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How do I get back to the other parts of Ziost?


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The terminal keeps putting me at this same landing zone. I'm trying to get back in the previous zones to show my dad the rest of Ziost to show him how awesome it looks and that Bioware did a great job on it. Edited by DuckKing
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Huh? Wait... they made a planet that took them months and close to a year to make only to let us have one zone to access too? Why doesn't Bioware want us to play on the new planet they worked very hard on to bring us? Ziost looked amazing. I'm confused why would they make more content then not let us have access to it again...


I don't get it... why spend money, resources, lots of time and hard work only to give us access to one zone. ><

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Huh? Wait... they made a planet that took them months and close to a year to make only to let us have one zone to access too? Why doesn't Bioware want us to play on the new planet they worked very hard on to bring us? Ziost looked amazing. I'm confused why would they make more content then not let us have access to it again...


I don't get it... why spend money, resources, lots of time and hard work only to give us access to one zone. ><


The terminal clearly says before the quest line concludes that any unfinished business will remain unfinished. Aside from that, I would bet that there's more coming to Ziost down the line. What makes me think there's more coming is that the "reputation" vendor doesn't have really anything for sale. That seems like a weird thing to me considering all other vendors have a lot more to offer in terms of fun stuffs to grab along the way.

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I see... well I must have missed reading that but that's truly disappointing. It's like spending hundreds of dollars building your dream computer only to use it for one day then never use it again or lots of money and manpower constructing and building the Eiffel Tower only for it to be there for one day...


Well maybe those weren't the best metaphors but you get the idea.... When I make art I don't hide it from people, especially when it's taken me months or days to work on ._.

Edited by DuckKing
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Ziost was gorgeous and made wonderfully. Probably one of the coolest looking planets in game. It's a shame really that Bioware doesn't want us to see it's beauty but rather make it a mission chain one and done type planet then play through it again on another character which I'm not keen on doing for the time being.


I hope this doesn't become a trend or set a precedent for future planets from here on out.

Edited by DuckKing
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I actually really liked the beginning area and do find it a little pity its lost, but I understand the reasoning. It shows story progression. Many people actually complained that was one of the issues of Korriban and Tython, not showing the aftermath of the forged alliance flashpoints.


I think maybe they should allow it be replayed perhaps, for decreased rewards.

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The Emperor pretty much nuked the planet. Okay, not nuked...more like a neutron bomb--kill everything that lived but everything else was left standing.


It's a trifle understandable that you can't go back to areas pre-The End of All Life On Ziost.

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I actually really liked the beginning area and do find it a little pity its lost, but I understand the reasoning. It shows story progression. Many people actually complained that was one of the issues of Korriban and Tython, not showing the aftermath of the forged alliance flashpoints.


I think maybe they should allow it be replayed perhaps, for decreased rewards.


I think, that this could've been the testing "platform" to potentially one day allow Players who've done the Korriban/Tython FP's to visit the aftermath of those Worlds.

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The Emperor pretty much nuked the planet. Okay, not nuked...more like a neutron bomb--kill everything that lived but everything else was left standing.


It's a trifle understandable that you can't go back to areas pre-The End of All Life On Ziost.


This. If they allowed travel to the beginning areas of Ziost, they would need to have a way to phase them so that everyone is dead, or it doesn't fit in with the progression of the story.

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lots of money and manpower constructing and building the Eiffel Tower only for it to be there for one day...


Well maybe those weren't the best metaphors but you get the idea.... When I make art I don't hide it from people, especially when it's taken me months or days to work on ._.


Well now that you mention it the Eiffel Tower was originally built for the Worlds Fair that France was hosting in 1889 and it was only suppost to be a temporary exhibit and nearly got torn down in 1909. So ya sometimes money is spent just for temporary things haha

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This. If they allowed travel to the beginning areas of Ziost, they would need to have a way to phase them so that everyone is dead, or it doesn't fit in with the progression of the story.


See, to me the way they design it creates more problems then it solves if they ever intend letting us go back to those previous areas without leveling up new characters. I really wish when they designed Ziost they didn't design it where the story had any effect on it.


This gives me even more reason to hate Emperor Vitiate. Way to go wiping cool content away from us. He might as well blow up Ziost while he's at it. Now I know how Princess Leia felt when Grand Moff Tarkin blew up Alderaan. This is a bunch of Bantha poo I tell ya! :mad:

Edited by DuckKing
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The Emperor pretty much nuked the planet. Okay, not nuked...more like a neutron bomb--kill everything that lived but everything else was left standing.


It's a trifle understandable that you can't go back to areas pre-The End of All Life On Ziost.


It is a video game where Revan gets killed how many times, and yet every week, timers reset and there he is back again waiting to be killed again in various missions in the game. So why is it asking too much for us to be able to replay the pre-nuked version of Ziost too.

Edited by Exly
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It is a video game where Revan gets killed how many times, and yet every week, timers reset and there he is back again waiting to be killed again in various missions in the game. So why is it asking too much for us to be able to replay the pre-nuked version of Ziost too.


This is the best argument for it...seriously...all of the content is repeatable. I guess since they're treating it all as "story" that's why it's like that, but it seems stupid to me. I mean, why not treat the whole damn planet (both parts of it) as a weekly area? it would certainly remove a portion of the tedium of running weeklies. Maybe even turn both parts into separate weekly areas? I dunno, but it just seems like a waste of area...even if I (personally) think Ziost was kinda boring, clearly other people liked it a lot.

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This. If they allowed travel to the beginning areas of Ziost, they would need to have a way to phase them so that everyone is dead, or it doesn't fit in with the progression of the story.


Umm, the place that you land on when you go to do the dailies after the 'end of the world' is the very first platform you land on for the story progression - it IS phased your going back to that point it's just dead.

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It is a video game where Revan gets killed how many times, and yet every week, timers reset and there he is back again waiting to be killed again in various missions in the game. So why is it asking too much for us to be able to replay the pre-nuked version of Ziost too.

Ask away. Ask for Wookiees as a player race and faction change, too, while you are at it.

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This is the best argument for it...seriously...all of the content is repeatable. I guess since they're treating it all as "story" that's why it's like that, but it seems stupid to me. I mean, why not treat the whole damn planet (both parts of it) as a weekly area? it would certainly remove a portion of the tedium of running weeklies. Maybe even turn both parts into separate weekly areas? I dunno, but it just seems like a waste of area...even if I (personally) think Ziost was kinda boring, clearly other people liked it a lot.


Yeah, it was surprising that they didn't at least put the side missions on Ziost (helping the evacuation and all that) to use as dailies. It could have been treated as two separate dailies zones (sort of separate, they'd share the currency tokens and rewards vendor), with a weekly for the emergency evacuation content and a weekly for the aftermath research content. Maybe it could have even had a staged weekly that calls for completion of of the one weekly before the other weekly?


Imagine if Oricon had just been once through its storyline and then you're done with that map forever (or restricted to only accessing the part with the doors for the ops at least) on that character. That's kind of what they did with Ziost.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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This is the best argument for it...seriously...all of the content is repeatable. I guess since they're treating it all as "story" that's why it's like that, but it seems stupid to me. I mean, why not treat the whole damn planet (both parts of it) as a weekly area? it would certainly remove a portion of the tedium of running weeklies. Maybe even turn both parts into separate weekly areas? I dunno, but it just seems like a waste of area...even if I (personally) think Ziost was kinda boring, clearly other people liked it a lot.


I thought it was a massive waste to expend one of the major planets of Sith history on a quicky set of quests and "Oh look how bad things are the Emperor ate a whole planet" plot contrivance.

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The terminal keeps putting me at this same landing zone. I'm trying to get back in the previous zones to show my dad the rest of Ziost to show him how awesome it looks and that Bioware did a great job on it.


When all else fails, you can probably youtube it.

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I think, that this could've been the testing "platform" to potentially one day allow Players who've done the Korriban/Tython FP's to visit the aftermath of those Worlds.


That or testing how locking out planets will work in the new expansion. That was one of the things I was wondering about. If we do a time skip to where everything's rubble, we'll probably visit some of the same planets in the aftermath. I had hoped there would simply be different sections you could go to, original and Fallen Empire. But Ziost seems to suggest they may be considering permanent landscape changes once you take the plunge.

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I think the backlash would be too great if 90-95% of the game were locked off to level 60 characters post expansion. - There's enough QQ as it is because some minor achievements are no longer possible to get. BW would have to create a new / reworked galaxy of planets to quell that complaining - we're currently running at a handful per year ATM. It may mess with your cognitive dissonance, but it's a game, and as such a reasonable suspension of disbelief is absolutely required.


But no. post apocalypse Ziost it is and no returns. - Besides, there are many other pretty places to go. :)

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