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Ziost already dead?

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Who even does that anymore? Just port to SH, then to ship.


Can't do that on Ziost, now. If it's a bug, hopefully it'll be fixed. However, as is, if you're in the dead area of Ziost QT, Fleet Pass, and Stronghold travel are all stupidly disabled.

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Can't do that on Ziost, now. If it's a bug, hopefully it'll be fixed. However, as is, if you're in the dead area of Ziost QT, Fleet Pass, and Stronghold travel are all stupidly disabled.


Yes you can, you can't port to stronghold from space station, but you can from planet.


Don't think it is a bug either, could not port from Taris space port either on leveling alt.

Edited by mikebevo
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After running all of my 60's through the "prequel", thinking that maybe Ziost would have enough content to make it worth the effort to have them all ready by May 4th, I had over 200 of the Ziost tokens.


I ran the dailies once on the 4th on my Imp main, once the other day with my 'pub main and have no reason to go back unless it's to take a stab at the Monolith.


Not sure what to call Ziost, but "content update" isn't it. I'm beginning to think that the reason it was split up into two releases had everything to do with how little it really added to the game.

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Forcing people to complete SoR on EVERY character just to get to ziost is the most retarded thing I've ever heard of. I'm not going to do hours of pointless missions for no XP and no rewards just so I can take alts to that ugly planet.


Having to be summoned EVERY TIME just to do the content on alts is likely one reason why people arent going there. If they put in some QT points or give priority access the population would increase dramatically. Also give rewards other than blue companion gear and people might have a reason to repeat the missions.

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I almost think that the 300k would be well spent if we take into consideration that the fast travels no longer have cool downs. I used to refuse to buy the Rishi one forever, but now that it's basically a personal fast travel for free i use it all the time to get to the Ravagers with no fuss. Overall though, not having that terminal travel OR a fast travel unluck also head pretzels me. It has to be some sort of short term exclusion. I can't see a daily area like Ziost not get it's own terminal fast travel. Just doesn't make any sense.


If it were a legacy unlock, i'd pay. But it is not. I am not paying 300k 12 (soon 13) times. That is 3.9 Mill. NO way!!


The point of FT Terminal was to get to daily/Ops areas easily, so why was that stopped? Why are ALL the other dailies but Rishi and Ziost on that? It makes ZERO sense.


I still haven't been back to Ziost. Since the first week it was out. Nothing worth going there for honestly once you have got all achivements and done the ops boss and WB. The tokens buy you garbage gear and a few decos. Not worth it. I had over 100 of the tokens just doing Ziost two times (once imp, once rep). The fact that you can't access the other areas of Ziost anymore is a bit ridiculous as well. Those would have at least made for dailies. I understand it was all destroyed, but it seems like wasted areas and content to me.


Welcome to content the original SWTOR team had nothing to do with.


Makeb was great, that was all them.


Anything else afterwards has been mediocre.


Uhh, no. I can't stand Makeb. I never go there or do that questline. I did it 2 times on Imp side and once on Republic side just for achievements and will never do it again. I don't even pick up the quest when toon's hit 48, I ignore it. It is an utterly tediously boring planet with a pointless boring drawn out storyline. I do the Revan storyline and by the time that is all done the toon is 60, and that all grants piles of credits and is far less boring or tedious. Makeb is frankly the only update to the game I really dislike.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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If it were a legacy unlock, i'd pay. But it is not. I am not paying 300k 12 (soon 13) times. That is 3.9 Mill. NO way!!


The point of FT Terminal was to get to daily/Ops areas easily, so why was that stopped? Why are ALL the other dailies but Rishi and Ziost on that? It makes ZERO sense.


I still haven't been back to Ziost. Since the first week it was out. Nothing worth going there for honestly once you have got all achivements and done the ops boss and WB. The tokens buy you garbage gear and a few decos. Not worth it. I had over 100 of the tokens just doing Ziost two times (once imp, once rep). The fact that you can't access the other areas of Ziost anymore is a bit ridiculous as well. Those would have at least made for dailies. I understand it was all destroyed, but it seems like wasted areas and content to me.




Uhh, no. I can't stand Makeb. I never go there or do that questline. I did it 2 times on Imp side and once on Republic side just for achievements and will never do it again. I don't even pick up the quest when toon's hit 48, I ignore it. It is an utterly tediously boring planet with a pointless boring drawn out storyline. I do the Revan storyline and by the time that is all done the toon is 60, and that all grants piles of credits and is far less boring or tedious. Makeb is frankly the only update to the game I really dislike.


You may not like makeb, but the storyline there was leaps and bounds better quality than what we are getting now. At least Empire and Republic had separate story lines. Now its just homogenized congealed crap.

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I am agonizing over having to drag all of my alts through the last 3 planets. I already leveled 6 toons to 60 and ran the content, and the thought of having to bother with Yavin 4 and Ziost again is frankly off-putting. At least Rishi is sorta fun and explorable...the other two are ZZZzzzZzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz fests.


I would pay for an option to level to 60 w/o having to actually bother with the class mission quests, that's how boring the last two patches or expansions or whatever they are got after running a few times. 1st few playthroughs were interesting...but the content itself is redundant and not all that engaging.


How long has SoR been out, and the intro cutscenes STILL aren't fixed for most Imperial classes? Sadly, there are so many reasons to not rush or push to bother taking multiple characters past the prelude to SoR...

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You may not like makeb, but the storyline there was leaps and bounds better quality than what we are getting now. At least Empire and Republic had separate story lines. Now its just homogenized congealed crap.


Different strokes for different folks. I prefer the story for Ziost to Makeb, what there is of it. Though yes, it will very quickly get boring running any and all characters through it.

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Different strokes for different folks. I prefer the story for Ziost to Makeb, what there is of it. Though yes, it will very quickly get boring running any and all characters through it.


Have nothing to say about Ziost really, thought it was good enough and we know there's more to come, BUT however if we(->as in BW) no longer manage to do the class stories, I'd sure like if they were faction specific . . . like Makeb

Edited by t-darko
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Have nothing to say about Ziost really, thought it was good enough and we know there's more to come, BUT however if we(->as in BW) no longer manage to do the class stories, I'd sure like if they were faction specific . . . like Makeb


OH aye. I'd say that faction specific should be the bare minimum they should shoot for. A single plot line was nice as a one off change of pace, but it would get annoying quickly if that's all we got from now on.

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Forcing people to complete SoR on EVERY character just to get to ziost is the most retarded thing I've ever heard of. I'm not going to do hours of pointless missions for no XP and no rewards just so I can take alts to that ugly planet.


Having to be summoned EVERY TIME just to do the content on alts is likely one reason why people arent going there. If they put in some QT points or give priority access the population would increase dramatically. Also give rewards other than blue companion gear and people might have a reason to repeat the missions.


This ^^

I'd check it out but I haven't been able to stomach enough "questing" to level a single character past Rishi

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I think Makeb got a bad rap simply because you had to do EVERYTHING in order to make level 55 by the end.


With 12x XP, you only have to run the story line quests now and it greatly speeds up the process.


With the SoR, you once again had to do everything but it was set up in such a way that everything didn't seem to take too horribly long...but the story was dry and got boring pretty quick, with the payoff being you then got to do two FP's and two Ops for the next...what, year?


Ziost took no time at all. Had it not been split up, a single player could have completed the Ziost content in about two hours. There is no reason for anyone but solo players to grind out tokens for 190 gear unless they want to get Icetrompers for all their toons. One of the token rewards is bugged and last I saw there was no acknowledgement of the bug, let alone a time table for its being fixed.


If this is indicative of the current Dev teams idea of content, we should all be very sad. Guilds that thrive on end game content find themselves with nothing to do that hasn't already been done to death. PvP hasn't seen anything new in quite some time aside from Ranked getting some flash. The recent posts by the combat team on class changes have a great many people wondering just what is going on.


I've never been one to predict the failure of a game, but I'm starting to get those vibes I got when the NGE was announced.


I've already cancelled my subscription but since I pay in 6 month increments I still have until July. I'll see what happens between now and then and will wait patiently for the June announcement, but after the disappointments of SoR and the Ziost content update I have doubts of there being anything worth continuing to sub for.

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Different strokes for different folks. I prefer the story for Ziost to Makeb, what there is of it. Though yes, it will very quickly get boring running any and all characters through it.

Which puts Makeb ahead of Ziost by default - Makeb had 2 distinct stories. Getting all characters through it was at least twice less tedious than the same Ziost 8th time.


Also, Toborro was available for all players after finishing 1 short intro mission. Monolith requires completing BOTH Shadow of Revan & Ziost fully on every single character.

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Which puts Makeb ahead of Ziost by default - Makeb had 2 distinct stories. Getting all characters through it was at least twice less tedious than the same Ziost 8th time.


No it doesn't.


If you prefer Makeb to Ziost for that reason, more power to you, but whether or not something is "tedious" is very subjective. For example: I love Shadow of Revan and Ziost. Have played through both on all but one of my max level characters (who has been through SoR but I hardly play on them so I haven't done Ziost yet) and I've enjoyed it on each of them. I have yet to find either "tedious."


Meanwhile, I've played through Makeb one time, on my main. I have zero interest in playing through it again on either faction because I do very much find Makeb tedious. Not due to the story, but due to the level design. I recently went back to Makeb on my main while stocking up some Elite comms, was working on the weekly, and there's a part of the staged weekly that exemplifies my biggest problem with Makeb. I think it's the interlude, where you have to go through 3 very large zones to get to the area where the objectives are. That, in my opinion, is more tedious than anything on Rishi/Yavin/Ziost and I remember it being extremely common throughout my play through of Makeb. Enough so that I was immediately put off ever playing through it again.


If we're speaking solely story, quantity =/= quality. Makeb is definitely longer than SoR and Ziost, probably combined, and it has variety... but it also felt like a side story to me. It had implications on the war, sure, but so do a lot of the planetary side missions. It doesn't have anything that stood out to me story wise that makes it worth going back and dredging through the level design issues I mentioned to see. Don't take this as me saying it was bad, I still liked Makeb quite a bit story wise, but it wasn't so amazing that I'd go back to it for even a second character.


SoR and Ziost, on the other hand, both felt like major plot points in the game. The implications went beyond the war and hit every character for one reason or another (the history with Revan, Revan's intentions, the Emperor's intentions, etc), and the level design and story were both great in my eyes. Enough so that playing through all three planets in question (Rishi, Yavin, and Ziost) is fun every time for me, daily runs included. Plus, Ziost provided one of the funniest moments I can remember in the endgame during one of my alt play throughs. Will put in spoiler tags, read at your own risk.



While playing on my smuggler, don't know if this is specific to the class or not as I don't remember getting the option on my main or any of my force users for that matter, I was given the option to flirt with Master Surro right before the Emperor's little "torrents of blood" tirade. Considering the Emperor was still very much in control of her it was essentially flirting with the Emperor which cracked me up. The Emperor's response was priceless as well.



I can certainly understand preferring Makeb to the 3.0 content and/or disliking the 3.0 content in general, but I don't think Makeb is better "by default" or definitively less "tedious" because it has faction specific stories. That's only one factor.

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Forcing people to complete SoR on EVERY character just to get to ziost is the most retarded thing I've ever heard of. I'm not going to do hours of pointless missions for no XP and no rewards just so I can take alts to that ugly planet.


Having to be summoned EVERY TIME just to do the content on alts is likely one reason why people arent going there. If they put in some QT points or give priority access the population would increase dramatically. Also give rewards other than blue companion gear and people might have a reason to repeat the missions.


If I remember correctly there were one of those birdy things on Rishi asking you if you would like to proceed without completing the Alliance part or go back to finish it, mind you this was on the first day - might been changed since then - I think alliance only is required for the full story experience.

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For as much as Ziost has been built up in the lore the last couple of years I was expecting more. Certainly didn't think it was going to end the way it did which I think ties into my "meh" feelings about it. The Emperor won, wiped the place out, nothing more to see. It would be great if new areas opened up but doubt that would happen. I think it also comes down to gear. The gear isn't a big step up from Yavin 4 (which I actually liked, and I generally hate dailies) and uses the same models.


Story wise not much incentive to go back, loot wise the same story.

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Well, Ziost is quite literally dead because of Vitiderp. However, there's no real reason to go back there for many players (myself included) because the rewards are terrible and not worth the grind if you've done operations since release of 3.0.. The whole planet is Sanctuary, so there's no PvP to be done even on PVP servers, and there are no farming nodes as far as I've seen other than the odd droid on the ground that someone has killed. It's a shame, but not unexpected.
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