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Everything posted by Zonvodo

  1. Zonvodo

    delete please

    edit....they fixed the patch notes
  2. edit...they updated the patch notes
  3. I do not want to get into a theory war with Crinn, I have too much respect for his work. But I will add a bit of explanation for my recommendations: I have studied the gear, spec and utilities of every top VG/PT for the past 3 seasons, and every single one of the top 5 who are playing Tactics/AP have 95 percent accuracy. There is a reason for that. So I would look at it like this, if you want to play regs and be good enough, don't use accuracy. If you want to truly min/max and compete at the highest levels, use 95 percent. i personally will never see my name on any leaderboard. I play with 400-500 ms latency and that just isn't good enough. But I always try to make my PvP characters the best they can be, and using 95 percent is the way to do that. As with most things, it's a choice. If you see me on the fleet, I will have the stats I listed here. Use what works best for you. You asked for a guide, I tried to provide guidance. Happy Hunting!
  4. I do not claim to be an expert at PvP, but I am a bit of a theorycrafter.... For Tactics/AP in PvP, the stats are quite easy really: Zero crit, All power augments except one accuracy, Mods need to be 63 power Enhancements are 2 accuracy/power with the rest in power/surge Impants 2x power/surge (or one accuracy if you dont use the augment) power/surge earpiece relics give 770 to mainstat and 770 to power on proc For PvP you want 95 percent accuracy for true min/max, so you may also choose one accuracy augment or one accuracy/power implant to get your 95 percent. In full Dark reaver your stats should be (with all datacrons and companion bonuses): 95 percent Accuracy 18 or so percent crit 74-75 percent surge 1700 plus bonus damage Hope this helps
  5. Bioware, I own 3 accounts in this game, and one of them I have purposely left at level 55 content. I have a young teenager who loves to pvp, but at level 60 he took a lot of negative feedback from the community personally. I do not want his account upgraded to level 65 content just for being a subscriber. I would like the option to keep the account as is. Can you please consider this? Cost is not always the factor in deciding not to upgrade. Thank you
  6. It is in the patch notes for 3.2.2, the patch that comes tonight. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/6232015/game-update-3.2.2-patch-notes
  7. Eric and team, Thank you for listening and increasing the warzone comms cap prior to 3.3 You said you would try and you did it. I appreciate it very much.
  8. It definitely depends on the map. But the one constant would be 2 healers and only 2 healers. In huttball, you want as many sorcs/sages AND Juggs/Guardians as possible for leaping, pulling and carrying the ball. A PT/VG tank is also ideal for both huttball maps. In every other map, 2 heals and 6 dps is ideal. The better the dps, the easier the win. On "cap" maps like Civil War, NC, Hypergate and Voidstar...having 2 stealth mez capping is also an easy win. That's the thing with RNG in this game, 8v8 can be won on comp alone.
  9. I am looking forward to the changes in gear cost and comm cap increase. I am not sure where to post this feedback, but I would like to formally request the opportunity to buy previous seasons awards with the tokens under the new system. I did not play the game until recently, and I LOVE the gear given out in Season 3. The effects on the weapons and armor are the best I have seen in game, and I am terribly frustrated I cannot get the Furious helmet. The flame effects are super impressive. So if you guys would please consider allowing for this, I think the community would be grateful, I know I would be.
  10. Hello all, I just finished a run with these guys, and it was totally worth it. Laid back, fun, patient, and I got my entire 192 in a few hours. They carried my poor dps operative without a hitch. I am already booking another run for my next alt. If you are thinking about it, give these guys a shot, 100 percent worth the investment. Gryazev
  11. I will just say I am sorry if anything I said was taken as a negative. Krea you are a great player who tries hard for the community, I admire that. I just don't see why people can't see things for the way they are, instead of how they want them to be. I won't post again mate, best of luck whatever you decide to do.
  12. I love the idea, but let's be honest, this would lead to total domination by an even smaller number of AC's than are currently viable. in solo ranked. It would be Land Of Concealment Ops. Funny enough I would love that, but imagine the complaining, NERF OPS!!!
  13. I am a bit surprised everyone is grouping imp and pub mirrors as the same rank. I actually have very different "like experiences" playing on the mirror classes....for example, I LOVE, since pre-launch, LOVE Operative (concealment), but I cannot stand playing Scrapper Scoundrel. The alluring and truly satisfying sound of my operative's knife is so much more rewarding for me than that loud annoying shotgun. I know, everything is personal preference. MOST LIKED: 1. Concealment Operative 2. Tactics Vanguard (now with VERY similar sound effects to my operative.....which is both cool and odd) 3. TK Sage 4. Shield Tech Powertech 5. Annihilation Maurauder 6. Marksman Sniper 7. Arsenal Merc 8. I don't like any Scoundrel play styles or animations MOST PLAYED: 1. Operative 2. Vanguard 3. Sage 4. Assassin 5. Powertech 6. Guardian
  14. Carolina Parakeet (21/2/18) Nuff said....
  15. here you go http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/1iixkv
  16. Ok guys, bumping this to hope for more discussion and hopefully a Dev view or reply...... After almost a week, I still LOVE bolseter, having more fun in PvP than ever.....but would like to see gear on ppl long term........
  17. After posting my initial suggestion, I actually thought about this as well. I completely agree, make PvP gear empty shells, one set for comms and one set for ranked comms exactly as it is today, so PvPers can still have some unique ePeen.
  18. Dear Bioware, I actually like the idea of bolster in PvP. As an avid PVPer across multiple MMOs, I believe skill and coordination should determine the outcome of a PvP match, not gear. The bolster idea is a good one, but I think you can agree, having players level 50 and above get naked to PvP optimally defeats the purpose, although in the short term it is quite entertaining. I have a suggestion..... Make every player of EVERY level have exactly the same stats when entering a warzone. That way we can wear any armor we want, and the field will always be level! Keep the brackets as they are, since that is more related to skill points and spells than anything else. It could look like this: 2000 Endurance 2000 Main Stat 30 percent crit 10 percent alacrity fully hit/accuracy capped 75 percent surge. This would still leave some min/maxing via talents for the truly hardcore, while still catering to the vast majority of your players. This would make the very most level playing field available, allow us to look how we want, and leave the gear grinding to PvE. It has worked very well in other games, and in my opinion would work exceptionally well in SWTOR. Cheers!
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