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Can we get awarded commendations in Ranked again please?


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I only play ranked and I don't really do regs. Since there's no comms rewarded in ranked anymore, I can no longer self sustain myself by buying medpacs and adrenals with commendations without doing regular warzones. Anyway we could be awarded commendations for Ranked warzones again?
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Why on Earth would you spend comms on medpacks/adrenals when you can buy them for credits form people who farm them?


I don't like using other ppl for that kind of stuff. iunno. kind of a thing. like I have every craft. I don't pay for aug kits or augs....just a psychological thing, I guess. but I prefer to not go on the gtn or trade chan.

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Hey everyone, I don't have an answer right now but just wanted to let y'all know we hear ya on this issue and are going to discuss options. No timetable or promise of changes but just acknowledging feedback.



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Hey everyone, I don't have an answer right now but just wanted to let y'all know we hear ya on this issue and are going to discuss options. No timetable or promise of changes but just acknowledging feedback.




Acknowledging feedback... Who are you and what have you done with the real Alex? :rak_02:


(But awesome, keep it up!)

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It would also be nice if we could sell WZ Medpacks/Adrenals on the GTN as opposed to the sketchy fleet black market. I really have no idea why this is the only item of its type that cannot be sold on the GTN.


Couldn't agree more tbh. And for gods sake bw, remove expertise from the noob weaps sold at the pvp vendor....

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Hey everyone, I don't have an answer right now but just wanted to let y'all know we hear ya on this issue and are going to discuss options. No timetable or promise of changes but just acknowledging feedback.




Thanks for the consideration. My thoughts behind it are that Ranked should be the fastest way for commendations to gear up for...Ranked :p


I understand the thought process of farming regs to gear up for Ranked, but after you have your Exhumed set, you're expected to keep farming regs for Ranked gear instead doing ranked for ranked gear, which seems kind of strange. This is a good idea to get more people into that ranked set from farming regs, but it is somewhat of a drawback for players already at min/maxed ranked gear who want to use the comms to continue to buy medpacs/adrenals to either sell to other players, or to use the comms to make money.


Thanks for the consideration :)

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Hey everyone, I don't have an answer right now but just wanted to let y'all know we hear ya on this issue and are going to discuss options. No timetable or promise of changes but just acknowledging feedback.




What options? Even at a reduced rate we should be getting SOME commendations to supply medpacks.

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What's the point of removing comms from ranked? It's EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what you said you would do. If you want MORE PEOPLE QUEUEING why do you remove an incentive from it? It's completely counter-intuitive. "Hey guys I want you to do more rankeds and in order to do that I'll remove a big reason to do it". I mean, what's the whole reason to do that in the first place? I can't imagine a single reason to lead to that conclusion.


And then, to make it worse, at the end of the game you read that you receive X commendations only to realize you didn't receive any.

Edited by Capote
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I don't want to have to grind terribad regs if I want to gear my 2 dozen alts. I used to play enough ranked on my main 2-3 toons to gear up all alts. Now with "legal" comm transfer, there is absolutely no reason not to be able to grind comms in ranked on your mains, to gear up alts. Medpacks/Adrenals I'm not overly concerned about, but yes it is an issue, too

Edited by DarrelK
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To me it's not about med packs it's about the eventual upgrade of gear. I appreciate the lowering of pvp costs but until you allow us to queue for ranked and WZ at the same time ranked has to include regular pvp comms for 4.0 upgrades


Also ... 25 s6 tokens for the daily reward and 50 for weekly is weak as all get out

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Hey everyone, I don't have an answer right now but just wanted to let y'all know we hear ya on this issue and are going to discuss options. No timetable or promise of changes but just acknowledging feedback.




Great, I didn't realize this was changed. Ranked hould definitely give comms. It would only add more incentive for people to do ranked too. Perhaps MORE comms than a regs match would be even better. Just sayin'.


Anything to boost participation in ranked is a good thing. Less comms or no comms rewarded for ranked does not help in any fashion.


Also, you shouldn't have to rely on other players who do regs for adrenals and medpacs, if all you do is ranked.

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I agree. Even if we got WZ comms from dailly (or cut out the middle-man and just give us the stims) rather than a measly 10 season tokens - you get 40 for a loss, not sure who decided 10 was good idea..


Why on Earth would you spend comms on medpacks/adrenals when you can buy them for credits form people who farm them?


Because Credits can buy a lot of things... Comms are useless if you already have everything.

Edited by Jayshames
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Having now played some solos, I concur - the rewards seem a bit lacking. It would be nice to get some reg comms for purchasing medpacks or for using to gear up alts. Even though my ranked toon is full DR, I have 12 other 60s that are not. Since I am an altoholic, I'm splitting my time between regs and solos, whereas I would probably do more solos with my "main" if I could work on gearing up my alts that way.


Also, less than 1K credits for a loss? Hmmm.

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I agree. Even if we got WZ comms from dailly (or cut out the middle-man and just give us the stims) rather than a measly 10 season tokens - you get 40 for a loss, not sure who decided 10 was good idea..


Your reward for winning is a higher Rating.

Higher Rating, more free stuff.

Lower Rating, need more tokens to spend at the end of the season for what you want.

The more wins you get, the less likely you need tokens.



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