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Significant power shift @ the Harbinger


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I am from bastion as well as some others and I am in hustle so how are we all from pot5....... secondly we have quite a few good solo players from bastion and pot5. We are not really desperate for numbers at all, we camp you cause your easy and we have no other options because where usually stomping you anyways, if you don't like it get better i guess. I haven't got wrecked b any of these "pub stars" you claim. so :3 carry on.


You camp because you enjoy it.




What's more telling is that when queued solo, most players don't or can't spawn camp. When queued in groups... well.. that's a different story.



(and no, Hustle is not "usually stomping". Stop making me laugh so much. You have a few players who can carry a team, but the rest... not so much)

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I have to say there are some funny comments. I realize the pubs got a surge of total newbs and as a solo dps Qs go, I get stomped a lot, doesn't matter by who that is the nature of solo Qs. When I tank my healer we get stomped but at least we put up numbers and we won't make it easy for you guys. When I run a premade pub we are just as good as any imp premade so the next 4 really make the diffrence and in my opinion imps are winning that roll. So who cares about win/lose I say don't rage quit and suck at pvp forever, if you talk s**t and your are not at the top of the charts you need to humble up. I wanna throw this out there whoever trolled my name on the imp side pornflakes, it is not me your a total tool now I have to roll with my legacy name "Madeulook", just so ppl don't think I suck as bad as you do.
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You camp because you enjoy it.




What's more telling is that when queued solo, most players don't or can't spawn camp. When queued in groups... well.. that's a different story.



(and no, Hustle is not "usually stomping". Stop making me laugh so much. You have a few players who can carry a team, but the rest... not so much)


Not many guilds on this server can give us a good run. The times we are playing objs, and playing another good guild. It comes down to the other 4 players on each team.


(and yes, we are "usually stomping". Your guild has literally no players in it that can carry.)

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I disagree... But then we wouldn't really know till they tried it


Even without hand picking classes for Huttball, it was a cluster when 8v8 ranked was a thing. Entrench and Shroud when the ball spawns. Whoever's spam click macro won the RNG roll throws to their Jugg who Intercedes to a stealth in the end zone. Ball clicking resumes.


It's a very fun game in an uncoordinated environment, but very boring otherwise.

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Not many guilds on this server can give us a good run. The times we are playing objs, and playing another good guild. It comes down to the other 4 players on each team.


(and yes, we are "usually stomping". Your guild has literally no players in it that can carry.)


Joke's on you, my friend. I don't happen to be in a guild, so there's that...


and when I say "carry" I mean "player understands mechanics of said encounter", not "ZOMG HE PUT OUT DA SUPERDEEEPZ"


Give me a *********** break.



Don't take it so personally. The same is true for every "guild" on Harbinger.

Edited by maverickmatt
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These threads about premades "destroying" pvp are becoming very redundant fast. It used to be on the imp side would get stomped by constant pubside premades now it's just the opposite but at the end of the day it honestly should not matter if you're on the winning or losing team as long as you're having fun. (which is the goal of playing a game, right?) I learned a while ago not to get set on winning every single match i que in. (with that mentality you're just setting yourself up to be frustrated). As for the spawn camping issue most of the time it's on the player who decides to run back into thick of it instead of regrouping with their team. (if players come out 1-3 at a time it's very easy to burn them down).


To sum it up if you're a decent player you're going to do well (relatively based on the situation) regardless if the rest of your team is sub-par. What i do most of the time is i notice other players that are doing well in wzs and group up with them if I've got no homies online at the time.

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Joke's on you, my friend. I don't happen to be in a guild, so there's that...


and when I say "carry" I mean "player understands mechanics of said encounter", not "ZOMG HE PUT OUT DA SUPERDEEEPZ"


Give me a *********** break.



Don't take it so personally. The same is true for every "guild" on Harbinger.


Unless I'm mistaken you're Wørd the sage, and in a guild (or were couple days ago). I understand the mechanics of each wz. When I choose to "chase numbers" its because after rated 8s, playing objs every wz gets old. I respond to most incoming calls, also have enough awareness to see if someone is in trouble. Just because I (or we) choose not to play to the top of your ability every game, doesn't mean we can't.


Really what this thread is coming to sound like is that pubs' "pvp egos" are bruised. They were use to autowins every wz, no matter how bad said pubs actually are. We transferred here for ranked, not to farm regs. Some of us may run their mouths, myself being one of the worst. But that is habit from the environment of pot5, and/or bastion. If people wish to group or learn from us, most of us are willing. There's really no point in the back and forth in this thread.

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These threads about premades "destroying" pvp are becoming very redundant fast. It used to be on the imp side would get stomped by constant pubside premades now it's just the opposite but at the end of the day it honestly should not matter if you're on the winning or losing team as long as you're having fun. (which is the goal of playing a game, right?) I learned a while ago not to get set on winning every single match i que in. (with that mentality you're just setting yourself up to be frustrated). As for the spawn camping issue most of the time it's on the player who decides to run back into thick of it instead of regrouping with their team. (if players come out 1-3 at a time it's very easy to burn them down).


To sum it up if you're a decent player you're going to do well (relatively based on the situation) regardless if the rest of your team is sub-par. What i do most of the time is i notice other players that are doing well in wzs and group up with them if I've got no homies online at the time.



You are correct in the assertion that premades are not the problem. They never were the problem. Joe and his 3 buddies can queue together and it's totally allowable and probably preferred.


Sour grapes are the problem. Those players (whether solo or grouped) that have negative attitudes towards other players for no good reason (i.e. he probably didn't **** your mother or anything) and express that at every turn. Sour grapes like the players who look down on regs and the casual player that queues in them, but can't seem to draw themselves away from such a venue.


It just so happens that misery loves company, and those players tend to group together to express their hatred of said reg warzones by queuing them and either not trying to win (playing objectives) or mindlessly derping under the false impression that numbers win.


No, premades are not the issue. I advocate them heavily for all players, new and experienced.

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As far as 'premades in regs' destroying reg queues, that is down there on the list of why reg queues suffer. Ahead of them (in no particular order) I would things like put class balance, content drought, natural MMO attrition, gear inequity, toxicity/harassment and faction imbalance all ahead of 'premades in regs'.

EXACTLY! Balance, gear and lack of content is why PvP queues suffer...not premades.


Yes, farming of players can have a detrimental effect on participation...I totally get that and I absolutely agree with you Vember.


But...farming doesn't happen because of premades, it happens because of the massive gear gap and a broken Bolster system. It happens when Mando'Mike rolls out in his 54k PvE set of armor, with an expertise rating of 718, Sammy'Sorc, with 39k, can crit him for 18k+ a pop. Do you know how many freaking Pubs I see with 1200, or under, Expertise rating? 2-3 PER MATCH on a typical night. Bolster is KILLING these players...the farming of them is a byproduct of them having zero chance because of their gear.


Farming isn't due to premades - I solo queue a lot, and I see farming by PuG groups as much as I do premades. It's because Bolster screws over new players for doing the smart thing...they wear their best gear into a WZ...not crap they threw away 2 years ago or out leveled 10 levels ago.


Balance is another obvious factor, but half of that is due to gear too. Lack of content is also a huge contributor, as players don't see much new they want to check out in PvP, nothing has changed for 2+ years.


Premades aren't the issue. Gear, bolster, balance and content are!

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Unless I'm mistaken you're Wørd the sage, and in a guild (or were couple days ago). I understand the mechanics of each wz. When I choose to "chase numbers" its because after rated 8s, playing objs every wz gets old. I respond to most incoming calls, also have enough awareness to see if someone is in trouble. Just because I (or we) choose not to play to the top of your ability every game, doesn't mean we can't.


Really what this thread is coming to sound like is that pubs' "pvp egos" are bruised. They were use to autowins every wz, no matter how bad said pubs actually are. We transferred here for ranked, not to farm regs. Some of us may run their mouths, myself being one of the worst. But that is habit from the environment of pot5, and/or bastion. If people wish to group or learn from us, most of us are willing. There's really no point in the back and forth in this thread.


You are correct that I have the sage, and the sorc, the guardian Maverick (as well as the jugg but not the *********** operative that stole my name). I'm also Kirk-Lazarus (I do know what dude I am), Tonya'Harding (sans crowbars), and a myriad of other names that you may or may not encounter in lowbies.


The "guild" you refer to is really 3 people, 2 of whom don't play more than 5 or 6 hours a week. For all intents and purposes it is not a guild, but a chat channel so I don't have to whisper them.


At any rate, I too was on pot5 and I don't have the lack of patience that everyone brought here. Yes, objective warzones get old (so does TDM) but if you're going to queue them.. why would you ever not try to win?

Edited by maverickmatt
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Yeah. This thread kind of went downhill. I'm a bit embarrassed to have participated in its demise...:o


P.S. But seriously though, why do y'all hate my face? Y'all haven't even seen it. :(;):p


I'm not.


It was a silly thread to begin with, and I'm surprised it lasted until Tuesday without deletion.

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You are correct that I have the sage, and the sorc, the guardian Maverick (as well as the jugg but not the *********** operative that stole my name). I'm also Kirk-Lazarus (I do know what dude I am), Tonya'Harding (sans crowbars), and a myriad of other names that you may or may not encounter in lowbies.


The "guild" you refer to is really 3 people, 2 of whom don't play more than 5 or 6 hours a week. For all intents and purposes it is not a guild, but a chat channel so I don't have to whisper them.


At any rate, I too was on pot5 and I don't have the lack of patience that everyone brought here. Yes, objective warzones get old (so does TDM) but if you're going to queue them.. why would you ever not try to win?


After a couple hours of pvp, I surprising am starting to agree with you. tried having a talk with a couple members about farming, triple capping, etc of pugs. And I'm disgusted with them.

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After a couple hours of pvp, I surprising am starting to agree with you. tried having a talk with a couple members about farming, triple capping, etc of pugs. And I'm disgusted with them.


I get the point that is made about triple capping. "Hurry up and end this, they have no shot anyway. Let's just farm them and get the **** out of here". However, if "hurry up and get this over" is the attitude that people queue with I have to wonder why they bother. They are clearly miserable and perhaps it's time to find another game.


Farming does nothing but discourage the majority of players. Oh sure, there may be those select few who take it personally and find the motivation to overcome said farming, but that's not the typical SWTOR player. What it actually does is reduce the number of people willing to tolerate pvp here, and that's no good for anyone. Fewer reg players leads to fewer ranked players, which leads to more complaining about it.



Not all premades do this, and not all solo queue heroes are innocent. One guild is no more guilty than another, but if anything is ever going to get better, people need a chance to learn and they don't learn anything from sitting in spawn the whole match or quitting because they feel there is no hope of winning. I sincerely doubt anyone wishes another team to "play down" to the level of competition, so to speak. All anyone has ever really asked for (even if they phrased it incorrectly) is for the more experienced PvPers to act as if they do want the competition that comes from a healthy and populated pvp mode. This means taking a larger role in the development of that community.


You see players like Kre'a (I dunno how he spells it) doing things like organizing pug groups, and when Evolixe and Xinika were here you'd see them write guides specifically for pvp (even if Evolixe was an ******e to most people). We complain and complain about pugs and their general lack of skill and then we give that as a reason why we premade and TDM every game. What most posters don't realize is that the real problem is these players have nowhere to learn. Regs are being overrun by premades looking to wipe everyone and steamroll to victory, and Ranked is full of trolls and **** talking.


It really isn't fair to anyone. The premades suffer, the pugs suffer, and the community as a whole suffers. Should Bioware provide a practice zone? Maybe, but we know they won't. That puts the onus on the playerbase.




As an aside, I did not mean to imply that you or your friends were terrible players. There are good players there. Unfortunately, as we both seem to agree upon now, those good players get caught up in number chasing.

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For all you know I could be Russian. That would make my English skills much more impressive, no?


At any rate........ there's always that one guy...


I know you're agitated in this little scrum with a couple guys, but lighten up, man. it was just a little fun.

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I've seen a significant power shift at The Harbinger, and it was AWAY from the Imps to be now VERY HEAVILY Pub sided. Recently on my new level 60 Jugg Tank, I decided to do some PvP, did 5 matches, every match was a complete and total loss. 2 of the matches we were up against 4 Healers(This was Unranked both were Novarre Coast)! Seriously?!? Could like, 2 of you competent healers come over to the Imperial Side to even the odds? Sure, it's fun to win, but it's not fun to just completely crush the opposing team, there has to be some sense of "Damn, that was a hard team to beat, but we did it!"



It depends on who's queuing imp side.


For example, I just did a few imp sides wz's solo and we got rolled 4 games in a row because people were putting up between 200-400 dps tops (with 1 dps actually knowing their rotation) with a sin "tank" yoloing into mid for Hypergates getting globalled, guarding no one and just overall being useless to the group. Then I get mercs face tanking in voidstar, not los'ing or kiting whatsoever. A Sorc who used Force Barrier before the match even started. Y'know, typical imp side garbage when not rolling with a decent premade.


And this was pug v pug, mind you, with 8 random pubs focus firing with total precision and purpose.


So aside from the few imp premades running around, the average imp side pvp'er is absolute garbage beyond belief. It. Is. So. Bad. Watching it is just nauseating. I mean, come on dude, you're a merc. Use something other than rapid shots spam.

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Yes, in pvp. Check around.


If anyone is doing that high, it was either a really short match or it was against a team that had several healers. All that damage.. still no win if you can't clear the node in some fashion (CC, KB, death.. etc..) and....



Who can afford to miss a damage GCD to do anything else? It might **** up their parse numbers.

Edited by maverickmatt
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Uh. You do realize there are players doing 4-5k dps, yea?


Regularly? In non setup arena matches? No...


I've seen several of those screenshots, all but 1 were completely illegitimate. And that 1 was dubious at best.

Edited by ace_boogie
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That's one thing someone should point out about Pub side. There are often premades rolling that don't look premade. I can't tell you how often I've ended up in a group of 4 strong players in voice from all different guilds. They're quicker to pick up a random who performs well during a match, and less interested in the guild tags. Never assume if you're playing a team that's hitting with precision, that there's no premade, just because of the tags. :)


If anyone is doing that high, it was either a really short match or it was against a team that had several healers. All that damage.. still no win if you can't clear the node in some fashion (CC, KB, death.. etc..) and....


Who can afford to miss a damage GCD to do anything else? It might **** up their parse numbers.


Long match. But yeah, also there's at least one healer who has put up over 6k hps. Don't ask me how, I've no idea.

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