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Anyone else feeling hopeless?


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I was a heavy PVPer when this game first released. Ilum might have been a lag fest but I was still there practically everyday for an hour to two. And when I wasn't there, I was sitting at fleet waiting for yet another Huttball match to pop.


What do I do these days?


It seems like everything but PVP. Taking my Gunnery Commando into rank last season basically crushed my spirits. I don't think I have done 60 bracket either reg or rank since. Arenas were bad in regs, but with that class in ranked, your survivability is measured in single digit seconds.


Absolutely no fun in "double stun and done".


I've been back in game now for about a year. I've been on these forums almost daily. And what have I noticed?


The same requests from different players at least every other day. And a all but total disregard by the dev team to even address those concerns either in the forums or outside of them. What little we get seems to be unkept promises of vague future content that never seems to materialize in any form.


So I am one of those players who has come to see PVP for what it is. A niche part of the game that the dev team seems to either completely ignore or has no competence in fixing. The focus since I have been back in game is keeping the PVE population happy. And even that was done with smoke and mirrors. Have them focus more on getting digital flare (strongholds and decorations) and they might not think about the lack of group content. And then fluff the population numbers by making too excessively easy to level alts while at the same time cutting the throats of other players who just want to do group content.


And with this next expansion, it seems this trip down solo lane will continue. With group content and PVP getting a few bones while solo PVE get the bulk of the feast.

Edited by ForceWelder
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I'm starting to get to that point of: "What's the point?"


You just need a break or maybe you should drop the game. This fabulous "question" is the last normal sign before downward spiral. Please do not turn yourself into SWTOR or MMO hater, just give it a large break (at least 2-3 months) or move on. :)

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For my part, I just play. I'm not going to let the problems with the game get me down. I don't like ranked anymore so I don't do it anymore. If I'm feeling burnt out, I'll just log off and go watch Netflix or something. I don't have any hope to lose. The devs already told us no to most of what people asked for. It's a mini game, a fun mini game, but nothing to get super serious about.


I had a funny in game conversation where another Sage player was castigating me for not having every single datacron on my main. He/She even suggested this invalidated any of my comments re: Sorcs and Sages. I thought that was just nuts. People take this game too seriously. It's entertainment, not work. If you aren't having fun, you are doing it wrong.

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No, but if I read one more post expressing similar sentiments, I might :) And if/when I do, I would stop logging in. Game's entertainment, and if it doesn't entertain, the point is lost. Hugs, Krea, you are good people, and I'll miss you :)


I agree with this sentiment, in the past I would get so irritated with certain aspects of this game, particularly in PVP. With PVP being my focus, naturally the imbalances and other problems have driven me up the wall!


That being said, when it got unbearable for me, I took a break. I stopped logging in, and mostly piddled on the forums, watching, hoping some change miraculously occured to help with PVP balance (it did not).


Once the inflammation of irritation died down, I came back to the game, and I simply started playing a FOTM class. That pulled me out of my slump.


What I learned from this was, instead of banging my head over and over into a wall with a hopeless class in PVP, just play one that is not so hopeless.


There are many options, and degrees of "FOTM" too. Some classes enjoy vast superiority in PVP, while others not as much...


For me, so far I have found enough that entertains me in PVP, and doesn't make me hate PVP altogether. I just stay away from investing too much time into a crappy class that is vastly inferior to other classes.


If I reach a point where I can find no fun in the game, well, then I will log out and take a break for a bit.


This leads me to the question, when I am doing something that isn't fun, why am I doing it? If I have to ask myself this, I realize I need to take a break or stop altogether.

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I'm starting to get to that point of: "What's the point?"


PvP hasn't had any new maps of game modes in years. Class balance is a joke. Every arena consists of 50% minimum of the same AC. This community is so small that everyone practically knows each other. The forums consist of the same threads by the same posters on just a different day ending in 'y'. We argue and bicker about what's balanced, what's not balanced, what's OP, what's UP, how casual PvPers don't matter, how ranked doesn't matter except 4s, how terrible class balance is, how mercs suck, how sins are OP, how snipers need survivabilty, the same posts just on different days.


Ingame is the same players trash talking others, streams consist of the same forum drama just in a different setting. All this sameness for what? No updates to PvP in 1 1/2 year, no updates planned for the new expansion, no communication from the Devs despite our pleas.


I've personally just given up on PvP. I'm honestly just thinking of turning in to a casual who only plays for story. Maybe then I'll be able to enjoy this game that BW is pushing to be more of a single player RPG.






Nope i been playing since beta weekend at Launch anf i understand other things need to been done to grow the game so i can enjoy pvp. With out new story for the expack this game sill die and they said there still will be new pvp content and pve aka raids so people need to give them time to finish there story update killing some one should never be boring becasue of lack of new maps.....

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Feeling hopeless? No, not really. You just have to come to terms with what this game is and what it isn't.


The PvP is fun. It's not competitive, but it's fun. If you're looking for a hardcore PvP experience, you either need to go to WoW or switch game genres.

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Feeling hopeless? No, not really. You just have to come to terms with what this game is and what it isn't.


The PvP is fun. It's not competitive, but it's fun. If you're looking for a hardcore PvP experience, you either need to go to WoW or switch game genres.


I went back to League of Legends. I used to be decent in season 4 (Platinum) so now I'm tryin to catch up. They've released like 5 new champs since I last quit :s

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I went back to League of Legends. I used to be decent in season 4 (Platinum) so now I'm tryin to catch up. They've released like 5 new champs since I last quit :s


More than 5. I couldn't convince myself to play the number of games required for me to hit Diamond, so I stopped playing at Plat IV and have probably decayed back to Gold at this point. But I'll get my Victorious skin :D

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I don't get the fascination people have with getting new maps. All people ever do with new maps is complain about how the old maps where better.


But is could be better! And for me it's better to have 2 hypergate-quality maps than stuck with one hypergate for 2 years. A bit of variety is always good. :)

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Decided to turn my 1 liner into an essay:


There's a reason why the vast majority of the game's hardcore players, both in pve and pvp, left years ago. Time and time again, the devs have proven themselves either unable or unwilling to consistently deliver quality, non-buggy content. They've also shown that they are more than willing to take their sweet time to fix bugs, even if they are arguably game breaking. Frankly, I think even the most dedicated players would agree that had this game not had the Star Wars license, it would have almost certainly been dead for a long time by now.


I think in the last 7 months especially, its been very easy to get discouraged as a hardcore player in this game. Now that we know about the upcoming expansion, its pretty easy to see that the vast majority of Bioware's time this year has been spent making the expansion content and as a result, the live game has been in maintenance mode. 3.1 was literally like 2 hard mode flashpoints. 3.2 was only Ziost, which could be beaten in like an hour or so. And while I'm very happy about the changes coming in 3.3, the reality is that virtually all of those changes were not only long overdue, and lets be real, probably took like 15 minutes to actually implement.


So, with all that being said, I don't think anyone would blame you for getting frustrated with the game. I am too, and as a result, I haven't really played much lately. However, I do think is important to look at the big picture and see that in all likelihood, things are gonna get better. For one, while I still don't think they are doing as good as they could be, Bioware has undoubtedly gotten better at communicating with their playerbase. I feel pretty confident in saying that if this were the BW from a year or two ago, that the AOE change would have just gone up on live based purely on their metrics and internal testing. Instead, we not only got a chance to test out the change, but we were rewarded for doing so.


Secondly, the game is undergoing a pretty major overhaul, and by October its going to look very different. I haven't seen a lot of people compare it to the FF14 relaunch, but personally I think its a pretty good comparison. Of course, at no point was SWTOR even close to the trainwreck FF14 was on launch, but by taking the game in such a radically different direction as BW has in KotFE, they are basically saying "Hey guys, we screwed up, but we still believe in the game and want to make it better." Yes, the lack of new end game content is definitely concerning and BW deserves to be called out for it, but honestly, if you take an objective look at the most recent endgame content, its been pretty awful. Queshball is considered by pretty much everyone to be the worst warzone by far and imo there has been a steady decline in the quality of PvE content since S&V. Personally, if I had to choose, I'd much rather have Bioware address the structural foundation of the endgame as opposed to them just making another garbage WZ or raid.


I completely agree with you that in its current state, the game is simply not worth playing for most longtime subscribers, particularly if your primary interest is PvP. I've barely played in the past few months and don't see that changing any time in the immediate future. PvP has never been Bioware's #1 priority and I don't think most people expect it to be, but frankly I think there's more reason to be optimistic now, with the info we have on 3.3 and 4.0 than there has been in a long time.

Edited by iamnotshrek
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this game sucks lol idk why people still play it


the only ppl that still care enough about its "competitiveness" are usually leftovers or ppl that were never good when the game took a little bit more skills


e.g. lukewarm peasants

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More than 5. I couldn't convince myself to play the number of games required for me to hit Diamond, so I stopped playing at Plat IV and have probably decayed back to Gold at this point. But I'll get my Victorious skin :D


Yea, I had forgotten they implemented decay and when I logged in last night I was shocked to find I was down to gold when I could've sworn I left as platinum :o

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I'm starting to get to that point of: "What's the point?"


PvP hasn't had any new maps of game modes in years. Class balance is a joke. Every arena consists of 50% minimum of the same AC. This community is so small that everyone practically knows each other. The forums consist of the same threads by the same posters on just a different day ending in 'y'. We argue and bicker about what's balanced, what's not balanced, what's OP, what's UP, how casual PvPers don't matter, how ranked doesn't matter except 4s, how terrible class balance is, how mercs suck, how sins are OP, how snipers need survivabilty, the same posts just on different days.


Ingame is the same players trash talking others, streams consist of the same forum drama just in a different setting. All this sameness for what? No updates to PvP in 1 1/2 year, no updates planned for the new expansion, no communication from the Devs despite our pleas.


I've personally just given up on PvP. I'm honestly just thinking of turning in to a casual who only plays for story. Maybe then I'll be able to enjoy this game that BW is pushing to be more of a single player RPG.




There've been no new arenas or wzs but there have been class and balance changes (confusing ones but you can't say nothing's happened). Next patch is making adjustments that will increase ranked activity (not by enough probably but whatever). I do feel like these boards (most msg boards) are all but useless at communicatinv with devs, but that's not new and not just this game.

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These posts urk me. Not in the sense that I disagree with you. More in the sense that i agree with you. it urks me that the game has yet to progress for the PVP community. ... le sigh.




irk. (sorry. I know I just became that guy. I'm not proud of it. .:( )


2v2? How about no. Game barely works with 4v4, you think 2v2 would be better? Lawl double stealth teams of op healer and assassin tank. Have fun fighting for an hour.


it doesn't work with 4s. yolo is ridiculously imbalanced, and the viable classes for 4s is less than it ever was in 8s. and I'm definitely not a person who looks back on 8s ranked with rose colored glasses. but you'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see the reduction of playable classes in grp 4s from grp 8s.

I don't get the fascination people have with getting new maps. All people ever do with new maps is complain about how the old maps where better.

I liked NC. I detest queshball (c'mmon, there are a lot of problems with that map, beginning with being able to see what's going on). I dislike AHG, but part of that is having to play it 3-5 times in a row.


so no. I don't think it's a new map thing. I think the latest map really was a poor design. and the pylon channel on AHG makes regs ridiculously difficult because you cannot always have the right player/class to guard.




as for the thread topic, I don't really care about new maps. I'm bummed about class balance and the lack of (perceived) effort on BW's part to rectify the situation. I don't mind so much that they failed to balance 3.0. I'm mystified that they actually buffed sins (F*(king lolslash) and that they don't make more minor balance tweaks more frequently. it really doesn't matter what they do to tweak balance. the problem is they just let their "tweaks" sit for far too long, damn the actual consequences of the "tweaks."

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the sad part is that this is coming from a dominant player that plays one of the strongest classes... think about it from the perspective of those who arent so lucky.


Mercs have been garbage for 2 season now and no changes going into season 6 on the horizon so that will be three season, fully half the pvp life-cycle, that we have been unwelcome and utter garbage in meaningful pvp.


There are always imbalance issues in all games, but for them to go on as long as they have in the current iteration is inexcusable. Literally nothing has changed since 3.x aside from a couple of minor tweaks that have made the strong stronger (lolslash), and left the weak even weaker.


Personally i will never play LoL... waaaaaaay too much buildup for way to little excitement for me. I have though gone back to checking out the new Guild Wars. I loved the original and this one seems to have a solid following with a very competitive pvp matrix and i personally also enjoy PVE so... if i jump anywhere it will probably be there.


The bottom line to me is that right now, its been 6 months or more of beating my head up against the wall.... and with no changes coming potentially for another 6 months, that is not acceptable. Guild Wars has taken a lot of my time over the last 2 week and it looks like it will start taking more until such time as i have a reason to play again here.

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I don't get the fascination people have with getting new maps. All people ever do with new maps is complain about how the old maps where better.


I partly agree with this statement, as I really don't worry so much about new maps or lack of new maps... I have no fascination with this either. At the same time, I am not against it.


I actually focus more on problems in the game I guess, or issues I think are relevant, anyway. I think about how imbalances are on the present maps between classes, and don't really see how a new map helps with existing problems.


If they could manage adding some new maps, as well as adding some better balance/gameplay between all the classes I would be happy. Mostly though, "fix" the damn classes. :)

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I partly agree with this statement, as I really don't worry so much about new maps or lack of new maps... I have no fascination with this either. At the same time, I am not against it.


I actually focus more on problems in the game I guess, or issues I think are relevant, anyway. I think about how imbalances are on the present maps between classes, and don't really see how a new map helps with existing problems.


If they could manage adding some new maps, as well as adding some better balance/gameplay between all the classes I would be happy. Mostly though, "fix" the damn classes. :)


I'm not fascinated by this either but it does show an effort on their part to give us content.


Balance is by far the more important aspect and 3 seasons of the same fotm classes and the same bottom dwellers in just unacceptable to me


That combined with a very bleak outlook in pvp till sometime next year... i mean if all they are doing is story its kinda of a given that they arent working on balance or pvp concerns.. will there even be a season 7? why bother if its just like 4-6? I'm not just a pvp'er, but i do more pvp than anything else so... it if doesnt matter to them, why should it to me is kinda where i am.


I was excited to hear the news about Fallen Empire, but the more i hear the more it feels like they are giving us kotor 3 and little else. Thats not an MMO, its a single player game.. who the Hades subscribes to a single player game with no replay value?

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K'rea - I think you should probably take a break from the game, man. It sounds like you're really not enjoying it anymore and it's becoming a source of frustration/annoyance than something actually fun. It's okay to recognize that and realize when something is more a hassle than enjoyment.


(Also, floplag - you playing on the Bastion anymore? Let's queue up sometime if you are. Two nets are better at saving our butts than one :p)

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Not sure why ppl make such a big deal about this stuff. It's a video game. About make-believe space heroes. I can't think of anything more trivial. If you're not enjoying playing this game, go do something else. If you are, continue to enjoy yourself. Save the pondering and emotional meandering for an activity with some actual value.
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K'rea - I think you should probably take a break from the game, man. It sounds like you're really not enjoying it anymore and it's becoming a source of frustration/annoyance than something actually fun. It's okay to recognize that and realize when something is more a hassle than enjoyment.


(Also, floplag - you playing on the Bastion anymore? Let's queue up sometime if you are. Two nets are better at saving our butts than one :p)


i moved my Merc/Mando to Harb for a bit to check it out during cheap transfers. I Haven't decided if i'm staying or not yet to be honest, more people for sure but that has its good and bad side. Still have all my alts there though but i run them incognito to confuse people so they don't know who to focus :) I'll let you know

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Guys just reconcile with the fact that pvp doesn't matter in this game, And will even less so at 4.0. We know where there focus lies then and it isn't with pvp. To be quite frank it never has been but lets be honest this is a game there are many games on the market which offer the same kind of experience or better in fact.
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I've personally just given up on PvP. I'm honestly just thinking of turning in to a casual who only plays for story. Maybe then I'll be able to enjoy this game that BW is pushing to be more of a single player RPG.


Sounds like you're burnt out bro. Now is a great time to just take a break. It will be a good refresher before 3.3 hits. Peeps will be playing a lot more after the Patch drops, hopefully running more Ranked 4s.


PvP has always limped along in this game, possessing great potential that was never quite actualized. Now it's in full blown Maintenance Mode so don't expect anything to change dramatically until the next expansion when everything will get a reset. And as far as I'm aware, there is no new PvP content in the next expansion.


I really recommend playing another game for die-hard PvP play (my personal choice is BF4). SWTOR is a nice side game for casual PvP and some story...maybe an occasional 4s match.

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i moved my Merc/Mando to Harb for a bit to check it out during cheap transfers. I Haven't decided if i'm staying or not yet to be honest, more people for sure but that has its good and bad side. Still have all my alts there though but i run them incognito to confuse people so they don't know who to focus :) I'll let you know


Awesome. Just message me (usually on Serfiri). :D

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the sad part is that this is coming from a dominant player that plays one of the strongest classes... think about it from the perspective of those who arent so lucky.


Full ack !


PvP is basically dead for me - apart from Low-Level PvP - simply because I won't be able to stand a chance with my Gunslinger in the upper levels.


But that's not bad.

*Really* bad is in my eyes that the same New Class Trinity (3 classes, in fact) dominate PvP FOR TWO SEASONS !

I mean, I can*really* go on and say now : "Of, you got this reward during season 5 ? Then you must've been playing this class ..."

I wish it wouldn't be so obvious who is getting all of the rewards and who doesn't.

And I REALLY wish it wasn't so bad that Bioware is doing NOTHING against this 3-class-domination ...

This really broke vP for me. PvP is dead in my eyes. The only fun that is left there is at low-level PvP. In my opinion.


I think in the last 7 months especially, its been very easy to get discouraged as a casual player in this game.


Fixed that for you ! :D


At least regarding PvP - you don't really believe that casual PvP players just don't exist, do you? :rolleyes:

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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