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I seem to be really good at leaping to mobs a split second after someone knocks them over a cliff or bridge.


lol I have been in a Voidstar and did a cover pulse knocking a coupe people off the bridge to watch a warrior teammate trailing behind them. Couldn't help but laugh.

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I seem to be really good at leaping to mobs a split second after someone knocks them over a cliff or bridge.



Oh I feel your pain on this. Nothing like realizing you are force leaping at someone that just got knocked off the bridge in Voidstar... You can't even be mad.

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At one point during our Drunken Raiding, we actually tried recruiting new Guild members in the general chat. Hey, we were all drunk, shrug. Mind you, we were in the middle of an operation at the time, so the best result we got was, "You guys are retarded." We offered up our tank as proof positive of THAT particular rejoinder.


Here's the video:

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SnV Op a while back. I had run it many, many times, and I was leading a pug group through the city. We had a super group taking care of everything, all I had to do was lead the rest of the crew through the city. Not a problem.


One of our super group folks got knocked out their area and right into our path. The mob then jumped right on top of him. With a sudden and heroic stupidity, I attacked the mob. It was automatic, like a switch. For some reason I had forgotten they key there, if you are not in the group initially fighting the mobs you have to just sneak or... it is a wipe.


The alarms went off and the entire group wiped with several in the Ops asking what hell happened. I swallowed my pride and admitted my misdeed. I wore the Cog target marker the rest of the Ops. Since then and forever more it will be known as the Cog of shame.

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Bought a custom huttball stand. Placed it and thought, "Man, this thing is hilarious!" My friends and I ran around blowing each other up. Then we all decide, "It would be awesome to have a bunch of these all over, we could just keep blowing each other up." So I ran back over to my GTN, spent 2.2 and 2.5 million credits respectively, and bought 2 more stands. Picked them up out of the mailbox, right clicked to use them ...


"You have reached the maximum limit for this decoration"


LOL yep, reading is hard. Didn't notice the 1/1 for maximum number of these decos. We all laughed at my stupidity. Was a funny day.

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The dumbest thing I have ever done was when I was still a noob at the game. I made a SW and started playing through Korriban when I got a mission that required me to go down into the lower valley. I went over and saw the lower valley was at the bottom of the cliff and I had no idea there was a taxi. I then began jumping down the cliff catching ledges (I don't know how many times I died when I missed them). I got to the bottom and did my mission when I noticed I had to go back to the academy. I wasn't happy when I realized it was on the top of the cliff. I ended up deleting that character because I couldn't get back up.

I deleted my first smuggles and trooper too because I got lost in the volcano base at the end of Ord Mantel.:p

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What some other people have likely done: Accidentally spawned the Nightmare Pilgrim thinking that it was a piece of lore.


To paraphrase a line I heard on Dennis Miller Live: "The Force did not stop that thing from shoving my lightsaber up my....HELLO!!!"

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If I had to guess...from a coding standpoint two things.


1) the gun is a "stat stick"


2) you are actually inflicting negative damage, and you need a weapon to inflict damage.


I actually did some testing on the Operative as well as a Sage and I noticed that some heals (and even offensive abilities) are still useable without mainhand, but only those that don't include the weapon in their animations. I guess it's less of a stat-related limitation and more simply trying to cover up the fact that most abilities don't have unarmed animation variants.


Which makes sense. Making duplicate animations would be useless because who in their right mind is running around without a weapon? XD


I mean, excluding RPers. We sometimes slow-walk half across Alderaan. We're certainly not in our right mind!

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I sent Xoxaan robes to my new lv 1 Jedi and later decided to delete her to change the hairstyle. Forgot I had already sent her the gear. 12 million for nothing.... I had to stop playing the game for a few days because it hurt.


I did something very similar. I actually wrote a ticket about it and asked if the devs/admins could send the deleted stuff to my main. Gave them main char name, server, etc.


They wrote back that they didn't think they could do it. As it turns out....they could. I got all my stuff back. Ask and see if they can do this for you. I would've lost a Revanite pursuer helm, classic phantom gloves, revan chest piece/legs and a naga sadow belt...but they managed to save it all for me :D

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The dumbest things I have ever done on this game:


1. My very first char was on a PVE server. It was a sin tank and I leveled him all the way to 50, running FPs, doing PVP....then realized I could actually equip a shield generator on my force user. That's right....I had a sin tank up to 50, running with other ppl....and no shield generator the whole time. I was so embarrassed I now play on a different server :p


2. After taking a long break I tried to do HM TC with ppl I used to run with and I wiped us because I forgot to use the Isotope 5 containers.....that made me sad. I was like, "wow, its official...I'm a scrub now."


3. When I first started playing I bought a hypercrate, got Revan's Mask.....and sold it for only 3 mill on GTN....

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Nothing too serious here, I deleted a character to remake him, forgot to take out an outfit i had yet to bind... So nothing really... :)




I did something very similar. I actually wrote a ticket about it and asked if the devs/admins could send the deleted stuff to my main. Gave them main char name, server, etc.


They wrote back that they didn't think they could do it. As it turns out....they could. I got all my stuff back. Ask and see if they can do this for you. I would've lost a Revanite pursuer helm, classic phantom gloves, revan chest piece/legs and a naga sadow belt...but they managed to save it all for me :D


Might have to try that as well, though it's an outfit that isn't too hard to come by...

Edited by sabbey
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So what have you done really boneheaded in game lately?


I just had something. I had moved all of my toons to a new server and one of my augment crafters had its name taken on the new server. Changed it and forgot about it until I needed something crafted and said "I better get some creds over to that toon" and sent 500k via mail. When then going to switch to my crafter, I realized I had just sent someone else 500k.

What was the bonehead move, sending someone else's character 500k or turning off the "unsafe recipient' warning?

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