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Group queuing in lowbie-mid bracket...


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Only thing is, I saw this on Harbinger yesterday and the whole other faction stopped queuing or would only have 6 players.. Every match that popped ended early from quitters.,. Then it was same faction against same faction... After about 3 matches , the same thing happened and mid pvp completely died... Pops went from instant to 1 min to 1 hour... And if you popped against them... Everyone left

Also if they popped against themselves, one premade would quit so they could requeue with the other until they were on the same team

As fun as it sounds... It will destroy your queues as people refuse to play you... I have a feeling that's what this post is about... You are finding less and less people willing to play you, so they quit the match... Meaning your getting less games or games that end in quitters... Hence you are here challenging people to form similar teams to play you... You know, that will be even worse.,, the more teams that do this, the more FOTM Stealths become and the less likely anyone will pvp with you


I would have to agree with this.


Don't get me wrong its hilarious and I'm sure the guys in the match were laughing at first.

Then the next match it happens, then another, and then people just quit.


You have found the perfect loophole into which you are just playing the game, but actually ruining others' experiences. You can continue to do this, but eventually you won't have anyone to play with.

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I would have to agree with this.


Don't get me wrong its hilarious and I'm sure the guys in the match were laughing at first.

Then the next match it happens, then another, and then people just quit.


You have found the perfect loophole into which you are just playing the game, but actually ruining others' experiences. You can continue to do this, but eventually you won't have anyone to play with.


It's a balancing act. We can't do it too much... We switched to impside last night, because there was another guild running a pub premade that was stomping imp pugs, so we decided to level the playing field. (I was on 3 matches on another imp toon before my group logged on, and was on the receiving end of some really heavy handed poundings.)


We queued impside (6 of us), and the matches against the other guild premade were close. They were fun, and neither side was roflstomping the other.


I wonder... And maybe this already happens..... Without having a separate group queue, could there a priority system? I.e. if 32 total players are in the queue, some solo and some queuing together... What if the matchmaking system tried to put groups against each other, but if it couldn't it would revert to putting then against solo?

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It doesn't likely make sense for 7 to go to the 1, when the 1 could come to the 7... Come to Jedi Covenant :p


(Plus, I'd miss my 19ms server ping too much)


Come to Jung Ma, I'm sure a bunch of us would love to super-queue against your group. Heck any PvP server guild would gladly serve you up a plate of steaming hot mess with their own superqueue once they see others doing it.


(Plus POT5 and JM are east coast so would have the same ping as JC)

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It doesn't likely make sense for 7 to go to the 1, when the 1 could come to the 7... Come to Jedi Covenant :p


(Plus, I'd miss my 19ms server ping too much)


harbinger has more pops and more tears. Plus it is not my original server. I just made a few characters there recently, and surprisingly neither assassin nor shadow are part of them.

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Come to Jung Ma, I'm sure a bunch of us would love to super-queue against your group. Heck any PvP server guild would gladly serve you up a plate of steaming hot mess with their own superqueue once they see others doing it.


(Plus POT5 and JM are east coast so would have the same ping as JC)


I also play with a guild on Jung Ma... we are toying with doing this same idea, with an all mercenary team actually. Look me up on Jung Ma: character name: Apostrophe

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I also play with a guild on Jung Ma... we are toying with doing this same idea, with an all mercenary team actually. Look me up on Jung Ma: character name: Apostrophe


Pub or Imp?


Cause I main pub, but got a couple lowbie imps to go with my guildies, but I'm sure we could get a bunch of other guilds to jump in on this too.

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Let me break out the NLP and see if I can accurately profile:


So basically you are teens or teen minded living at home. You've run out of interesting things to do in the game so you try to make the game as unenjoyable as possible to as many people as you can. You only play the game when logged into a VOIP and have a group. You've angered so many people on JC that you will never dare queue solo.


Keep up the good work. You will be rewarded with a Season Mount to hang out with in the Combat Training section of fleet and will get Adaptive armor and unique weapon that will make others jealous when you pug a PVE Op.


Well Done, Working as Intended.


So.. mini-backstory: about 2 weeks ago, a bunch of people in my guild (Jedi Covenant server) got bored, and we decided to all create new toons, purely for pvp. We picked a class, actually 6 people are shadows, and I am the lone scoundrel. (We are still looking for our 8th.)


We leveled up to 26, which takes about an hour and a half-ish with 12x exp... and off to the warzone queue we went. Our plan is to stay in the lowbie bracket until we hit 30, then hop back to story/class quests to 40-ish, and then pvp the rest of the way to 60, then at 60 we will have to decide what to do about ranked. Truth is, we might actually suck at PvP, and we only facerolling because we are grouping in regs... But we will find out when we get there.


A few things to note:


1- Yes. I understand that especially in lowbie pvp, shadows are OP. (Although, at low levels, so are Snipers/Slingers, and a slew of other classes.)


2- Yes. I understand that we are 7 people who are queuing into lowbie pvp, that can all stealth, and coordinate over voicechat.


3- No. We aren't doing anything that violates the ToS or the Code of Conduct. (I've read them backwards and forwards.)


4- No. We are not actually one person who's multiboxing 7 characters. (That's the most common question we get.)


5- No. We haven't been beaten yet. (But we would love for someone/someone's to try.)


We have gotten some very polarizing views from the community, from people who end up backfilling our teams, to people we are playing against, to two very stark viewpoints from Reddit: The first being "You guys are ***holes." and the second being "That was hysterical, please more people do this."


So.... If you're on Jedi Covenant and want to come try to beat us, or you're on another server and want to roll toons on Jedi Covenant (like I said, it only takes a hot minute to get up to a competitive level in the lowbie bracket - or even the mids bracket) - by all means..... come and play. Beat us. Beat us at our own game.... FInd a better way than what we are doing, and beat us that way.


Daiquiri - Boom goes the Capper - Reddit Comments


Daiquiri - Capping a node - SCREENSHOT

Daiquiri - Capping a node - Reddit Comments


Which camp are you in? Are we ***holes? Or do you enjoy this, and want to come try to beat us?

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so let me get this straight... you rolled a whole friggin team of OP FOTM classes and wonder why you are getting grief? ...and are calling out other people to come knock you off the high horse?

I mean if you had done a team of Mercs that i could respect



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Let me break out the NLP and see if I can accurately profile:


So basically you are teens or teen minded living at home. You've run out of interesting things to do in the game so you try to make the game as unenjoyable as possible to as many people as you can. You only play the game when logged into a VOIP and have a group. You've angered so many people on JC that you will never dare queue solo.


Keep up the good work. You will be rewarded with a Season Mount to hang out with in the Combat Training section of fleet and will get Adaptive armor and unique weapon that will make others jealous when you pug a PVE Op.


Well Done, Working as Intended.


Nice try with the profiling... Actually, we're all adults with wives/girlfriends/children. Several of us are active duty military, military officers, or people with actual professional careers with reasonable incomes. Some of us actually also go outside once in a while, play in bands, and have lives.


I'm surprised you didn't resort to calling us gay, or some comment about our mothers, as that seems to be the mindset of most people who complain.


We roll our "super queue" both impside and pubside. We typically gauge if one faction already has premades running, and if so, we PvP from the opposite faction.


I got a whisper from someone standing on fleet last night, asking if I was the person who made this (and the reddit) post, to which I said yes, and he proceeded to tell me how much he enjoyed reading it and that he thinks it's "hilarious"... So, at least one lonely person on JC doesn't hate us, lord knows, maybe there's more?


Have fun being bitter.


"They hate us cuz they ain't us." comes to mind. Go find friends, if your personality won't entice people to play with you, I'm sure you could bribe them with credits? Or maybe Twi'leks and Spice?



One last thing BTW - We aren't <Working as Intended> so don't erroneously send our hate their way... We try very hard at what we do, and we deserve our due grief from folks who are butthurt. Don't rob of us the fruits of our labor by lavishing our due rewards on another.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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Let me break out the NLP and see if I can accurately profile:


So basically you are teens or teen minded living at home. You've run out of interesting things to do in the game so you try to make the game as unenjoyable as possible to as many people as you can. You only play the game when logged into a VOIP and have a group. You've angered so many people on JC that you will never dare queue solo.


Keep up the good work. You will be rewarded with a Season Mount to hang out with in the Combat Training section of fleet and will get Adaptive armor and unique weapon that will make others jealous when you pug a PVE Op.


Well Done, Working as Intended.


Great reply.


Creates a perfect closed circle with no new players getting in - because otherwise they are steamrolled.

Just keep all of the "good things" among yourself. Never allow any Newbies to get their share of the cake.

Totally selfish behaviour.


And - behaviour like this is what's killing PvP.

No joking. You just need to project the outcome / results of this behaviour into the future.


Years later : "We destroyed SWTOR PvP - but hey ! We hat LOTS of fun !"

Small groups playing Bioware ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Thanks, and glad the consensus is that it equates to a kind of bully mentality. This sort of group advantage has been curtailed in other mmo's but apparently the staff at EA think that if they give us something like a 'solo' only queue option then those super valuable 24/7 pvp'ers ( all 17 of them) will possibly..........wait for it..............unsubscribe.


To the guy saying you actually have kids and you do this kind of behavior. Next time you bring your children to the playground and there are a dozen old enough to drive teenagers climbing the jungle gym , running up the slides, and breaking the swings. Say to yourself "hey thats kinda what me and my pals do in swtor"




Great reply.


Creates a perfect closed circle with no new players getting in - because otherwise they are steamrolled.

Just keep all of the "good things" among yourself. Never allow any Newbies to get their share of the cake.

Totally selfish behaviour.


And - behaviour like this is what's killing PvP.

No joking. You just need to project the outcome / results of this behaviour into the future.


Years later : "We destroyed SWTOR PvP - but hey ! We hat LOTS of fun !"

Small groups playing Bioware ...

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I really don't see how this is enjoyable for anyone, including you and your friends. So you stomp pug group after pug group in lowbies, but I imagine the novelty of 6 or 7 shadows globaling one player at a time wears off pretty quickly and you're left itching for an actual challenge that will probably never present itself short of you going up against rank geared 60s running a premade.


You're playing a fotm class in a premade with other fotms while coordinating on vent/ts. In addition to this you're also a clicker. Not to sound harsh but you probably won't find a whole lot of encouragement on here. Now, if you were doing this with an underrepresented class that is struggling like a merc/mando or a marauder/sent you would in all likelihood receive a far more positive reception and a lot more encouragement. But you won't here, because it's just kind of cheap. I wouldn't be surprised if stuff like this leads to lowbie pvp on your server dying out altogether. How would you feel if the other team ran a premade of 8 healers or tanks? or their own stealth brigade of assassins and operatives? I can already predict you'd say you'd welcome the challenge, but I doubt you would if you were solo queing.


Did you see how quickly the imps in that match left? They're obviously not having fun and will probably just stop queing lowbie pvp altogether. Do you actually enjoy 2 minute matches?


One time on my 60 i did a hypergates and the other team had 4 scoundrels who camped people at the spawn zone globaling everyone. They didn't actually contribute to their team's progress in that match and ended up losing badly . They taunted players they actually killed in a 4v1 as if they actually thought they were good players. I hope you guys don't ever stoop that low.


For me, the fun in pvp is about a challenge, the best games i've played were with 2 evenly matched pug groups or premades and the matches are always pretty close.

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