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3.3 Release Scam


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Again, that's not BW's responsibility. That's Johnny's responsibility. Johnny's problem would be self control, not w/e supposed malicious intent you think BW is doing. Also credits are ridiculously easy to obtain in this game, so that's also on Johnny for not having self control to save up his credits in-game to be able to buy the stuff he wants.

Setting aside the loaded language of the word "scam", let's be real here - companies are well aware of the phenomena of impulse buying and they absolutely take advantage of it in their business models. It's why supermarket floorplans are laid out the way they are, it's why advertisements are designed the way they are, it's why sales are structured the way they are, etc., etc., etc.


A business is basically leaving money on the table if they don't try to capitalize on "Johnny's" propensity for impulse-buying.


That being said, that doesn't mean that every decision / occurrence / whatever related to a game is motivated by that one aspect. In this case, the simplest explanation is certainly the best one - that there really just was a bug that they have to fix.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Nice conspiracy theory, you haters are always surprising....


Me, I just bought 24x of the packs, gonna buy togruta with Monthly CC+Security Key, and Yavin SH, I'll just buy it with the credits that I've been saving for 2 weeks or by selling what I get from the Packs.

Anyone who has this thing called "thinking" will also go this way too...

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Setting aside the loaded language of the word "scam", let's be real here - companies are well aware of the phenomena of impulse buying and they absolutely take advantage of it in their business models. It's why supermarket floorplans are laid out the way they are, it's why advertisements are designed the way they are, it's why sales are structured the way they are, etc., etc., etc.


A business is basically leaving money on the table if they don't try to capitalize on "Johnny's" propensity for impulse-buying.


That being said, that doesn't mean that every decision / occurrence / whatever related to a game is motivated by that one aspect. In this case, the simplest explanation is certainly the best one - that there really just was a bug that they have to fix.


In that case I don't fault BW for wanting to make money but at the same time, I don't believe this to be the reason for the delay. If they wanted Johnny's money they could have drained him last week or the week before.

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Well, I think there should be austerity measures put in place for these poor poor people who can't afford CCs above and beyond their allotted amount each month. As for the rest of us, we can continue to do as we please of course, since we understand how to manage our financials properly and can afford such luxuries. But THOSE people should be forced to only be allowed to spend a certain amount of CCs per month, then they might learn proper budgetary restraint.


perhaps BW needs to implement a CC Tax. If you get a higher rate or referrals than average per month, or purchase more than a given amount. Any excess is distributed to the the other masses until all have a relatively equal balance.


Purchasing beyond that limit, automatically gets deposited into an individuals account who actually needs them rather than the one who purchased them.

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Conveniently, a couple of hours before said release? Has Bioware been known for catching bugs before releases in the past?


Oh yeah, a big one. Patch 1.2 which was the scheduled release for ranked warzones. Pulled it hours before it was to go live and was the first huge blow to the PvP community.

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I think its the MIDI files....definitely the MIDI files. what else could it be?!? or, maybe they just found out about middlemore and his dog being struck by a car in New Zealand and they are just too distraught to work. or, just maybe, it has something to do with swamp gas from mars causing a shift in the phase variances from .225 to .223.


at this point...anything is possible.

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Oh yeah, a big one. Patch 1.2 which was the scheduled release for ranked warzones. Pulled it hours before it was to go live and was the first huge blow to the PvP community.


That wasn't pulled due to a bug though. That was just poor decision making because they felt the way the solo queue worked would be counter productive to rankings.....Ironically we now have solo ranked anyways with the new dev team thinking 4v4 was a brilliant idea.

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So think about this for a minute. You are Bioware and you want to maximize profits. You know that people will drop crazy CC on both Togruta and the Yavin house. BUT you also want to maintain new pack release sales. As a Dev/Suit you realize that releasing the first two at the same time as a new pack, could potentially gut your initial pack sales (usually the highest profit point for packs), as players temporarily shift their monthly allotment/CC buying habits.


So in order to force players to spend CC on the new packs, and then buy more to get the new race and housing, you come up with a last minute plan to delay the first two, so you can get the cash throughput for the packs underway. This is why we were surprised with last minute unforseen delays. There is no bug fixing, it is nothing more than to ensure greater sales from an addicted public.


I see a flaw with your theory.


People who want the Togruta and Stronghold and plan to pay CC for them, will save that CC until they are released.

Anyone who impulse buys a ton of crates today, would have done so anyway if the Togruta and Stronghold was released.

And if they spend ALL their CC on the crates and subsequently can't afford the Togruta and Stronghold, then they would have spent ALL their CC anyway, even if the Togruta and stronghold was released.

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And if they spend ALL their CC on the crates and subsequently can't afford the Togruta and Stronghold, then they would have spent ALL their CC anyway, even if the Togruta and stronghold was released.

I'm not agreeing with OP's conspiracy theory, but his point was that if they had been released together people would have spent all their CCs anyway, but they would have gotten the Togruta the Stronghold first and all the Packs they could afford with what they had left.


This way, they'll blow all of that pool of CCs on the Packs alone (getting [X] more Packs than they would have originally), and then rather than go without the Togruta / Yavin, they'll buy more CCs to get those, too, when they are released.

Edited by DarthDymond
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perhaps BW needs to implement a CC Tax. If you get a higher rate or referrals than average per month, or purchase more than a given amount. Any excess is distributed to the the other masses until all have a relatively equal balance.


Purchasing beyond that limit, automatically gets deposited into an individuals account who actually needs them rather than the one who purchased them.


Well, I'm not sure the Sith Empire will go along with this bailout plan.

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So think about this for a minute. You are Bioware and you want to maximize profits. You know that people will drop crazy CC on both Togruta and the Yavin house. BUT you also want to maintain new pack release sales. As a Dev/Suit you realize that releasing the first two at the same time as a new pack, could potentially gut your initial pack sales (usually the highest profit point for packs), as players temporarily shift their monthly allotment/CC buying habits.


So in order to force players to spend CC on the new packs, and then buy more to get the new race and housing, you come up with a last minute plan to delay the first two, so you can get the cash throughput for the packs underway. This is why we were surprised with last minute unforseen delays. There is no bug fixing, it is nothing more than to ensure greater sales from an addicted public.


Cool story, bro.

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Hang on I have to go find that tin foil hat to wear so they won't be able to scan my brainwaves and see what I'm thinking.


I'll be right back after I find it, unless someone interferes then I might not make it back or a pod person could take over my place in life.

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Don't listen to this guy, he is basically the Alex Jones of the SWTOR forums.


And to the OP, I know about that little plot by your friends on 4chan to accuse big companies like EA of fraud, then watch as the internet turns into a all-you-can-eat buffet for trolls.

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I'm not agreeing with OP's conspiracy theory, but his point was that if they had been released together people would have spent all their CCs anyway, but they would have gotten the Togruta the Stronghold first and all the Packs they could afford with what they had left.


This way, they'll blow all of that pool of CCs on the Packs alone (getting [X] more Packs than they would have originally), and then rather than go without the Togruta / Yavin, they'll buy more CCs to get those, too, when they are released.


Sure, but it is HIGHLY unlikely that the people who spend all their CC today are going to buy Togruta or the Stronghold tomorrow.

Becuase they'd have planeed for that if they really wanted them.


His theory depends on people having absolutely no impulse control whatsoever.

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While I believe that your theory is sound OP I also know that several major ISP's are having some intermittent connectivity issues across the Eastern US.


TWC, AT&T, Infinity and Frontier were all having random issues last night. I'm not sure if they have gotten thses issues fixed or not, but a great many customers were affected yesterday. One of BW's SWTOR servers could have also been affected by this as well.

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