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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What's your legacy surname?


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Mine is Esembi, which is the first initial of each of my pets' names spelled phonetically - S M B. I liked it for about thirty seconds, then I wondered why I didn't pick Skyhawk or something. Hope they let me change it someday..... :) Edited by Edrawr
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Mine is Ferenczy. But most of the names I see displayed are:


-Weed names, not funny, at all. During the event this weekend where everyone was stacked up in the fleet spawn area, I saw Lovestokin, Alwaysblzed, Stickidanks, Budsforreal, Gonejuh, MJbudz...and those are only the ones I can remember.


-Internet memes, even less funny. Godmode, Ezmode, Umadbro, etc...


Sadly, most names fall into either of those categories or are some idiotic pun on sex/pop culture references.

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My main character is a Sith Sorcerer. I figured an angelic name like Seraphym would be kewl. Seeing that force lightning is his main power, I named his legacy Shokk. Then I was told by a player I ripped it off from a goth band called Seraphim Shock. I had never heard of them before then. I just thought it sounded kewl. Oh well.:wea_03:
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My Legacy name was inspired by my mother who passed away a little over a month ago and who brought me SWTOR as my last ever present as i loved/love her so much i decided on ....Childof'Diana..... as a tribute to her. so my charater is Lord Kianne Childof'Diana


Her force will always be with me

Lord Kianne Childof'Diana :p:)

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