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Everything posted by Edrawr

  1. Thread necro, because why not? http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r187/ajkelley611/2016-06-08_00-14-24_zpskmbjp6dx.jpg also... http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r187/ajkelley611/2016-06-11_02-43-00_zpssxnhoym0.jpg They are siblings.
  2. I just did this last night as a Darkness assassin. Granted, I was probably a couple of levels higher than the quest level at the time, but I thought it was pretty simple. I interrupted the lightning storm or whatever ones, and if my interrupt happened to be on cooldown I just LoS'd her until it was back up again. In this manner, I was able to keep her from casting much of the time and took her down easily. And if she did happen to get one of the big AoE casts up, I moved away from it and LoS'd her around a pillar, and she'd come find me again. So yeah, if you're just standing there eating damage, that's probably not the best way to approach the fight.
  3. Thanks for the response, Amber! I'm just glad to know that it wasn't on my end.
  4. I have a twi'lek Jedi sentinel named Lana'wen.
  5. It's probably my own fault, but I didn't realize at first that Legacy surnames were for both factions. I thought I could have one for my Republic characters and one for my Empire characters. Then, the day I actually unlocked Legacy surnames, my husband told me that it's for ALL characters. Suddenly, I had this box yelling at me to pick a name, my husband was waiting for me to decide, and forty-five minutes later, I came up with Esembi (S M B for the first initial of each of my pets' names). I liked it for about ten seconds, then wished I had just picked something simple like Skyhawk because Esembi looks really ugly. Needless to say, I'm hiding it on all my characters. So yeah, I'm very much hoping that they someday let us change them, even if I have to pay.
  6. Mine is Esembi, which is the first initial of each of my pets' names spelled phonetically - S M B. I liked it for about thirty seconds, then I wondered why I didn't pick Skyhawk or something. Hope they let me change it someday.....
  7. I'm also waiting for them to add more (hopefully-alien) companions to have a relationship with. I have a Twi'lek female JK and I'm sorry, I just have no interest in Doc. I actually put my JK to the side just because of that (maybe that's lame, but I really enjoy romantic side-stories). I'll play her again when they add more options.
  8. Romanceable alien males (and more females, too, of course)! Seems like just about the only species you can have a relationship with if you're a female are humans. Bioware recognized that we're not all xenophobes in ME2 when they gave us Tali, Garrus and Thane. Already had Liara. We need more variety like that! Well, I do anyway.
  9. Does anyone know if there are any screenshots of Doc's customizations anywhere? I've looked and can't find any. Probably because the game is so new still. Hoping patch 2.0 comes soon (I'm hoping that's when they add more companions and add same-gender relationships, anyway).
  10. It is my humble opinion that all classes, male and female, should get at LEAST two options. And not just two straight (one per gender) with one bi (two bi's would be fine though). In Mass Effect, I technically had two choices (Kaidan and Liara), but since I'm heterosexual I didn't really consider Liara an option for me personally. And yeah, my JK would have much preferred someone like Rusk over Doc. And yes, I know Jedi's aren't supposed to have relationships, but rules are meant to be broken! And Anakin was a whiny putz before he and Padme officially hooked up (or at least he seemed like one to me), so he was just doomed from the start and is not a valid example of romances gone wrong (all my opinion, of course, not trying to state anything as fact).
  11. Hmm...yes, I had heard that he was a bit of a sleaze, which totally turned me off. I don't actually have him as a companion yet. I'm just hoping they either flip the switch on existing companions so that you can romance them, or add new ones in relatively soon. If I had my 'druthers, my JK would date/marry/whatever another Jedi (preferably an alien), not some womanizing doctor. And what's with so many of the females' options in this game being human? Many of us like aliens, too!!! Perfect example: Garrus Vakarian. <3
  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one that was a little bummed by this!!! My lovely Twi'lek Sentinel wants nothing to do with Dr. Fuzzystache, thank you very much. I'm gonna play a smuggler for now, since I know I like Corso (well, what I know of him up to level 12), and wait until they release more companions before playing my Sentinel again. It just doesn't seem like Bioware to 1) not include same-gender relationships (even though I personally don't pursue that, I think it needs to be in the game; and 2) only give some classes a whopping one romance option. Oh well. Hopefully they'll introduce more companions - heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, males and females - sometime in the not-too-distant future. We want choices, darn it!!! Oh and I read a hundred or so pages back that Jedis aren't supposed to have relationships. While this is true (in the Old Republic anyway), it's an RPG. We can make our characters break the code on that one thing if we want.
  13. I haven't actually had the pleasure of doing a romance thing yet, but I will say that I'm totally bummed that I have only one option - Dr. Fuzzystache. I'd much rather romance Sergeant Rusk or something. I know they said they plan on implementing same-sex relationships in the future (which I'm surprised it wasn't included at launch, but who knows), but does anyone have any idea whether they plan on making companions who are currently not romanceable, romanceable? Is that even a word? I really, really don't want Dr. Fuzzystache. Thinking of rolling a smuggler so I can romance someone else (Corso, I like him). Blah!
  14. Okay, the thread title is really dumb, I admit. I have a question for you all (I tried to find a search feature to look for what I'm looking for, but I'm either a noob and couldn't find it or it doesn't exist): does Bioware have any plans to make companions who are currently NOT romanceable, romanceable? The reason I ask is because I have this awesome Twi'lek JK who does NOT want a relationship with Dr. Fuzzystache. Sergeant Rusk would be perfect for her, but from what I've read (keep in mind I'm only level 23 right now so I don't actually have either companion yet), he's not an option. Why, oh why, do we only have one companion to choose from (males get pretty Kira and females get Dr. Fuzzystache)? This may sound silly to many, but I actually really enjoy romance side-stories in Bioware's games, and it makes me a sad panda to read that I have a whopping one option. That just doesn't seem like Bioware's style. It's enough to make me want to roll a smuggler because I at least like Corso (so far anyway), and IIRC, smugglers get more than one option. I did read that they plan on implementing same-gender relationships in the future, and that's fine and all, but what about making current ones romanceable? Sorry this is such a long-winded thread!!! Thank you in advance!
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