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My Swtor Confessions


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In no particular order:


1) In my mind canon my female SI sometimes has 'fun' with Khem. It all started with wondering what was under that loin cloth.

2) I wish my female force users could have a relationship with a Dark council member...or why stop there? The new Emperor from KotFE isn't bad on the eyes.

3)I love Quinn. I totally forgive him. And I've played SW out in full 5 times and counting just to be with Quinn.

4) I feel dirty for cheating on Quinn with SW #5 because I had to know what I was missing with Pierce.

5) Can't cheat on Vector. He's too sweet. I'd hurt myself, before I'd hurt Vector.

6) I think about the game probably more than I actually play it. It invades my daydreams, but I write fanfic for fun, so...whatever. :p

7) I really like Agent Balkar.

8) I would love to romance Scourge.

9)When Theron and Lana first came on the scene, and I couldn't play out the whole story because I'm a solo player I was all like...nope. I didn't want to have anything to do with those characters. After I got to play out the story with the help of the combat buddy droid, it was love. Love Theron. *needs more Theron*

10) I hate Kai Zyken.

11)I can't stand the Voss. I really want Vitiate to nosh that place and rid us of those traitorous goobers that string both the Empire and Republic along.

12)I really wish we could chose to side with the Gormak.

13)I make a point of being as disrespectful in the Voss temple as I can manage on my toon. That's how much I dislike them.

14) Was mildly annoyed that Arkous didn't want to spend more time with my SI.

15) I get vexed when I see 'triplets' of NPC's standing about.

16)I'm also vexed that the Sith don't get an actual wedding ceremony, like the JK does. What do we have to do hit up a Rhodian harvest festival for that droid or something? :p

17)I really enjoy sticking it to Noman Karr. Also love killing Thana Vesh. Bahahaaa.

18)I actually liked Darth Baras before the dbag turned on me. <.<

19)I want an albino monkey lizard.

20) I adore Darth Marr. If anything happens to him, I won't be responsible. I will find you.



Dear Lunafox. You voiced loud and clear all my other secret sins I was too embarrassed to confess :p

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1. I always ask my ship's robot (upon first meeting them) if they can fight. Watching and hearing them get flustered always makes me laugh.


2. I actually like the ship robots and I say their lines with them.


3. I hated the Consular story so much that when I was doing another run through with a Shadow (first was a Sage) I deleted him when he was standing in the middle of the Black Sun area of Coruscant. The $100K in credits my main had sent him was also (accidentally) deleted and written off as the price I paid for thinking the story might be better the second time.


4. I love Fem Agent's voice. I love it so much that when I heard her voice as Fem Hawke in DA2, I automatically liked DA2.


5. I head canon that my Fem Agent had a fling with Quinn before he got shipped off to Balmorra.


6. I thought the SW story was boring. I was wrong when I replayed it as a Light 5 Jug (instead of the Dark 5 Maurader).


7. I hate the Maurader/Sentinel and Operative/Scoundrel mechanics and have deleted a bunch of mid level characters who happened to be those classes.


8. I didn't like the Trooper or Bounty Hunter mechanics and I'm reluctant to play the two I have to 60 (they have only finished their class stories and are sitting at about 51).


9. I created (another) Jedi Guardian with the sole purpose of romancing Theron Shan for ultimate angst and for the entire "history repeating itself" thing.


10. When Satele Shan told my female Jedi Knight that she saw great things in her, I said out loud to my screen, "Yeah, your son will see great things in me, too. IfyaknowwhatImean."


11. The only time I was ever happy to see Kaliyo was when



she appeared in Doc's companion story.

I intensely disliked her otherwise.


12. I play both male and female characters (am female in real life). All of my male characters sleep their way across the galaxy, which I find amusing.


13. I head canon that my Male Smuggler and Male Agent are the same person (Male Agent picked the light ending). So I made sure they looked identical and they (essentially) have the same name (Smuggler is "Captain <First Name>" and Agent is "Agent <Last Name>.") So my main line up of SWTOR heroes (were they ever to all meet) is only seven instead of eight.


14. I have the main SWTOR theme on my playlist, but I only listen to it until the full orchestra kicks in, then I either restart it or I skip to the next song.


15. I liked Shadow of Revan and the Ziost story.


16. I may or may not have written FemAgent/Vector smut *shifty eyes*


17. I had my Fem Agent do everything she could to piss in Theron Shan's Cheerios (She really, REALLY hates the SIS). Despite all that, I have developed a crush on him and he is now tied with Vector, Garrus, and Alistair as my favorite Bioware romanceable companions.


18. I'm a clicker and I only have two skills bound to my mouse (Mount and Companion attack). It's the way I was "raised" to play these games. Hey, when I first started playing RPG games, I used the arrow keys. It took forever to retrain myself to use WSAD.


19. Now that my legacy is 50 and I maxed out affection with all 40 companions, I find that a weight has been lifted off my shoulders when it comes to conversations. I don't CARE if I get a negative hit with Khem for being nice (or whatever with whoever). I already got my affection achievement from you with another character, nyah nyah nyah!


20. I spend far too much time (and credits) looking for nice outfits for my characters to wear. (I'm beyond irritated that some green pieces look different for Republic and Empire. Seriously, I found a really pretty top is pretty with flowers and embroidery for a Republic character, but that very same top on an Imperial character is all tubes and spikes and stuff. My Sith Inquisitor wants to look pretty too, you know!)


That's all I can think of at the moment :)


*Edits are to add more*

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1) I enjoy every single Dark Side option. Even if I don't take it, the fact that it's there brings me pure joy.

2) I decorated my Dromund Kaas stronghold to feel as beautiful and lonely as possible. I sometimes stand near the window for minutes watching the rain.

3) I fell in love with Vector after I chose the rudest option to greet him and he calmly replied back.

4) I visualize a "money box" for my credits all the time, and each time the number nears 100mil, I feel like the box is finally getting full.

5) I hate grouping for any purpose.

6) I love watching the sky on Rishi.

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*I have about 29 characters total

*I activate my lightsaber when I walk into a dangerous area or just before attacking a boss

*I spit on enemies I did not like after they are dead

*I also spit on players when they steal mobs/chests/quest objects

*I regularly right click the ships droid if he does not say anything upon entering the ship

*Often when Tharan says his I'm a pacifist line, I would say out loud: YES ffs YES you have told me a zillion times already!

*I find healing quite challenging and feel like a total failure when someone dies

*I am a fairly good DPS but I am terrified of trying tanking because I do not want to fail my party.

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I love these! Keep them up, please! Here's a little more from me.


16: I hate Staged Bonus Missions with a passion. I know they offer more rewards, but they're tedious and take way too long.

17: I jokingly call the GSI combat droids in Solo Flashpoints "Mary-sue bots"

18: I RP my Cathar Councilor as childish and fun-loving. I know Cathars are supposed to be a proud race, but that's just how I developed her.

19: I hope my Knight can recruit Vette in the next expansion, I love her.

20: Raqghoul swarms on Taris are fun to kill.

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  • I have switched to an RP server but have kept my name Nick on an old toon on my old pve server despite that fact i haven't touched him since ROTHC first came out.
  • I remade my Knight to romance Theron and not marry Kira
  • My consular hasn't married or flirted with anyone he is a true jedi

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1. The vast majority of my toons are female, even though I am male. And even though I am male, I pretend to be a female to sucker in naive folks into doing things for me or giving me stuff. Old habit from when I first started playing WoW When I realized that people were nicer if they thought you were female. Hence why my first rule in any MMO is to think that all players are male until proven otherwise. I still am nice to folks, but not enough to do crazy things until I really get to know you


2. I honestly know very little about the republic side class stories. I find that the Pub quest lines have to much talking and negotiating and i get frustrated and space bar through most of it. The only one I found semi interesting was the knight story. My knight is currently sitting at level 38 and I actually enjoy it.


3. While the Agent story line does have some funny awesome moments, Looking at you "Making fun of Darth Zash and laughing as she gets frustrated", I found that most of it was a little boring.


4. I can't bring myself to play a trooper. Served in the military myself and I don't want to do it again. Even though it's Star Wars.


5. I, too, prefer to play to play my Jugg lightside.


6. When I do play Pub side, I tend to have more fun playing Dark Side to break up the boring hours of talking they all do to speed things up along with space baring my way through it.


7. I detest PvP in all it's forms and while PvP is actually kind of fun here, I detest it here as well because despite what the PvP community says about itself, they really are some nasty people and take the fun out of it. I only PvP (if I even do) with close friends.


8. My guild leader and I ( I am number two in the guild) plan on booting everyone out of the guild and start over when we finally get our flagship. We are sitting at 38 mil and aside from one person donating 100k to the cause, no one else has helped. But they continually argue amongst themselves as to what we are going to do with the ship. They are unaware that there will be a purge where 90% of the guild will be booted and do not plan on telling them either. We will boot everyone and if they ask, we will tell them that we did all the work and since they refused to assist in any way or even tell us why they couldn't help, they got booted. This just not stem from the FS either, this is how they are most of the time. No one wants to do any work but want to reap all the benefits. The sad part is, they are all mostly nice people. We have 130 members and plan to use the event as an RP story, naming our ship "The Voidseeker III" where it's the third due to us having two ships prior (RP wise) and the guild having a mutiny where they stole one ship and a war between us caused both ships to be destroyed.


9. I hate people that ask questions but never listen to answers unless it's one the like. I see it happen a lot in gen chat on most planets.


10. As soon as I land on Dromund Kaas, I end up placing at least 20 to 30 people on my ignore list within in the first few minutes of being there. One of my guildies found out I ignored him due to his gen chat behavior and was angry. I proceeded to ignore him and boot him from the guild. He complained to the guild leader and she reprimanded me, brought him back him, and to this day, I still ignore him. When our purge happens (See number 8), he will be the first one I boot and I will do it with a smile because I am vindictive like that.


11. This one is really hard for me to spit out, but here it is. My wife wants to play with me quite often in this game. I try to, but she doesn't know that I don't like playing with her because she plays a lot slower than I do and I get frustrated. I still have not told her about how I feel about playing with her and we have been playing MMO's for about 10 years together. I play with her just to make her happy.

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I randomly whip out my lightsaber just to see it. Wonder what Freud would say about that?


Sometimes I go to Tython, find an obvious noob, and tell him I take him as my Padawan and make him follow me around for like an hour. (I usually give them 100K afterwards so I don't feel like a total jerk.)

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Hmm.... okay......


1. I'm a female player, but SWTOR is the first game I've actually felt comfortable making male characters and sticking with them.

2. I think it is impossible for me to not hit the [Flirt] option, whether playing male or female.

3. When playing as a female smuggler, I have taken Corso out at times just to flirt with someone else in front of him on purpose. I guess I'd rather be amused than spare his feelings.

4. Nearly all of my characters have been neutral or light side. Except for my first character. She was psychotic. I have no idea why Imperial Intelligence hired her.

5. I honestly thought I would hate the romance with Vector (wha?? a bug man??), but he remains my favorite in the game - sweet, poetic, loyal and genuine.

6. I have so many alts now that I'm not sure I have a main character :confused:

7. Like many, my favorite story is the Imperial Agent. Part of that might be the really cool ship.

8. I get a bit sad when a character reaches the end of Chapter 3.

9. I usually play with my romance companion out - they tend to have high affection and do well. Guss Tuno is the exception. He wins the game.

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5. I head canon that my Fem Agent had a fling with Quinn before he got shipped off to Balmorra.


So...I'm not the only one who does this. :p


This thread is great, especially the ones that describe me exactly, but which I would never admit to. :cool:


I'll try to come up with some though:


1. I'm slightly melee-character challenged when it comes to grouping. I find being so close up to the mobs, constantly spinning around trying to face the right one, and keeping track of what other people are doing around me to be very difficult. Shadows and assasins are especially difficult and my Force speed always seems to be on cool down whenever I need it.


2. I love the "Oooh, a flesh raider bebeh..." guy on Tython and the "how was I supposed to know they were planning a party for my promotion!" guy on DK so much, that I did their quests, never space barring, on every character until 12x came along.


3) I hate, with the passion of a thousand suns, the Imp side "A Cure for Armageddon" quest (and the "Planetary Surgery" quest on pub side) on Makeb. I have abandoned that planet entirely for months on some chars rather than do that quest again. (You know the one...)


4) I spent 3 days hitting target dummies with a bag full of blasters on my gunslinger trying to find just the right sound combination before I went and augmented her with "permanent blasters."


5) I have a collection of pink light saber crystals.


6) I have never played an evil character in any game until this one and was surprised at how therapeutically fun it was.

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Just thought of another one...

Chiss are my favorite race... and I laugh a lot at the Imperial troopers talking about the Chiss women on Hoth Imperial Side... to which I usually respond "Don't care, worth it." :cool:

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I don't think Flaming other ppl's playstyles was meant to be a part of this Thread. Maybe i'm wrong, but i don't think so...........


Oh fer Chrissakes get over yourself. Are you the forum police? But thanks for repeating my entire post again.

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My husband demands that I add this confession:


"Tell them how upset you got when my Agent was mean to your 'Vecky-poo.'" (Vecky-poo is his word, not mine. I have never called Vector that.)


In my defense, he was purposely being mean to Vector because he knew I liked that character :p


He says he fully expects support from the community.

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a All my alts are in different guilds. 12 alts? 12 guilds. Simple.

b Of all the guilds I joined with each of my alts, I couldn't care less about them. I mean, if there's an op or something else to do I sure sign up and join them, but otherwise i disable the chat and don't bother reading what they have to say.

c In all the guilds I joined, the first thing I do is fast travel to the sgh/ship and check the gb. I usually take the best stuff I can find and sell it on the gtn for free creds. Made around 2m that way. Not a lot, for sure, but still it's free money.

d One of my main is a female ds knight with, obviously, a female name (Which is also my real name). A random guy from the same guild this alt is in, started asking questions about me, my personal life, my body, etc (tl:dr he was trying to flirt with me, but he was terrible at it). I agreed to do "something" for him in exchange for ingame creds and he gave me another 1m. As soon as the ingame mail with the money arrived, I reported it to my gm for sexual harassment and he was kicked out of the guild. He tried to contact me, but the ignore hammer was already in action Pouf.

e I like to go to DK general chat and start flames with other people because reading about them rage and flame even more at each other makes my time on that planet while I level with low-lvl alts more enjoyable.

f Someone wanted to sell a Malgus Holostatue for 800k and I was interested into buying it. But when we were standing in front of each other, I told him to right click (I meant my image > trade > etc), but he clicked the statue instead and got it bound to himself and lost 800k. I should feel bad because I was really interested into that (On TRE those things usually go away for 1.1/1.5m so 800k was a fair price for me), but I couldn't stop laughing when he started flooding the chat with his rage due to his mistake.

g Someone out there is enjoying a cm item I sold on gtn for 5 creds by mistake (Was worth a couple of mil). I forgot to write the price in the little box and the item sold literally 3 minutes after I put it for sale.

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1. I think that the female Sith Warrior's voice is the best out of all of them (although the Sith Inquisitor is really well done as well.


2. I really hated how they used Jennifer Hale AND FemHawke's voice actor for two of the main class characters. Find some new people, ones we haven't heard a thousand times before. Not that I dislike Jennifer Hale, I just hear her ALL. THE TIME.


5. I only play female characters. I can't get into playing guy toons. It's weird for me.


1. Totally agree. I struggled to continuously play any Imperial character until I made my Juggernaut and instantly fell in love with the character. Her voice and acting are fantastic. I'm not a huge fan of the Inquisitor, but that could be biased because of my intense hatred for that entire class.


2. I disagree. Playing as Commander Shepard in the Star Wars universe was a huge bonus for me. I also love when my Troopers talk to Satele. So much awesome. I didn't know that Hawke was in this game, though. I've only played DA2 once and wouldn't recognise her right away.


5. I'm pretty much the same way. I have about 35 total characters and only 3 are male. I just can't get into playing them for extended periods of time. Only male VA I've enjoyed so far is the Trooper.




With that said, here are a few of mine:


1) I don't like the Jedi Knight story at all. Virtually playing in God mode is not fun or interesting.


2) I hate Revan and the fact that "Revan" has a canon story now. To me, Revan will always be a blonde woman that turned Bastila to the Dark Side, took her as an apprentice, and went back to being a ****** with Bastila at her side. I still haven't finished SoR and really don't care to do so. BioWare will never redeem itself in my eyes for this terrible mistake.


3) I really wish BioWare did enforcement on RP servers of any kind. I would even pay a higher subscription price for the service.


4) I don't heal people or tank for people in PvP with stupid character names. I'd rather just let you die.


5) I don't like using Mumble, Ventrilo, or whatever voice client people are using now. Everything can be done and said from within the game itself.


6) I prefer all of the non-Force using classes over the Jedi and Sith playstyles. I think they're just so much cooler.


7) I'd love to play an Agent tank.


8) Now that ESO is out for PS4, I wish BioWare would release SW:TOR for consoles.


9) I've been playing since beta and have put countless hours into this game, but I'd still rather have KotOR III.


10) I've written over 250 pages of story for my characters and how 8 of them are involved with one another whether they be allies, enemies, or related.


11) I'd kill to be able to use any weapon on any character (assault rifle with Powertech, double-bladed lightsabre for Sentinel, etc.)


12) I was unhealthily happy when Manaan was announced as a planet in-game. I'm still waiting for my Manaan Stronghold.

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My husband demands that I add this confession:


"Tell them how upset you got when my Agent was mean to your 'Vecky-poo.'" (Vecky-poo is his word, not mine. I have never called Vector that.)


In my defense, he was purposely being mean to Vector because he knew I liked that character :p


He says he fully expects support from the community.


Nah, I support you. My hubby is the same way. If I like a character, he is guaranteed to hate it and make fun of it.

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21: I love running into Trekkies in this game. It shows we can coexist!

22: I think all 8 class stories are well-written. At least one should appeal to somebody.

23: (This is more of a response to the people who like to write all their characters together) I do that, too. In fact, I'm sure a lot of RP'ers do that. Building relationships between characters involves a more deeper roleplaying experience IMO.

24: Corellia, Manaan, Rishi, and Alderaan strongholds would be very nice!

25: KOTOR II deserves more recognition in this game.

Poor Exile..


26: I'm not one to like sith, but Darth Marr is pretty awesome. It's a love/hate thing.

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My husband demands that I add this confession:


"Tell them how upset you got when my Agent was mean to your 'Vecky-poo.'" (Vecky-poo is his word, not mine. I have never called Vector that.)


In my defense, he was purposely being mean to Vector because he knew I liked that character :p


He says he fully expects support from the community.


Sorry but I'm on my companion hit list, Vector is going... after Kaliyo, Skadge, Scorpio, and Quinn... my agent just has no use for him :rak_03:

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I confess that...

1. I'm an unashamed Altoholic, 22 60's on one server with a pile of lvl 15's and a lvl 37 on another.

2. I've got head-cannon for all of those 60's, not written anything out for them yet but it's just a matter of time.

3. I over-level and over-gear everything - all but one character was 60 and in 186's before touching Rishii, and even the odd one out was 58 before he got there.

4. I've already started stockpiling for basic/elite/ultimate comms, credits and mats ready for Fallen Empire.

5. I don't honestly mind chars or comps in skimpy outfits, done right some of them can look half decent.

6. *coff* some of my female comps and chars look half decent... more so in some cases *coff*

7. I spend a ridiculous amount of time making sure each char and their companions are outfitted properly both in terms of gear rating and appropriate (to headcannon) looking orange shells.

8. I'm torn between the BH story line and the Agents. Purely because I spent so much time as a BH in SWG.

9. I have a tendency to name alts with an "iel" suffix but wouldn't dream of changing the older (pre-suffix decision) characters to match.

10. I play this game far too much :D

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1. I had intended to level a Shadow at launch but ended up with an Imperial Agent instead, only because I wanted to hear Jo Wyatt's voice acting.


2. When I level a new character and am grouped with a friend, I tend to come up with an excuse to leave the group just so that I can hear the NPC's class remarks in dialogues. (If you're grouped, they'll say things like "we're lucky so many of you could show up" instead of "ah, lord wrath, how gracious of you to speak to me", even if the group members aren't in the cutscene. Time to fix, bioware?)


3. I've never flirted with an NPC outside of the companion characters (except for when I made a trolly scoundrel during the beta weekends)


4. I think Malgus had the right idea and I would have joined his Empire. Considering how the plot would unfold, it is not like staying in the current Empire was a better alternative than joining Malgus (betrayal from Dread Masters, Revanites, Lunatic Emperor etc...)


5. I think Satele Shan is a very uninteresting character. When playing the jedi storylines, her voice acting always makes me feel as though she doesn't really care about you. Whenever she is supposed to sympathize with your character, it always sounds so forced... but perhaps that is the point, because she's an emotionless jedi?


6. I think the majority of new lightsaber crystals look ridiculous. Same with the black core sabers!


7. Seeing a Sith Pureblood as anything other than Sith bothers me. (The lore specifies that non-force sensitive sith pureblood are executed at birth. There is one exception, and in his lore entry it clrealy states that the Emperor himself spared his life. So any non force sensitive sith pureblood is a walking lorelol to me)


8. Deep inside I still ***** and whine about the changes Bioware made to Balance Shadows in 2.0.

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1. I now live by the: “He’s just not that much into you,” principle. I am not hitting my head against the wall trying this or maybe that, or maybe the other thing again. If I suck at something, I leave it.

2. I no longer correct other players when they refer to me as ‘he’, ‘man’ or ‘bro’. Easier to grow certain anatomical bits than to convince others that you ain’t gotten them.

3. I want to role a tank, I know I can’t, and it makes me super-sad. I wanna play a gorram tank!

4. I love PvP, and I’d sell my soul for being really, really good at it. So far I had no offers. My soul’s not that great.

5. PvPers make me feel motherly. I ‘m sure that a good home-cooked meal will go a long way towards resolving the class balance problems.

6. I think I might have made a mistake of creating and levelling too many characters, and should have focused on one or two. Too bad I had that epiphany 12 characters too late.

7. I keep telling myself that I don’t have time for this game, should unsub, uninstall and move on, but I stay. ‘Cause the efforts, the efforts!

8. I think there is no point in playing a female character, males have better appearances, voices and entertainment options. They also have way better abs.

9. My favorite moment in the game this week was when Kalyio got dumped by the Operative.

10. I can’t wait for my Scoundrel to do the same with Risha. I don’t RP marriage material.

11. I really want to romance a Jedi and a Sith male that are unapologetically cool. Forget gray and complexity, gimme an archetype!

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- I unlocked Purebloods just so I could roll a Pureblood Consular. Light sided Jedi Shadow...but not afraid to tap into his species's heritage if it means saving lives. No regrets.


- I RP my Sorc as the most skittish Pureblood ever, and the father of my Consular. :rolleyes:

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