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LS Sith Warrior -- what is your "rationalization"?


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I'm just curious what reasoning other lightside Sith Warriors players (or mostly LS -- I don't make decisions based on LS/DS, but I heavily favor LS for my SW character) use for why their toon is LS Sith. I've only finished chapter 1 so no spoilers please :). Edited by NoxNoctum
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One doesn't have to be dark side to be loyal to the Empire (or light side to be loyal to the Republic). I figure a light side sith doesn't hold to the traditional sith or jedi ideas of the Force. Afraid of emotions the jedi claim strong feelings are bad. And label certain Force abilities as darkside or lightside. My character believes its the use to which the power of the Force is put that's good or evil not the skills themselves. She can defend the Empire without being unnecessarily cruel, or being selfish. The jedi in her view or the evil ones as they seek to destroy her people for a difference in point of view. Edited by RameiArashi
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I go LS on my SW for three reasons: first, as a pureblood, she gives not one crap about what Sith are "supposed" to be. She is Sith. She has always been Sith. Whatever she does is what Sith do. Being told that she's doing it wrong is #1 on her annoyance list. Secondly, she's very pro-Empire, and by that I mean the people of the Empire - humans and aliens alike. She's a great supporter of the military. She is NOT a supporter of Sith in-fighting, especially when it harms the Empire and its citizens. Third, she doesn't kill people for kicks. She doesn't kill the weak, the helpless, etc. There's no honor in that, and her family's big on honor and duty and such. And she has great respect for worthy opponents - even Jedi.


Take all those things together and you end up with a very LS character.

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Both of my Dark II warrior's parents were warriors that did serious damage during the invasion. They personally despise anything resembling cowardice or shirking battle. They also can't stand "Sith" who have a fraction of their bloodlines, a fraction of their combat cred and Force power, and try to make it up by brutalizing noncombatants and betraying sensible, Emperor-serving orders. This is weak behavior that should be smacked; both would have probably killed the ImpIntel officer om Balmorra who wants to cause civilian casualties rather than fight Republic soldiers. They certainly would have flicked a lightsaber through him for raising his voice on the subject.


They would like Khem Val. "A Sith who cannot finish a statue does not deserve a statute. And what's this wall for and why don't you go kill the problem instead?"


So my warrior was raised by those people and taught that he is inherently superior to said lunatic, low-blood Sith. He really doesn't care what any of them think. Different story with powerful superiors, but Baras' REMF'ing got old fast. So what if you're old and fat? You know what we do to old Sith who can't fight anymore, right?


He'd be Lighter apart from turning Jaesa Dark (sparing her parents though) and being a very angry Emperor's Wrath in Act III who had unambiguous "kill" orders from the Emperor himself. Imperial traitors die, no exceptions.

Edited by Canareth
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My guild at launch was stuffed full of DS Sith Inquisitors and I wanted to be different. So I rolled a SW and decided she'd be LS. I didn't know anything about the story when I made that decision, but now I'm so glad I did. The moment I met the fat buffoon that is Baras, I knew I'd made the right choice story-wise. I thoroughly enjoyed trolling him

and playing him for the idiot that he is.

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In her youthful age of twenty one, Chikane was manipulative, indulgent, loyal to a fault, and violent. Fast forward 3 years to Darth Malgus' coup and she's become tired of Sith in-fighting, feeling twinges of guilt for the many hundreds of helpless young soldiers she's killed, and upset at the rot that's overwhelmed her Empire. Darth Malgus' words of wisdom was the first time she ever questioned what it is Imperials fight for and seen what a Sith unfettered by mad hedonism could accomplish.


Months later on Makeb, it was the first time in her life she fought not for glory or trivial battlefield novelties but to protect the brave Imperials who fought beside her and for her homeland that was suffering its last dying gasps. Although years after joining with the spirit of the light inside herself, Chikane only know began to reject the perverting madness and corruption of the darkside and start to mend her wicked ways. 2 years later, she then met a woman named, Lana Beniko, who would inspire her to turn her life of darkness around and follow a more noble path toward redemption; no longer a Sith of evil intent and far from the pacifism of the most exhausted Jedi sages but a war weary force user fighting on the merits of justice, pragmatism, and reason.


After Ziost there can be no greater challenge than defending what remains of the husk of her Empire from the fury and malice that lies ahead even if she must sacrifice herself for all she loves. She is the subjugater of Jedi, unifier of the Empire reborn; A champion of the Force in balance, she is a sith shackled by the chains of hatred and rage no longer. Chikane Himemiya, the Empire's Wrath.

Edited by AppleJackFTW
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One day, one of my Warrior's ancestors made the shocking discovery that people are less likely to betray you and want your untimely and painful demise if they don't hate your guts cause you were a douchebag to them. Which stuck with the family. Couple that with a distinct sense of honour, a father who can aptly be described as Darth Dad, and generally being a cheerful and social person and you have my Wrath -- killing people for the sake of it? Nah. Vette asks you to remover her collar? a) She's proven to be a valuable ally and that should be rewarded, and b) if she leaves, maybe he should have tried harder to earn her loyalty. Someone was useful and helped you even if they're from the Republic? Honour that and don't kill them for it.


It was a very fun playthrough :o

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My Warrior started out with a weak sense of honor and a strong sense of might-makes-right imposed on her by a very typical, short-sighted, hateful Sith mother. Then she met Overseer Tremel, who encouraged her to think for the first time in her life, to consider the good of the Empire and the long-term ramifications of her actions and not just immediate self-gratification. Then she met Baras, who clearly thought of her as a mindless weapon from the very start, and she had her first moment of dissonance - why would someone as powerful as Baras be so blind to her potential, and to the obvious wisdom Tremel had instilled in her?


So as the next few years wore on, and she was confronted by a Light Side spectre of herself and its insights and admonitions, as well as the repeated failures and self-destructive rot at the core of the Empire due to Sith arrogance and infighting, as well as the weird gray philosophies of the Order of Revan, and all the while she kept observing and thinking. And it seemed to her that something was very wrong with the way the Sith were functioning, and the things she was taught. By the time Baras betrayed her, she wasn't even angry about it; it was just so wasteful, a waste only magnified by the staggering defeat the Empire suffered on Corellia due in large part to the fact that Thanaton, Vowrawn and Baras were all wasting all of their resources on petty rivalries and power-plays in the middle of a war.


She's not exactly sure about the Light Side that the Jedi teach, or the particular virtues of forgiveness, but she's quite sure that the Dark Side isn't working, so she's left it behind.

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i have a sith warrior on ebon hawk that started as pure dark, but something happened... not really sure when but she decided she was tired of all dark and started being more pragmatic, she is still more dark than light, but she kept jaesa as lightside and they are getting along great


i think part of it is that she has developed a strong code of honor

Edited by MWidowmaker
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My guild at launch was stuffed full of DS Sith Inquisitors and I wanted to be different. So I rolled a SW and decided she'd be LS. I didn't know anything about the story when I made that decision, but now I'm so glad I did. The moment I met the fat buffoon that is Baras, I knew I'd made the right choice story-wise. I thoroughly enjoyed trolling him

and playing him for the idiot that he is.


And Vette likes it and gains affection.

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My Sith Warrior was simply born on the wrong side of the galaxy. He would have made a good Jedi but was born on an Imperial planet. (As pointed out by the Padawan on that Korriban side quest)


My warrior hates the Sith. At least considers them a blight on the galaxy causing more harm then good. Instead of defecting the first chance he got however, he decided to work to destroy the Sith from within. Everything he does is putting on a show for the Sith as he makes political allies (across faction in some cases) to destroy the corruption caused by the Sith.


This works surprising-ling well with Jaesa who is still loyal to the Jedi, Master Timms who you can tell you are a friend of the Jedi Order, and Corellia where you can save Jedi from a trap and turn over a prisoner to them.

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My Sith Warrior was born in humble circumstances to force-insensitive parents. Identified as force-sensitive, he was taken from his family at a young age and placed in Sith training academies. The infighting and senseless brutality he experienced at the hands of his Sith Masters really turned him against the entire idea of being Sith. He still bears scars on the side of his face from one painful lesson and he wears a beard to partially cover up the scars.


As he learned, he came to the conclusion that there was just no way any successful society could long endure under such hedonistic and moronic doctrine as the Sith Code. He aspired to nobler ideas of honor and charity. He liked a lot of what he saw in the Jedi, but could not for the life of him understand what on earth they had against marriage, relationships, and emotion. He felt that, far from being selfish, attachments could actually be ennobling. That the true measure of personal progress was not the abandoning of emotions and impulses, like the Jedi, or the complete and utter indulgence in them, like the Sith, but rather self-mastery of them.


So in the end he decided that he would use his position within the Empire to set an example of what it could be, if it could somehow ditch the egotistical, power-hungry nutbags that always seemed to be in charge. Some of my favorite moments in his story are:



On Tatooine, when he says to his dark-half, "I will unite with the Padawan, and together, we will defeat the dark"


Recruiting a LS Jaesa at the end of Chapter One, and saying, in his best Count Dooku impersonation, "You must join me, Jaesa, and together, we will destroy the Sith!"


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My warrior always fought with honor, but he was mostly darkside, He wanted to prove to his father (my inquisitor) that he could be sith, but then the cave on tatooine happened, and he became a mostly lightside character. Thoth recently ive been having him go off the slippery slope, force choking people and trying to take over the empire....
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One day, one of my Warrior's ancestors made the shocking discovery that people are less likely to betray you and want your untimely and painful demise if they don't hate your guts cause you were a douchebag to them. Which stuck with the family. Couple that with a distinct sense of honour, a father who can aptly be described as Darth Dad, and generally being a cheerful and social person and you have my Wrath -- killing people for the sake of it? Nah. Vette asks you to remover her collar? a) She's proven to be a valuable ally and that should be rewarded, and b) if she leaves, maybe he should have tried harder to earn her loyalty. Someone was useful and helped you even if they're from the Republic? Honour that and don't kill them for it.


That's basically how I play mine, too. My Purebloods (my SW are always Purebloods) comes from a long and distinguished line which still holds honor and loyalty dear to their hearts. What are they loyal to? The Empire, which includes everyone in it- this also ties into their concept of Honor. A Sith, ideally, is supposed to be a leader to the people, to inspire courage and strength. Rather hard to do that if you torture and maim for fun on a daily basis. Following from fear is not loyalty, and is more likely to inspire treachery down the road. So don't kill random civilians and soldiers and maybe be nice occasionally. It usually means people respect and follow you easily. Who knew? Honor also means respecting deals and following through on them, regardless of who they are with. It's just what you're supposed to do.


Also the Sith Order as it exists currently is in shambles. The Sith are like petty, spoiled siblings fighting over what's left of the Halloween candy and not realizing they're ruining said candy in the process. No one wants to follow them, and rightly so. They suck. The Warrior can't stand this and sees the ruin they're making of their beloved Empire. How do they fix it? By not doing what the other Sith do.


It's amazing to me how these concepts are always light sided when it seems to be it should be common sense instead..

Edited by Yermog
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  • 8 months later...

my toon was lawful evil. A mix of light and dark.


My Sith Warrior's father brought her everywhere he went when she was a little girl, to show her how to conduct herself as a Sith. During this time, she observed that her father was always respectful to those who allied themselves to him, or who were showing respect in general. He knew when to put down his fist down, and when to let things slide. He despised murderous Sith, and valued intelligence and cunning over excessive force. When she came of age, her father pulled some strings with an old friend(Tremel) of his at Korriban to get her shipped there early and trained by someone he trusted would teach her right.


My Sith Warrior mimics her father, and makes it her goal to learn everything she can from the masters she serves. during her training on Korriban, she developed an ambition to serve the Emperor directly, so she could learn from the ultimate master himself.


With that roleplaying in mind, I pick choices that match her upbringing.

Edited by cool-dude
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i don't go lightside, i go pro-empire. which means usually making light side choices in one instance, and dark in another. sparing the jedi on balmorra to have her tortured for information, not pointlessly killing imperials and fellow sith and weakening the empire.
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Love threads like these :D


Just rerolled my jugg tank to a female pureblood. I chalk it up to simple heritage and channeling of Praven in the knight's story.


Yeah she makes dark choices, uses dark powers, but she doesn't think it makes her evil. She makes her own choices, and doesn't consider herself bound to the light or the dark really.

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My sith warrior is mix of light and dark. That's why because my sith warrior just like other siths want to get real power, but different ways than others, so he bielieves that the true power in force, he can achieve through balance in the force, like Revan did. My sith warrior knows that dark side is very powerful tool, but also very dangerous, he that dark side corrupts it's owners that isn't strong enough and rejected light and this corruptions makes them mindless killers and monsters. When he see Sith slaughtering innocents he just says "no, i won't be someone like him", but he doesn't mind executing traitors, and as all the siths he wants to destroy his master and claim everything that he created. My sith warrior is huge patriot that believes that Empire needs reformations to survive in galaxy.
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My juggernaut was simply very pro empire and did what was for the good of the empire. He didn't kick puppies or eat live baby chicks. He was still sith, still preached the sith code, he was just pragmatic and very "for the empire". He was a mix of light/dark side, more on the dark side spectrum (I think dark 2 or 3 by the end of the class story including all side missions and flashpoints). That's a lot of light side choices made. Edited by eldefail
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