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My Swtor Confessions


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I love this thread. :)


I pretend to be a male player IRL when I play on my male characters - It's just easier to not correct people all the time anymore.


My Revan was a woman, and my Exile was a man - And they still are. :p


Designing outfits to match my character's personality is my favorite mini-game.


I keep romancing Darmas Pollaran.


I always save Captain Orzik. If he gets killed, I have to re-run Black Talon until he is spared.


I love group content, play flashpoints and heroics constantly, but I have social anxiety and can't keep myself in a guild so I miss out on operations. This is also why I can't play a tank, as I don't want to be the "leader."


I hate the female trooper romance because all I can think is "cat breath."


I get really attached to my character names, and dread server merges.


I think the whole "love/passion = dark side" thing is ridiculous. I never tell on the Tython lovers, but I always take their crystal. :o


I take every flirt option that comes my way. It's almost like I auto-click without even thinking about it.


I don't usually like the skimpy outfits, but my Jedi spent the entirety of Tatooine in the metal bikini, just for the hell of it.


I've actually grown to like it when I get a flashpoint/heroic group that has a "bad" player. I like the challenge. Especially when I'm healing.


Aaaaaand I need more character slots. :)

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1: I have been playing since release, and I have deleted all my characters and started over 3 times.

2: I still cannot decide which faction to play on.

3: I want to play my warrior, but the way Sith are portrayed makes it difficult for me, as Sith are usually sitting somewhere while your minions do all the work, but in this case, you are doing all the work and the minions are the ones telling you what to do.

4: If I could, I would romance Vette on all my characters.

5: I am a Star Wars racist, if you do not speak galactic basic, I do not accept your side quest.

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I love this thread! Off the top of my head:


1. I won't buff people with stupid character names.

2. I try to match my mount to the environment. So, for example, a tauntaun on ice planets,a bantha on Tatooine, a grasslands varactyl on green planets, etc.

3. I want to play a dark side trooper just so I can tell Aric Jorgan to get bent.

4. I actually did flirt with Lana Beniko.

5. After about 4 times through the Revan story, I actually started to like Lana Beniko. I'm still not sure why.

6. Somewhere after marrying Kira, she sends an e-mail saying she found some old holo images of us. She commented that her butt looked as big as a bantha. I agreed. Well, I didn't tell her that!

7. Every time my ship droid mentions going down with the ship, I invite him to make good on it.

8. My finger hovers over the speaker mute button every time I get near my ship droid.

9. I've realized that I can't stand about 90% of all my companions. I find the most hideous color dye combinations I can to make them look as horrible as possible.

10. I keep a stack of perfume gifts on my bounty hunter so when he does something to tick off Mako, I can bribe her affection right back up.

11. I still get creeped out by how my companions sometimes stand in weird positions with their spines arched like they were in a horrible accident, all the while they are staring intently at me. Makes me think it's some scene out of a horror movie.

12. My bounty hunter wore the Black Talon chestpiece all the way through level 50 and until armor dyes came out because I wanted blue armor.

13. I get totally creeped out everytime I see a child NPC. There's one on Coruscant, near the elevator to The Works that makes me cringe. You know the one, she's looking for her lost brother or some such thing. But anyway, she's got this round kid's face, a young sounding voice, and... a woman's body! Even just talking to her makes me feel like I should be arrested. *shudder*

14. I should have gone to bed hours ago, but I can't stop reading this thread.

15. When I'm goofing around trying to get kill achievements, I sometimes try to kill the NPCs in "appropriate" ways. For example, if they are a demolitionist, I try to kill them with explosives, fire enemies with plasma grenades/flamethrower, etc.

16. I can't stop myself editing this and adding more.

17. As often as is practical, I like to end any boss fight with the most humiliating way to kill them as I can think of. Stock strike, kick in the crotch, etc.

Edited by Kalabakk
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1. I find most of the male PC voices too irritating to live with. The exceptions are Inquisitor, Warrior, and Agent.

2. I used to PVP from early access until 1.3. I spent time researching warzones on youtube, practicing my class, and doing lots of matches for months, but never got any better. I finally quit because I was a drag on everyone else, a crappy healer and a worse DPS.

3. I'm obsessive about character appearance and having a matching mount. I made my Trooper's squad all wear the exact same outfit, and used dyes to colour code them by rank.

4. I love Korriban. I've started new alts just to play it, then deleted them. I also love Dromund Kaas, Hoth, and Voss.

5. I hate Belsavis and Coruscant. I don't like the visual aspect of Makeb.

6. With the exception of the repetitiveness of Chapter 1, I really, really enjoyed the Consular storyline.

7. I don't group up with other people, except under rare circumstances. If someone is really bad or clueless I'll help them complete their missions if I have time. When doing so I let them have all of the loot. After doing so I don't stay in touch.

8. I liked Shadow of Revan. I've enjoyed playing it over and over on my alts.

9. The plain jane, no shoulder protrusions, no weird designs on the back leather look of the Unfettered Trench Coat and Casual Vandal Jacket are awesome. But I would kill for a black shirt underneath instead of a tube top. I feel a little weird with my characters running around in them.

10. I'm here almost exclusively for single player content. The MMO-aspects that I like are just seeing people about and having an active GTN.

11. I like Quinn, Akaavi, Skadge, Tanno, Elara, and Kaliyo. I don't like Torian, Corso, Ashara, or Jaesa.

12. I like the space missions we had at launch, but have done them each about a thousand times so I don't do them anymore unless I'm feeling nostalgic. I don't like GSF at all.

13. I thought strongholds were stupid. Before I realized it I had Dromund Kaas decked out and was obsessing over ceiling decorations.

14. I have never played as a tank, ever.

15. I adore Lana Beniko.

Edited by Azoetia
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1. I find most of the male PC voices too irritating to live with. The exceptions are Inquisitor, Warrior, and Agent.

2. I used to PVP from early access until 1.3. I spent time researching warzones on youtube, practicing my class, and doing lots of matches for months, but never got any better. I finally quit because I was a drag on everyone else, a crappy healer and a worse DPS.

3. I'm obsessive about character appearance and having a matching mount. I made my Trooper's squad all wear the exact same outfit, and used dyes to colour code them by rank.

4. I love Korriban. I've started new alts just to play it, then deleted them. I also love Dromund Kaas, Hoth, and Voss.

5. I hate Belsavis and Coruscant. I don't like the visual aspect of Makeb.

6. With the exception of the repetitiveness of Chapter 1, I really, really enjoyed the Consular storyline.

7. I don't group up with other people, except under rare circumstances. If someone is really bad or clueless I'll help them complete their missions if I have time. When doing so I let them have all of the loot. After doing so I don't stay in touch.

8. I liked Shadow of Revan. I've enjoyed playing it over and over on my alts.

9. The plain jane, no shoulder protrusions, no weird designs on the back leather look of the Unfettered Trench Coat and Casual Vandal Jacket are awesome. But I would kill for a black shirt underneath instead of a tube top. I feel a little weird with my characters running around in them.

10. I'm here almost exclusively for single player content. The MMO-aspects that I like are just seeing people about and having an active GTN.

11. I like Quinn, Akaavi, Skadge, Tanno, Elara, and Kaliyo. I don't like Torian, Corso, Ashara, or Jaesa.

12. I like the space missions we had at launch, but have done them each about a thousand times so I don't do them anymore unless I'm feeling nostalgic. I don't like GSF at all.

13. I thought strongholds were stupid. Before I realized it I had Dromund Kaas decked out and was obsessing over ceiling decorations.

14. I have never played as a tank, ever.

15. I adore Lana Beniko.


But the Male Smuggler is so much betterrrr than the Female Smuggler.


> Liking Skadge

omg pls no

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Oooh, this looks fun :D


1.) I've played every class story in the game to the end back at launch except for Consular. I only lasted 17 levels at most when I tried one. Story and voice was just too boring for me to endure.

2.) I refused to finish Yavin and

defeat Revan for the first time until I acquired his outfit just so I could have an Inception-like moment. :o


3.) I've lost count of how many outfits I have across all of my characters. Much of my time in-game is spent getting awesome looking outfits. I wouldn't be surprised if the total was several dozen :o

4.) I want my Operative and Powertech to switch weapons so they're each using a pistol and rifle respectively.

5.) Like many other players, I want to toss Skadge out the airlock. Or incinerate him with my BH's flamethrower. Or riddle him with blaster bolts. Whichever. I also geared up my ship droid before him. :p

6.) I play LS Sith to massively troll the Jedi and to make them look like psychopaths compared to me. :p

7.) I wouldn't mind making Darth Marr the new Emperor if he wanted the position.

8.) I wish Bioware will give us Warriors more interaction with Darth Vowrawn in the future.

9.) All of my characters romanced Lana Beniko. Needless to say, I like her a lot :D

10.) I plan to stick her in her old outfit once we acquire her as a companion in KoFTE. Thank you Cartel Market. :p

11.) I've only used the Group Finder once this expansion. Once.

12.) As all of my money thus far has been spent on acquiring more outfits, I have no Strongholds... Yet. :o

13.) My favorite companion voice is SCORPIO's thus far.

14.) Like Gelious, I also romanced Vette on my Warrior since I couldn't romance LS Jaesa :(. I also will never forgive Bioware and Karpyshyn for what they did to Revan.

15.) I want the Sith Warrior to meet Scourge so we can have a Wrath vs. Wrath battle and so I can kill him for killing the Exile. :mad:

16.) I believe a Star Wars MMO with SWG's sandbox aspects, player cities/housing, social aspect combined with SWTOR's storytelling, graphics, and combat would be the perfect game. At least for me :o

17.) I totally would've joined Malgus' New Empire if he had extended an invitation to us.

18.) I have yet to play a character fully Dark Side. It's always either LS or Neutral.

19.) I think I have too many confessions. :p

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One more just popped in my head.


18: I chuckle at the people who think the JK is hard because they don't get the healing companion 'til later. I just use the Ship's robot...


People really have a hard time with the JK? That's my best class! At least as a guardian. Never tried Sen/Mar before. Also, I usually stick to Kira and rarely use anyone else.

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People really have a hard time with the JK? That's my best class! At least as a guardian. Never tried Sen/Mar before. Also, I usually stick to Kira and rarely use anyone else.


I use Kira/the Astrodroid myself.


I've just seen in chat and even on the forums other people complaining about how Doc comes so late in the JK story line. Either they have no idea C2-(that darn droids name!) is a healing companion or like me, at the beginning I wasn't sure how to make use of all the stuns/CC so well. (JC was my first character)

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Another one popped up

When someone told me I was getting a companion from the Chiss Ascendacy at Hoth I was like "Awesome." and that they would be female I tried to get to Hoth really fast... only to find out Agent get's the ONE Human employed with them at Hoth... now I wish for there to be a Chiss customization for Temple. :rak_03:

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IRL I'm a guy and pushing 50, and I have a female toon in an RP guild. I play her as a complete, clueless ditz, and it's so fun. I get so much unsolicited advice on my character. I'll wait until someone's watching, then intentionally not get the rotations right at all, and then sit back and watch while I'm told the right way to do it (which is hardly ever the right way to do it). That's how to play clueless.


How to play a ditz:

Run through a dark and stormy castle singing la la la la, dark and stormy castle...

"Fall" off cliffs

"Oh my, where did that big mean monster come from? All I did on Voss was click this cute blue glowing rock..."


It is so fun watching young people go into spastic contortions about how stupid she is. Poor things are going to pop an artery.


It's kind of like how in the play "Eula Mae's Beauty, Bait, and Tackle" the adult grandson tries to explain to his very ancient grandmother that he's gay, and the grandmother just keeps rocking in her chair saying "Well I'm glad you're happy, sonny" and then when he storms off stage all frustrated, the grandma turns and looks directly at the audience and says "What's the point of having children if you can't mess with their minds?"


Fun times.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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IRL I'm a guy and pushing 50, and I have a female toon in an RP guild. I play her as a complete, clueless ditz, and it's so fun. I get so much unsolicited advice on my character. I'll wait until someone's watching, then intentionally not get the rotations right at all, and then sit back and watch while I'm told the right way to do it (which is hardly ever the right way to do it). That's how to play clueless.


How to play a ditz:

Run through a dark and stormy castle singing la la la la, dark and stormy castle...

"Fall" off cliffs

"Oh my, where did that big mean monster come from? All I did on Voss was click this cute blue glowing rock..."


It is so fun watching young people go into spastic contortions about how stupid she is. Poor things are going to pop an artery.


It's kind of like how in the play "Eula Mae's Beauty, Bait, and Tackle" the adult grandson tries to explain to his very ancient grandmother that he's gay, and the grandmother just keeps rocking in her chair saying "Well I'm glad you're happy, sonny" and then when he storms off stage all frustrated, the grandma turns and looks directly at the audience and says "What's the point of having children if you can't mess with their minds?"


Fun times.



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Here are some of them.


1. My main/first character is still using her Dark Jedi Lightsaber. She has had it since the first day of early game access.

2. I have never done Colicord war game in the four-ish years this game has been out.

3. I hate joining guilds, I just eventually turned on auto-ignore guild invites. Which is does not work in my favor because I love doing PVE, so raids don’t happen as much as I like.

4. My second character I made was a sniper, he has been sitting on Belsavis for about 4 years. Still a level 46. Poor guy.

5. I hate T7, mainly because my Knights pretty much always end up dark, except one. I mean T3-M4 didn’t care what Revan did.

6. My Sith Juggernaut was designed after Thana Vesh, even had the armor, but then I went light side on tat.

7. I whish Javik was on my Bounty hunters ship, so he could throw Skadge out the airlock!

8. I can’t seem to play the trooper story, it’s not bad in fact I like it, but Male voice is Varric Tethras, and the female voice is Fem Shep, but they don’t look like Varric and I can’t make it look like my Femshep so it drives me crazy.

9. I made another agent and finished the story, my poor first agent, he is still on Bel.


10. I made the horrible mistake of going Dark side at the end of act 1 of 2nd agents story and then killed Ardun Kothe latter, only to go back to the light and then I found out I could have joined the sis if I had kept him alive


11. I hated the Dark side version of the consular story, but for some reason played the story again, but going gray and ended up loving it.

12. I can’t play a totally dark toon. My Dark knight was really more gray 1-50. But I used diplomacy and Esseles to get her to Dark V. A lot of the dark side options make me fell physically uncomfortable.

13. Whenever I hear Baron Death Marks voice I think of Grunt, basically if you have anything for Dragon age or Mass Effect I will not think of you as your SWTOR character.

14. My main character has multiple costumes worth over 25 million credits. I do it mainly because I have nothing else to spend my creds on.

I’m sure there is more, I will think of them latter latter

Edited by WayneJarvis
some spoliers.
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Oooh, this looks fun :D


3.) I've lost count of how many outfits I have across all of my characters. Much of my time in-game is spent getting awesome looking outfits. I wouldn't be surprised if the total was several dozen :o


The first thing I do when I have made a new toon is press esc and make them their own look.

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1. I never cared for customization. My sage looks like a starfighter pilot and all my toons still wear comms gear.

2. I get irritated when people don't use the best cooldowns in the game ( i.e sage dies in pvp knowing he/she has God bubble)

3. I do all dailies everyday. I make more money this way than crafting

4. I do not know how to craft lol, thus why I make more than previously mentioned

5. I play all roles extremely well

6. My favorite datacron is Makeb

7. I do not own a sentinel (I am very proud of this)

8. I firmly believe in respecting other gamers

9. HK > Lil Wayne

10. I HATE seeker droid missions. I absolutely despise them.

11. I enjoy watching companion vs companion duels

12. My wife's aggro is an instant wipe

13."the enemy within" has way too many stuns. Makes the fight long for nothing

14. My favorite operation is Scum and Villainy

15. My favorite Flashpoint is Hammer Station

16. I firmly believe that esseles was made to torment all SWTOR players.

17. I'm a reporter. I will report you.

18. Every thursday in Jedi Covenant I get on my scoundrel, stealth and offer 1 million credits to whoever can find me.


That's all for now...:)

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1. I never cared for customization. My sage looks like a starfighter pilot and all my toons still wear comms gear.

2. I get irritated when people don't use the best cooldowns in the game ( i.e sage dies in pvp knowing he/she has God bubble)

3. I do all dailies everyday. I make more money this way than crafting

4. I do not know how to craft lol, thus why I make more than previously mentioned

5. I play all roles extremely well

6. My favorite datacron is Makeb

7. I do not own a sentinel (I am very proud of this)

8. I firmly believe in respecting other gamers

9. HK > Lil Wayne

10. I HATE seeker droid missions. I absolutely despise them.

11. I enjoy watching companion vs companion duels

12. My wife's aggro is an instant wipe

13."the enemy within" has way too many stuns. Makes the fight long for nothing

14. My favorite operation is Scum and Villainy

15. My favorite Flashpoint is Hammer Station

16. I firmly believe that esseles was made to torment all SWTOR players.

17. I'm a reporter. I will report you.

18. Every thursday in Jedi Covenant I get on my scoundrel, stealth and offer 1 million credits to whoever can find me.


That's all for now...:)

make it 4 mil and maybe I might hit you down :p

Edited by FerkWork
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1. I like to make alts, and every time I swear to myself that I won't go through getting all the datacrons AGAIN, but I always do.

2. Don't understand the Makeb hate; favorite planet hands down.

3. Was so psyched about 12x xp but feels a bit like a betrayal for some reason so I always turn it off.

4. If I didn't have real-life obligations I would play non-stop.

5. I had a really old character, two actually, and after a hiatus and coming back I used the Appearance Modifier on them (thinking like I'm starting fresh), and now I wish for nostalgia that they look like they used to. Knowing that I have lost their original appearance depresses me...

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I am going to read this thread later but here are some of mine:-


1) when I first started playing the amount of times I deleted and re-started characters (because I wanted a "perfect" playthrough i.e. I started the wrong crew skill or I made mistakes gearing etc) was unbelievable.


2) Dark Jaesa actually managed seduced my neutral SW to the Dark Side


3) Although I did the Nadia romance on my Consular walk through I tend to play as if I never started the romance.


4) I deleted a level 25 Female sage as I got tired of being refered to as a she (I am a male in real life).


5) I once abandoned my level 55 Trooper after completing his main story quest and never doing anyting end game to focus on levelling alts.


6) I tried 3 times to raise a shadow past level 20, but finally started having a ball with playing my assassin.


7) Wishes I could speak Mandalorian


8) It still catches me out when I choose an dialogue option that I think is hard but fair only for what my character actually says sounds rather psychotic.


9) I actually like the Bounty Hunter ship.


10) I enjoy smacking Alderonian nobles about (its one of the few time I can get DS points and affection with Mako at the same time)


11) Despite starting this game in Feb 12 my first imperial character was created in December 14.


12) Since then however, I have spent the majority of my playtime on the Imperial side.

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More from me:


I love love love killing Jedi and/or Sith with Dirty Kick/Pistol Whip/Stock Strike/Rocket Punch. Anything that implies I don't care even slightly about their Force nonsense!


I match mounts to the planet I'm on. So all my characters have a Tauntaun for Hoth and a Dewback for Tatooine :D

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Newish confession:


I REALLY want to make a Jedi Knight on Jung Ma, where I've settled down in, but I also REALLY want to make it a Togruta. I keep breaking down and making others then deleting them... Currently fighting with the idea of making a Twi'lek Jedi Knight but keep thinking I'm just gonna delete him really fast...

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Swtor is responsible for my rebirth as a Star Wars Geek!!


I haven't got a Cathar alt . . .


Don't know if I'll do a Togruta, If I do it prolly gonna be my first female character;)

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