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What percentage of users will cancel their 1st months sub?


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I might cancel my subscription not because I don't think the game is worth playing but in protest in lack of some of the basic mmo features. This game is amazing it really is but there is more than a few things that I think need adding/changing plus Bioware need to get their act together open their eyes and realize what it is that makes MMO communities thrive.. because of this I might cancel my subscription in hope that the game changes for the better some time down the line.
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I will probably flip flop between this and Rift. I see complaints about that world feeling small - well, I've probably run more than Forrest Gump in SWTOR, and running around isn't content. I'd rather have smaller or at least better accessibility.


If I have to trek back to General Garza's office one more time... Just give me the missions via holo, thanks! I just finished chapter 1 and rank 20 pvp, and other than the sloppy response from the UI there's nothing I think that's broken beyond salvation here.


I think the size aspect is legit, if not too small. We are talking whole planets here, and we only really get to see the equivalent of perhaps a small town of said planet.


That and space are really my only true qualms, if you could even call them that. More like kinks in the chain that will be fixed in due time I'm sure. I tried having an actual discussion thread on here about users preference for space combat being Rebel Assault-esque or X-Wing vs Tie Fighter-esque, but of course it got drowned out by all these QQing "seasoned" MMO players.

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I think the size aspect is legit, if not too small. We are talking whole planets here, and we only really get to see the equivalent of perhaps a small town of said planet.


That and space are really my only true qualms, if you could even call them that. More like kinks in the chain that will be fixed in due time I'm sure. I tried having an actual discussion thread on here about users preference for space combat being Rebel Assault-esque or X-Wing vs Tie Fighter-esque, but of course it got drowned out by all these QQing "seasoned" MMO players.


I like the space combat. I get Star Fox nostalgia every time. I do wish space combat was more like Rogue Squadron(The best Star Wars flight combat game). But then it wouldn't be able to be nearly as cinematic as they intended.

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FACT WITH over 1000000 subs.. at least 100 people are going to not like this game.


Besides there really aren't alot of people complaining there are a select few, same people over and over again.. and the only reason the threads don't die is because we the guys who like the game decide to defend it, when really these posts would just go away if we promoted the positive posts in these games..


Then the trolls would just be forced to bump their own posts and talk about it amongst themselves.

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I never cease to be amazed at how many WoW fanboys have bought this game just to rush to these forums and whine and gripe and post 'you're gonna lose every single player in 1 week' threads.


I guess most of you just bought the game for the sheer pleasure of trolling on the forums.


sheesh...and it's the same damn names every time. Every moaning doom-laden thread on here and I know who's gonna be posting in advance.


Did Blizzard pay your subs - or are you so brand-blind that you gotta come on here and try and rubbish a game we're enjoying because you see SWTOR as a threat.


Same 20 people all the time!

Edited by Geldogroucho
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Regarding the OP.


Hopefully all of the WoW babies will get the hell out, because quite frankly I'm sick to death of the stupid posts, like this one.


Honestly the amount of utter rubbish posted on this forum hating on SW:ToR. Seriously, just leave if you don't like it, and leave us who do enjoy this game to post constructive things on the forum.

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so I've been watching videos of Guild Wars 2 tonight.. and I'm having trouble finding what's so great about it.



The combat looks SO boring.. the casting animations are slow, the melee is just slashing, every animation looks the same.


The running animations are horrible, it looks way worse than any MMO I've seen, even Warhammer had better running animations.



The races look like direct rip offs from WoW.



So seriously, is it just the graphics?

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After playing LOTRO for 4 years I base nothing on launch. LOTRO was plagued with a good amount of bugs when it first came out, and rather little content. It had a nice consistent playerbase though.


Turbine fixed a good deal of bugs added some instances and raids and 4 years later, their playerbase has consistently grown. Unheard of from an MMO, but whatever.


I plan on staying in SWTOR for awhile. I have confidence that Bioware will make some corrective actions, the little that are needed.

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I like the space combat. I get Star Fox nostalgia every time. I do wish space combat was more like Rogue Squadron(The best Star Wars flight combat game). But then it wouldn't be able to be nearly as cinematic as they intended.


Don't get me wrong, I love it too. I can't stop playing them, even though I'm doing terrible at them. Just personally, I enjoyed the free roam of the X-Wing/Tie Fighter series moreso than the force to fly Rebel Assault. Being able to engage your enemy rather than wait for him to appear can be the single grain of rice that tips the scale in your favor, imo.

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Noone can give you an estimate. We'll just have to wait and see.


All i know is my friends already stopped playing it.


everyone can give an estimate, its just not going to be particularly accurate.



Cant speak for anyone else, but I'm not subbing. Thats not to say I wont sub in the future, but right now its a bugfest and pretty lacking in features I expect from an MMO. I'll give it a few months for them to put some effort in, and then give it another whirl. its got a lot of potential, shame they released it in its current state.

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I like the space combat. I get Star Fox nostalgia every time. I do wish space combat was more like Rogue Squadron(The best Star Wars flight combat game). But then it wouldn't be able to be nearly as cinematic as they intended.


HAHA yea me too, i still remember i thought i was so leet cause i beat starfox with 1 life, till i realised it was just an " easy " game..haha.


To all the complainers out there about space combat, star fox rocked, this space combat rocks.

I liked freelancer too, really good game, either ,either id be happy with.

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HAHA yea me too, i still remember i thought i was so leet cause i beat starfox with 1 life, till i realised it was just an " easy " game..haha.


To all the complainers out there about space combat, star fox rocked, this space combat rocks.

I liked freelancer too, really good game, either ,either id be happy with.


The space combat isn't bad, imo, its inappropriate for an MMO. MMOs, by nature, don't force you to walk a certain direction(even if they can be pretty unsubtle about encouraging you to go that way). You can always turn around to go back, or trying pulling from another direction to make a fight go your way(I love corners once you get AoE spells). Space combat here is 100% single player(not good in an MMO) and being on rails forces you into someone elses skillset.


Taking down capital ships is one of my favorite things to do in space combat, but in this I have trouble because of the weird attack patterns they plotted out. I personally want something like JTL(best part of SWG, post NGE).

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Don't make the mistake in thinking that because a lot of people are moaning like children on these forums it means that a sizeable percentage aren't happy with it. The majority of people playing probably aren't even aware these forums exist, and if they do, they don't care.


30%? Don't make me laugh.

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Still having a blast, played 85 hours so far and I want to make another toon. Oh and I took at 3-months straight. Some people actually love the game and don't waste their time here.


Becase you know what? These forums are awful to read.

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Still having a blast, played 85 hours so far and I want to make another toon. Oh and I took at 3-months straight. Some people actually love the game and don't waste their time here.


Becase you know what? These forums are awful to read.


bout sums it up. the happy players are busy playing (or in my case queuing for a short term) - suffice to say the remainder is 90% of the impatient or people with ridiculous expectations on everything, wanting for their perfect game that is never coming.

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