlighted, but given their position behind an object--a pillar, or a turret in Civil War--, the healing ability cannot be started to be cast because the ally in question is not in my line of sight, although their name is highlighted. This can prove detrimental, especially for healers on both sides--that second before you realize your effect isn't casting as to when it does can cost one the game. I think this should be changed to a degree, or another symbol added to discriminate between allies at too far a distance to be effected by your abilities, within range but hidden, and within line of sight that abilities might be effective. Or, perhaps add a toggle option to make it so only teammates in your line of sight and within a respectable distance are highlighted, rather than those who may be out of line of sight and unaffected but are still close by, should the prior list be too complicated. I'd like to hear anyone's opinion on this small matter :3
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