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Ashe/Lady Insanity just posted a new video with new KotFE info.

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Thanks for the update. Still...1-hour of cut-scenes seems kinda weak. How long will these updates take players to complete? 2 nights? Then what?


You do realize that chapters 1-9 that are released in October, together, will be several times longer than Makeb and SoR combined, right? And being free for subscribers? You're trying to find fault in something that BioWare is going in a new direction with for expansions when prior, the expansions only took up 3-4 hours if you do all the side-quests and maybe do the achievments.


Honestly, your just hating on BioWare now, instead of comparing KOTFE with SoR and TRotHC (The Rise of the Hutt Cartel. A.K.A. Makeb).




-Previous expansions you had to pre-order to get exclusive stuff. KOTFE only requires that you remain a subscriber.


-Previous expansions had you pay for it on top of being a subscriber. KOTFE just needs you to be a subscriber.


-Previous expansions took 3-4 hours to complete upon release. KOTFE not only doubles that, but expands further with having more chapters released later.


-Previous Expansions only had an hour or two of actual cutscenes and dialogue. KOTFE is going to multiply that by 9, almost. (Will have to wait to see all the chapters to do an actual accurate measure).


-Previous Expansions were released and completed within a week of its release. KOTFE will extend to several months due to the fact that they plan to release the other chapters monthly. Thus every month we have something to look forward to, instead of waiting for the summer or the holiday season. BioWare also plans to release other content along with the rest of the first season of KOTFE. That doubles the content release we usually get.


-Story content is BioWare's forte and they are playing it by their strengths, while also re-scaling the FP and Operations to meet today's standard in difficulty and demand for solo play.


-BioWare also mentioned that after the initial launch for KOTFE, that they will be working on new Operations and PvP. They're just focusing on story content first, because that's what makes a BioWare game a BioWare game.

Edited by Koichi
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Thanks for the update. Still...1-hour of cut-scenes seems kinda weak. How long will these updates take players to complete? 2 nights? Then what?



Play alts, do dlyies/wzs/fps/ops/whatever or play something else. No one says swtor has to be or should be your only game played or that it would ever generate 30+ hours of new/fresh content every month. 1+ hours of cutscenes every month (with other content to match/frame those scenes) really is a lot. I don't think most starter planets have much more than an hour of cut scenes.

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The point being, make NEW flirting cause a problem, rather than making things done in the past under a different 'system' not matter.


When you change the rules on people, it needs to be a 'from this point forward...' sort of thing, not punishment for things done in the past.


Rules weren't changed. They never said they wouldn't matter. People just figured they wouldn't because they didn't seem to.


I say go with it. You cheated, now you have to live with it. :) You can always reroll if it's that big of a deal.

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Thanks for the update. Still...1-hour of cut-scenes seems kinda weak. How long will these updates take players to complete? 2 nights? Then what?


I refer you to my previous posts, it's almost double the SI story cutscenes on Korriban, it's almost as much as the entire SI DK story + the entire Revanite questline + 7 sidequests + the the first Khem convo, the 2V intro and the space missions intro. One hour of cutscenes is a looooooooot. If I do the math based on my recordings of Korriban and DK and my recent replay of the SI story, what we get in October should be roughly triple as much as the vanilla Chapter 1 and Prologue, and that's just going by the 1 hour minimum -- and Ashe did say some are significantly longer.

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And you are a serious person? Get real sycho


I could reply to your, yet another, poor trolling attempt and drag this useless discussion further by making fun of you and how sad you are, but I'll just link/quote the comment below yours as it summarizes quite well what the next dlc is compared to the previously released ones.



To summarize even further, for people with issues or poor learning skills, each chapter won't be 1-hour long. Cutscenes of each chapter will be at least 1-hour long. Some chapters will have a slightly longer count, some a slightly shorter count, but they're aiming at a minimum of 1-hour long of each chapter worth of cutscenes. Alone. To that, you have to add the time that will require exploring the new planet(s), fight with mobs/bosses, doing side quests along the way, going from point a to point b in order to advance the main story. Unless you're one of those spacebar warriors, each chapter will most likely be 1.5/2 hours long the first time you play it through which is, alone, longer than the starting planet (Hutta, Korriban, Tython, Ord Mantell) + DK/Coruscant's class story.

Edited by JeKoCZ
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... each chapter will most likely be 1.5/2 hours long the first time you play it through which is, alone, longer than the starting planet (Hutta, Korriban, Tython, Ord Mantell) + DK/Coruscant's class story.


~1.5/2 per month.



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Was i not hearing clearly when she said some will also be significantly less? I haven't seen anyone mention this. So maybe i misheard...


I kind of read that as "The Spacebar jockeys will find the story takes a lot less time," which is true.

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~1.5/2 per month.




And what are we getting right now? Ah, yes, nothing :rolleyes:


Or, to be exact. we got exactly that amount 4 months after the last expansion, now we're waiting another four months till the first 9 chapters of KotFE (and I repeat, based on the info Ashe gives us that alone should be roughly triple of the vanilla Prologue + chapter 1).


Compared to going 9 months with only 1.5 - 2 hours, getting that amount every month sounds great to be quite honest.


(Insert: But operations!!! here which I will also repeat, only goes for people who, well, raid. Which does suck for raiders, but won't affect the people who don't raid at all so saying it should factor into their excitement and estimations of how much content they're getting is silly.)

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I say go with it. You cheated, now you have to live with it. :) You can always reroll if it's that big of a deal.


I am, I will be starting a new Guardian tonight, out of all the romances the Kira one is the one I don't want to break, I think my Trooper stayed loyal though not completed SOR, I think my smuggler treats Lana with distrust so I did not with him, I made sure by BH was loyal and I tend to try to forget the Nadia romance anyway so if she say something or not I don't really care.


Out of all the romances anyway I kinda feel as if Dark Jaesa would not really care too much anyway.

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Read it, and doesn't change the fact that we are just getting multiple ziosts.


Or several Korribans, or several Dromund... Kaases? Kaasi? Whatever. (Actually, they're gonna be longer than either and if what another person earlier has said is true and Ziost adds up to about 40 minutes cutscenes they're also longer than Ziost.)


Like, what did people expect? That each chapter is the length of a class story chapter? That what we're getting in October is gonna be triple the entire 1-50 story? Really? It's gonna be roughly triple the Prologue + Chapter 1 based on current info and tbqh, that's a lot more than I expected before. Despite being excited for KotFE.

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Like, what did people expect? That each chapter is the length of a class story chapter? That what we're getting in October is gonna be triple the entire 1-50 story? Really? It's gonna be roughly triple the Prologue + Chapter 1 based on current info and tbqh, that's a lot more than I expected before. Despite being excited for KotFE.


They were expecting at least another amount of story we already have from what one can gather...there is no pleasing people who just want to spite others.

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Negative. She develops PTSD (as you find out from an in-game mail), and I'm pretty sure she'd just end up committing suicide. It is time you faced the music.

Nah, I can provide therapy. With my "cannon":D


Honestly, even if she doesn't snap out of it seeing how she deals with it is far more interesting then her dying on the station or offing herself offscreen.


The world needs more Jaxo, regardless. And I'd want Elara to really question me if Jaxo returns.


I am, I will be starting a new Guardian tonight, out of all the romances the Kira one is the one I don't want to break.

Same. If I could ensure a smooth name transition I'd reroll in a heartbeat. Maybe I should level a clone anyway.


This is definitely the last time I run new content with my main first lol.

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They were expecting at least another amount of story we already have from what one can gather...there is no pleasing people who just want to spite others.


It could be 30 hours and they would still be unimpressed. It doesn't really matter hours wise because ultimately its not the content they want. Nothing is really going to change their minds on that.

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I am, I will be starting a new Guardian tonight, out of all the romances the Kira one is the one I don't want to break, I think my Trooper stayed loyal though not completed SOR, I think my smuggler treats Lana with distrust so I did not with him, I made sure by BH was loyal and I tend to try to forget the Nadia romance anyway so if she say something or not I don't really care.


Out of all the romances anyway I kinda feel as if Dark Jaesa would not really care too much anyway.


In the youtube Ashe said we will get a stern talking to and have to make a choice, but we won't lose anyone or anything directly because of SoR kisses. No reason to panic. But of course Ashe could be wrong.

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For the people who need to reroll but are worried about names, you can technically just use the same name but insert a special character. So, say, your toon is called, um... Francis, you can make an alt and call them Francís and the difference isn't that distracting in my experience. It's obviously easiest if you have an i in the name, but technically you could also call him Fráncis and it's still not terribly different. It's what I do with my bazillion replays of characters <.<
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Read the second post above yours.


Read it, seriously.


see, the difference is that at launch whole those planets were short ..ish, we got 8 INDIVIDUAL stories, plus 2 faction planetary stories. so when you count the story time we used to get - you cannot just compare it to a single class story.


now... this definitely sounds like we are getting more of a story that we got with previous expansions (and it cracks me up when people start claiming that we haven't been getting any more stories at all- we have been, each new area came with its own little story bits) - I'm reserving judgement on whether that hoopla was worth setting aside work on conventional group content for. THAT will depend on what exactly that brand new super secret end game content is.


as for the whole cheating flags.


flirting that goes nowhere=/= cheating. maybe I'm worried for nothing and they will only count it cheating if you did the kiss/fade to black deal. I hope so. but its just... based on prior experience with bioware games, I have a feeling its going to be more like - one flirt and you're out (including this very game where for example one SINGLE flirt with Vette on DK somehow ended up in her confronting my warrior over Jaessa, as if he was leading Vette on. we flirted ONCE and it wasn't even super overt flirt, more like a compliment.)


P.S. I don't want to reroll. for one, its not the same as original character. yes, I have tried once. and secondly... i have no character space left, so if I wanted to reroll my mains? I'd have to start deleting some alts. who incidentally, also have their own personalities and stories, etc.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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And what are we getting right now? Ah, yes, nothing :rolleyes:


Compared to going 9 months with only 1.5 - 2 hours, getting that amount every month sounds great to be quite honest.

We used to get repeatable content as well as story though - Ops, FPs, daily areas AND hours of "story" content. Oricon had an amazing story to it, with a plethora of story content AND repeatable content. EVERY Flashpoint, EVERY Operation and even Warzones are ALL centered around STORY!

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Like, what did people expect?

Repeatable new content...like we had become accustomed to. Daily areas, FPs or Ops. Story has not been ignored...it's been key to every update except GSF and GSH.

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as for the whole cheating flags.


flirting that goes nowhere=/= cheating. maybe I'm worried for nothing and they will only count it cheating if you did the kiss/fade to black deal. I hope so. but its just... based on prior experience with bioware games, I have a feeling its going to be more like - one flirt and you're out (including this very game where for example one SINGLE flirt with Vette on DK somehow ended up in her confronting my warrior over Jaessa, as if he was leading Vette on. we flirted ONCE and it wasn't even super overt flirt, more like a compliment.)


P.S. I don't want to reroll. for one, its not the same as original character. yes, I have tried once. and secondly... i have no character space left, so if I wanted to reroll my mains? I'd have to start deleting some alts. who incidentally, also have their own personalities and stories, etc.


Lemda felt like a kiss and that is all sort of thing. Theron felt like a ftb and looked that way in the videos on yt. But it seems like that SoR won't have a serious effect, in so much as you won't lose your spouse over it, but choices after that could mean you do.


With that, I hope they give a bit of a warning. "This is an annoy the spouse flirt" or "This is a ruin marriage flirt"


Also, to go with what you said, if they have their own stories and personalities and that's why you don't want to reroll, and if you have a problem with the choices they made, then I'd say that goes along with going with their personality and story you gave them. They cheated, they have to live with it. If they cheated and it wasn't part of their story/personality, why'd it happen then? :p

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I have to admit that I'm really, really excited about this. I'm definitely going to cheat on Vette. First, I know the outcome will be bad, but I don't know the outcome (exciting!) and secondly, I've never cheated on anyone in real life. My sith may be honorable, but apparently Lana was bangable.
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Read it, and doesn't change the fact that we are just getting multiple ziosts.

If we get nine Ziosts at launch and then a few months later we start getting a new Ziost every month, that sounds like an amazing setup. Especially given that the current approach gave us one Ziost (that being the actual Ziost) just under five months after SoR with the next update not coming for another six months after that.

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We used to get repeatable content as well as story though - Ops, FPs, daily areas AND hours of "story" content. Oricon had an amazing story to it, with a plethora of story content AND repeatable content. EVERY Flashpoint, EVERY Operation and even Warzones are ALL centered around STORY!


Oricon didn't honestly have that much? And the whole conclusion was locked behind operations, which a lot of people don't do.


Like... KotFE is giving us more story focused solo content than any other expansion there's been so far. It doesn't give us operations right off the bat, yeah, but they said they wanna add those later so it's not like they're off the table forever.


It's pointless to argue we're getting less content or less story content than before. We're getting more, we're just not getting the content you, and other raiders (and PVPers) would like to have, which is not so cool for you, but conversely, for a player like me? The Dread War's barebones story where most of it is locked behind operations? Was utterly useless. (Unless the dread seed mission chain up to the heroic is utterly amazing, I haven't done that yet because... from what I hear I can't solo the heroic and finding other people who wanna do it is a pain and I hate seeing the beginning but never the end :/) Czerka's story content was like... what 7 minutes maybe? 10?


This is a *huge* story update. It doesn't have much group content, at least right now, but the difference isn't in the amount of content we get, but the kind. This setup is perfect for people like me but lacking for people like you, while Oricon and the Dread War in general was good for people like you, but lacking for people like me.

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You know this whole thing is really simple and i do not get why people are angry at others for being let down by this.


At release this game was positioned as an MMO. From that date till now it has been a story driven MMO based around the individual class based stories of the players. With some recent expansions that was lessened to a degree to more of a generla story. Either way in addition to that we also have had FPs, Ops, PVP, and other world events, as you would expect from any MMO. Some areas may have been neglected some from time to time, but they were there.


Now, suddenly, we lose all of that but the single general story? And were not supposed to be upset or disappointed. I get why the story lovers are happy, but why do you have such hostility to those of us that play the game for more than that? It makes no sense.


1-2 hours of story, maybe twice that is supporting game play... maybe, maybe, 8 hours of actual gameplay in a month.


...and please dont play the free card, were paying a sub.. over the course of the rest of the year were talking about 75-90 bucks.... hardly free anything. I dont mind paying that, its isnt much, but on principal you dont ask me to pay for an MMO, and give me an RPG single player game. Do you pay filet mignon menu prices for a burger?


I'm glad some of you are happy, i was at first till we got the fine print... now, im furious, i feel cheated... whatever iti s they are being tihght lipped about had better be huge, and they better loosen those lips really fast to give me something to hold onto to convince me to wait for the rest of this content.


The bottom line, they didnt have time or staff to do it all so they picked thier battles and chose story, whcih is all very nice and fine for those who only play that way, but the rest of us have a lot of other options to look at with our sub dollars and time.

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