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Dear Bioware, The 12X XP Boost is the best thing ever.

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Okay, so I'm far more a story driven game player than an MMO player. I've had a TOR subscription off and on since the game came out.


And I gotta tell you, the 12X XP boost is the most fantastic thing ever. I have alts that aren't just level 12. I can blow past the boring planets, (*cough* nar shadda) and do the awesome planets (like Tatooine, and Alderaan) at my own pace.


Can...can this be a permanent thing?

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I love being able to skip most of the boring side missions and just focus on the class quests. Even though finding some decent armor for my alts is kinda annoying, even with the 12 basic comms per mission.
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It's good and all... But once you hit Belsavis, you just want it all to end.


Corellia is the point where I nearly delete the character just so I don't have to with the hour long missions of running around, getting lost because of the godawful map.

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Okay, so I'm far more a story driven game player than an MMO player. I've had a TOR subscription off and on since the game came out.


And I gotta tell you, the 12X XP boost is the most fantastic thing ever. I have alts that aren't just level 12. I can blow past the boring planets, (*cough* nar shadda) and do the awesome planets (like Tatooine, and Alderaan) at my own pace.


Can...can this be a permanent thing?


Hoping for at least until Fall so I can finish up my pub side. 12XP is so, so amazing. All my alts are improving dramatically at breakneck speed.

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I like Alderaan because of the scenery. It's a beautiful planet. Nar Shadaa just seems so.. Trailer-Trash Vegas.


I love the 12x XP. If I don't feel like a certain character tonight, I can switch and actually get things done on another.

And having my cybertech cranking out mods and armor 24/7 is fun. I've made so many credits just by overproducing and then selling them on the GTN.

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Okay, so I'm far more a story driven game player than an MMO player. I've had a TOR subscription off and on since the game came out.


And I gotta tell you, the 12X XP boost is the most fantastic thing ever. I have alts that aren't just level 12. I can blow past the boring planets, (*cough* nar shadda) and do the awesome planets (like Tatooine, and Alderaan) at my own pace.


Can...can this be a permanent thing?


I absolutely agree. When I started this game, I leveled every republic advanced class to at least 15, and couldn't stick with any of them. I got at least 4 to level 27 and finished tatooine, and then ended up rerolling them. When 12x came along, I decided I wanted to give the Gunslinger another chance, and stuck with it. Now he's almost level 56!

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I'm sorry, I have to completely and utterly disagree. 12 x exp has ruined the social aspect of this game. Warzone, flashpoint, operation, and starfighter pops are just non existent right now because of this nonsense, want to do a heroic? Good luck with that, everyone is too caught up in their single player mentality atm.
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I'm sorry, I have to completely and utterly disagree. 12 x exp has ruined the social aspect of this game. Warzone, flashpoint, operation, and starfighter pops are just non existent right now because of this nonsense, want to do a heroic? Good luck with that, everyone is too caught up in their single player mentality atm.


imagine that people actually playing the game rather then sitting in fleet spamming zone. hmm.

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I'm sorry, I have to completely and utterly disagree. 12 x exp has ruined the social aspect of this game. Warzone, flashpoint, operation, and starfighter pops are just non existent right now because of this nonsense, want to do a heroic? Good luck with that, everyone is too caught up in their single player mentality atm.


That's funny... I wanted a helmet from the PvP vendor today, so I popped the WZ solo queue and played 3 matches.

Didn't have to wait more than 2 minutes for each match to pop.


And this is on an RP-PvE server before noon on a sunday...


Heroics have always been dead though... most people seem to solo them once they are overleveled just to get orange gear, but other than that, I haven't seen anyone ask for players for a heroic for the last 2 years or so.

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I've had no problem popping warzones or flashpoints since 12x went live, but I've definitely seen people saying outright that heroic missions aren't worth doing. I don't think that's an especially bad thing.


I'm grateful for anything that gets me off Taris & Tatooine ASAP. Sadly, it also means finishing Nar Shadaa far too quickly :( I'd probably like Alderaan more, because it is quite pretty, but it also seems a lot laggier there than anywhere previous.


But Nar Shadaa is the bomb. I love the city-worlds, they're totally different environments from what I'm used to leveling in while playing MMOs.

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Yes it so is.


It needs to be permanent. No reason why it shouldn't be. No one is forced to do it.


If you're worried about flashpoints not being run, stop worrying. They were dead even without 12xp.


No, they weren't, I could queue for a flashpoint as healer / dps or tank / dps and usually get a pop within minutes. NOW, forget about it, even as a tank or healer, I might as well give up.

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No, they weren't, I could queue for a flashpoint as healer / dps or tank / dps and usually get a pop within minutes. NOW, forget about it, even as a tank or healer, I might as well give up.


Must be your server then... because, like I said, on my server PvP queues are working fine and the flashpoints are working fine.


Not the leveling flashpoints (excluding KDY), but then they hardly ever popped before either.

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I think BioWare could have better invented a Death Star before its time and blown up all planets under level 55 and/or they could have started players from level 55 instead. :)


Personally I hate 12x XP boost. It killed entire low level content except story missions (which was already suffering) to say the least. It seems only good for BioWare who loves to milk players in anyways they can, instead of making the game more playable, more enjoyable, fixing issues which are there since the release and make loyal and permanent subscribers. :mon_trap: Since they played on people's greed over any boost, they could be able to pull lots of artificial temporary subscribers to the game who will pay for a while and leave after they finish all story missions. This boost made the game almost single player till level 55 and killed all MMO and social aspects. No one can find any group for anything anymore on those levels.


Oh yeah, and it is good for players who have mains and want to level more alts by fast forwarding. I feel you guys, don't worry or be mad at me :) But I don't think it did any good for new players who are trying to explore planets, missions and other game content etc. or for game in long term. It is like saving the day for the company to increase their subscriptions.


This is my opinion. I hate any boosts anyways. You can all disagree. You may be right according to you. I may be right according to people who think like me. I won't discuss about it further than expressing my own opinion. Have a good day guys :)

Edited by nafu
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No, they weren't, I could queue for a flashpoint as healer / dps or tank / dps and usually get a pop within minutes. NOW, forget about it, even as a tank or healer, I might as well give up.


People only did lowbie level FPs like that because they needed to grind something, it resulted in a rushed experience with grouchy group members. Now it may take slightly longer, however people are doing it because they want to. If it's really bothering you then join a guild and group up.

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People only did lowbie level FPs like that because they needed to grind something, it resulted in a rushed experience with grouchy group members. Now it may take slightly longer, however people are doing it because they want to. If it's really bothering you then join a guild and group up.


This so much.

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I always subscribed to SWTOR for 2 or 3 months and then left for at least the same amount of time; I did that since release. I have always liked the game, but not enough to keep me playing for a longer period of time. The class stories were overall quite entertaining and so was the main storyline for each planet, but the number of side quests and those blasted H4 missions turned me so much off that I found leveling painful in the end. And I was never interested in typical MMO endgame stuff like flashpoints, raiding and general group content.


So the 12x boost keeps me loyal to SWTOR for a much longer time than ever before. I love being able to play through all class stories and leveling any sub-class I want without all that endless questing. This will keep me subscribing at least until fall. If the 12x event stops by then, I may very well be gone again.

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