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The Official Mount/Vehicle Wishlist Thread

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Not a creature, and I didn't go through all 35 pages to see if anyone else requested it, but I would love to get this vehicle:



as my spoeeder. Not sure precisely where I took these screenshots, as it was many months ago, but it was on Corellia, not far from the Republic spaceport, IIRC. And yes, I would definitely want it in red, though I have seen the same model in other colors.


As a bonus, it's a two-seater, so would work with a companion or friend as a passenger, if that was implemented.

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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First, would like a Tuk'ata / Akk dog sled, but what I would really like to see is a moddable swoop bike.


I'm guessing its been mentioned here before, and it was also talked about on the Bad Feeling Podcast a few eps back (pretty much had the exact same ideas I was thinking about regarding this). I just think this is such a good idea that it should not be ignored, especially one that has potential to use the cartel market for additional pieces, and could also incorporate crafting in a similar way that strongholds works with the system. Selling a base speeder as a start, then having parts that can be attached or exchanged from the cartel market, as well as those that could be made from crafting (can create different currencies to take to a vendor in exchange for parts). These cold be anything from speeder colors and patterns (similar the the ships in GSF), engine sounds, antennae, exhaust pipes, exhaust color, and so on. I guess I can hope, but I feel that this could be a winner if it was considered.


Oh yeah....and a Basilisk War Droid.

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I am going to disagree with you and break one of my own rules. I normally don't speak much about SWG but in that game we had flying mounts, Peko-Peko, Condor Dragons, etc. and it was not a problem. I never once heard about any problems they had. It can be done but it is probably difficult to do. It might have been a different set up but it was done but the point I am making it can be done but probably not easy.


As far as people asking for them, that is their right since BW asked them what they would like. It really comes down to what BW wants to do.



And on that note:













They didn't fly though. Animation wise, sure, but they couldn't just lift off into the air and go anywhere in the sky (which is what people mean by flying mounts). They did add atmospheric flight in the end, but that was as a gift to those who stayed on (sadly not me, I got mad and left when they announced it was being shut down, which I deeply regret now) till the very last months of the games life.

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I have a few suggestions,

A Gorog http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gorog_(creature) must be a baby, i mean have you seen the size of that thing?

A Ronto, a quadruped used as a beast of burden by jawas on tatooine http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ronto

A Blurrg a strong but stupid biped reptilian from endor http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Blurrg

or A Fambaa a reptilian creature native to naboo http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Fambaa

Edited by LordCamTheGreat
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I too am in support of a variety of flying mounts whether it be thrantas, ministarships, etc. long overdue in my opinion. Not sure what the devs plan on flourish is these days but no longer restricting it to a few cartel market vehicles would be a great change as well.


yea why not as long as they make us work for it in that mean like wow does now , it won't hurt the game might even give it more , there are a few mounts form the movies id love to have but they only fly sigh .



I feel the ones against it for what ever reason are wrong it can be used on every planet , i can see ways of making leveling more interesting if you get flying skill etc for doing that planets Story line for that planet or do a fleet achievement for flying on the fleet if you don't want it don't do it don't make other suffer who do in fact want it and there are a lot more then we all think there is .. this can only improve the game not make it worse . if it makes worse i don't see how if they make us work for it , like wow does now i did enjoy getting it for the patch when wow will give it to us i worked for it I feel i dev it more now .

Edited by tanktest
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I am sure its been mentioned but we need multi passenger mounts. If your in a group you could open your bantha mount and the rest of your party can ride on it with you. Not only banthas but other mounts with at least 1 or 3 seats besides the driver.
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I am going to disagree with you and break one of my own rules. I normally don't speak much about SWG but in that game we had flying mounts, Peko-Peko, Condor Dragons, etc. and it was not a problem. I never once heard about any problems they had. It can be done but it is probably difficult to do. It might have been a different set up but it was done but the point I am making it can be done but probably not easy.


As far as people asking for them, that is their right since BW asked them what they would like. It really comes down to what BW wants to do.



And on that note:













MY bad wrong quote..!!!

Edited by tanktest
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For the love of god....NO FLYING MOUNTS!!


I don't understand why people keep asking for this, its such horrible game design.


It trivializes things like questing, collecting datacrons (!!!), exploration, etc.


Just go over to the WoW forums and see all the drama going on over there now. The devs have realized what a horrible design idea flying was and tried to remove it this xpac. There's been nothing short of a full scale revolt going on until the devs finally caved and are bringing it back. Now they've painted themselves into a corner they can't get out of.


Trust me...it seems like a good idea but it really, really isn't.



Have you actually been there Latly do you know now we just can't buy it you have to see it all for any new expac sorry i your wrong prove it will hurt the game then i Will leave it alone you can't if you don't want it don't do the the mission to do it I'm not saying just let us buy it etc thu I'm sure it will come to that EA see a buck made you know that but make us work for it at first it has yet to hurt wow that i see in fact most i talk to are glad wow made us work for it it is more rewarding now .



Ive been playing MMO for years it is a good idea thu you think not they said all most the exact same thing in wow no one gets backed into a corner because they can't control it, that;s false . I have yet to in wow i get stuck on the ground or in the air it is no diff that's just false assumption.you get back into a corner as you call or it hurts questing mission etc it simply does not .



What it comes down is you don't want them no idea why :) or real reason other then you don't. you give the same excuses all others games i have played wow being the main one, til it went in and non of it is true.

YOU really think that's why the DEV make us quest it, they should have all a long because everyone wanted it it has been planed to happen for some time not for your reason . i for one am glad they did . but they had planed it as far back as when you could fly almost every were in wow they said one day they may make us quest it in coming expec. if i could find that blog believe me i post it to prove my point .



i can think of lots of mounts that fly form the movies i would want from the movies but what's the point if i can't have them or have them as ground mounts only .

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creature mounts:

-kell dragon mount, much like the one from the SnV last boss fight

-massassi warrior mount, hear me out. wouldn't it be cool to have a piggy back ride from a fearsome massassi warrior?

-hutt mount, tho hutts are renowned as slow slug. picture a player zooming on by driving a juiced up speeding hutt!

-monoloith mount, much like the rancor but with a monolith of course. 'apologizes if its spelled wrong but im referring to the zoist creatures'

other mounts:

-class spaceship mounts, much like your class ship you get. maybe a scaled down version for ppl to use.

-jet packs mount, i liked the idea of the jetpack but would like more variety to them

-dread master throne mount, very similar to the imperial throne mount. maybe a jazzed up dread master version. made from twisted dread roots.

Edited by DashRaptor
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Sorry, I know this isn't a request for a type of mount.

I would like to see the mount achievement system changed.

Reward players for collecting X amount of mounts.

With rewards for collecting 50, 100, 150, 200 mounts etc.

This would encourage people to buy more mounts, whether from the GTN or the Cartel Market




I second that one . I'm a mount whore so to speak any game i play for a extended Leigh of time i don't mean hours inthe day i mean i play for years . i go after mounts, when i set my sights on one i want questing/mission Running OP/raids or off the CC , i don't give up till i have it .



I can give a lot of names of mounts and ideas but most are covered so far by other players and a few others that fly , i won't get into right now .

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Well being there are alot more PodRacers, so how about the rest of those.




Maybe someday, think about flying mounts, there are currently mounts that would be perfect for it as well as plenty to choose from in the star wars universe, and this might be something worth exploring so it could be brought to this game off down the line!

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A command walker with a cannon/rocket-firing flourish!


Or instead of a walker, how about more like a large ED-209-looking, bipedal battle droid that you would ride atop, basically copy a rancor mount with some big combat droid.


The flourish, if not something pew-pew, could be something like scanning people, similar to the cyborg social action

Edited by VlorekVulcan
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