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What's your legacy surname?


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Still trying to come up with something appropriate.


Any future characters will have a last name as a display name and their first name will be in character. Unless BW has the kindness in them to review the system and allow seperate surnames for each character.

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As I normally play healing chars (almost only PvP) in mmorpg games i knew it needed to be a name that fits healing archetypes so I picked "Forceflower" as my legacy name.


Running with:

Dark 50 Operative healer: "Kamasuthra Forceflower"

Light 27 Sage: "Priestitute Forceflower"


On a fun sidenote i can use the title of my sage to be displayed as "Jedi Priestitute" sounds almost like a NPC Jedi ehum "worker".





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There is nothing wrong with double name.


I'll explain why I've personaly choosen my Legacy name as Elloa (which is also the name of my main character, and the name I'm using since several years on the web in differents games and forums)

The legacy name is the name that will be shared between all your character. There is no real roleplay dimension in it (considering that it's shared between all your characters, may you want them to belong to the same legacy or not). Therefor my Legacy name should be the name I would like to be known and remembered on my server. For me there is one unique name I want to be remembered and this name is Elloa, my main nickname. So for my main character, I'll hide the Legacy title, and I'll show it for all my alts. Then, everyone on the server will recognise any of my character.

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I don't use it as a surname but as a title.


so i have these characters under my Legacy


Blackwidow (operative)

Basilisk (PT)

Kingcobra (Jugg)

Rattlesnake (Assassin)

Centipede (Merc)

Anaconda (Sniper)


"The Venom Legacy"


(lol i know anaconda's are venomous but it was fitting none the less)

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I went with "Insane".

toons are: Emo Insane the heartless;

Dogg Insane <<<<(bounty hunter of course)

Data Insane

Sandman Insane


The best was my friend who chose his legacy name: "In-Bed"....he has a list of toons he is going to make.

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i hope they give us a way to change our surname, i put a dash in my name thinking that it would appear exactly the way i typed it in but the letter after the dash turned lower case after i entered it. quite annoying...
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Goto (japanese surname meaning "behind wisteria".)


7 of my chars have japanese names (except for a single chiss with a chiss name) so the japanese legacy name kinda fits well.


Kasumi Goto (yeah I know its the same name as the thief chick in mass effect 2 already)

Kishi Goto

Masumi Goto

Kiyo Goto

Chiyo Goto

Shizue Goto

Sakae Goto

Edited by Kirameki
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Painkiller (i'm bounty hunter btw) all other names i was trying to add it was just already used :(


Long Live the Judas Priest :))))))))))))))))


First Name : Damianos

Surname : Painkiller




Had a guild called Dissident Aggressors on wow :D


nice to see a fellow metal(god)head here :)

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