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Taking Down a Credit Selling Ring


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Not half assed, it's a pure commercial for the common folks to cheer them up. The drug dealing comparrison here was actually very true but the numbers fail. 9 bil is actually nothing in their business. My guild has 1 bil in GB over time doing nothing in particular. Imagine 24\7 grinding with shifts of chinese kids. It's like taking down a dealer with few kilos and announcing it on evening news. Real Pablos Escobar are still out there :) Edited by Zakaddum
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Just had another one when I logged on, the message changed a bit.


Reported as harassment as I do lately because it got more that and spam reports did seem ignored anyway.


Didn't check attachment, don't usually with those scum. Looked by the name like a hacked account. But upon reporting the mails get deleted and you don't get to add them to ignore lists.


But if you indeed punished them, I bet a lot of ignore lists will turn up emptier now? - No, still there, which means I have no idea if they're were any punished, sadly.

Edited by Lyshar
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Nice to know my spam reports actually work...


I haven't received any spam mail for last 2 months. Though every time I got one I reported it. They probably figured out it's not worth it. :D


Great work BW. No mercy!

Edited by Halinalle
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Eric, thanks for the update. Also, help us help you.


Make a "Report and ignore" option from chat and get rid of tthe 10s thing between them. It's cumbersome doing that the way it is now when you zone on fleet and you're greeted by 3 spammers....

Edited by wainot-keel
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This is excellent work, Eric. I hope your security team is monitoring twitter pages for hacker group bellyaching; one of the things Sony uncovered in their investigation is that a lot of domestic RMT parties fund the operations of hacker groups like Lizard Squad and Anonymous, and the former retaliated against PSN not as an act of prepubescent rebellion, but apparently Square Enix shutting down a major RMT ring. Their sting was nowhere near the scale of yours (congratulations, by the way; that's a huge achievement for a game company), but it was big enough to hurt Lizard Squad's coffers, and I'd really hate to see all that work swirl the bowl and be swallowed by the miscreants of the Interwebs.™
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Eric, thanks for the update. Also, help us help you.


Make a "Report and ignore" option from chat and get rid of tthe 10s thing between them. It's cumbersome doing that the way it is now when you zone on fleet and you're greeted by 3 spammers....


I love the idea of a report and ignore. Definitely a needed feature.

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Nice to see that all those reports we're not ignored ... many players assume they are and make no attempt to report such activities. Now maybe this news will encourage more players to report the fleet spammers so we can all be rid of them sooner. Great job
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So you are claiming that Eric's post is a flat out lie straight into our faces.


Bring on your "facts or real proof" for that claim. I'm sure you got something at hand.


@Eric: Thanks for the post. Good job.


Like last time he mentioned something that was a not the case...

No, no one said he was lying, but someone passing the information to him may have been, or there may have been a bug/mistake in place.


Either way, I have seen nothing to indicate any spammer was ever truly banned.

My ignore lists are still filling up and if the offenders are dealt with, the characters do in fact still exist.

More spammers still keep coming, meaning buyers aren't punished enough as they are what are the main cause they come.


Maybe in time we'll see a difference, but at this point I'm still with LoverNoFighter, sounds like little (if anything) more than words.

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I never said anyone was lying. ;)

While technically true you never used the word lie your statement implies dishonesty.

Untill I see some facts or real proof, I don't buy this.

Looks to me like good old fashioned spin to ease the concerns of a small part of the community.

Nice try and good effort though.

Yes, the community team want us to have the perception of happiness. Why is that? They want us to keep paying for their game. Telling us about action they took to help remove a disruptive element from this game helps their cause but it doesn't make it spin. For one that spends their time arguing the semantics of the words you used instead of standing by the implied usage you seem to forget that to spin something is to put an unusual twist on a situation to make it suit your views. Telling us that a gold selling ring was removed from game does not need to be twisted.


You asked for two things and you got one.


Eric gave you the first in his post. You wanted facts.

Facts: BioWare compiled data for weeks, they found connections, they banned accounts


Now the proof you want isn't going to happen as it violates local and international law. It would be great if a long list of character names were posted to show who was removed from game but that would violate privacy rights. Yes, even spammers have privacy rights. If BioWare violated their privacy policy or broke privacy law they would then be in a legally actionable state.


I have been honest and straightforward with you. Will you do me the same courtesy and answer a direct question without deflecting or using semantics to get around it?


I got nothing to prove. ;)


If as you say you have nothing to prove why do you attack posts that are viewed by most as positive actions?

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I wouldn't imagine the spam bots use a name for much more than a week. The only issue is of the names on the list who was put there for actually offending you? Maybe if we got a note column (as a QOL update) like we have on our friends list we could prune our ignore lists easier.
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Hey folks,


Over the past few months there have been many issues with Credit sellers and Advertisers. As you have noticed lately, we’re communicating more about what’s going on behind the scenes, so this is another area where we plan to keep you informed.


Last week, we took action against an entire selling ring. Over multiple weeks, we investigated and compiled evidence about a large Credit selling ring which spanned across hundreds of accounts and a variety of servers. To help thwart any possible reactions from this group, we simultaneously actioned every account in this Credit selling ring. In total, we banned hundreds of accounts and removed over nine billion credits from those accounts.


Thanks to all of you who have been diligently reporting those pesky spammers and other characters acting suspiciously anywhere throughout our game. They are very persistent, but we will continue to aggressively remove credit sellers and advertisers from our game!





Way to go Bioware!!!


Simply awesome!!!

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Hey folks,


Over the past few months there have been many issues with Credit sellers and Advertisers. As you have noticed lately, we’re communicating more about what’s going on behind the scenes, so this is another area where we plan to keep you informed.


Last week, we took action against an entire selling ring. Over multiple weeks, we investigated and compiled evidence about a large Credit selling ring which spanned across hundreds of accounts and a variety of servers. To help thwart any possible reactions from this group, we simultaneously actioned every account in this Credit selling ring. In total, we banned hundreds of accounts and removed over nine billion credits from those accounts.


Thanks to all of you who have been diligently reporting those pesky spammers and other characters acting suspiciously anywhere throughout our game. They are very persistent, but we will continue to aggressively remove credit sellers and advertisers from our game!





Maybe this is why we quit getting those silly emails with a 1 credit gift. I got close to a dozen and when straight to the "report spam" button.

great job again Bioware. ;)

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