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[SUGGESTION] Hide companion head slot option!


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This should be titled "bug report," not "suggestion."


This is just one of many, MANY game settings that have not been implemented at launch but should have been, along with being about to set your sound channel number, a bunch of missing graphical options and so on and so forth.


In a game where you are forced to use companions, this is a bug, not a preference, because your companion is always with you (or you're at a disadvantage), so you have to be able to customize it just like you can customize your own character.


It's not a bug... glitching, graphical anomalies, etc. are bugs. Items not implemented in-game is just an example of the game being released sooner than it should have.


And as far as being "forced" to use companions, I would agree to that only in the extent of crafting. As far as playing your character, you can easily play without your companion... The companion allows you to take on bigger adversaries as though you were playing with another player.


Oh, and /signed... I made a thread on this subject a few days ago not realizing that this one existed. :o

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i also agree on this, i filled jeada's head slot last night with a better one than she was wearing and it looked terrible, it looked like a tanking helm for darth vader, thankfully something better came along soon after
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I totally agree on this. I been running around with a low level headset on Quinn because he looks so retarted in all the ugly helms they put out there. Besides I prefer seeing his face anyway. In fact a modable headset type helm at all levels would be awesome for all classes in my opinion so you can atleast see their face and it doesnt look bad.
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Wow 17 pages and a 5 star rating. Thanks for the support guys! :)


Also, it's funny how many Corso's and other heavy armor trooper types you see running around in those moddable jedi headbands (or similar) so that you can at least partially see the face! :rolleyes:

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