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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Interview with Alex Modny and Eric Musco on Bad Feeling Podcast


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There was suppose to be some help to commando via hte healing update in regards to dps off healing.

That only helps the healing tree...you can give a DPS Commando all the off healing you like, but if he can't survive the first strike of his enemies, it means nothing.

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That only helps the healing tree...you can give a DPS Commando all the off healing you like, but if he can't survive the first strike of his enemies, it means nothing.


Oh agreed, I think there should be a baseline dmg reduction applied to kolto Overload so that it you know works as intended - a anti-focus mechanism.

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Hey everyone, I hope y'all enjoy the podcast. Chuck and Brian are awesome and I hope you enjoy their show (and don't find my ummmming too obnoxious :sul_embarrassed:). Despite Chuck's protest it really was an honor to be on their show and it was very special for me personally.


There is a lot of information on the changes that we covered and we are going to make an official post about all the changes next week but until then please ask away if you have questions about the podcast that I can answer.


Ummmmmm, cheers!


I am looking forward to the changes in gear cost and comm cap increase.


I am not sure where to post this feedback, but I would like to formally request the opportunity to buy previous seasons awards with the tokens under the new system.


I did not play the game until recently, and I LOVE the gear given out in Season 3. The effects on the weapons and armor are the best I have seen in game, and I am terribly frustrated I cannot get the Furious helmet. The flame effects are super impressive.


So if you guys would please consider allowing for this, I think the community would be grateful, I know I would be.

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How did this become a Merc thread...


Guys, start another thread...

It's a thread about PvP and the changes coming in 3.3...balance is the single biggest issue in PvP that I can think of.

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Upcoming PvP Changes:

Goals are to increase pvp population, increase competitiveness, and speed up pvp progression:


1. PvP Gear Cost Reduction (33% reduction for exhumed, 81% reduction for Dark Reaver)


Thank God... This is really needed!


2. Dark Reaver will now be bought with WZ comms, ranked comms are removed from the game entirely.


Holy mother of... YESSSSSSSSS


3. Warzone XP and Credit gain are being doubled.


Ok, that's nice for people who only PvP on that toon.


4. They are adding Warzone Commendation Lockboxes which will allow you to transfer wz comms throughout your legacy.


Oooh, I can gear up my Jugg with my Marauder so my Jugg does not have to suffer... I like this!


5. RANKED CHANGE: You must have 2018 expertise to queue for ranked now.


IT'S ABOUT *********** TIME...


6. RANKED CHANGE: Starting in Season 6, the way ranked rewards are distributed is being changed. You will now be getting ranked tokens which you can trade in for a variety of different rewards. The amount you get at the end of the season is based on your rating, but you also will get tokens after every ranked match. A bronze player could theoretically get enough tokens to get the gold speeder, but they would need to play A LOT of games. However, there will still be one exclusive reward per rating tier. Top 96 players get one of every item.


This is very nice, actually scratch that this is one of the BEST change concepts.


7. AOE's in warzones can no longer interrupt captures. Justification is that it will make stalemates less common. (they would like some feedback on this)


Ground Targeted only please? I don't want my Smash and Sweeping Slash to lose that ability...




Some other interesting highlights


1. They are currently prototyping a new warzone but besides that there is nothing to report.


Thank goodness.


2. No new GSF content either but they are apparently working on balance.


Who cares?


3. According to Bioware, their metrics indicate that snipers are performing really well despite the community's perception.


********. Metrics don't tell anything. Real Experience tells ****, and from my REAL EXPERIENCE, Snipers are complete **** in PvP


4. Only 2% of the current PvP population has a full set of Dark Reaver.


Not surprising.


5. The devs would like to hear your thoughts on whether rewards from previous ranked PvP seasons should become available again. Their current stance is that they feel these should remain exclusive but are open to feedback.


All I want is cool looking weapons.


6. The community team will continue to communicate on the forums despite recent events.


Yay! More communication is ALWAYS a good thing.



Originally, I was going to just leave it at /5char and go on about my day. But, I decided not to.


If all of these changes go through, the game will be about 100x better in PvP. And, I thank the Devs for this concept QOL update for PvP players. Now, also let us address Healers, and the Trauma debuff in PvP.


1. Healers are still OP.


2. Trauma does barely anything to a healer's output.


3. Sages have the most stupidly OP stun in the game STILL. (Bubble Stun)


4. Operatives STILL have the troll roll.


6. Mercs are STILl the *******st healers in PvP.


Here's some fixes.


Buff Trauma to be a 40% Reduction of Healing Recived AND 10% Healing Output. BUT Remove the PvP Trauma Effect gained when you enter Combat in a PvP area.


Reduce ALL Healer's output by about 10% In PvP only.


Remove Bubble Stun, it's still the most broken as all getout ability and Sorcs/Sages can still Kite with impunity without it.


When the Operative is slowed, Reduce the roll distance by 50% but, make the roll move you 10m by default now (so 5m roll when slowed)


Chaff Flare for Merc Healers now grants Healing Flareup. Increasing all healing recieved and output to yourself by 25% for 10s.


Tl dr. Nerf Healing to make it so that teams without healers have an actual chance, but don't make healers a joke at the same time.

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It's a thread about PvP and the changes coming in 3.3...balance is the single biggest issue in PvP that I can think of.


A topic that isn't even a part of the game that the interviewees control isn't really related to the thread.


And really, there are plenty of other threads to talk about Mercs and Snipers being bad in yolo queue. We get it, no one wants to heal or tank so it's always DPS v. DPS. That isn't an issue of your class. There will be another class balance patch and everyone will have to hope the class they want to play doesn't get gutted or becomes the new FotM. There are 5 viable ACs, I suggest you choose one in the meantime if you plan to PvP in ranked solo queue and discuss the changes you want to see made in one of the 100 other threads on that topic.

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How did this become a Merc thread...


Guys, start another thread...

They got 10,000 of them..why not this one as well? They do need some love anyway..at least as far a solo ranked goes.

Edited by KingKalbo
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you can give a DPS Commando all the off healing you like, but if he can't survive the first strike of his enemies, it means nothing.


Under that logic Sorcs must be the absolute worst class in the game.

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Originally, I was going to just leave it at /5char and go on about my day. But, I decided not to.


If all of these changes go through, the game will be about 100x better in PvP. And, I thank the Devs for this concept QOL update for PvP players. Now, also let us address Healers, and the Trauma debuff in PvP.


1. Healers are still OP.


2. Trauma does barely anything to a healer's output.


3. Sages have the most stupidly OP stun in the game STILL. (Bubble Stun)


4. Operatives STILL have the troll roll.


6. Mercs are STILl the *******st healers in PvP.


Here's some fixes.


Buff Trauma to be a 40% Reduction of Healing Recived AND 10% Healing Output. BUT Remove the PvP Trauma Effect gained when you enter Combat in a PvP area.


Reduce ALL Healer's output by about 10% In PvP only.


Remove Bubble Stun, it's still the most broken as all getout ability and Sorcs/Sages can still Kite with impunity without it.


When the Operative is slowed, Reduce the roll distance by 50% but, make the roll move you 10m by default now (so 5m roll when slowed)


Chaff Flare for Merc Healers now grants Healing Flareup. Increasing all healing recieved and output to yourself by 25% for 10s.


Tl dr. Nerf Healing to make it so that teams without healers have an actual chance, but don't make healers a joke at the same time.


Change the roll to 10m? That a joke?. All gap closers can reach an op even with double roll so that is just badly thought out. Also The roll is an operatives main def cool down, Look at it this way Mercs and sorcs have a range of 30m is it?? or 35m??. and the roll does a max of 24m with 2 rolls. Still in range, Sins and PTS well sins have stealth and force speed, Oh as do sorcs and mercs aswell. And as for warriors well they have their leap and maras have their predation. PTS have their walk the line, Snipers well they are a stationary target mostly anyway. Nearly all classes have the tools to deal with a scoundrel/op. Also bubble stun is fine their is no issue their either your ideas are flawed beyond reason.

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  • 3 weeks later...
How did this become a Merc thread...


Guys, start another thread...


You can always count on the obsessive types who have a "bee in their bonnet" to try and hijack a thread for their own purposes. (Watch -- the mara people will be jumping in next.) ;)

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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