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Saresh is a bad person.


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Why the hell all of this hate now about Saresh? why nothing before in the past? No new information regarding her has been released so why all of a sudden now?


She's a woman who pursues an aggressive policy instead of being more "reasoned" who outranks the player in universe and won't do everything they want, so people hate her.

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Why the hell all of this hate now about Saresh? why nothing before in the past? No new information regarding her has been released so why all of a sudden now?


Because she jumped the shark at Taris, going from simply myopic and jingoistic and dangerously obsessed, to outright stupid.


Because her grotesque stupidity in this case was also Bioware using her to ham-handedly force through a step in the Ziost plot, the hate just doubles-down.

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I've never understood all this Saresh hate. My first Commando had to witness her choice regarding my prisoner, but that's politics for you.


As for her warmongering and hatred for the Empire, she came to that honestly. Every negative you all thrust on her can be applied 5x to your average Dark Council member. The Empire does absolutely terrible things and you have crazies on this forum actually try to argue that they are just misunderstood.


Good people after years of war start to strain under the pressure. A look back at human history shows this. By this time, the Republic has had two wars with the Empire after a thousand years of peace. Wanting to be rid of the Empire at this point is pretty close to rational behavior.

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She's a woman who pursues an aggressive policy instead of being more "reasoned" who outranks the player in universe and won't do everything they want, so people hate her.


I'm sorry, but I think that is ridiculous. If that were the case there would be a hell of a lot of Garza hate, and there isn't.


The very first time you meet her, Saresh is coercing defenseless construction workers to throw their lives away so her token reconstruction doesn't get behind schedule. Literally paving the way with corpses. Textbook sociopath. Everything else she does in the game is on a similar path. She doesn't care about her people, she doesn't care about the death toll she amasses, she just cares about getting a good sound bite. The "State of the Galaxy" post by the developers indicated she was using the Geno Haradan aka "secret police" to murder anyone who was looking into her actions on Taris. She has more than earned her enmity.


also, if you play the Imperial Agent story line, you see that she...

Is a member of the Star Cabal, an illuminati style secret society thing. So, there is likely more going on behind the scenes, which is neat.



I don't find her listed with the known Star Cabal members. Are you sure you aren't thinking of the Matriarch?


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I actually like her not being a nice person. Hell yeah, ******, ruthless, warmongering lady chancellor!


Except. She's.... She's not very competent at it. First you get the Trooper ending and... why. What are you doing Saresh. Stop. The good publicity is not worth the Empire getting one of their best strategists back, seriously, just stop. Then I was ready to forget that as an outlier after Makeb. I was even ready to ignore the SoR ending (even if I cheered Satele on), because ok, she doesn't have all the facts. (Though it's probably telling that she ends up being compared with the less reasonable parts of the Dark Council when Satele says Saresh won't agree to a truce and Marr then says that the rest of the Council won't either.)


But then Ziost happens. And if you're Republic, the mail she sends afterwards. And I.... look, hell yeah to ruthless warmongering lady chancellor but hell no to ruthless warmongering lady chancellor who has absolutely no idea what she's doing, is utterly incompetent at this warmongering and then sends you a stupid letter ~i firmly believe we had a strong forwards movement~ A GOOD PART OF YOUR FLEET GOT EATEN BY MISTER LET'S CONSUME ENTIRE PLANETS AND I COULD HAVE TOLD YOU THAT BEFOREHAND JUST LIKE LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE WHO SAID DON'T DO IT.


So much potential, so much disappointment.

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Saresh has been built up to be something of the next big bad almost coming to a point that she would have to be dealt with by republic forces. In many ways she is acting a lot like Palentine in Episode 3 constantly pushing the war to escalate to increase her own power.


However there seems to be no way she will survived the 5 year time jump. She is not a good enough politician to survive the crushing defeat that will happen to the republic. So in that way its a really bad choice to do the time jump. Everything that has been building since 1.2 will be ignored.


What was the results of Makebs mining, the control of CZ198, the defeat of the dread masters/oricon, the battle for Kuat, Thorn and the Rakghouls, everything on Risha or Yavin or Ziost etc? It will suddenly be 5 years have passed, everything has changed and there is no conclusion its all left as who knows what happened.


Which makes such a large time jump with the galaxy conquered by a brand new power that came from nowhere seem like a new game and best to forget everything that happened before.

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I guess I'm the only one that likes Saresh, which according to the posts, makes me a warmonger like her. I'm ok with that. After doing 1,000+ quests against the Empire, I'd build a Death Star, point it at Korriban, and massage her trigger finger before she fires.


There was a moment I got a dislike to her on Yavin and then Ziost. Then, on replaying it with alts, I noticed she doesn't have it in for the PC. She has it in for Theron. Right now, she wouldn't believe it if he told her water is wet. And, when she actually calls us on Ziost, we're interrupted before we can say Theron was right. (a little soap opera-ish, but there you go)


Out of curiosity, are there any "bosses" that people do like in the game? Or is the dislike to Saresh because people play the game as a power fantasy against "the man" (well... "the woman" in this case, heh) and she is in charge, and not taking crap, acting basically like Garza?


I dislike her because she let's her hate for the Empire cloud her judgement, causing her to make rash and rather dumb decision (ZIOST ZOIST ZOIST). And I like Garza for most of the game, my trooper respected her and held her in the ihgest regard...Well, until the class quest on Rishi when she causes the deaths of 200 civvilians.


Hell, I out right hated her that at the end, when she is called out by the trooper for people paying the price, what does she care about? Not the death of the civilians her dumb decision caused, not the loyal people that trusted her (At that point I even thought about if she would of done the same thing to Havoc Squad if they weren't pushed to the front lines) with their lives that she made suffer with her experiments. No, she only cared about the fact that this would ruin her career. And if it was an option, my trooper would of called for her exercution.

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Of course when running through Ziost a few times with different alts I ran upon a conversation bit with him at the end where he has something interesting to say about that....



Apparently he's abandoned his plan to consume the universe.



And I can't help but wonder if it has something to do with this new Empire that's about to come waltzing in...

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Why the hell all of this hate now about Saresh? why nothing before in the past? No new information regarding her has been released so why all of a sudden now?


Saresh has always been hated. Heck all the light side troopers at the end of chapter 3 learned to hate her with a passion. With Ziost every one else gets to learn to hate her just as much.

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also, if you play the Imperial Agent story line, you see that she...

Is a member of the Star Cabal, an illuminati style secret society thing. So, there is likely more going on behind the scenes, which is neat.


I don't think this is correct.



Actually, I believe that is Kolovish from Tython, not Saresh.


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Saresh has always been hated. Heck all the light side troopers at the end of chapter 3 learned to hate her with a passion. With Ziost every one else gets to learn to hate her just as much.


And dont' forget Makeb. She had cared nothing about the people and the resulting refugees.


Bad person, but yeah, not smart enough to be of any real consequence. I mean, I think high command, the Jedi, and even the SIS ignore her. So much so she had to develop her own operative.


In the end she will get run over by transport while trying to escape Coruscant.

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10 credits says the thorn in my gunslinger's side survives the pre-events of KotFE. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if...




Instead of ordering a retreat against the lunatics she keeps Republic troops around long enough to get them all killed. Additionally, she will send more afterwards to try to save the day. Because she is a blasted idiot!



Part of me wishes my BH didn't...(major bounty hunter spoiler, read at own rish...REPEAT, READ AT YOUR OWN RISH!!!)


You have been warned...



kill the original Supreme Chancellor because he would have done a better job! Instead of going behind everyone's back, spying on various Republic agencies, and getting people killed. After she was advised to retreat from Ziost.


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As easily fooled Satele may sometimes be, I strongly doubt she'd be able to stand near a Child of the Emperor without protection and not notice it.


Ya, that would be like Yoda standing right next to the Emperor and being clueless, obviously not something that could happen in Star Wars...

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I wasn't expecting this to blow up like it did. But I am glad I'm not alone in thinking she's suspicious.

You didn't expect Star Wars nerds (and I mean that as a description, not an insult) to go apoplectic discussing the personality of a fictional character?

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Of course when running through Ziost a few times with different alts I ran upon a conversation bit with him at the end where he has something interesting to say about that....



Apparently he's abandoned his plan to consume the universe.



And I can't help but wonder if it has something to do with this new Empire that's about to come waltzing in...


True! But that's not something you hear about before Saresh makes he decisions (or that Saresh -- and the people she should have advising her when making such decisions -- could know about) and Vitiate did after all decide that nomming on a planet sounds like a fun thing to do. (And yeah, I def think Vitiate has something to do with the Eternal Empire. No point in deciding to bring him back and even use Ziost to play up the threat he poses and then immediately replace him with a completely new threat.)


Anita...is that you?


Yo, don't diss Anita Sarkeesian :| I don't agree with her on everything, but she does often have some good points. (And even with me not going too deep into this fandom, it's still been enough to see that there *is* a whole lot of sexism lmao. There just happen to be a lot of reasons to hate on Saresh that *aren't* about sexism, ie her warmongering and/or her incompetency at that warmongering.)

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I guess I'm the only one that likes Saresh, which according to the posts, makes me a warmonger like her. I'm ok with that. After doing 1,000+ quests against the Empire, I'd build a Death Star, point it at Korriban, and massage her trigger finger before she fires.


There was a moment I got a dislike to her on Yavin and then Ziost. Then, on replaying it with alts, I noticed she doesn't have it in for the PC. She has it in for Theron. Right now, she wouldn't believe it if he told her water is wet. And, when she actually calls us on Ziost, we're interrupted before we can say Theron was right. (a little soap opera-ish, but there you go)


Out of curiosity, are there any "bosses" that people do like in the game? Or is the dislike to Saresh because people play the game as a power fantasy against "the man" (well... "the woman" in this case, heh) and she is in charge, and not taking crap, acting basically like Garza?


Plenty of males I don't like in the game. Fish face Varsuthra. If you run the JK story you begin to realize that he is as much responsible for the major threats to the pub as anyone. He is directly involved in some very heinous crap and like Saresh does care one bit until after it is discovered. The end justifies the means.


There are others too but it does vary by degree. Saresh however is the most blatant example of the hypocrisy. The fact that she is a woman in power has nothing to do with it.

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I guess I'm the only one that likes Saresh, which according to the posts, makes me a warmonger like her. I'm ok with that. After doing 1,000+ quests against the Empire, I'd build a Death Star, point it at Korriban, and massage her trigger finger before she fires.


There was a moment I got a dislike to her on Yavin and then Ziost. Then, on replaying it with alts, I noticed she doesn't have it in for the PC. She has it in for Theron. Right now, she wouldn't believe it if he told her water is wet. And, when she actually calls us on Ziost, we're interrupted before we can say Theron was right. (a little soap opera-ish, but there you go)


Out of curiosity, are there any "bosses" that people do like in the game? Or is the dislike to Saresh because people play the game as a power fantasy against "the man" (well... "the woman" in this case, heh) and she is in charge, and not taking crap, acting basically like Garza?


I like Garza, she can be reasoned with, or at least made to see things from other points of views even if she doesn't like it (Cyborg Incident, for example, since the after-report mails seems to suggest so).


Varsuthra does annoy me as well, but he does sound sorry about those weapons of his and his poor decision making in their creation (towards the end of JK Coruscant, where he talks about why he made those weapons). So I like him.


I don't even mind Satele by much (a little long winded in the metaphors and flowery language but she is a Jedi Grandmaster, and Yoda wasn't known for always being direct and to the point either ["What does that mean?" "Who knows what goes on in a Jedi's mind", TCW Episode One])


Saresh didn't seem too bad on Taris, just preachy. Like a politician. But after the BH Correlia sequence is done, she seems to have gone drunk on power. Makeb, she got angry at the PC for not knowing the planet was self destructing before going there (wanted to scream "HOW THE ***** WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THIS WHEN I'M PLAYING IN-CHARACTER!"), which doesn't make sense. And then Ziost, she just went off the deep end.


Yes, Reno, Saresh is a bad person. Garza has reasoning (no matter how much people disagree) that has some sense most of the time (seriously, run a tally if so choices the two women make based on what motivation, Saresh is far more motivated to do things to further her career).


And to the one poster who said Yoda never stood next to the Emperor and didn't notice it- there was a veil over the Dark Side of the Force, and the Council in the movies felt it. But after AotC, they assumed it was Doolu and that ol' Palpy was just being a politician (who are obviously all steeped in the Dark side morality by varying degrees). Palpy was also likely concealing himself within the Force with a similar shielding technique as the First Son used in the JC story.

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Saresh didn't seem too bad on Taris, just preachy. Like a politician.


Need I remind you that she Blackmailed her workers on Taris to force them to go back out into Rakghoul infested lands or be stranded on the planet and lose their livelihood (not military people, just average workers) for a moronic environmentalist cause? No she's been an incompetent evil person who only cared about what made her look good from the beginning. Basically Like a Politician.

Edited by Schiffer
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She's a woman who pursues an aggressive policy instead of being more "reasoned" who outranks the player in universe and won't do everything they want, so people hate her.




I hate her because she's a politician and she's making poor decisions.


I'd hate her if she was a man (or any other gender constellation) to be honest.


But then I generally judge people by their actions and not their gender.


(Ask yourself how you would like her if she had been a man and made the same decisions... would you still have though that she was "just pursuing an aggressive policy instead of being more "reasoned" then?)

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Need I remind you that she Blackmailed her workers on Taris to force them to go back out into Rakghoul infested lands or be stranded on the planet and lose their livelihood (not military people, just average workers) for a moronic environmentalist cause? No she's been an incompetent evil person who only cared about what made her look good from the beginning. Basically Like a Politician.


That was a politician move of d-bagery, but still politician mode. I kinda expect politicians to try and pull stunts like that. But again, originally I didn't think she was all that bad, still bad, but she was contained on her little swamp world.


Still don't get how losing a planet would equate to her rising in power.

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I am hoping Suresh doesn't survive the downfall of the Republic and Empire in the new expansion. She is really quite a witch with a capital B. After Ziost I have no respect for her.


I actually hope Saresh survives. So I can kill her myself.

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